Arrvee ago

Where do we go from here? Hit the streets with signs and pamphlets. The Democrats have a permanent campaign funded by foreign powers. The Republicans have... nothing. They barely ran a campaign during the campaign season. It is up to the people.

Ricky1974 ago

The Republicans need to stand resolute! They must unite! The Democrats win by cheating ... That will eventually stop.

Cloudrdr ago

Disappointment is part of life.

So is Resolve.

Does our Resolve dissolve because of the House?

There is much to be done.

The Patriots CONTROL 83% of the Federal Branches.

As Q noted, certain unfriendly Senate seats are swapped for Patriots.




The Opposition now lulled into sense of security

How many of Nancy's minions will be GONE by January?

How many will be chairing committees at Gitmo?

Apparently, we have a ways to go here.

Heads Down ... Move Forward

Future WILL Prove Past!


impendingpeace ago

You know, as a Californian, I am hoping that our new governor, Gavin Newsom (HER NEPHEW) has something on him and is one of those indictments

MelaniaBuiltMyHotRod ago

Any stale crumb will do. How many ballots ended ip in the bucket right next to the toilet?

Cloudrdr ago

Things are looking very Blue in Cali. A dozen high ranking dems would have to be removed. More, even. Sorry, pal. I truly feel for you, but Cali is HOSED. (for the moment)

Ricky1974 ago

I am quite content in the results of the mid-terms (now).
I trust in the plan. Q's, POTUS, God's, whoever.
There is a plan, we just need to be patient.

nubbyhubby ago

I don't know who thought Republicans would keep the house. I think last night was a win for Q-followers, President Trump and patriots

Ricky1974 ago

I think everyone takes Q words as gospel, RED WAVE = Senate and House ... I think that the Senate was the most important chamber to get and that's why POTUS concentrated on that.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

There is no reason to wait any longer. The elections are over. Investigations have all wrapped up. All players are known. Any further delays expose the entire thing as a fraud.

Ricky1974 ago

November and December is not over with ... Only time will tell what will happen ... Patients is key to the whole thing.