15053302? ago

Brilliant! FISA obtained legally by Trump for the 2018 election fraud first. Then, the declas of the other FISA. Just shows people that this has been going on prior to DJT term. The darkness will be exposed!

14989093? ago

It's 11.12 and they're [Ds] still "finding" boxes of "votes" everywhere in FL and GA. Soooooo?????

We would like to see something publicly being done to [arresting] these Rat Bastards.

My "Dem Lying and Cheating Meter" is at 125%!

14989496? ago


Department of Homeland Security arresting democrats on day after election ... ok.

Department of Homeland Security arresting democrats after they've publicly manufactured votes all week ... epic.

It's not just about destroying them, it's about doing it in a way where they never recover.

But I'm with you in thinking they better announce something in the next 48 hours.

14907652? ago

why would you need FISA to investigate domestic election fraud, genius?

14909040? ago

Hey genius.

Because it's illegal to spy on Americans, genius.

Unless, genius, they've been caught up in a FISA warrant because they communicated with foreign nationals, genius.

That's the whole premise of Obama's FISA abuse for the entire Russiagate probe, genius.

For the last 2 years, genius.

Think mirror, genius.

China spy working for Feinstein got her spied on via FISA, genius. Because it wouldn't have been legal any other way, genius.

Beto is spied on, genius, because project veritas verified his employees were coordinating with foreign nationals on the caravan, genius.

That's what is public, certainly us military intelligence knows far more than that, right genius?

All possible with FISA, which is necessary to investigate domestic election fraud -- because as every genius knows, you can't just start spying on people because you think they might be doing something wrong, without evidence.

14909726? ago

Why does investigating election fraud require spying? Do you think it's illegal to conduct surveillance on Americans? Do you think you can get a FISA warrant because you think someone is doing something wrong without evidence? Is there somebody who should be looking after you that I could call for you, a parent or guardian?

14915358? ago

Q could theoretically spy on every board of elections in democrat areas where he thinks cheating would occur. As he does this, he could pick up and document collusion to cheat, actual cheating, conversations about cheating.

Not a single fucking bit of it is admissible as evidence.

You're not a retard. Go figure out why and tell me before this conversation continues.

14940118? ago

Why are you fixated on spying? Investigators are perfectly capable of uncovering admissible evidence through the normal channels without resorting to your super secret spy fantasy.

14895400? ago

Veteran's Day!!!

14891317? ago

This could be huge on so many levels. Add to what you said and consider who controls the encryption keys (Hillary Clinton associates, including Google, Microsoft, GoDaddy/Amazon) and many of them are held oversees (UK, Ireland, Sweden, Belgium, & China). This affects 45 states.

The conclusion of a report from American Intelligence Media: “45 of 50 states manage their Internet encryption keys with vendors associates with Hillary Clinton (assuming the Belgium servers are associated with the Atlantic Council, EU and UN).”

YouTube report can be found here: https://youtu.be/p2dZ4q6JdQM A snapshot of the breakdown can be found here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrcrkAIX4AA1e2h.png It was obtained from here: https://aim4truth.org/2018/11/07/truth-news-headlines-november-8-2018/

The door is wide open for vote tampering from both within the US and from without by foreign entities.

14888419? ago


14886768? ago

This post is better than caramel fudge ice cream

14884257? ago

Sessions just resigned, therefore RR is no longer overseeing the Russian Probe = FISA Declass...

Here's a link to prove the RR is no longer overseeing, but would be also super cool if what is stated here occurs as well. That Hungarian devil needs to be WHipped with a stick more then a few times.

Rod Rosenstein no longer overseeing Russia probe

14883463? ago

Lines 3 & 4 has me thinking of Feinstein.

14882739? ago

I sat here trying to figure out how a Republican got more votes for the senate in my county but a Democrat won the house seat. I know the people in my county are fed up with government as usual and the Democrat fiasco with Judge K so both should have been strong red. Within minutes of them tallying votes that one was decided and never changed while the senate race flipped back and forth several times.

14882202? ago


14890267? ago

Amen on the Rule of LAW!

14881400? ago

The sealed indictments are over 60,000 as of the end of October. Does any have any idea when they will start arresting these scum? When i see that happening i will be dancing in the streets. I also don't quite understand why Sessions was fired for i thought he was behind the indictments. Maybe so someone like Gowdy can take his place? All i know is i thought Sessions was a great senator and one i wish i had in Florida but at least Nelson is finally gone.

14909937? ago

If you buy two gallons of milk each week, do you have 104 gallons in your fridge at the end of the year? That number you quote so fondly is the total number of new sealed PROCEEDINGS (including warrants, motions to dismiss, juvenile offenses, magistrate orders etc) added to every court over a period of time and takes no account of the fact that any number of them might have become unsealed since they were filed. Also, without the same data for previous years we have no way of judging if that is even an unusual amount.

14881390? ago

GOD this theory is such bullshit people. You can’t mold everything to fit your ideal outcome ... if we won the house this theory would all not be entertaining it ... FISA relates to FBI corruption end of story enough with this BS

14880710? ago

Sounds like the bait worked and they walked into a fucking trap! Trump has got to be on cloud nine. I know I am! These people really ARE stupid!!

14880009? ago

Nice work. There are many facets to the plan. The bad actors are going have shit coming at them from all directions. Trump has it all every communication, every document and all the testimony they need to back it up. Why does Q call these people stupid? Because they keep doing the same thing over and over again, for instance voter fraud. Well this time trump had everything in place to catch it all. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. :)

14879933? ago

In other words Trump is saying Be careful for what you Dem's wish for as you Will Get Everything you Deserve!

14879284? ago

11.11.18 a day to remember. Ask yourself why?



14879278? ago

With midterms out of the way. It's game on! Great point!

14879105? ago

When the battles are over and DS is under Control, how are our lives as victims of the DS lies, set ups, and manipulations going to be repaired?? When you speak out against gov corruption for as long as I have especially at the local level, the technology given local officials to monitor and subdue“agitators“ such as myself is horrific! My home(s) and vehicles have been broken into more times than I know with nothing taken but things usually left for some set up of some kind most likely. I’m sure I have a HUGE file but none of it reflects what’s in my heart. I pray for forgiveness for these evil people for all I suffer daily but also ask God to exact His Just Reward of Vengeance as He sees fit.

14879064? ago

Do you see how the goal posts shifted over 2 years from

FISA was illegal spying and we will declassify it to expose pedogate and win the midterms


FISA exposes members of the house and allows us to blackmail them so we only need control of the senate after we lose the midterms in order to drain the swamp


FISA spying actually lets us spy on democrats so instead of exposing the corruption we are using it to server our goal of protecting the borders!

and yet illegal voting wasn't stopped, nobody has been publicly indicted, and how exactly do we get tax cuts, a border wall, and internet regulation without the house?

The fact that we allow our leaders to give us misinformation and move the goal posts on us without losing our faith makes us exactly as bad as the Democrats. We aren't the "good guys" we are just the radicalized right, in a never ending political war against the radicalized left that will go nowhere while the cabal enjoys a peaceful retirement.

That's how a lot of us are feeling right now. God I hope Q has something big and explosive planned to change our minds. We all believe something massive is meant to happen on the 11th which will take the base out from under the radical left and prove to the world that we aren't just alt-right conspiracy theorists. In my opinion, if nothing significant happens, a lot of us should wake up to the fact that we're being used as controlled opposition.

14878522? ago

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14878478? ago

Now this is a post worth reading.

14877673? ago

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14877562? ago

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14877539? ago

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14877467? ago

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14877455? ago

May I copy and paste this to Breitbart please? Sometimes Patriots that will not follow or don’t know about Q need a shock to the system to wake them up. What was written above might just do the trick!!

14877415? ago

Remember, there's a lot that can happen in the two months before the new congressional terms start.

Hacked-off at the lack of action? I get it, I really f'n get it. All of these crooks deserve to be hauled away by the short-n-curlies, and in a gyat-dammed hurry.

I'm willing to believe this whole summer, actually this whole period of time from the special election to fill Session's seat up to yesterday's midterms, could be the biggest damned sting operation in history, and our ballot boxes were the bait. That's ugly, and nobody has to be ashamed or pissed at someone else for being upset about that. We all want truth and fairness in LITERALLY EVERYTHING, and it's not goign to happen until the hammer drops.

If yesterday was a sting, if they have EVERYTHING on all the dirty actors, if they needed the bad actors to do more criminal stuff because of standing presidential pardons (cover in case they can't de-legitimize prior presidencies?), ok, fine, let's do this.

Honestly, my pucker-factor is through the roof right now. 60K+ sealed indictments, media circus, voter fraud, bigger majority in the senate... holy fright. so many factors. The Military and The Donald are in charge, and they can't fuck it up. Maybe yesterday we 'lost to our advantage'...

...or we're all fantasizing about what 'dropping the hammer' on the ds really looks like.
either way, Boss, get crackin'!

14877107? ago

Q is going to wrap this up in a bow within 4 days? That would be good, seems highly unlikely, but would be good. I am curious to how the movement reacts on day 5 if not. As far as psyops go, this is still a good one.

14879805? ago

He better wrap this up otherwise I'm gonna all-out … be disappointed. I don't see a V for Vendetta move going over too well, or expect the government to listen to my petitions for a redress of grievances. I think even Kavanaugh is too much of a left-wing statist.

Trump and Q were just phase 1 of my hopes to drain the swap.

14877096? ago

Some very good info that supports the OP in this twitter thread: https://twitter.com/IncarnatedET/status/1060179862441213953

14876846? ago

I hope to God that this is true.There has been some kind of tampering/fraud or ??? here in Nevada because somehow the leftist "Californicate Nevada/take away the guns/open the borders" candidates for Gov, Lt. Gov. AG and US Senate have ALL beat out the conservatives (including Heller who was the incumbent 3 term Senator) Makes NO sense. Something ain't right here!

14876827? ago

This is your brain when it's easier to reinvent reality than admit you're a fool.

STFU you insufferable LARPing cunts.

Qtards = useful idiots 2.0.

14876687? ago

All of Florida, All of Illinois, Iowa, and a couple in California flipped. All sounds a little too fishy to me, especially since they are states with a lot of Illegals, and a high reputation for corruption. I'm hoping some one was watching these closely enough to document the fix.

14876653? ago

i would agree. It makes sense. Good job anon

14876545? ago

GREAT explanation of the dots connecting!!

14876509? ago

I’m sure I’m not the only one depressed about “Speaker Pelosi”. I continue to pray. Hoping there’s more to this than a win for Dems. Yes it’s totally weird that we won the senate and key Gov seats....but lost the House. Weird. I’m praying more is to come our way.

14876479? ago

Maybe 11.11 is the date the FISA is revealed and also Russia and USA agree to peace.

14876457? ago

SCREWED. "American citizens" are our elected corrupt as hell politicians. Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, etc. Legal FISA warrants were obtained to spy on them and catch them rigging elections with FOREIGN ENTITIES and a host of other criminal "activities" ever since Jan 20, 2017. American citizens talking with FOREIGN ENTITIES doing harm to AMERICA can be UNMASKED! "FISA brings down the house"...BITCHES!!!!

14876316? ago

You know, every Fing day brings a new narrative I am supposed to buy into. I really just don't know at this point and if I take anymore red pills I will did from overdose on Red Dye No. 5. So whatever the F they are going to do, they will do. I need to go deal with a 2.4K increase in Obamacare premiums. F the Gov. F all politicians.

14876138? ago

That is an excellent take, and answers several questions I had about that phrase being repeated. Thank you!

14876035? ago

Excellent observation Patriot!


14876016? ago


Fisa declassification was spelled out very specifically down to the page number. The specific fisa in question is the one leading up to the 2016 election and through 2017.

While there may very well be new fisa warrants related to these other activities, it has absolutely nothing to do with what potus ordered declassified.

14876005? ago

If you haven’t listened to Dan Bongino’s interview of George Papadopolous, go listen. It sounds like there was a FISA on George that hasn’t been disclosed yet, and it appears the whole thing with him was a botched set up.


14875991? ago

Q helps keep our heads in the game, training us how to fight; we fight relentlessly.

Fighting relentlessly is a new mode for conservatives who would "take off " after a election, back to regular life, without another thought until the next election cycle. No more. We've been taught to fight like the military fights. Read Sun Tzu.

14875964? ago

Q also says, “FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE” in Q post 2261 WITHOUT WH in kill brackets. There is no [WH] on that post

14875959? ago

What a load of shit in this thread. Midterms over, 11/11 Paris meet-up. If anything is going to occur, now is the time for it to start rolling. Q didn't ask anyone to see Q Team as omnipotent god. Q asked people to DIG, RESEARCH, and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.

Get off your asses, and chat forums and do what was asked, and then disseminate the information AFTER discerning fact from disinfo.

14875958? ago

We are over the target. Ooooops the target moved. Them damned targets are always moving like that.

14885412? ago

The real Victory is to hit the moving target. One that stands still is not really a challenge.

14875941? ago

I'll believe it when I see it and I won't see it because this party is over and I'm picking up my toys and going home. Don't believe it anymore. Over and out.(((Mic Drop)))

14875826? ago

Slowly cornering the RATS. Patience is a virtue. It yields permanency. You bait them, into election interference. They had to win the mid terms at any cost and "by whatever means necessary". Trapped like rats. No escape now. DHS has all the evidence.

14890287? ago


14875755? ago

I believe u r wrong when u say that Dems can’t cheat on a grand scale. They r deep state entrenched. They’ve been doing things on a grand scale since that day in November when they murdered jfk.

14875630? ago

I read all the despair and i also feel it, it is easy to be mad at the plan mad at q, i think instead of focusing on what we lost we focus on what we kept. Potus is going to need our support even more. when i,m on my bike if i focus where the tire meets the pavement i will end up on the pavement. Look ahead, Pray for Trump And Q KEEP THE FAITH

14875529? ago

Look weak when you are strong.

14875470? ago

interesting thought!

14875443? ago

If nothing happens after 11/11 I will be a bit concerned, not for me but for a lot of other Patriots that don't have the minerals to handle it. There will be an exodus happening, a jumping of the ship. Folks can only trust the plan for so long. There has been way too much deception. Also as far as I am concerned, why no talk of, black nobility families?

14875341? ago

Sounds plausible. I do not know what for, but arrests are coming soon. Cannot say if that is on 11/11 or not, but the next 120 days at the most will see plenty enough action.

14875820? ago

The Q movement - far too much stick & still no carrot. Even a dumb & trusting jackass grows weary of the interminable chase.

14878865? ago

Q is nothing compared to those who lead this. They are even more like that. But there are plenty of carrots to come. Arrests withing 120 days or less. Next year is a bigger roller coaster and the year after, even more interesting. This is epic and biblical stuff. My info is not a guess or prediction, and does not come from Q, although I do follow Q. When the event comes fall of 19 to 2021, then you will have more drama than you would probably want.

I know, why pay attention to the crazy larp. Well don't pay attention to me. I have said for many months this was a roughly 5 year plan starting at the same point Trump took office. I have said it ramps up every year, just as it is doing. Believe or no, it does not matter to me, but the time frame is not changing dramatically from this. Everyone following Q has expected mass tribunals from back in spring and before, and the whole time I was telling the real time frame and no one ever believed it then either. Q is the person to follow for details. There is none other, but in terms of the overall Awakening, it is FAR bigger than either Trump or Q. It is epic, it is biblical, and while it takes its sweet time, this is happening and no force on Earth can stop it. Arrests within 120 days, probably a bit on the sooner, rather than later end. No massive tribunals of a scope of which would completely take care of every problem, but other things have been in the works that are helping out as well. This is the time. Fall 19 to 21 more stuff is going to happen than you would think if you believe Q is just leading people on. Not all of it is political. The event is major, and no one in the Q boards is talking about it, even though it is a major part of the Awakening. O well. Just ignore me for now. As these things start, then just remember to be calm. It is a part of the plan. Until then there is no way for anyone to know that I am not actually crazy. But this is going to happen, and it will be the longer time frame that I have been giving this whole time.

14875321? ago

And if nothing happens on the 11th MARK MY WORDS: another excuse will be inserted. Now, call me a shill and tell me to go away. I'll be back on the 11th to see how many of you are scrambling to make another excuse.

14875252? ago

Well done anon. I was reminded this morning from drop 1287 (https://qmap.pub/read/1287).

How do you enter evidence into an investigation legally?

Trust the plan

14875123? ago

Yep, you nailed it. We will end up with the house too!

Our victory lies with God not President Trump. God uses him but it is God who fights our battles. We are certain to win!

14875084? ago

Hammer needs to drop ASAP. War is being waged on America.

14875075? ago

We will have that party we promised...we still have a little bit of cleaning to do...calm down.

14874883? ago

A clean house indeed

14874773? ago

Trump kept his "powder dry" (DECLAS). I thought bring down the house was a figure of speech but I guess he meant it LITERALLY. House of Reps. LOL

14874684? ago

it's just getting started pedes. "MILITARY PLANNED" 11-11-18. SENATE COMBAT HARDENDED. The House is now our Court Jester for ENTERTAINMENT VALUE. We need laughs.

14874674? ago

I don't know how 11.11 will unify this country. If FISA abuses are exposed then we are looking at years of investigations again. Meanwhile the country is morally going to shit. The democrats army of idiots are steadily growing.

14874620? ago

I'm still thinking Q meant the Obama WhiteHouse... because Q posted:

"FISA[full] will bring down the HOUSE[WH]"
and when Q wrote it the GOP Owned the House of reps. But nice try.

14874760? ago

Yep, and the Obama White House has been gone for two years and not a damned thing has happened to any of the crooks in it. In fact the two biggest crooks are still running loose causing trouble.

14874546? ago

We did get rid of some DS scum on both R and D side. Even though R controlled the House and Senate, POTUS's agenda was largely thwarted by DS operatives. Through resignations and the election, - Ryan is out, McCain is out, Corker, Flake, Mccaskil and others..

Now, hopefully, POTUS will have more solid support - even in the House. Pelosi is nuts, and most well meaning House Members will take that into account. Also, POTUS has neutered the control files on many members of congress. The pedophilia entrapment program has been blown up, and it will be very hard for the DS to compromise the new incoming members of congress.

14874514? ago

I just saw bigfoot stealing votes from steve jobs.

14874380? ago

This is the best thing I've read all day! Sitting in a puddle of yuck in CA, reading Q post from the perspective you've offered lifts me a bit! Once the nation is pointing right, full steam ahead, come for us in Cali! There are many red citizens fighting here....

14874357? ago

That some nice, non-common core, critical thinking, patriot.

14874315? ago

Me when I see "Trust the plan" shit - > https://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/90989/284746832/stock-photo-hurry-up-nice-grandfather-pointing-his-wrist-watch-and-hurrying-while-standing-half-face-284746832.jpg

After today, I will be low-key in Q movement, if nothing happens for a half a year, I can bs

14874107? ago

This waiting game bullshit is getting old. We wait while they postpone, shuffle and dance. Hey Q, every day you wait, kids are getting raped and sodomized. Isn’t that what it’s all about? So let’s wait a little longer, letting more kids lose their innocence, so you don’t emotionally scar the average person with the truth? The kids didn’t ask to sex martyrs for the precious normie psyche. Bugger off for waiting.

14874273? ago

You are so dumb.

14874367? ago

Ok sizzle tits.

14874105? ago

So when no elections are overturned and business continues as normal, are you qtards going to do some retrospection?

14874094? ago

" FISA warrant on everyone connected to the caravan" so Beta O'Rourke is going to to be sharing a cell with Barry O'bama?

14874092? ago

11/11 - of what year?

14874039? ago

So they are just going to allow and forgive all the sins of the past few years? DOUBTFUL.

14874031? ago

Always promises that now we are finally going to do something about <_________> (fill in the blank). Until I start seeing arrests and prosecutions of corruption being made, I will be cautious in my optimism. We had 2 years to prosecute obvious blatant, in your face corruption from the obongo administration, and no prosecutions. Of course we have Mueller going all out with his phoney investigation, with the media pushing the agenda from that investigation hard and heavy. President Trump has tweeted "I have no Attorney General", and I agree with the President. There was PLENTY of voting fraud from the 2016 election that should have been investigated and prosecuted, plenty. I don't see why the fraud in this election cycle will be treated any differently, I tired of all the hype saying that finally now something will be done.

14879828? ago

Yep. And with control of the senate every judge Trump nominates will be put on the bench. The House has no power to question judicial nomination. It ain't in their job description, better know as the U.S. Constitution.

14874328? ago

What part of "need to replace corrupt judges before prosecutions begin" don't you understand?

14873959? ago

Q also said in 2165: FISA GOES BOTH WAYS.

14879840? ago

"Think mirror"

14873653? ago

I don't really understand how this unites the country. But yahoo, I'm with it!!!

14873616? ago

ThanQ for the post! I kept asking myself, "What does the FISA have to do with 'The House'? Had to be something else. Love watching The SHOW, Love being a part of it! WE GOT WHAT WE NEEDED!

14873599? ago

Nice 40,000 ft view

14873569? ago

What’s 11:11 supposed to be?

14884224? ago

November 11. 4 days from now.

14890486? ago

I’m aware of the date.. why do people emphasize it

14873561? ago

It would have been so great, if there were ANY prosecutions. There aren't, there won't be. We've been fooled.

14874351? ago

The only fool here is you.

14897155? ago

Call me when shes in cuffs

14873528? ago

This is what I hope will happen.

14873510? ago

We are winning hard right now.

14873570? ago

If we win any harder we're completely fucked.

14873507? ago

Shut up.

14873444? ago

we need to make an honest assement 1. we lost the house that we thought just 48 hours was a sure thing 2. we did prevent an even bigger loss of the house 3. we may have been helpful in exposing yet to be disclosed fraud 4. this loss may only be temporary what we are seeing on the news is an estimate the actual LEGAL results are days away

assuming points 2-4 never happen. we need to focus on the reasons why we lost and try to do better next time

14878143? ago

forget about why we lost. I'm convinced Q recorded the fraud. It has to be like that to expose also the fraud in 2016. I'm convinced Q has the proofs also for 2016 but not for a legal case. When I see the reaction from POTUS and Q, they know, we won also the House biggly. They are both very happy.

14873370? ago

<hits nail square on the head>

14873344? ago

fucking well done man, thanks for that

14873263? ago

Excellent summary! I like what OP posted. If others don't like it, or don't like Q anymore...well, bye bye. Go listen to MSM and get back on Reddit. As for me, I'm sticking to faith in the Plan. Why is everyone getting so pouty about Results when this Plan has been in the works for years? Go away if you don't like waiting. (like a bunch of spoiled children who have no impulse control). The election last night was amazing, only a few times has a sitting pres wrested control of the senate like this. And I'm positive that voter fraud was involved in a lot of these races. All will come out in the wash. I have more faith than ever!

14877661? ago

Q told us at least twice that the mid terms were safe. Can we now claim voter fraud?

14907615? ago

hello, is that the election police? good, i'd like to report a crime. what evidence do i have? well, an anonymous poster on notorious pedophile hangout 8chan predicted that the midterms were safe for the republican party, so— hello? hello?

14873261? ago

Great post which makes a lot of sense....FISA goes both ways.

14873197? ago

Great analysis, how many eyes were on the ground this election calling in the discrepancies. We have the play book of the enemy and their rat shit leaves a trail and a smell,which is only better to find the nest and exterminate the bastards.

14873161? ago

wow, you sure are reaching like a mofo. Almost painful to read.

14873026? ago

I've heard this before. I'm officially scraping the Q stickers off my cars.

Its all a larp.

Remember when he said the mid terms were a LOCK multiple times?

14874430? ago

You actually bought Q stickers? And put them on your car? LOL! And now you're gonna scrape them off? The neighbors are gonna have a good laugh. You are such a fucking retard.

14873125? ago

It's your car and your stickers, but I wouldn't replace it with any DNC stickers just yet. We have the power where it is needed, and right now the house isn't worth a bucket of warm spit to the plan. We have them right where we want then. Contained and soon to be exposed.

14874370? ago

As people have been saying for the last 2 years

Its a fuckup. They were supposed to drop all the bombs before the election. Now they waited too long and DJT is doomed. Declas aint going to do shit

14872975? ago


14872927? ago

As Spok would have said, "sounds logical". I really like this train of thought and it would be a significant part of the plan. Looking forward to Sunday.

14872894? ago

Its always tonorrow. Follow the plan. Arrest are coming. Etc etc.

14874087? ago

But you still get more shill paychecks!

14873536? ago

In other words: it's all bullshit and hope and dreams.

14873560? ago

Or its the days of darkness before the light of dawn.

14873757? ago

That's the Q attitude..... just keep waiting... and hoping. Maybe tomorrow?

14872871? ago

I have to say, good analysis. Just have to wait to see how it shakes out. I wondered why some states had R's winning the Governor race but that the D's flipped so may House seats. So long as we don't balloon the budget and we do BUILD THE WALL.

14872827? ago

Screw Q! I'm sick of it, the 55,000 sealed indictments, the "Plan" that goes no where, future proves past, past proves future riddles. Keep it simple and just enforce our damn laws and bring justice to we the people. No more damn games. I no longer trust or support trump. I will support those that start enforcing our laws against all foreign and domestic enemies that have already been identified!

14876581? ago

Screw Q? You came to the wrong place. I think there is a special group for you on VOAT. It's called Blue Balls isn't it? How'd you end up here unless you are a Shill?

14885013? ago

Because I am tired of waiting on the plan and Q constantly saying trust Sessions. Now it looks like martial law is just 3-4 days away, at least it better be!

14898851? ago

It's not about you.

14874441? ago

You shills are working overtime!

14875760? ago

I honestly do not think they are shills. I think folks are truly pissed and want to see some results.

14885725? ago

No doubt - but fruit takes time to ripen before a harvest.

14872773? ago

Too many Q bashers. Get positive or get lost. He can't tell people how to vote. Romney is not quite McCain. FISA is now working AGAINST them. A plan has contingencies. Whoever said this was going to be easy?

14873506? ago

FUCK OFF. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 1000 times, shame on Q. This whole thing leading up to the elections has been total fucking horse shit. People are pissed. It's time for Q to start taking action or this is all a fucking sham.

14885031? ago

It appears that you have a different picture of what should and shouldn't take place. You have no idea what the plan is anymore than the rest of us so just CHILL out!!!

14885072? ago

I can hate on Q all I want. He's misled everyone here. This is all a bullshit LARP.

14878152? ago

Yet you are still here?!? If you’re “done”, then leave... at this point you are either a shill, acting the part or have emotional issues and are fishing for attention.

14878195? ago

Nope. I'm just here to piss you off. And, there's nothing you can do about it. Sit back and enjoy.

14875577? ago

Thanks for proving the point. Anger gets you nowhere. Does Q use witchcraft to compel people to vote? Look where POTUS campaigned. Job done.

14875629? ago

Yesterday winning the House was a LIFE OR DEATH matter. Today everyone is saying: Meh. We meant to lose. Wake up!

14881836? ago

Why is it life or death matter? Or are you just being overly dramatic?

Trump and Q team didn't lose the midterms on purpose, but it's pretty clear that it wasn't their priority. Trump only campaigned for Senate races. We won the Senate. Make sense?

14884094? ago

Yesterday it was priority A++++++++++++++ . Today, everyone is like: "Meh. We didn't need that. Who cares?" Such total bullshit.

14885085? ago

Or the intent wasn't understood and we are adjusting with new information. Nothing has changed. I understand a little skepticism, but my god your debbie downer attitude annoying. Take a break from this for a while, get some fresh air.

14885160? ago

My "debbie downer attitude" is a HUGE dose of realism for you guys. You need to wake up! Shit isn't happening. All we do here is talk about stuff. Nothing real ever happens. (Well, Democrats win elections... but, other than that... nothing).

14885297? ago

Do you have any facts, information or value to discuss? I don't care if you are skeptical, but you are adding zero value with your whining. Go away.

14885376? ago

Nope. I'm sticking around. I have lots of anger and whining and I'm going to share it with you FOREVER until Q actually does something. Enjoy!

14885544? ago

If that is what you are being paid to do, then I guess that is what you will keep doing until the money dries up. The one thing I know is that having this amount of anger, whining and spending this much time doing so, if you are not being paid, is a sad, sad existence.

14885568? ago

I get paid nothing. I'm doing this for fun. I'll be here every fucking day to annoy you.

14885591? ago


14874038? ago

Oh boo hoo!

14872766? ago

Any fucking day would be great. I don't believe this 11.11 bullshit anymore. One more day out in the future that something magical is supposed to happen. FUCK THAT! Either make it happen or fuck off. This "tomorrow" bullshit is getting old fast.

14874115? ago

So go away and do something else.

14872728? ago

Makes sense!! Especially since President Trump just tweeted, "In all fairness, Nancy Pelosi deserves to be chosen Speaker of the House by the Democrats. If they give her a hard time, perhaps we will add some Republican votes. She has earned this great honor!"

He's taunting them, knowing they will NOT be able to do much. Before the above tweet he tweeted, "If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!"

So I believe you are SPOT ON!!!!!

14880113? ago

The key words in POTUS' tweet: , and MUCH else...

There's the gotcha phrase. Can you say: Sealed indictments? Can you say: FISA DECLAS?

Let the Games Begin !!

14872631? ago

I actually loved the "how to catch a fish" the best. Q is on spot. Thing is most don't keep in mind is that there is a "Plan." What we are witnessing is "The Plan" and it's not coincidence that Q has to remind us over and over to "Trust The Plan." I know we can't wait, but there was a reason the DECLAS was demanded by POTUS and delayed by [RR] and reviewed by HUBER. If you can: THINK. If you can't, then simply: TRUST THE PLAN.

14872623? ago

So can we all pay attention and actually come to grips with how FAKE this whole thing is on Nov. 12th?

Or will you retards just rationalize it away and go "oh but it was just to confuse the enemy" like all the other times?

14872591? ago

I am not a big fan of conjecture presented as FACT, but I do hope you are correct.

14872754? ago

It's a hypothesis. Complete speculation. I have no way of knowing if it's true.

If that makes you feel any better.

14872575? ago

Absolutely fucking brilliant observation, OP

14872541? ago

Kudos for a well fleshed out theory. Political fiction tho. Q is talking obama fisa abuse

14872597? ago

Why "FISA brings down the House"?

Obama FISA abuse had nothing to do with the house.

14872461? ago

Well thought out and presented, I tend to agree with you on many of your points. The Obama FISA will certainly bring down many but you are correct those people aren't in the House. The Senate is the prize of last night and will give us more conservative judges for the next few decades. Good job Patriot. WWG1WGA

14872447? ago

AWAN investigation should be enough to bring down the house...

14872440? ago

Hence “We got what we needed.”

Not in terms of Congressional seats but in terms of clearly recorded evidence of fraud.

14873515? ago

In other words: "We got nothing". It's an excuse made after the fact to explain the failure.

14872350? ago

There is a silent cold war with China right now. Financial Warfare

Things will move faster now that Mid Terms are over.

14872199? ago

If this bullshit isn’t dealt with by 1/3, we need to become Active and no more of this passive bullshit.

14873622? ago

Exactly! Guns in hand, boots on the ground. Taking this shit back ourselves. Fuck Q.

14872191? ago

In both drops 2253 and 2129 Q says: FISA [FULL] BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE [WH]. But we know that things have double meanings so hope your theory is right!

14872180? ago

United on 11.11??? Is that why Trump is going to France to watch the BIG PARADE...cuz they wouldnt give him one here...the poor thing. Now he is pouting...if I cant have a parade here...I'm going to France cuz they have one...what a child!! Yes...united..while your POTUS is out of the country...now that is the only thing you people have said that makes any sense. Impeachment is a coming!! WOOOHHOOOO Tired of Winning yet!!!!

14872278? ago

Because if the legitimacy of the House of Representatives is going to be put in question, Trump being abroad and not connected personally with it is the best optics.

14879921? ago

And protected.

14873646? ago

OoOOOHhhh! Someone said "optics"!!!! Everyone at home playing the Q Drinking Game.... drink!

14872150? ago

Oh god here it is, "next week its habbening omfg" ...no Red October, Q lied. Fuck this.

14874129? ago

Nobody's making you stay here. Go.

14876510? ago

Thats what goats said when you Q faggots showed up. So, you first.

14873666? ago

There's always tomorrow... for dreams to come true. It's only a day away.....

14872144? ago

So.....they waited on the FISA so that the democrats could win the house so that the release of the FISA would bring it down. Or...why not release the FISA before the midterms?? If the release of the FISA is enough to bring the democratic party down and the Deep State to its knees...why worry about something like the Hatch Act. Q is no longer relevant...the elections are over...the Voter Mobilization campaign waged by Q was a failure. Pure and simple. How about this....Trump didnt release the FISA because what if they release it before the midterms and the Dems still take the house....OOOOUCH!! The release of the unredacted FISA is a big NADA-BURGER!! LMAO

14872255? ago

Because the FISA that will bring down the House of Representatives is not the same FISA having to do with the Obama administration abuses.

The Obama administration abuses of the FISA warrant program have absolutely nothing to do with the House of Representatives, so how could the FISA bring down the HOUSE?

Answer ... different FISA (Trump administration legally spying on democrats who were committing voter fraud).

14872111? ago

I pray that you are right, Patriot. May God bless and have mercy on our country.

14872096? ago

Next new moon is on the 9th..... We own the night! Tick tock deep state douchebags.

14872040? ago

Soros also is one of the funders of the Venezuelan company that makes the dang voting machines. I'll look for the sauce for this but it was available on 8chan months ago.

14871961? ago

In Ohio, the governorship flipped from red to blue. There were reports of red votes flipping to blue, specifically for the governor race, so voter fraud wasn't just committed for House races - and I don't mean to imply that you thought it was only House races. Not just Ohio but other states (Texas, for example) had reports of entire ballots flipping from the straight Republican ticket to Democrat, which includes Senate, House, State, and Local choices. It's possible the targeting was small-scale, but it certainly wasn't limited to the House.

I hope you're correct and there will be an investigation that actually results in penalties. And it needs to be very publicly done. And done quickly. This snail's pace is a morale dampener.

Regardless, even with the cheating, we still kept the most important piece of the pie - the Senate!

14873236? ago

Same here in Wisconsin. As always the questionable ballots are in Milwaukee and Madison.

14873554? ago

Where all the niggers are.

14871880? ago

This is brilliant! Thank you. I was noticing how many House pickups by dems were 50% or 51%... Now I know! https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/11/06/us/elections/results-dashboard-live.html

14871873? ago

Your explanation makes sense. Nobody said it was going to be easy.

14871838? ago

Exactly. All these people saying the House was a loss do not see the bigger picture. Elections do not stop a criminal prosecution on the elected. These people will be arrested and tried in court whether elected or not.

14890022? ago

Hey the guy in Nevada died and he still got elected!

14888036? ago

Exactly! The game isn't over yet.

14875776? ago

no one is getting prosecuted.

14890640? ago

Hello shill!!! You'd better buy some more Depends!!! You're going to be needing them in due time!!! Don't forget your KoolAid, either!!!

14880105? ago

...no one is getting prosecuted? Yes, well, we all realize that Arkanciding is more expedient, but that isn't Trump's style. Perhaps some will get a new Home for the Holidays.

14872873? ago

Problem is, they aren't going to re-elect new people. Some asshole will appoint a replacement. FUCK Q!

14876535? ago

A GOP Governor is no asshole

14876572? ago

That only works with Senators. Governors don't appoint House members.

14876801? ago

You think this won’t affect the Senate? It will.

14876825? ago

We won the Senate. I'm more concerned about the House.... which we lost.

14875747? ago

No you're wrong. Senators get appointed Representatives must have a special election to be replaced. Governors have no power to appoint to the House! Think of the implications. If they were elected via fraud there will be do overs.

14878966? ago

If they were elected due to fraud, then we have the real winners, now don't we?!

14875762? ago

Why didn't Q and Trump just make sure that the polls were protected? That would have been a hell of a lot easier.

14876264? ago

Ummm, bcuz that does not fix the problem permanently? Bcuz people would not be fully exposed for their crimes? Bcuz building a criminal case takes time under our Constitutionally guaranteed rights to due process, etc. Bcuz we meed to have judges in place who will uphold the Rule of Law, not kegislate from the bench???

14876284? ago

So, more excuses and no action? Check!

14875716? ago

In a special election where you just found out the democrats were working with the Chinese - you really think they are going to win so easily?

14875745? ago

Yep. Our Government is corrupt to the core. They'll get away with it. They fuck and murder children and get away with it. Why would this be any different?

14873621? ago

No, fuck you. What have you done to wake up masses of people and encourage them? Even if Q is a LARP (he isn’t) he has still done more to energize patriots in this country than you ever will.

14873746? ago

Energizing everyone and lying to them seem to be the same thing in your book. I'm not energized. I'm totally demoralized and out of hope. This is fucking bullshit.

14876882? ago

Because possibly the largest undertaking to cleanse corruption the work has ever seen isn’t happening on your timeline, to your liking? Fuck you and how you “feel” about it. Sounds like you aren’t the kind of person it will take to bring this to the end. We need winners.

14876926? ago

Winners like you? Who sit around hitting refresh and talking shit on a forum? Great job patriot! You haven't done shit. Nobody has. Quit lying to yourself and patting yourself on the back. Q is bullshit. They aren't in control. There is no plan. Give it up.

14878414? ago

Seems that you already have given up. Okay, buh-bye. Enjoy your life wallowing in misery.

Me, I will continue to fight for what I believe is right till my last breath.

14878474? ago

Don't worry. Your last breath will be coming a lot sooner than mine you boomer faggot.

14873276? ago

Republican Gov waive from midterms is so very important. If a vacancy occurs due to a senator's death, resignation, or expulsion, the Seventeenth Amendment allows state legislatures to empower the governor to appoint a replacement to complete the term or to hold office until a special election can take place.

14877459? ago

Then with that logic, the Bunny Ranch Owner should be replaced; but from what I heard the position is to be held open.

14873815? ago

Either way we're fucked. It would have been soooooo much easier to just secure the polls and make sure Dems didn't cheat.

14873162? ago

Justice can only happen after the crime, the voter fraud had to happen in order to prosecute. If they are arrested new elections would occur. But, it's still possible they were able to gather the raw data and know who actually won.

14876220? ago

I agree I was kinda upset we lost the house but this i s a perfect chance to investigate for voter tampering, fraud, etc

14874183? ago

Voter fraud happened 2 years ago, Nothing. Happened again. Nothing will happen. Maybe a token 2 or 3 for optics. It would take federal courts thousands of years to prosecute 10% of the fraud. Nothing is changing. Criminals still skating . They 're not sweating it. Sealed Indictments. Paper Tiger. Mathematically impossible to prosecute in federal court or Otherwise. What makes a good movie ? A Good Story. " Fairy Tales".

14873853? ago

So, we know who the child molesters are, but let's wait until AFTER they fuck the kids before we move in on them? Makes total sense.

14871982? ago

Can elected representatives still vote or enact legislation from behind bars?

14890683? ago

They would need to be present to vote!!!

14872413? ago

They can pass a law forbidding anal rape. Good luck with that.

14872340? ago

No. Once an elected representative is arrested, they lose that right.

14871823? ago

What happened today has destroyed my ability to red pill those around me because everything I say now sounds like spin. In addition, I will now have to carefully avoid mentioning anything Q related to people for fear of losing credibility.

Military planning at its finest indeed.

14890146? ago

keep the FAITH it ain't over till it's over.

14873688? ago

Yep. Q fucked us all. Nobody believes this shit anymore.

14890172? ago

Stop, what about hope and trust? Never give up!

14885338? ago

I and all of the TRUE ANONS are NOT nobodies! You have NO right to classify the rest of us under your opinions.

14885361? ago

As you don't have the right to classify people who disagree with you as "shills" or "NPCs".

14876491? ago


14876546? ago

He's not wrong. Prove something that Q has actually done.

14874908? ago

how about we fucked us by not mobilizing and staying as anon's on our computers hoping for a Q magic wand in an election... elections do have consequences. Thankfully there's still a path. If DECLAS never happens then yes he/they fucked us. Q asked if we were ready for arrests. Let's see some pudding!

14874948? ago

Q has done nothing but make promises and get everyone's hopes up. Nothing is happening. It's all a load of shit.

14874189? ago

You are the biggest idiot of them all.

14874464? ago

Why because I stopped believing the lies after someone repeatedly lied to me over and over?

14872099? ago

Don't talk to people about Q. Just ask them questions. Like, "Do you believe all women should be believed when accusing someone of sexual misconduct? Then what about Ellison? Clinton?" "Do you think Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism? Do you think a president should be able to send millions of dollars in cash to whomever he wants to without congress being involved? Do you think that a country should not vet people coming into the country? etc"

14871890? ago

Redpill phase is over. Why redpill? Voting is done. Rick Scott and McSally would never have won without our help with as close as those races were.

We're now practically redundant. We did our job. Victory.

Q said ...




Whatever happens on 11.11 will do all the redpilling your family needs. Only 4 short days away.

14873935? ago

My previous comment was emotional, I apologise for that. However, I'll just say this.

Red pilling is all important, the more red pilling you do the more hazardous the environment becomes for those who do evil. In other words, in order to flourish evil needs ignorance. The burden of knowing the truth is also knowing that you have a moral obligation to spread it, to do otherwise is to be an accomplice to evil.

We've had many 'insiders' and whistleblowers over the years claiming this, that and giving out dates. Many of these people have done massive damage to the truth seeking movement especially in the area of 'otherworldly' stuff like ETs, suppressed technology and such. The difference between Q and some of these people is that the Q team have established themselves as legit insiders in the current administration, not just retired military or whatever.

Q represents a chance to open the flood gates, I would hate to see Q go down as just another shit slinger.

14871771? ago

I'll believe it when i see it.

14871708? ago

Thanks OP, you fixed my hoping machine!!!

14871586? ago

I'm impressed to your view. It's the best post I read since election. It makes absolutely sence. It wouldn't make sence to wait a long time to make public this kind of FISA. Q was prepared years for that. They gathered everything. So 11.11 would be the date.

14872034? ago

Question is now, does RR call for a special counsel on 11.11 to investigate voter fraud?

14891746? ago

I read an article citing I think the DHS about eight states with more people registered to vote than there are eligible voters! I've seen it quoted in something within the past few days! My point is, somebody must already be investigating it! We all know that the special election in Alabama was fixed! What if they've been investigating since that time or before? They wouldn't, and couldn't tell us about ongoing investigations!!! This election could have been, to a large extent, an information gathering exercise, to fry all of the crooks subverting our elections for decades!!! The demoncraps' majority might end up being declared null and void, but enough of a distraction to keep them relatively quiet until after declassification!!!

14873082? ago

I keep thinking back to Q’s post about if Comey is bad so is Rosenstein and vice versa.

14875111? ago

I don't believe there was such a Q post.

14899721? ago

You are correct it was Mueller, not Comey. My old brain is failing me....so much to keep track of!

14874383? ago

Not Comey, Meuller.

14872112? ago

It's possible. But this would take a long time. I hope there is a faster way.

14871566? ago

Thank you for bringing sunshine on my partly cloudy day. This makes sense to me. Difichispy was legally spied on by FISA. All the voter fraud was legally spied on through FISA. The Illegal votes my illegal immigrants was in mass and it can now be exposed through FISA. Okay, I'm sufficiently cheered up again

14890231? ago

Think about about all the dumb dumbs... committing the fraud... Q said they will do ANYTHING to get POWER. All their little pattsies going down too. Can we invest in jails? I think they might just fill em up! Sooner than later.

14871534? ago

If nothing happens by 11.12. I’m out. Back to living that miserable life knowing the cabal is still calling the shots

14879913? ago

U pussy

14879317? ago

we dont need your fair weather supporting neck bearded ass. BYE FELICIA!

14877760? ago

I was just thinking the same thing..... I know that the hype is/was necessary.... especially prior to the midterms. But now the same faces with the same old ideals. It hurts my ears to hear Pelosi, Schumer, Booker, Waters, etc. talking about their threats to POTUS and his administration. They have no substance but only to OBSTRUCT!!! They want it their way - to hell with the rest of the nation!!!

I know that my family has not been able to take vacations or even help our kids out, in years!!! There are no extras because we are living in the DS/Cabal's world. They make millions, while the rest of the population struggles EVERYDAY!!!.

I believe and trust the plan!!! Just feeling a little "war"-weary. I am keeping the faith that all Q has shared with us will come to pass. Unfortunately (I know) not in MY TIME FRAME!

14876580? ago

Meeting with Vladimir Putin on American soil 11.11 There you are

14877354? ago

Is Paris, France American soil?

14896726? ago

Some of the French American war memorials are sovereign American territory

14879285? ago

No, we just conquered it twice, when we were winning our back-to-back World War championships.

14878732? ago

The US embassy is.

14873802? ago

You idiots have been saying the same thing for two years. Now just go the fuck away.

14872219? ago

Same. We'll have 2 years of nothing getting done, story after story in the MSM that's anti-Trump.

Wake me in 2020 if the GOP can win the House back, otherwise the country is just in for embarrassing gridlock and media poison. Still better than Hillary, but nothing is really going to change.

14877529? ago

Let me remind you we saw ZERO accomplished back when GOP held both the House and the Senate for last 2 years of Hussein Obummer, thanks to RINOs and comped pols on both sides of the aisle (NoName, Flake, et al). POTUS and Q say trust the plan because they have been giving these corrupt sickos all the rope needed to hang themselves. You can throw a hissy fit and flounce away, but true patriots see the upheavel going on and REJOICE👍🇱🇷 MAGA WWG1WGA

14872882? ago

Yep. It's all a load of shit. Nothing will change. It's pointless.

14894932? ago

So is your post. Except, of course, for you, since you get paid.

14897667? ago

Nope. Still not getting paid. I do this for enjoyment.

14871468? ago

YOu are right about what they are probably doing, although I do think there will be declass of FISA like we think to undermine the childish investigations that the Dems will try to bring.

14871425? ago

Anyone know what happens if elected officials get removed from office and arrested? Who takes over and what is the process for having new officials?

14871444? ago

New members of congress don't even begin their terms of office until January 3. They probably won't even make it into office in the first place (hoping).

14873704? ago

Hoping is all anyone does around here. Lot's of hope. Very little action.

14879981? ago

Hoping is all anyone does around here. Lot's of hope. Very little action.

Go ahead and take action yourself. No one is stopping you. Go forth and be a conqueror of worlds.

14880051? ago

I am taking action by waking up people to this LARP.

14871417? ago

At this point I don't even trust that there IS a plan. Seems more like we're winging it and the plan is to distract from the fact things aren't really going as well as Q says.

14873711? ago

Or NOT AT ALL like Q says. It's total fucking bullshit.

14874217? ago


14871400? ago

More bullshit. No actions.

14874253? ago

More shilling, no intelligence.

14871361? ago

This will never be released. Q couldnt protect the vote

14871343? ago

Hey Project Veritas put out a video on election fraud showing non citizens voting and they say it will be investigated!!!! BOOM! 💥

14874903? ago

Must admit the slow walking is pissing me off. OTOH, based on all the Q dates thrown out over the last ~60 days this whole samba is rolling towards a close for me one way or the other.

14894917? ago

And heaven knows we can't have you pissed off. By all means let's have them act prematurely so you don't get pissed off.

14884267? ago

Regardless of the odds a a soldier, a Patriot, fights to the end.

14871521? ago

I was thinking when I saw that new Veritas video... Uh... Isn't this being released a little too late?! Now I see it as PERFECT timing!

14873739? ago

If anyone needs more confirmation, just watch the reactions of the MSM talking heads last night. They were NOT happy. Low energy, tears in their eyes, while proclaiming this was a huge victory and they won the house? Bullshit.

They were simultaneously declaring victory and shitting their pants.

14894739? ago

Their so called Blue Wave was more of a puddle.

14871311? ago

LOL You're just making shit up.

14871290? ago

I love it!!!! I was wondering about election fraud and if it would overturn seats and you just put it all together in a logical and likely way! Whew! I’m going forward today with that hope! 1111!

14871395? ago

New members of congress don't even begin their terms of office until January 3.

It probably will be resolved and possibly overturned before they ever step their feet in office.

14871806? ago

Hopefully it's like this. This post and your answer are great. I have an other possible theory. Could it be they step in and they have to do everything POTUS is telling them? Because he has everything on them? And the big hammer comes later? I hope this doesn't make sense but who knows.

14872959? ago

That sounds good on paper. Except that if President Trump is using what he has on dems in the House to do his bidding, isn't that called BLACKMAIL? Will the Prez go that low??

14873902? ago

It is established practice for law enforcement to use criminals to get other, bigger criminals, in return for reduced sentences.

14872935? ago

I hope not because that’s what the D’s do. That’s the dark. I’m praying for the light.

14874214? ago

Good point!

14871616? ago

Let’s hope!!! A lot can happen in two months!

14871259? ago

Any significance with November 11 being 100 years since the armistice treaty was signed?

14872221? ago

you answered your own question!

14873564? ago

No he didn't. You just made that shit up.

14871201? ago

Exposing the voting fraud that has taken place is going to do more than "bring down the HOUSE". It will bust the cabal's bowels wide open.

14871508? ago

I keep reading vague claims of fraud, but does anyone have any sources? If the Dems end up owning the House, they'll be subpoenaing everything, and impeaching everyone.

14879641? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2dZ4q6JdQM You bet they've spent a lot of time the last 2 years watching this shit closely, to catch them in the action.

14877622? ago

Let them run an impeachment circus, it will keep them from having time to pass anything noteworthy and it will keep the #FAKENEWS whores busy chasing their tails. How did impeachment destroy Bill Clinton? Oh wait, it strengthened him, allowing him to win re-election. The House can scream its fool head off, only the Senate can convict. As for election fraud, Q told us they have it all. And FISA brings down the House. That’s new FISAs, which allowed them to collect the proof needed to convict the Dems (and probably some comptomised Reps) and their criminal collaborators. Trust the plan!

14880581? ago

Bill Clinton didn't get reelected after being impeached, in fact, no president has. It was Bill's second term.

14872675? ago

They can try to impeach but 2/3 of the Senate would have to approve. Good luck with that. So even if Trump is impeached in the House, he will stay in office. That is what I understood.

14880137? ago

Impeachment only requires a simple majority in the house. All impeachment does is start an impeachment trial in the Senate.

14884125? ago

Thanks. That is what I thought. It would have to be prosecuted in the Senate and convicted with a 2/3 majority vote in Senate. Clinton impeached in House but not convicted by Senate so he completed his term.

14875304? ago

I'm thinking more that the Demonrats goal is to impeach, only for the Senate not to convict. But then it becomes Dems' 2020 campaign slogan, "You can't re-elect a guy who was impeached."

14872608? ago

Yeah, it was released by project veritas and Governor Abbott from Texas said they are investigating.


14872019? ago

There were a dozen hacking attempts reported before the election. Ohio machine changing votes from R to d on the paper receipt. Veritas videos proving illegals were allowed to vote in Texas.

14873312? ago

With regard to Ohio, what I'd like to know is 'how' the Senate went BLUE, while the House stayed RED; just look at all the RED for the House, but then the Senate suddenly goes BLUE? 2018 Midterm Election Maps: https://graphics.axios.com/2018-11-06-midterm-election/index.html?view=S

Then I found this map, State by State Cost of Illegal Immigration: https://thefederalistpapers.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/map.png and things began to make a bit more sense.

14874212? ago

And it went full blue before 7 fucking oclock

14876934? ago

And the Governor stayed RED.

14871585? ago

The House can't get anything done without the Senate which is solidly in DJT's hands now. Also, is there only one FISA DJT has ordered to be DECLASSIFIED?

14880088? ago

The House can impeach both the POTUS and SCOTUS, and tie them both up, as well as the Senate who has to run the impeachment trial.

14871144? ago

I don't know the plan but I surely trust The Plan. It ain't over till it's over. Roll on Sunday. WWG1WGA

14875432? ago

TRUST GRASSLEY Senate Judiciary Chairman [House of Cards] .....House of Reps.....???? Military planning at its finest. Q

14872787? ago

After 11.11 what date will it be next? The magic always happens in the future. Never today. Why not?

14898636? ago

Are you waiting for a CNN report?

14898829? ago

I would shoot a CNN reporter in a second flat. That would be the greatest target ever. You KNOW for a fact they are liberal faggots who need to die. Stop the faggotry at the source.

14880504? ago

NO GRASS HOPPER, SESSION's just Resigned... GAME ON!!!

14877864? ago

Because it's not the plan?

14877355? ago

The MAGIC has been happening All Along The Way...if we stop thinking "Instant Karma, On Everyone, All At Once", we will all be better off. It sucks, but It Is NECESSARY that this is A Process. Let's imagine that everybody guilty of all of these crimes (past, present) was arrested Today - Would America Still Stand? NO WAY...DEMS/LIBERALS WOULD TAKE TO THE STREETS, WE'D DEFEND, WE'D ALL KILL EACHOTHER, ETC AND AMERICA WOULD DIE. The rest of the world Would Have No Support and be fully enslaved by NWO. Who would be helped? The NWO and no one else! Write down our goals, then mark them out as we complete them - you'd be SURPRISED how much we've already accomplished... Things that were supposed to be "IMPOSSIBLE"! Hang in there, We Really Are WINNING!!!

14876088? ago

Yep, and the constant moving target and no bombs dropping is demoralizing the base.

14875808? ago

We next will have 11-22 (anniversary of the murder of jfk). Then it’s november 30th when potus meets putin at g-20. After that it’s into January 2019 because we will say that it’s because that’s when the tribunal EO goes effective. After that I think we r out of excuses.

14889585? ago

John John is suppose to be revealed on 11/22

14875825? ago

Nah... they'll come up with more excuses by then. There's always some reason to move the goalposts.

14875287? ago

After 11-11 we will beelooking at 11-22. Then 1-22

14875066? ago

Prior to 11-22 to make Thanksgiving great again?

14875138? ago

Yes, and if nothing happens by then, it's probably before Christmas.

14873470? ago

Free beer tomorrow.

14874821? ago

Excellent, Wait, wut?

14873783? ago

Well if it's tomorrow... I better throw out all this beer I have in the fridge to make room for more!

14873449? ago

EXACTLY. Why 11.11 why not "the day after midterms", what happened to 11.4? "Military planning" but ignored Hatch Act and advertised pre-midterm expectations? Fucking propaganda, nothing more

14876476? ago

Veterans Day. Meeting with Putin. Big day.

14874817? ago

Could be because 11/11 is the 100th anniversary of the day of peace. Veterans/Armistice Day.

1918: At the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month – the guns did indeed fall silent for the first time in four years and four months. It had cost some 13 million lives, the greatest tragedy the world had yet seen, and it made a permanent mark on the generation that had experienced it.

14873799? ago

It's all a huge fucking load of shit at this point and a bunch of sad people who are willing to believe in anything anyone tells them.

14873163? ago

We just kept the senate, gained a comfortable amount of seats, and our entire future as a country depended on it.

It was historic, only happened 5 times (POTUS gaining in Senate on 1st midterm) in the last 105 years.

And it happened today.

14876453? ago

Plus, Trump got rid of Corker and Flake, so the Senate gains were very real, more like +7

14875174? ago

Bring on the judges who will be approved by the Senate. 34 can fire and replace judges now at will- esp the 9th circuit.

14873896? ago

5 times in 105 years sounds extraordinary! Except there's only been 13 presidents from 1913-present. 5/13 sounds slightly ordinary

14887043? ago

Many presidents served two terms (or more, in FDR's case), though, so they had to face more than one midterm election.

14887289? ago

"We just kept the senate, gained a comfortable amount of seats, and our entire future as a country depended on it.

It was historic, only happened 5 times (POTUS gaining in Senate on 1st midterm) in the last 105 years."

^^that was two comments up, only 5 times refers to any given President's first term only

And it happened today.

14877043? ago

Well if I were a betting man, i would still be glad to win with those odds. Nothing is guaranteed. And the Senate with 55 STRONG votes is much better than 51 with 3-5 iffy votes.

14873835? ago

Nope. Not helping. We're still fucked. Q is a LARP and this whole thing is bullshit.

14876141? ago

Oh ye of little faith😰 Will you come back in a year and own this post? 😂

14875987? ago

how do you say Q is live action? i still dont get that? all the posts are after the fact or predictive. it is not 'live' -- not really role play either - but please - explain to me the live action. cuz you seem to be misdefining easy words!?!

14872949? ago

Because, Neo. You have been enslaved. Trapped in a prison that has been 3,000 years or more in the making. Because what you think is a free world is a myth. Even America, land of the Free, well. What they don't tell you, is Land of the Free(mason). Everything has been a fiction to get us to this point. The last hundred years of history, the history books are half fiction half truth. Q pointed it out for a reason. Nothing we've been told is True.

The courts are filled to the brim with corrupt judges who are all part of secret societies and have given death oaths, there are C_A agents in positions of power. And never let anyone tell you they're "ex" C_A without taking what they tell you with a huge grain of salt. Trust but verify as it were. Why do you think Q keeps mentioning Rule of Law? Why do they have to go through Military Tribunals? You think it's merely because of treason charges? Then you aren't paying attention.

The lies, the amount of lies and treason on a mass(read: World Wide) Scale. Fucking hell.

Why can't we just overturn all of this with a flip of a switch

I fucking wonder. With everything being an illusion I can't possibly imagine why they have to take the bandages off bit by bit. Q wasn't kidding when he said when everything is disclosed, many will be hospitalized. That even among the so-called awakened, there are only a few who really "Get it". A lot of you are like this individual here. You don't "Get" the scope of it. You think it's some fucking game. You think giving up actually fucking matters. Do you not realize you're at war? Your very fucking life is on the line. "Oh Q never pulls through for us when he says he will. You know, publically, to the enemy, all the time. Like a retard. God damn, why doesn't he ever just nakedly tell us what he's going to do? I mean it's not like the enemy literally accesses the same fucking public board or anything like that right? It's not like the first law of War is All War is Based on Deception

Disinfo is REAL

Disinfo is NECESSARY

But no, I'm some magical fucking self important faggot who clearly understands all that is going on and therefor when I don't see enough evidence I'm self important enough to be worthy of being heard as I spew ignorant shit."

Shill harder. Please.

14880393? ago

I think what the previous post is asking is "When 11.11 (four days) comes and goes and nothing noticeable happened, what will then be the excuse". To justify this, it does seem that anon's are unwilling to indicate that 11.11.18 FOR CERTAIN is a data that major and noticeable activities will take place, that this date will have some significant. And if in fact nothing happens, you seem willing to just shift the date based on some random reasoning, that the logically state why nothing happened.

I pray, wish, hope that you are right on spot with you information. I appreciate immensely the work you are doing , which results in many having hope that the world will be saved from evil, but people have a valid reason to ask about ever shifting dates and express concern over inconsistent information without being dismissed as mental weaklings and shills

14877177? ago

I wish I could upvote this 10 million times

14876966? ago

*Drops Mic

14876071? ago

Should’ve just blew the whistle this summer and arrested them all. Let the evidence pour out for the masses to see. Now the Dems have more power (house) and even though it’s not enough to do what they want to, it’s enough to obstruct on a large scale. They obstructed on a masterful level these last two years and they had no majorities. Also, their propaganda arm, the msm, will push them harder.... they will become louder, obstruct more, be invigorated. And now, when/if arrests occur, now it will play directly into their narrative of “dictator”, “authoritarian”, “sore loser” etc. Waiting on releasing this fisa (because RR really really don’t think it should be released) and/or not making at least one high profile arrest prior to the midterms looks like a mistake. The public could’ve seen some corruption prior to voting (not to mention it would throw anons a bone instead of us all looking like the boy who cried wolf with zero credibility as has been the case this last year). But maybe it wouldn’t even have mattered either way as the fiasco we’ve seen the last few months wasn’t enough to wake anyone up so again, should’ve just arrested this summer. Same amount of people obviously were awake then as there is now?

14878619? ago

You don't suppose all the whining from here invigorates them?

Also, why are you worried about how you "look"?

14887825? ago

Because our mission was to inform friends and family. Where have u been hiding?

14875929? ago

thank you for handing my ass back to me. Ive been pissed all night. not just over the House but I live in Commieakistanexicofornia and we're fucked here with shitty politicians in this shithole state. but whatever. you straightened me right out. sometimes an ass whooping is the best thing for us. i humbly accept. good day.

14876820? ago

relax & regroup patriot. I feel for ya tho living in "Commieakistanexicofornia " , been there done that wouldn't do it again

14875141? ago

I know that is the way you talk, but you would get your message across better without the salty language- unless you do it for shock value, As for me, I think it demeans you and your important message.

14876893? ago

coming from a family of expert cusser's, that was mild.

14876083? ago

i like his language. it reminds me that we still have a 1st Amendment Right and the we aren't obligated to make others feel warm and fuzzy with our words. your feelings are your responsibility. grow up.

14876233? ago

I guess nice isn't in play anymore

14874588? ago

Because, Neo. You have been enslaved. Trapped in a prison that has been 3,000 years or more in the making. Because what you think is a free world is a myth. Even America, land of the Free, well. What they don't tell you, is Land of the Free(mason). Everything has been a fiction to get us to this point. The last hundred years of history, the history books are half fiction half truth. Q pointed it out for a reason. Nothing we've been told is True.

The courts are filled to the brim with corrupt judges who are all part of secret societies and have given death oaths, there are C_A agents in positions of power. And never let anyone tell you they're "ex" C_A without taking what they tell you with a huge grain of salt. Trust but verify as it were. Why do you think Q keeps mentioning Rule of Law? Why do they have to go through Military Tribunals? You think it's merely because of treason charges? Then you aren't paying attention.

The lies, the amount of lies and treason on a mass(read: World Wide) Scale. Fucking hell.

Why can't we just overturn all of this with a flip of a switch

I fucking wonder. With everything being an illusion I can't possibly imagine why they have to take the bandages off bit by bit. Q wasn't kidding when he said when everything is disclosed, many will be hospitalized. That even among the so-called awakened, there are only a few who really "Get it". A lot of you are like this individual here. You don't "Get" the scope of it. You think it's some fucking game. You think giving up actually fucking matters. Do you not realize you're at war? Your very fucking life is on the line. "Oh Q never pulls through for us when he says he will. You know, publically, to the enemy, all the time. Like a retard. God damn, why doesn't he ever just nakedly tell us what he's going to do? I mean it's not like the enemy literally accesses the same fucking public board or anything like that right? It's not like the first law of War is All War is Based on Deception

Disinfo is REAL

Disinfo is NECESSARY

But no, I'm some magical fucking self important faggot who clearly understands all that is going on and therefor when I don't see enough evidence I'm self important enough to be worthy of being heard as I spew ignorant shit."

Shill harder. Please.

AMEN!!! Someone buy this man a beer. He gets it. So few really get it. I understand the reluctance to admit that you and everyone you've ever known and respected, including parents and grandparents, have been fooled since their birth, and some to their death. You thought you were smarter than that and you surely thought your fathers and grandfathers were too smart to be fooled. Trust me, I understand. It was hard for me to accept also. It's a blow to the ego. But then I realized that much smarter and wiser men than I had also been fooled. Once you realize and come to terms with it then you can let your mind expand. You have to expand your thinking to be able to understand and deal with just how badly we have been manipulated. It goes much further than just being used, it goes into the depths of darkness and evil. It was not just bad men who have done this to the human race, men don't possess the power over a human species to manipulate them to this extent. The power come from pure evil, evil unlike anything a mere man can conceive. Which is why Q keeps dropping Ephesian 6:12

Ephesians 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

14875855? ago

when i read that comment, i thought you should buy us all a round.

14873870? ago

Lick my balls. Please.

14873762? ago

I get that many are disappointed...but we can’t lose sight of the big picture. The fight isn’t about just winning a midterm election. I’m rejoicing that today, DJT is our POTUS and we gained a much better margin in the Senate! As far as “Trusting the Plan”...absolutely...I am still trusting the plan...just look at all that has been done in a very SHORT amount of time to set the stage...there is so much that we do not know, as it must be kept under wraps for the time being. If we don’t have the fortitude and faith to be positive with something like losing the House, then we really need to re-assess. All we are being asked to do right now is “Trust the Plan”...we are not really sacrificing anything..POTUS, Q team, and many other Patriots are making huge sacrifices and some are putting their lives at risk...they just ask that we trust them. I am going to be praying for them and their safety...and that God will continue to give them wisdom to progress and continue to work against true evil on our behalf...I invite others to join me!

14875942? ago

I am all in. I agree that the Plan is going forward. I agree that those who are impatient don’t understand the scope of this. Stop being children waiting for the ice cream cone. Grow up. As we’ve been told: this is war. We have won a lot and will continue to win. Stay together. This is not for the faint of heart.

14879512? ago

Yes , you are Absolutely right and in the grand scope of the ENTIRE " Scheme of Things " it has not even been 2yrs ( Trump's inauguration being in Jan ) that Q has been actively working on this. The DS is not just Local & National , it is also GLOBAL so barely 2 yrs is very fast .

14874556? ago

Right. Last I checked, bringing exposure and justice to the sick psychopaths at high levels of society is a LOT more important than crying about the House going to Dems, like your favorite football team just lost. This is war. Everything is in place. The public who are aware of Q know what they need to know. Any more info would only help the enemy at this point. At this point, I would seriously expect some serious disinfo before the hammer drops. But nothing has convinced me, including the loss of the House, that the hammer will not drop.

14873349? ago

Every now and then, I get a little discouraged. I never doubt Q, but sometimes I think the bad guys gained ground. I felt that last night when we lost the House, but I come on here and read what some people write, like what you just did, and I jump back on the horse. If it wasn't for this board and my Q family putting things into perspective, I would be in a straight jacket and screaming at the sky. Sometimes my emotions take over, those emotions are what got me to get behind Bernie. That was a mistake. I need to keep those emotions in line and realize I'm behind a true leader now. After reading a few posts, I'm all excited again. Thank you for your comments.

14885532? ago

I know very well how you feel. I don't even live in America and my family think I'm insane that I follow and believe in such "conspiracy theory called QAnon". I hardly speak with my older sister and my mum thinks I've been radicalized online. It's hard but I never felt this awaken before. My heart fully trusts The Plan and I can't change it. WWG1WGA

14885722? ago

Luckily, I have one friend who is woke too. She doesn't follow Q directly, she is too busy. But every time I see something so awesome, I can share it with her and she loves to hear about it. I think it's good to have at least one person in my life made of meat and bone that I can share this with; otherwise, I would explode.

14877939? ago

This is the ONE Q post that really rocked me and made me realise that this is not some war game behind a computer screen and it’s when Q said this below. This was dropped round the time of North Korea. The CIA vipers nest in North Korea needed to be cleaned out before KIM and his people were Freed, but OPERATORS DIED.

We need to heed both the President’s and Q warning to be PREPARED. 11/11/ is upon us. Look at the date:

11-02-2017 13:56:38 AEDT Anonymous 
ID:pGukiFmX No.147567928

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.


2018 01:33:42 AEST Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID:09b0d5 No.1233880

‪1233553‬ Statements today needed to be made. OPERATORS have died. They approach the field of battle w/o fear. They lay down their lives for YOU. They are SELFLESS. They are fighting for our FREEDOM. They fight unconditionally because they hold a core value, a value that we should all live in FREEDOM. We HONOR them. We must do better to protect them. WWG1WGA. Q+ Patriots.

Look how the 2nd drop is signed.

We need to do our part. We need to continue to pray because while we are safe behind our keyboards, many OPERATORS in the field are not.

14879941? ago

I hadn't prayed in over a decade. However, I've started praying last month. I'm rusty. I lost that relationship... But I don't remember when I've had this kind of hope.

14874221? ago

Did you see Q’s last post? Look it up.

14875247? ago

Are you talking about "Future proves Past" with Trump tweeting "Two can play that game?"

That's so freaking awesome... Not sure about the Future proves past part, but completely get the Two can play that game...

I normally am a huge movie buff, but never in my life has "politics" played better than any movie. I've been on the edge of my seat for over two years. I'd be a wreck if it wasn't for this board and Q.

14882421? ago

I agree. We're LIVING it and participating. Never before in my life have I had any interest in anything political--when one has no stake in what transpires, it becomes meaningless. This is revolutionary.

14871340? ago

"I don't know what it is, but I trust it!"

Wow... Just wow... I don't even know how someone could be that naive. If you aren't naive, the other options are stupid or mentally ill. I want to think better of you than that, so I'm just gonna pretend it's naivety.

14877471? ago

Dear diary, it is very hard for me to cope on a board full of stupid naive people that I have to re-educate all the time. My shill life is real hell!

14873995? ago

If you think the election was the show, then you haven't been keeping up.

14874114? ago

Nothing is going to happen, you fucking moron. Nothing has happened, nothing will happen. You're clinging on to delusions because it is the only hope you have in your insignificant life. You're pathetic.

14872747? ago

We know Q is connected to Trump and we trust Trump. If Trump is running this operation, then the plan is solid.

14872800? ago

Yeah, you're delusional. How can I help you? Do you have a mental health care provider you can seek? Do you have a therapist or anyone in the real world that will be objective and help you understand? If not, there's ample mental health resources and I can help you find some.

14872549? ago

Yeah, shilling is fun for some. I prefer thinking for myself. Enjoy your non-dairy Chi Latte or whatever it is you sheeple drink.

14872638? ago

Yup. Just pathetic. I feel sorry for you, I really do.

14872477? ago

its sickening

14872688? ago

And they appear proud of that.

It's as though they're pigs but instead of wallowing in mud they wallow in ignorance. It doesn't make me angry, it makes me feel sorrowful. These people need help and the system has failed them.

14878570? ago

Four legs good, two legs bad.

14872318? ago

OP put out a damn good theory. You're pretty lame to focus on their little cheerleading statement at the end. (((Your))) tactics do not work on the woke. Typical Dem.

14874203? ago

What are you using ((( ))) symbols for?

Remember that POTUS recently signed his own picture with ((( Q+ )))) indicating that he is fully on board with ((( Them ))).

14875830? ago

((( ))) signifies a hug, since the dawn of internet chat. Re: Q 2347, and POTUS siggie. Using it as a negative reference is stupid, and exactly what the shill wanted you to do. You know, the shill that posted it to Wikipedia, that guy?

With that out of the way. People DO need to pull together, and get the work done in order to keep this from happening again, instead of unnecessary in-fighting.

14877942? ago

No it's not.

Everyone knows what this symbol means and so should Q:


14878783? ago

Yes, it IS. I've been engaged in interactive web activity, since the early days of AOL. This is ONE thing I am sure of.

14885247? ago

Me too. But regardless of its original meaning, everyone on the internet over the past 5 years understand this symbol as one pointing out tribe members. So the meaning has flipped whether you like it or not and Q is certainly aware of that.

I still have no idea why Q is using ((( ))) and nobody else does either.

14885514? ago

No, you're wrong again. Only those here use this in a negative manner. Symbolism matters. I'm not going to continue arguing with someone who has no historical knowledge. You've been shilled. Q uses it appropriately, as does the president.
No one can force you to use it correctly. You can choose to use it as you wish, but know, that people who have experience greater than yours will translate it that you mean you are in accord with whomever you're hugging. Don't be surprised if you're downvoted (not by me) for being in agreement with "them".
Have a good night!

14885942? ago

Only those here use this in a negative manner.

Thus proving that you've barely been on the internet in the past 5 years or have not been paying attention.

Tens of MILLIONS of internet users across hundreds of alt-right sites have been using this symbol to mean one thing and one thing only. And hundreds of MILLIONS more users are perfectly aware of its meaning - to the point that even mainstream sites like Wikipedia agree on that meaning.

14886580? ago

Wikipedia is a shill site. The sad fact that you would even cite them as a source speaks volumes for your inexperience in this arena. After 25 years of of hosting, internet radio, moderating, 9/11 original truther, and businesswoman, I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. Wikipedia … shame on you

14887266? ago

Jeebus...my point is that EVEN MSM SHILL SITES have admitted that ((( ))) means what I said it means IN ADDITION TO everyone on the alt right IN ADDITION TO the general internet public.

Not hard to understand at all.

14888741? ago

We covered that about 10 replies ago. Let it go :)

14872414? ago

You're probably very low IQ and maybe even so low that you are qualified to use the title 'mentally retarded.'

That you think I'm a dem is fucking hilarious.

Also, being enthusiastic is not always a good quality. No, enthusiastic people do shit like say, "Hold my beer and watch this!" OP is a fucking idiot that's just making shit up. Don't support them, call them out. Otherwise, they'll never learn and they'll continue to be fucking stupid. Do you want them to be stupid? Why would you want that?!?

14871722? ago

You are looking at one piece of the Q puzzle. This has taken brilliant military minds years to plan, and yet you in your infinite wisdom are ready to poo poo the entire thing

14883750? ago

Um, what? "This has taken brilliant military minds years to plan" <-- where did you get that from?

14872189? ago

No, the issue is there was nothing in October to crush deepstate candidates. "Red October" was bullshit.

14871912? ago

Yep. It didn't work....Let's get some beer and go back to bitching about our crapy life.....lol just kidding.

14871860? ago

In totality, exactly none of his predictions have been grounded in reality. They're vague and you interpret them after the fact as saying that they meant something. When it turns out that his predictions aren't true, you just claim it's going to happen later.

I've been watching you fucking morons for a while now.

14872818? ago

It's all a huge load of bullshit at this point. They just keep moving the goalposts.

14872885? ago

I think that, at this point, they've become so emotionally invested in it that they're unable to recover.

I suspect that this is the only thing in their lives that gives them hope. That has to suck. I keep seeing posts where people try to twist reality into claiming that the events are part of the plan and that they're still winning (or that they ever were). Frankly, I wish there were a way to help them.

14873883? ago

Yeah, it's like gamblers who are in way over their heads. They have to keep gambling because it's all they have.

14871512? ago

Fuck you, faggot. In a just world, someone would have brained you long ago for being such a faerie.

"Wow... Just wow... "

14871753? ago

No, in a just world we'd still be locking you in mental institutions. That would be a just world. It'd probably be safer for you, too.

Enjoy living on my tax dollars.

14871504? ago

Good morning shill. What’s offending you today ?

14873396? ago

Critical thinkers = shills?

Good morning, puppet.

14872183? ago

he has a good point, you're -litterally- saying 'im a blind follower in this thing of which i KNOW i dont know what it is'

that's not smart man.

14871740? ago

You crack me up. The irony of your post is lost on you and I kinda like keeping it for myself.

Define shill, and explain precisely how it applies to me.

14872527? ago

I’d like to know that, too. Seems like “shill” applies to non-believers who dare post blasphemy.

14872673? ago

I do believe you're correct and that's exactly how they use it. It is symptomatic of binary thinking, where people who are unintelligent see things in an either|or state,

Anything longer than jingoism that fits on a bumper sticker confuses and frightens them.

14872323? ago

Wow, just wow.

14872453? ago

So, you've got nothing...

That's what I figured. You've got nothing, you are nothing, you'll always be a hopeless nothing - just making up shit that you want to believe because you've absolutely zero meaningful accomplishments in your pathetic life.

I'm not angry at you. I feel sorry for you. I also feel a tinge of disgust, but I'm working on that and that's my own failing. I really do feel sorry for you because you're so pathetic.

14872725? ago

Sound a bit angry for a person with elite intelligence. Which we know all progressives possess.

14872781? ago

If you think I sound angry, you should get a mental health checkup. I can help facilitate that, if you're interested.

14875372? ago

Yes, there's no anger in your response. Right. Like suggesting I need a mental health check-up merely pointing out you're coming off as angry. Point taken.

14875440? ago

There's no anger. There is sorrow, and maybe a little frustration - but there is no anger.

14878406? ago

Okay well I'll take your word for it.

14872974? ago

They always gain a psychiatry degree when exposed, don't they?

14873002? ago

What is most amusing is they think I'm a progressive. They're very binary thinkers. They are not very intelligent.

14873299? ago

You're not progressive. GCHQ operatives really don't have political affiliations.

14873645? ago

LOL That's even funnier. It is made funnier when you know who I really am.

I'm not even remotely what you expect.

14874235? ago

Every sentence either starts with "I" or is all about "I".

Pretty sure you're exactly what I expect.

14874340? ago

Of course it is about I.

I'm the only sane, important, and valuable person here. Pretty much everything I speak about is about I. It's not like I give a shit about you. You can fuck right off and die impoverished and in a ditch. I won't even be remotely unhappy about it. If anything, I'll be glad you're dead and no longer wasting resources while contributing nothing.

When the day of the rope comes, you'll be getting necked.

14875289? ago

I was able to type one sentence, and it triggered you so much.

There are now two people in the comment chain now laughing at you, btw.

14875472? ago

You sure are deluded. Is there something I can do to help you get the mental health care you need? I'm quite serious and I have about an hour free. I'll happily try to find you some local resources that are either free or based on a sliding fee.

14875520? ago

Btw, I have a psychiatry degree again!

Every. Time. They're. Exposed.

14875628? ago

You probably thought that was intelligent when you posted it.

"You need to be a doctor to determine that that's a laceration!"

No, they're obviously deluded. The cause of which I do not know. The solution to it also escapes me. I am a doctor but not that kind of doctor. I'm a mathematician.

In other words, I'm pretty much an authority on logic and reasoning. That's what mathematics is - and I have a Ph.D. (all easily verified, as I'm the easiest person on Voat to dox).

They are broken and need help. I am even willing to spend some of my time getting them local resources and I'm 99% positive I can find them free/cheap mental health care. They should avail themselves of it, as it will aid them in critical thinking.

You don't need to be a medical doctor to know something is wrong. Try not being stupid, please. Not for me, but for your own self-esteem.

14875892? ago

That's a whole lot of words just to say "Yup. Every. Time. I'm. Exposed."

Narcissists are fun.

14876285? ago

You herped when you should have derped.

But, at least you typed something!

14876392? ago

Shit. i've been found out.
Go for a non-sequitur insult!

Narcissists always resort to postmodernism when their fraudulence is fully-exposed.

14876437? ago

LOL You don't even know what those words mean. Too cute. You're an adorable little shill.

14876570? ago

Ah, and a shill accusation when you're out of other ammo? Cute.

Nobody reading this thead is on your side. we're all laughing at you. Be thankful I'm even pitying you with replies at this point. :)

14876689? ago

Uh huh. The only "we" on your side is the voices in your head.

You're a shill, distracting from the fact that Q is a larp and trying to keep people believing in it.

14877189? ago

It took this many replies to get a "Q is a larp" out of you.

Nope. Not an angry exposed narcissist. No sir.

14874966? ago

You're a fucking lunatic faggot. Suck on that for awhile Mr. Important

14875088? ago


Would you like to learn something? Let's see what lessons you take from the following.

I'm on Voat. That you think calling me names is actually going to bother me is amusing. I've been here for a very long time.

Now, what lesson will you take from that? Probably not the correct one, right?

The lesson is that you're ineffectual, impotent, hopeless, pathetic, and meaningless.

Do not despair. Those are actually things you can improve on. Those are things you can change about yourself.

Your impotent tears of rage amuse me. Really, I giggled like a little schoolgirl.

So, what is the real lesson?

It should be that you're an idiot for letting me control your emotions. You give me power over you. You let me decide how you feel.

That's pretty dumb!

14875323? ago

In order to calm himself down from his triggering, he's trying to reflect onto grandparent the emotions he is himself feeling. He's pissed that he let grandparent control his emotions.

Narcissists really are an open book if you know how to read them.

14875495? ago

It's kind of disheartening, really. Like it or not, these are my fellow citizens. The system has failed these people. They have fallen through the cracks.

I hate giving up on people, I really do.

14875564? ago

Don't give up on them. Learn to trust them within their limitations. The limitations make them predictable enough that you can make them dance at whim.

Even the most awful person can serve as a good example.

14875718? ago

Oh, I do some of that. I'm the guy that invented QRV Chess! I can get them to parrot jingoisms, vote up comments and submissions that are pure gibberish, and I can even sort of direct their rage at specific things - but I haven't refined it yet to be able to aim them at specific people. I had to take a break, 'cause I was in the hospital. So, I didn't get to refine it that much and I haven't bothered playing (much) QRV Chess since I returned.

I think this week's goal will be to see if I can get a submission with the word 'peanut' in it to a vote count of 100+.

If you want to try a round of QRV Chess, try to get a submission with a -15 total score - in just 3 hours. That's harder than it sounds, but it is do-able.

14875914? ago


Nobody cares. We're using you as study material now.

14876290? ago

Uh huh...

Well, tell the other voices in your head that I said hello.

14876351? ago

A psychiatry degree appears!

Every. Time. They're. Exposed.

14871683? ago

Flooded with shills this morning. Democrats feeling their oats?

14873109? ago

No dumbass, it’s not shills, it’s genuine right-wing people who actually care about the demographic destruction of this country and it kills us to watch this Q clown show distract all you gullible numbnuts into wasting your time and energy digging down retarded rabbit holes. Why are you people so weak? You believe anything that makes you feel better, or makes you feel like the country isn’t changing in the way that it is. Well, it is changing, it’s becoming more left-leaning and it’s becoming that way because right wing culture is WHITE culture and white people are being replaced by non-whites who don’t and who CAN’T see the world the same way you do. Where are all your based black guys? They voted Democrat by 90%, same as they always have, same as they always will. All the races voted the same way all the races always have and you lost because there’s more of them now. And it’s going to get worse and nothing that some ridiculous LARP says will change that.

14874787? ago

So Mr. speaking for genuine right-wing people who actually care, your whole message is what? I didn't see an alternative suggestion to putting hope and faith in POTUS and the Military. What's your plan idiot? Defending shills and saying nothing is changing? If you aren't a shill, GTFO and go spew your shill shit on some alt left platform where like minded sheep like you will keep you warm.

14874658? ago

I believe I'm in a minority here, but I agree with you, while simultaneously thinking that Q will actually deliver results. I think Q has everything they need to bring justice to the pedos and satanic cults within our government and positions of power, which is great, but at the same time, demographic replacement is very real, and will result in white genocide, and frankly nothing is being done about it.

14871501? ago

The Plan didn't include keeping the House, although that would have been nice, sure. The Plan needed the Presidency and the Senate, and through them, the courts.

14876507? ago

Remember, FISA Declas “brings down the House”

14874859? ago

I don't know, that's sort of like letting the Chinese sink the Pacific fleet to lull them into a false sense of security.

"Now we've got them!"

14872799? ago

Yesterday everyone in this place was convinced we were getting the house. Now, we just reinterpret the signs to mean something else? Total fucking horse shit.

14872642? ago

Any good plan has contingencies, they think Trump will operate like previous RINOs with a divided Congress, they are wrong.

14876200? ago

U could get away with it in the old days. Nowadays (the last 10-15 years) the Dems vote pretty much strictly party line. There isn’t much deviation anymore. Politics are dead.

14872314? ago

No need to explain to those who think of Q as a drive-thru meal deal revolution.

14871727? ago

Uh huh... You'll just keep moving the goalposts.

14871560? ago

Don't go back tracking now the plan 100% involved keeping the House. We had both houses AND the Presidency last week. explain how is losing one of your three assets a win?

14872985? ago

What part about

These people are stupid.

do you not understand? Have you not seen the project Veritas videos? Have you not seen the blatant attempts at rigging this election? Do you not understand how that all ties together just nicely with the understanding that China and Venezuella were attempting to subvert the process? You understand why FISA warrants are issued, yeah? Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Y'know, for FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE purposes. Y'think maybe, just maybe, the tampering might get caught up in that net?



14873729? ago

I'm sorry I don't think we have enough time to pull all that off.

14871428? ago

Very kind of you shill.

14871451? ago

Oh, how amusing. I'm a shill, eh?

Why? Enumerate what, exactly, makes me a shill.

14871855? ago

Maybe you are a shill maybe you are not, but one thing is for certain, you say the same things the shills are saying. Pardon me, but I seek patterns.

14871952? ago

You know who seeks patterns and sees patterns everywhere? Do you know who thinks people are out to get them? Do you know who thinks they're being persecuted?

Schizophrenics, that's who.

14871752? ago

You're right. A shill pretends to be one of us. You aren't pretending.

14871844? ago

See? Good job!

I am not one of you. You're all batshit crazy and I'm actually sane and intelligent.

14871500? ago


Orange man bad.

14871721? ago

I've never said, or hinted at, any such thing.

14871815? ago

exec("I never said that")

14871877? ago

And the onus is on you to demonstrate that I have said that - ever.

I can assure you that you will find no instances of me saying anything even remotely close to that. In fact, you'll be hard pressed to find me having said a damned thing about Trump.

I suppose you'll remain stupid, even when faced with new information. It's okay, I'm used to it.

14877210? ago

easy bro i just wanted to type an npc command line

14871063? ago

It wouldn't surprise me if the previous assumption about the FISA bringing down the white house was both true, and also a distraction from what is currently going on.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens. 11.11 is only a few days away.

14872852? ago

Why is it always "a few days away"?!?! It would have been nice if we didn't get fucked in "Red October"! This is all a load of fucking shit.

14876659? ago

Only a moron would telegraph their plays with real dates. MI and NSA don't strike me as a bunch of morons.

I wouldn't even read into 11/11 much. Maybe something big might happen, maybe not. I'll still be here 2 years from now regardless, because I understand how big the DS is covering the entire planet, ran by The 1%.

I'd rather see a long victory over a quick defeat.

14907572? ago

careful with the moron-spotting, you might catch yourself. why would they telegraph their plays at all?

14877176? ago

I agree - I put no special importance on 11.11, but it would be great if the 2 leaders can reduce tensions between our nations

14877811? ago

I believe Putin is already behind us, just under the DS thumb as Kim. The picture is coming together perfectly. Anyone that says nothing is happening is blind. I see moves every single day.

14876718? ago

So, "more excuses as to why nothing ever happens" and "move the goal posts again"? Got it.

14871205? ago

I don't think FISA brings down the white house... It will bring down the House of Representatives. The one thing that sticks out in my mind is the last Q post. How do you catch a fish. With bait. And I think the bait was the midterm elections, with the use of illegal votes. And a FISA warant for a hook.

14907539? ago

you don't need a FISA warrant to investigate election fraud you fucking cretin

14875428? ago

So will democrat controlled House be able to block FISA from coming out?

14874119? ago

This. I'm sure trump knew about the election voter fraud in 2016 but didn't have the justice dept in place to do anything about it. Now they do and can get all the evidence they need.

14873913? ago

YES, They could have prevented the fraud, by changing the voting machines, and registration procedures, but didn't.

14874028? ago

Exactly! And POTUS said they would prosecute aggressively. So if that were the case all polling stations should have had FEC people in them. OR a listening device such as a phone????

14874126? ago


Donald J. Trump ‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago

If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!

14874359? ago

Wow... I love my president. He don't fuck around does he. I bet they have been just piling up shit on shit on shit on these fools. Just like Q said... These people are stupid.. So you can bet they will investigate.. LOL!!!!

14872543? ago

Still thinking that there could be two other answers to catching a FISH

  1. With a net, could be a net of investigation because the AWAN issue is still out there for the house

  2. By teaching men to fish, I mean look at us, and there are a lot of others who have been taught how to fish too

14885445? ago

Hook them when they take the bait is the another way.

14873640? ago

I like the net perspective. Maybe they chummed em in and are going to toss a net and catch a butt load of fish!!

14874293? ago

I also think we need to define FISH, in my opinion it may be the acronym NATO (specifically the UK) uses for Fighting In Someone's House, Urban Warfare.


The United States Armed Forces term for urban warfare is UO, an abbreviation for urban operations. The previously used U.S. military term MOUT, an abbreviation for military operations in urban terrain, has been replaced by UO, although the term MOUT Site is still in use.

The British armed forces terms are OBUA (operations in built-up areas), FIBUA (fighting in built-up areas), or sometimes (colloquially) FISH (fighting in someone's house),[2] or FISH and CHIPS (fighting in someone's house and causing havoc in people's streets).[3]

14874409? ago

Very Interesting!

14872473? ago

Someone else referred to the Midterm Elections as a honeypot. I like their thinking.

14871989? ago

Exaclty. The cryptic "how do you catch a Fish" and then "These people are stupid" comment again was very confusing. Now it makes sense. Use FISA based on foreign money and illegal voting to get evidence and unmasking like they did to Trump's campaign. Then simply call for a special counsel.
Questions: Did RR flip? Will he be the one to call for special counsel now? wow. that would be unbelievable!!! Pray!

14883631? ago

That's why Q said many times "mirror" ... what the democrats did, Trump is doing

14873721? ago

I am not sure on RR. The meeting on the plane. Dragging his feet on the DECLAS. ??? Just not sure myself???

14871978? ago

I’ve always thought the FISA was House of Reps due to all the fraud there not prosecuted. We are gathering up so much fraud on them, it will be impossible to get out of it all.

14878536? ago

You catch fish with lures or bait. That could mean letting them have fraudulent victories so they could gather the evidence.

14871461? ago

My money is on you. Your Fish, Bait, Hook, blew my mind. Bravo :)

14871062? ago

That makes a lot of sense. I think they had a FISA on Di FI too. Remember the pic of her in the hallway during the Judge K confirmation and Q said.. A phone was present? I took that to be the phone in her pocket. And someone was listening.

14894732? ago

Bye Bye Di Fi

14950301? ago

I hope you are right.

14873105? ago

Both Trump and Q have said their efforts are about returning power back to we the people. The only power we have as a people is through our vote. Maybe the fraud will be prosecuted this time around.

14895746? ago

They'd just better not hold back the massive Dem election fraud as 'leverage' to gain cooperation from the criminals like they seem to be doing in withholding the Carter Page FISA declass. I'm getting really sick of the bait-and-switch stuff with no public disclosure of all these people's CRIMES. These are CRIMES and they need to be made public and prosecuted - not saved for a rainy day. :-S I thought this was supposed to be about transparency and power back to the people. So SHOW US THE GOODS - make all this shit PUBLIC. These monsters who have been running our government for decades need to be exposed to the public and have very public trials, then prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, dammit!

14883727? ago

Excuse me for being pessimistic, but I'll believe it when I see it. So far all I have seen is talk, and pontification. No high level government people went to jail before Q, and none have gone to jail since Q came on scene. My popcorn is getting stale. What I would like to see is the anons create a list of actions that have taken place related to Q in some way.

14894907? ago

You are neither excused nor wanted here. But then you don't care about that, you only care about getting paid.

14884197? ago

You do that research and compile the list and you will feel empowered! Go for it!

14890413? ago

Shills won't do that because it might wake them up! They wouldn't read it at all if you gave it to them when they asked! They're here to waste your time, to control you! Don't look at your watch! That's how they set the hook!!! Don't give them the time of day! When someone says, "I'll believe it when I see it.", it's always a lie! They will know it when they see it! If they merely believe what is standing right in front of them, they are stark-raving psychopaths, and the voices which they hear tell them lies! Of course, that could also be the result of listening to CNN!!!

14872723? ago

Nope. It was the phone in Murkowski's hand that did it!

14890548? ago

It would be far more appropriate if it was Chi-Anne Feinkenstein's own phone that sent her to Gitmo, and possibly to the gallows! If the "evidence" [phone] were to be auctioned off, afterwards, it could bring in a mint of money to give to homeless veterans and/or trafficking victims!!!

14873962? ago

Either way. I bet both have FISA warrants on them.

14871104? ago


They found out her chauffeur was a Chinese spy ... that would give Trump the ability to get a FISA warrant on her.

14895998? ago

Didn’t Q also specifically point out a trip she made to China at one point?

14871030? ago

Wishful thinking

14871206? ago

It’s all we have.

14871356? ago

Well you also have Q magically changing the narrative and saying the Senate was the target all along....theres that.

14872242? ago

That can be explained under "necessary disinfo" , but the absence of a Red October to crush deepstate candidacies is why ppl are feeling lied to.

14871997? ago

Yeah, that’s bullshit too. As a long time Q follow....I want fucking answers!