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14871144? ago

I don't know the plan but I surely trust The Plan. It ain't over till it's over. Roll on Sunday. WWG1WGA

14871340? ago

"I don't know what it is, but I trust it!"

Wow... Just wow... I don't even know how someone could be that naive. If you aren't naive, the other options are stupid or mentally ill. I want to think better of you than that, so I'm just gonna pretend it's naivety.

14871504? ago

Good morning shill. What’s offending you today ?

14871740? ago

You crack me up. The irony of your post is lost on you and I kinda like keeping it for myself.

Define shill, and explain precisely how it applies to me.

14872323? ago

Wow, just wow.

14872453? ago

So, you've got nothing...

That's what I figured. You've got nothing, you are nothing, you'll always be a hopeless nothing - just making up shit that you want to believe because you've absolutely zero meaningful accomplishments in your pathetic life.

I'm not angry at you. I feel sorry for you. I also feel a tinge of disgust, but I'm working on that and that's my own failing. I really do feel sorry for you because you're so pathetic.

14872725? ago

Sound a bit angry for a person with elite intelligence. Which we know all progressives possess.

14872781? ago

If you think I sound angry, you should get a mental health checkup. I can help facilitate that, if you're interested.

14872974? ago

They always gain a psychiatry degree when exposed, don't they?

14873002? ago

What is most amusing is they think I'm a progressive. They're very binary thinkers. They are not very intelligent.

14873299? ago

You're not progressive. GCHQ operatives really don't have political affiliations.

14873645? ago

LOL That's even funnier. It is made funnier when you know who I really am.

I'm not even remotely what you expect.

14874235? ago

Every sentence either starts with "I" or is all about "I".

Pretty sure you're exactly what I expect.

14874340? ago

Of course it is about I.

I'm the only sane, important, and valuable person here. Pretty much everything I speak about is about I. It's not like I give a shit about you. You can fuck right off and die impoverished and in a ditch. I won't even be remotely unhappy about it. If anything, I'll be glad you're dead and no longer wasting resources while contributing nothing.

When the day of the rope comes, you'll be getting necked.

14875289? ago

I was able to type one sentence, and it triggered you so much.

There are now two people in the comment chain now laughing at you, btw.

14875472? ago

You sure are deluded. Is there something I can do to help you get the mental health care you need? I'm quite serious and I have about an hour free. I'll happily try to find you some local resources that are either free or based on a sliding fee.

14875520? ago

Btw, I have a psychiatry degree again!

Every. Time. They're. Exposed.

14875628? ago

You probably thought that was intelligent when you posted it.

"You need to be a doctor to determine that that's a laceration!"

No, they're obviously deluded. The cause of which I do not know. The solution to it also escapes me. I am a doctor but not that kind of doctor. I'm a mathematician.

In other words, I'm pretty much an authority on logic and reasoning. That's what mathematics is - and I have a Ph.D. (all easily verified, as I'm the easiest person on Voat to dox).

They are broken and need help. I am even willing to spend some of my time getting them local resources and I'm 99% positive I can find them free/cheap mental health care. They should avail themselves of it, as it will aid them in critical thinking.

You don't need to be a medical doctor to know something is wrong. Try not being stupid, please. Not for me, but for your own self-esteem.

14875892? ago

That's a whole lot of words just to say "Yup. Every. Time. I'm. Exposed."

Narcissists are fun.

14876285? ago

You herped when you should have derped.

But, at least you typed something!

14876392? ago

Shit. i've been found out.
Go for a non-sequitur insult!

Narcissists always resort to postmodernism when their fraudulence is fully-exposed.

14876437? ago

LOL You don't even know what those words mean. Too cute. You're an adorable little shill.

14876570? ago

Ah, and a shill accusation when you're out of other ammo? Cute.

Nobody reading this thead is on your side. we're all laughing at you. Be thankful I'm even pitying you with replies at this point. :)

14876689? ago

Uh huh. The only "we" on your side is the voices in your head.

You're a shill, distracting from the fact that Q is a larp and trying to keep people believing in it.

14877189? ago

It took this many replies to get a "Q is a larp" out of you.

Nope. Not an angry exposed narcissist. No sir.