mtpatriot ago


Lauraingalls ago

I am STILL here because I believe Q. Do you ever notice the time on some of Q's posts? Q post at 2-3am sometimes, JUST TO HELP US. Please be GRATEFUL. Q stays up late because Q is thinking of us. THANKS Q.

Elfchiro ago

Yes, I have noticed. As far back as I can remember I have always woken up at 3 AM. So I'm glad I'm not the only one up that time of night. WWG1WGA

Lauraingalls ago

God bless Q. Whether Q wakes up and posts, or stays up and posts, Q thinks of US.

qintel4u ago

Cause they won trophies for participating and were hoping to get a real reward for commenting on VOAT. Sick of pussy normies that do nothing but suck up board space.

MissleCopterStoped ago

You must be new here...

The mid-terms was a complete success. We won the Senate and FISA brings down the house.

You know what is hilarious? Obozo had to pay people to see him in a gymnasium and cafeteria and still couldnt fill them up, while Trump packed hangars, the Cleveland IX Center, (largest convention center in the world) and other arenas and didn't need to pay people to show up. In fact, the tickets were free!

You really are ignorant and it makes you look like a dumb ass. Please try to catch up, because it isn't a good fit for you.

Elfchiro ago

I think some of the patriots on this board took my post the wrong way. There have been quite a few here since yesterday who started freaking out over the midterm election results. They called Q a larp and worse. Some were truly disheartened others you could easily tell were shills. The question went to them. I discovered Q on Nov.1 2017. Been on all the boards. Been through the ups and downs. There much more going on here than politics and saving the republic. Trust the plan. But understand it is not just Trump's plan that we need to trust. It's also God's plan. Q has stated that we have for all intents and purposes already won. And we have. Because in the end God wins. WWG1WGA Enjoy the show. ;)

qtard85 ago

The overwhelming proof?

Deb007 ago

FISA brings down the house! Remember this patriots.


Why am I still here? Because this site existed LONG before v/QRV, v/TheGreatAwakening, and v/TheAwakening posted the same article 15 times a day

Bitchnigger ago

Preach it brother. (((Qews))) will not replace us

General_Anxiety ago

What have we got to lose at this point? It kinda feels like all or nothing. I'm all in.

bulrush ago

Liberal children still need to throw their tantrums, that's why. They are desperate for attention because they keep losing over and over and over. The malice from libtards still hasn't stopped on Twitter.

Murphman64 ago

i'm here because i'm ALL IN. I'm here for the duration. I trust the plan. I study the plan. I do my own decodes. I do not concernfag. For those that understand The Plan, yesterday turned out just as it was supposed to. Now the hammer drops. We will have special elections to fill all vacancies. Warren/Pelosi will not serve their terms. Not even close.

MommaG ago

That’s right because those that understand see that when DECLAS takes place, HOUSE WILL FALL. TRUST AND HAVE PATIENCE. REWARD COMING.

OldSchoolAnon ago

The Senate was the Key. DECLAS on the horizon.

rockyracoon74 ago

Time will tell. I have my doubts that declass will ever happen. HRC is Teflon Coated since her Arkansas days.

MommaG ago

There is a higher power that has numbered her days as sure as the number of hairs on your head. Patience. In HIS time, not ours.

Elfchiro ago

We still have time. And much has already been accomplished

RG72 ago

Shills b shilling. The fight Never ends!

GayBlackJew ago

Because this has always been far, far larger than the midterms.