Fatgirl9852 ago

WWG1WGA Thank you for your service.

srayzie ago


Fatgirl9852 ago

WWG1WGA Kinda gives you chills to really see it happening.

srayzie ago

I know. Look at this theory...


comprametu ago

Get lost sorosminion

sorosminion ago

SO..."Q" has become The Drudge Report? Just posts LINKS to stories PRAISING the Republican Party. The exact same Republican Party you hated? Ryan? McConnel etc>?? And you suckers BELIEVE this SHILL (Q ) for the GOP> And he praises VOAT? Seriously??? How fuckin' gullible can you hayseeds be?

GritD2 ago

With one central database for our intelligence community made by a 3rd party who aligns themselves with the Clinton's and other liberal friendly persons who seem to like the Chinese and Pakistanis, I do not see any risk at all, none.

Lauraingalls ago

Wonderful Q posts today. Thanks Q very much.

srayzie ago

"I can confirm that the Democratic Party of Georgia is under investigation for possible cyber crimes," Press Secretary Candice Broce said.

Q says they will protect the Voat. Phew!

vivalad ago

protecting Voat? I see 'We Will ... Protect the Vote' in post 2403. Am i missing something?

srayzie ago

Fixed it. Thank you!

srayzie ago

Did I say Voat? Oops! Lol. Habit!

vivalad ago

Shucks - i was hoping you saw something i missed. calling out Voat for protection would've been amazing! ;)

srayzie ago

I Wish!

Seaknee ago

(((LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL))) That's all we want dimms, is it really that hard to understand. From what I'm seeing on msm (by skimming Bantube) the new recruits in the dimm party fell asleep in civics class. Yes the Constitution can be changed, but the process is not an angry mob yelling and you can't just change it based on what you think is fair for everybody overnight, seriously, they are saying some fucked up shit, let them keep talking = shine the light on them

srayzie ago


bopper ago

Looks like POTUS himself signed off on this latest Q post (today, Sunday), and he sends his ((( hugs ))) and love.

MatildaQ ago

Apple took it off the App Store. Why? Threatened by the left.

srayzie ago


pby1000 ago

Q's a Jew? Damnit!!!

Primus_Pilus ago

Well played MFer, well played.

srayzie ago


bopper ago

That's a great great clip by Flynn (I had forgotten all about it, too much to keep up with, but that's a good thing), pretty much proves once and for all that Q is real (like we need anymore proof), and that Flynn is very much a part of it all.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/ctGZw :

Art can help distinguish between conspiracy and reality, and this exhibition proves it

https://archive.is/CZ9Ei :

The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon - The Atlantic

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