auralsects ago

Easy, you're a retard. Theres no connection between intellect and username selection. What's your excuse "kevdude"

srayzie ago

Shizy ago

I'm surprised he wasn't trying to rape that guy in the pen instead 🤣!

srayzie ago

He already did. 🙄

auralsects ago


Google DonKeyhote and you'll get tons of accounts including a famous political cartoonist.

Clearly as the most famous literary character of Western history it's not uncommon among the BILLIONS of internet users.

Me, I happened to be in Spain when I joined and made it up with zero thought.

Proof: I visited the McCann village in Portugal and my first post has original pictures from there of pedo-symbol locales.

I'd honestly expect better from you than to throw your lot in with actual Jew-lovers and a gaggle of cunt normie housewives.

WHY INDEED would I "forget about" or delete the account that actually achieved mod status.

wtf is wrong with you lmao

auralsects ago

You DMed me saying my misogynistic comments "got you going" and tried to get a dick pic with typically ham-handed girly reverse-psychology "nah you'll just google one, it won't even be a real pic."

Other females have said you flirt with every male you DM and have posted screenshots.

You're obviously just a low-IQ unsatisfied slut housewife who craves attention and it is beyond embarrassing.

srayzie ago

You always talk shit so I saved the post proving that I did not ask for a dick pic...

Those other females were mad at me. I’m accused of everything under the sun. Even hiding a fricken murder. So go fuck yourself. I don’t want your little noodle.

auralsects ago

That's exactly what I just described, slut.

Sluts often ask in an indirect way to spare themselves some dignity and it's equally transparent.

You are a dirty, dirty whore and your husband's a cuck.

Leave it to bored suburban housewives to bring flirtation and drama to a board investigating child rape.

Best part is it's clear you STILL want the Donkey D. Thats why you out of nowhere claimed I'm jealous of old (((George Webb))) though I'm not even 30 LOL. you want pics so bad

Shizy ago

I'm not sure what kinds of sluts you pretend you know, but sluts are most definately NOT indirect 😂!

Since you're a Muslim though, you are fucked in the head and think leaving the house without a head scarf means a woman wants you to rape her, because that's what a slut would do right?!

we shouldn't be surprised when your perception of things is not typical!

srayzie ago

Whatever. I’m into older men so sucks for you. Definitely not some damn Muslim. You’re just mad that I can’t stand you and find you repulsive. I wouldn’t even touch your noodle with @Shizy’s hand. 😂

Shizy ago

Ewwww! The only way my hand would go anywhere near that filthy freak is if it was cut from my arm 😂

srayzie ago


auralsects ago

LMAO he literally said "Dens are the real racists"

That's an alt-right MEME MOCKING you boomerfags.

You're being trolled so hard XD

This is exactly why I check this sub sometimes. Fucking classic lulz

MolochHunter ago

everyone new to GA and this 'gentleman' here - he has a few alternative user profiles and he literally, no joke, puts the blame on children when they get raped. I'm not kidding, he has a long and established history of this

auralsects ago

teenagers aren't children, faggot. that's why we have a term 'teenager'

teenage girls who prostitute themselves to groups of men are at fault when they get raped, yes.

because even wild animals with parents as shitty as British parents evidently are would know better.

srayzie ago

Donkey, we get less and less people coming here calling Q a LARP because people are opening their eyes. You’re the biggest shill on Pizzagate, so I don’t expect you to admit the truth.

You must have NO LIFE to spend every waking moment posting on subs that you DON’T believe in.

Does George Soros pay you shills good? It takes a really shitty person to choose a job where you suppress your own morals. IF you have any.

The Dems have sold out to George Soros as well, so you’re on the same team. Thank you for verifying that Q is a threat to the deep state.

“We’re being trolled so hard.” Then why is he here? LOL...

@Vindicator @Think- @Shizy @MolochHunter @Bopper

srayzie ago

bopper ago

Saw this, forgot to respond. What would it be like tho if donkey wasn't around here? SAD.

auralsects ago

LOL sure, u 'forgot'.

so bopper is totally cool sharing his forefathers' nation with UTTERLY WORTHLESS NIGGERS and spics INEVITABLY turning his state blue.

cuz WWG1WGA, they want us divided, we are all "MURICANS"

fucking cowardly boomer prefers the blue-pill, disgusting

bopper ago

LOL sure, u 'forgot'.

Keep your period inside your quote or you'll look like a European faggot. You want that?

bopper ago

@srayzie @Shizy

You mods see this? Donkey says I want the blue pill. He also called me a coward.

No I actually prefer a USA break-up / division. Why won't that work? It's too late for any other solution (save a supernatural work, which might happen).

You have a better idea (a real one)?

Q and Trump are idealistic, but FBIanon was more of a realist (blacks can be domesticated).

I just don't wanna give up California. Cause they're out there havin fun, in the warm California sun.

I know why my last (not this one) comment set you off. I'm a smart (young) boomer.

srayzie ago

California? Why do you think that? Because it’s not cold and rainy yet?

bopper ago

It's a line from a song.

Besides, they say it never rains there..

By blue pill, you think donkey means Viagra? Just sayin.

srayzie ago

More peaceful

auralsects ago

You’re the biggest shill on Pizzagate

oh is that why Q "revealed" a big lead that was posted for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd times here by me.

is that why your dumb ass went from "lol why r ppl always hating on jews here" to posting alt-right "anti-Semitic" memes -- only to follow Jewanon straight to the dead-end of "not all jews tho, its muh Israeli deep state".

You're so fucking stupid you're not even suspicious when a term is suddenly everywhere in the (((truth movement))) you parrot.

as I've pointed out, "deep state" is a term from 1970s Turkey and Egypt that nobody applied to America until -- wait for it -- 2017 LOL.

You must have NO LIFE to spend every waking moment posting on subs that you DON’T believe in.

lol I average maybe 3 comments per day and work full-time; you're a drunken housewife who runs an entire sub copy-pasting from 8chan and telling adults to spend their time making cartoon memes. there's your "life" lmao

“We’re being trolled so hard.” Then why is he here

I just told you, bitch: THE LULZ.

btw the retard-crew youre always pinging get utterly destroyed in every single interaction with me. it's not hard to prove, just browse and see how they ALWAYS abandon the debate.

Shizy ago

He doesn't have any morals! He thinks women should be locked in dungeons and raped so they bear children. He also thinks it was ok for Mohammed to rape a 9 year old because she probably had a wide set vagina!

Donkey is the biggest piece of shit on voat. He posts here all day because he's either being paid to, or his life is so empty because he's such a worthless shitbag NO ONE who will associate with him in real life! Pathetic existence he has!

srayzie ago

What she said.

auralsects ago

women should be locked in dungeons and raped so they bear children

^what she said he said

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Who is the Stealth Bomber?

They would need an enormous modern facility behind them..

They’d need an impeccable background with early Trump support.

They’d have to have been building, building, building a huge weapon

So who could it be ?

trich1972 ago

If its not Sessions maybe JFK JR

V4CR ago


compare with DJT 9h ago

GodsAngell ago

2396 Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 3 Nov 2018 - 11:02:18 AM

POTUS meeting PUTIN on 11.11

Now what are the odds of that?


Its not accidental that they are meeting on this day, it is preplanned.

11/11/2018 is the 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day, the Day the First World War ended in Europe!

It is also Veteran's Day!

Nov 11th, 2018 is also the Saturday after the Nov 6th Election, we shall see a great Red Tidal Wave Victory for the GOP.....(after all the recounts/audits and voter fraud is exposed of course).

With regard to Putin, recall that he kicked the deep state out of his country many years ago, so he knows what we are going through. Putin is supporting our efforts. Israel recently tried very hard to start WW3 in the middle east that resulted in the downing of a plane full of Russian soldiers. This is usually considered AN ACT OF WAR. Putin restrained himself, and did not take Israel's bait to start a war. Instead Putin installed a very advanced missile defense system in Syria, so that something like this can not happen again. Now Israel, part of the deep state, is screaming bloody murder, that its not fair, its not fair! But Israel has no one to blame but themselves.

Recall that when Trump and Putin met in Helsinki last summer, they had lunch together on Air Force One. AF1 is a scif,

A Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility in United States military, national security/national defense and intelligence parlance, is an enclosed area within a building that is used to process Sensitive Compartmented Information types of classified information.

which means no one can eavesdrop on what goes on inside.

Deep State was of course, furious over this meeting. I don't know for sure what happened at the private meeting, but my guess is, there was a meeting of the minds, and an agreement that Putin will do his best to assist the USA in this global take down of the deep state cabal!!!

Soooo......I wonder what this upcoming 11/11/2018 meeting in Paris will be about??? Something Wonderful I suspect!!!

trich1972 ago

I think its full of hope and great but it surprises me that Trump would not be here for veterans day.

Phantom42 ago


Crumbly ago

A small correction. The 11th is Sunday.

furryfish17 ago

I TRULY HOPE Russia and Our United Stated can become TRUE ALLIES AGAIN! Like BEFORE THE Bolshevik revolution!!! Putin is Christian, & is Restoring The Faith. I daresay I love the Man, ...BUT I LOVE POTUS TRUMP BEYOND LIMITS!!! SO PROUD OF Potus DJT,

srayzie ago

Thank you for explaining all that. It puts things in more perspective. I remember when Putin passed Trump that ballafter their talk, as if to say I have you info, “the balls in your court”. I think they both are sick and tired of the deep state. It’s going to be beautiful to see them kick some ass!

srayzie ago

@Vindicator @shizy @MolochHunter @Crensch @Kevdude

These are good. On 11:11, the BIG day, POTUS will be meeting with Putin. This is going to be epic!

JackPosobiec1 ago

Wait...isn’t that the day if the military parade? Maybe that’s when mass arrests come, martial law, hrc video released, Obama Ak47 pic, declass? Oh yeah, 11-11 is the day we’ll all be united!!! Yay for Q! He is obviously military intelligence linking to twitter feeds!

SwissKamar ago

Wasnt there a Q drop saying POTUS would be abroad, when it all starts? "11.11"

srayzie ago

Yay! Thank you for letting us know that we’re over the target and that the Q movement continues to bother you so much.

bopper ago

You think this is really him? He can't spell.

srayzie ago

I noticed 😂 But neither can I.

bopper ago

Then how did you notice? (If you can't spell?) You're smarter than you think.

Q just posted!!!!!!!!!!

srayzie ago

My auto correct screws me up ALL THE TIME!

JackPosobiec1 ago

Favorite q sayings: over the target, got my popcorn, disinformation is necessary.

When sessions is fired, will you loose faith. Today podesta was supposed to be arrests and huma is on 11.5🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

bopper ago

You can't spell. It's 'lose' faith. Or maybe you mean someone's faith is loosening up? lol

Lauraingalls ago

The Parade was cancelled. They raised the price TOO HIGH.

ShaneE11183386 ago

Parade in paris where they are meeting...

Lauraingalls ago

Cool. Wish it was here though.

ShaneE11183386 ago

I know, I was going to go to it if it was haha

Cancelling a parade bc of "too much money" in america makes no sense though

Lauraingalls ago

I think the COST was raised out of SPITE. It wasn't as expensive when President Trump 1st looked into it, but the DEEP STATE didn't want him to have the parade so suddenly the price went up.

corrbrick ago

There's a lot in this post that indicates that RM and RR are full on black hats working for the Dems after all.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

or certainly they were, which maybe opens up possibilities ?

Steelerfish ago

Hence the Hatch Act Post...

srayzie ago

Yes. I agree

trich1972 ago


srayzie ago

Stealth bomber 🤔

Spec1al1interest ago

What if stealth Jeff on Twitter is really stealth Jeff the stealth bomber?? 🤔

trich1972 ago

I believe he is. The 8ch anons refer to him as that.

srayzie ago

I don’t know but I’m really curious about what they mean by that exactly

TangoSierra ago

As a prosecutor he was known as "The Silent Assassin".

Shirtlords_3 ago

Hopefully they hide Macron's coke stash on him.