UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

About time I said “Thank you Srayzie, for always doing this summary for us !”

Steelerfish ago

Reminiscent of my parody post about California precincts expediting absentee ballots to every member of the caravan of future voters...

pckpat ago

On my birthday. Nice- good to hear from you again Q.

Lauraingalls ago

It is really like a wonderful gift to see Q posts.

Jimipickle ago

Did anyone see the executive branch listed?

srayzie ago

Updated 🤓

srayzie ago

I just updated!

sorosminion ago

UH, nobody has filed a Hatch Act complaint against "Q'. Link please? AND notice Q no longer predicts arrests or tribunals or ANYTHING for that matter? He just says "VOTE REPUBLICAN" and you nitwits can't see through that? LOL IF anybody did file a complaint, the US Office of Special Counsel would HAVE to investigate. Now that would be interesting wouldn't it? LOL Look at the language "Q" uses. A "LARP"??? A high ranking administration official wouldn't say that, but a 4/chan fake would. WTF does that self aggrandizing have to do with "the plan" anyway? It's purely defensive to get the BELIEVERS under control. SUCKERS!

srayzie ago

Thank you for confirming that we are over the mark. Shills like you make great tools.

Lauraingalls ago

The Time magazine article that HAS Q as one of the 25 MOST influential people on the INTERNET is Cool. Congratulations Q. IM SO PROUD OF YOU.

sorosminion ago

You really need an education you stupid bitch! LOL Laughably dumb. REALLY. Laughable!

Lauraingalls ago


Darkkarma ago

That is awesome

AlwaysDeplorable ago

And that was months ago. He has many thousands more followers now. Could even be many more millions.

Lauraingalls ago


TexasDeplorable1135 ago

Hmm, it seems the DoD is not a federal agency that is covered under the Hatch Act. They are actually a department under the Presidential Cabinet and not subject to the statute? Just a guess.

CovfefeFan ago

I think "Cannot point to any particular candidate or party prior to Nov 7?" means, he never pointed to any particular candidate... So, he's good.

GodsAngell ago

The Defense Intelligence Agency is listed....I think that is Military Intelligence.

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), an external intelligence service of the United States federal government, specializes in defense and military intelligence (MI).

Crumbly ago

According to the wiki article you posted, the DIA is under the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), which is under the DoD.

JackPosobiec1 ago

Don’t just blindly follow Q: Q promised hrc video, Obama Ak47 pic, fisa declass, rosenstein firing, Flynn in 30, sessions, martial law, mass arrests, Red October, boom week. He also said a missle was fired at AF1. Q is suckerbait!

StarAnon ago

Aren't you the Microchip sucker bait? Are you really calling others, "sucker bait?" Irony :-D I might upvote you for the giggle!

MuckeyDuck ago

Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember? When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve. And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? And they said, Seven. And he said unto them, How is it that ye do not understand?

The Q entity has resulted in a great movement that has served to open the eyes, and ears of many who otherwise would still be totally blind to truth, and deft to reality. I Q had never been, would the state of thing be better or worse, or equal?

The effect Q has had on and in he minds of those that seek truth is every bit as real no matter real or not.

srayzie ago

Q posted again. Just updated!

Blacksmith21 ago

Here we go team. Memes away! Votes away!

And don't forget to do anything you can to thwart those voting D. Eff them. Eff their feelings. Give them a taste of their own method. Flat tires, missed ride, pull spark plug cables, reset their alarm clock, whatever you can do to eff them, DO IT!

MuckeyDuck ago

My A vs C teacher used to say, "Cheat if you can, cheat if you must, but DON't get caught" I'm quit sure he was not actually advocating cheating as a good quality, just joking around.

For you kiddies, A vs C means Americanism vs Communism. They use to actually teach that in school.

sorosminion ago

When was that? 1950?

VictoriaTallmedge ago

Graduated in the early 90's and they still taught it along with you knowing your constitution.

MuckeyDuck ago

Mid 70's.