anotherdream ago

Glad to see you're still hard at it @srayzie. Glad to see Q back, and glad to see more #winning!

srayzie ago

I’m so glad too!

qtard85 ago

Here’s a question, does anybody remember what The Hunt for Red October was actually about? It was about a Russian submarine captain in charge of a secret weapon defecting to the United States, using his ship’s silent drive to escape detection by the yanks and his own people.

A) Q vanished from the radar, much as the Red October in the movie “vanishes” in front of watching eyes tracking it.

B) Possible Russian asset has defected?


Raof ago

I just wish the first Q post would have been " All Indictments Unsealed!!"

Peanuttles ago

I thought we'd have to wait until after elections, so this was a pleasant surprise. Had to message my wife and daughter, because we're all into Q. LOL!

PatEldo5 ago

The Digital Army's leader is back to rally the troops! Forge on, Patriots! Dig in for the fight of our lives!

joeythew ago

Only problem I have is the post from 1 Nov 17 says the POTUS will be protected on AF1 and abroad. Last I looked Missouri is not abroad but in the US.

Red-Pill-NOW ago

HEY WTF??? Q POSTED THIS AND ITS NOT HERE?? READ the right side, it's Q and POTUS telling us WHAT'S about to GO DOWN and NOTHING ON VOAT????

srayzie ago

I wonder what they are about to do!

srayzie ago

One is from a year ago.

Red-Pill-NOW ago

Aw fuck

TrumpofGod19 ago

So happy to see Q posting again! Check every day multiple times, wow BIG SMILE when I saw his new post! Love you Q & 4,10,20😘

srayzie ago


fuckfacemcgee ago

Sweet, time to jam.

Green Mind

rickki6 ago

IM SO EXCITED! Off to bed. Almost Friday , almost the weekend. Can’t wait for next Tuesday and then 11/11. Vote red patriots. Be well

srayzie ago

11:11 🙏🏻

derram ago :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Beautiful evening at a #MAGARally with great American Patriots. Loyal citizens like you helped build this Country and together, we are taking back this Country – returning power to YOU, the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Get out and!…" :

Lisa Mei Crowley on Twitter: "New Q: The push by MSM & Fake MAGAs to divide us is at a fevered pitch w/midterms just 5 days away.

Do NOT trust polls...good OR bad. VOTE no matter what!

Re-read past drops re: "polls" here:…"

This has been an automated message.

srayzie ago

Q just posted again. I updated. 3 posts so far!

Lauraingalls ago

I know. It's like Christmas.

Notimportant36 ago

I guess... The Christmas times were when Trump secured the non-err-less-violent solution, when Q started gaining traction, mand when it was proven that this really is a globally altering event we get to live through.

When the arrests start, things will possibly be scary, but that will be a Christmas.

Q posting again, that, IMO, just shuts up concernfags.

Vindicator ago

When the arrests start, things will possibly be scary, but that will be a Christmas.

No...that will be Easter!

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Dude right, nov6 is my Xmas this year. I don't think I'll even sleep on the fifth.

Vindicator ago


Joe10jo ago


srayzie ago

Hi! Xo ❤️

LuciferMF626 ago

Links appear to be jammed. I’m thinking we have uninvited guests. But it doesn’t matter what we do is working. Keep up the noise. Don’t sit still. Vote. Get others to vote, and it will be a red storm that will be epic. Watch history being made.

NutterPatriot ago

The posts are 17 minutes apart. Branding at its best!

bimbobrat ago

So excited to have Q back!! WWG1WGA

Lauraingalls ago

I KNOW it's like a HOLIDAY.

CalAnon805 ago

Yay! The end of Red October! 2pings! 17 min. Apart! 😁

lightindarkness ago

So if Q is executive branch employee, has to be president, VP, GAO or...military or otherwise is violating hatch act?

StarAnon ago

I downloaded the pdf file, read it about 5 times ha!, and have come to the conclusion that in order to violate the Hatch Act, you must be on duty, and wearing some part of your uniform, ie patch with logo, agency name on a jacket, that kind of thing. It seems that what you do off duty is your own business. What do you think? I'm still trying to suss out the specifics. Thanks :)

Pcpoet09 ago

maybe we should check to see who is om vacation in the military that is in trumps inner circle.. remember Q is sort of are version of deep throat and is unofficial

StarAnon ago

Q isn't doing anything that the president isn't doing. I don't know about much about the Hatch Act. What is in the posts that would violate the Hatch Act? Thanks in advance.

lightindarkness ago

Hatch act says (a)Subject to the provisions of subsection (b), an employee may take an active part in political management or in political campaigns, except an employee may not— (1) use his official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election

So if Q is official in any way, then could be construed as violating this. But Pursuant to 5 U.S. Code § 7322(1), none of this analysis applies to the following: (1) POTUS; (2) VPOTUS; and (3) “a member of the uniformed services.”

StarAnon ago

I see. So if, say Michael Flynn has been posting as Q, or any of the "in crowd" that is military, all is well. Since Q stated early on that less than 10 know the full story, and 3 are not military, I would think Q is OK posting. If I were on a jury, I probably would vote not guilty, based on what I'm seeing tonight, if he fell into the other category. Thank you for posting the information for me!

lightindarkness ago

Sorry I keep reading different things on Hatch Act and its not clear. Need to do more research.

lightindarkness ago

But what are the consequences**

Steelerfish ago

Hatch act Excerpt - • Election Assistance Commission• Federal Election Commission• Office of the Director of National Intelligence• Central Intelligence Agency• Defense Intelligence Agency• National Geospatial Intelligence Agency• National Security Agency• National Security Council• National Security Division (DOJ)• Criminal Division (DOJ)• Federal Bureau of Investigation• Secret Service• Office of Criminal Investigation (IRS)• Office of Investigative Programs (Customs)• Office of Law Enforcement (ATF)• Merit Systems Protection Board• U.S. Office of Special Counsel• Career members of the Senior Executive Service• Administrative law judges, administrative appealsjudges, and contract appeals board members.

This covers a large amount of individuals who have been mentioned previously for political actions/motives while employed by several administrations. Think Louis Lerner corresponding with congress and the Justice depth to criminally indict tea party organization members. Peter Strozk and his horse, etc...

lightindarkness ago


Are_we_sure ago

Think Louis Lerner corresponding with congress and the Justice depth to criminally indict tea party organization members.

What are you talking about?

Are_we_sure ago

A. Lerner has no power to criminally indict anyone.

B. They were not going after Tea Party organization in general they were going after groups that broke the tax laws on political activities by non-profits and this included groups on the left.

C. THAT'S NOT A HATCH VIOLATION. It was Lois Lerner's job to determine if exempt organization were violating the the tax rules that allowed them to be tax-exempt. This is a function of government and not political activity.

TNLunatick ago

Thank you for posting. I appreciate you.

srayzie ago

Awww thank you!

suomy_the_nona ago

I dug that out:

Here is the info from the first link:

The second (about Hatch Act) was this:

suomy_the_nona ago

Now, 3 hours later, the original links have been resurrected. Must have been a really heavy server load there.

DammitMan ago

Thank You! Both links were timing out on me. Much appreciated.

suomy_the_nona ago

The links were timing out on me, too. So I used some workarounds using search engines and web caches and then I nailed it into the archives ;-)

LuciferMF626 ago

Thank you patriot!

summerwind_US ago

Clever :)

DammitMan ago

Thank you. I'm glad you had the knowledge and took the time.

srayzie ago

Thank you!

pwdwp ago

Thank you!

OldSchoolAnon ago

Hatch Act, Q could be referring to Pocahontas. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) was caught off guard during her debate Tuesday with Republican challenger Geoff Diehl when he accused Warren of “illegally” using her vote against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to raise campaign funds.

OldSchoolAnon ago

I wonder if this has to do with any of Project Veritas's videos.

lightindarkness ago

DNC meeting with FBI 2016. McCabe and his wife's campaign. SJW's in various regulatory bodies. Etc

lightindarkness ago

'fauxahontas is not executive branch. Not covered by hatch act?

OldSchoolAnon ago

Thanks for the correction.

pwdwp ago

Here is info of on the pdf link by Q (it is note the pdf but info on it)

srayzie ago

Q reposted a post from July where he said...

Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being >deployed on this board (central hub}. The Worid is Here. Recognize.

We should remember that the same thing is being done here so keep your eyes open.

Vindicator ago

There's the understatement of the century!

Notimportant36 ago

Yes, all the people that are trying to sow discord, promote violence, etc...

LuciferMF626 ago

Oh we are being watched. Because they are scared like they have never been

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

As s another Anon said , we a the cobra waiting to strike. They can't take thier eyes off of us.

MolochHunter ago

Trump moves the embassy to Jerusalem, yet mossad remain relentless

Ungrateful motherfuckers

srayzie ago

((( MOFO’S )))

suomy_the_nona ago

Here is the archived version of the second link (about Hatch Act):

You got to scroll horizontal to read all.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

OK, here is what comes up so far, but still cannot get to the site...might be more there, this is the first pass... Hatch Act for Federal Employees pamphlet sept 2014.pdf Federal Employees In addition to the prohibitions discussed ... U.S. OFFICE OF SPECIAL COUNSEL Who We Are… The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) is an United States Office of Special Counsel - Official Site OSC protects federal employees and applicants from prohibited personnel practices, especially reprisal for whistleblowing. OSC also enforces the Hatch Act and protects the rights of federal employee military veterans and reservists under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.

suomy_the_nona ago

So now to the contents of drop 2382. Maybe it's not only to name the reason for Q not posting some days. Maybe HRC someone previously violated the Hatch Act?

As I searched for the documents, I accidently found this old article (can it be from march 2015??) : HRC and emailgate. Maybe now some new proof appered? On weiners laptop?

Holcosu ago

Q posted while President Trump was killing it at the rally in MO. That was great timing. The crowd was so enthusiastic. The viewing crowd was YUGE too.

KroliK ago

Can Anyone screenshot the links?

sorosminion ago

DRINK MORE OVALTINE! LOL Wow Q! Mr. Republican. I think it's Paul Ryan.

Lauraingalls ago


Redheadgal ago

I think it is someone out on the Campaign trail. He/She/All have been quite busy little Q's!

Conway ago

In about the time you would expect your internet service to be restored after a bad hurricane. So much for not wanting to spoil the election because some obscure policy.

CovfefeFan ago

You just got internet back? That's awesome.

I don't have internet, I use the hot spot on my phone. I do see Century Link is working 7 days a week trying to get everyone up in my neighborhood.

Are_we_sure ago

"The storm spawned 10 tornadoes in Virginia"

Revised ago

Until I looked at the drops from the end of August on the polls I never realized just how bad the MSM is. And I hated them plenty before.

Seriously, half of American want Trump impeached? Even in the blue hell hole cities they could not get those numbers.

Peanuttles ago

They can't even get people to a venue to listen to Obama anymore! He got 750 people in Anaheim out here in Cali--LOL! I'll bet half of them were media. Even Bernie Sanders can't get anyone to come out now:

Millejon00 ago

No Fear! Let’s do this thing!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸👏🏻👏🏻

pwdwp ago

I'm unable to open the Q links, if someone can, please share the content!

DammitMan ago

@suomy_the_nona posted links to archived versions of the Q post links. They are in this thread.

pwdwp ago


G45Colt ago

I can't either. Probably 20M people hitting the servers all at once.

Matters not. The point is - the POTUS needs our support through the elections to keep the swamp in full drain mode. Enough Dems get in clogging up the works, and it will go a lot slower. Either way, it might not change things too much. But if enough swamp rats escape justice, some of them will be back to nip at our heels for a while longer. I think we all want them crushed, and Trump is promising to be the hammer we use to get it done. Too many wet noodles have occupied the WH in recent years.

Peanuttles ago

I agree! My entire family here is voting red. This can't stop now. It's imperative we drain this swamp, because as long as they have any power, innocent people are in danger. Look at the recent false flags. Can't allow any more of them. The sooner they're behind bars, the better it is for everyone.

venicreator ago

pwdwp ago

thank you but the links are the 2 links provided by Q in the post. So basically I'm able to see Q post but not the content of the 2 links (one of them is a pdf)

venicreator ago

I can’t access them either - too many of trying to look at the same time!

pwdwp ago

try this from another comment here:

Here is the info from the first link:

The second (about Hatch Act) was this:

srayzie ago

I think there is too much traffic

RightSideUp17and6 ago

i went where Q sent me but i cant access the darn things....i will keep tryin'

AUSAFVet ago


Stonenchizel ago

Also the Google workers woke out today to strike

pwdwp ago

it might be too much people access the site at the same time or the cabal trying to interfere.

bopper ago

Ah, I knew Q would be back BEFORE elections...

pby1000 ago

We can finally breath again.

Are_we_sure ago


Are_we_sure ago


Headwest127 ago

I hate you. That song is going to be stuck in my head. I'll need some CTE to remove it.

bopper ago

Play some Donnie Osmond to replace it.

brit_yuvall ago

"if I were you, I'd take a permanent vacation!"

bopper ago

I know lol..

rickki6 ago


bopper ago

That'll get into your head lol..

DamnLiquor ago

all those fools saying Q would never post again......

Notimportant36 ago

Ya... There was no way Q was done. It is a psych war at the end of the day.

Lauraingalls ago

Thank God they were wrong.

blocksof ago

I was just waiting, something big in the background is/has happened.

Peanuttles ago

I think so, too. I think they've all been very busy behind the scenes.

benjitsu ago

The question remains why the break if it wasn't going to last until after elections?

bopper ago

Yeah, I wonder myself. It was quite a long break.

Lauraingalls ago


benjitsu ago

The only thing worse than monthers are...

brit_yuvall ago

July 4-24 = 20 days of "darkness" Oct 9 - Nov 1 = 22 days ... not sure if that # is significant? Don't ever leave us like that again, Q until the swamp is completely drained!

Anon56 ago

also 22 days left on the Q clock. 11/22 is the 55 year anniversary of Kennedy asassination 5 x 5 also thanksgiving.

tradstew ago

I think it's 21. Q posted on the 9th so the first day of no post would be the 10th - 31st. He now posted on the first so 21?

brit_yuvall ago

July 4-24 was counted as a 20 day Q absence ... Oct 9-29 = 20 days, the 29th was 2 days ago ... 20+2 = 22

Lauraingalls ago

I was SO MAD AT Q. Q better not try that again. LOL.

bopper ago

I know lol. I never believed it.

And morale was gettin kind of low.

Lauraingalls ago

My morale was VERY LOW. Missed Q. Was EVEN MAD AT Q for being away.

MolochHunter ago

Ye of little faith

Lauraingalls ago

THAT was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! the SONG and the SCENERY. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

Lauraingalls ago

I know. I ashamed. LOL.

Lauraingalls ago


bopper ago

Shame on you Laura. Kidding. I was bummed out too.

Lauraingalls ago

You know how mad I was. LOL.

MolochHunter ago


Lauraingalls ago

You are so WONDERFULLY thoughtful and KIND. I love trees and parks and wooden paths and nature. That song touched my heart. THANKS.