amarQ144 ago

Check your history books my friends. "Red October"...the "Russian Revolution" began on November 7th! an aside, all these "mathematically impossible coincidences" require no explanation once you realize they have the crono.

jezzabella ago

Yes. It's one heck of a rabbit hole, but once you get there, it does make sense.

venicreator ago

I had forgotten that date. You’re right! It was only called Red October because the Russian Orthodox calendar was/ is off by a week. I’m working the polls in a sleepy but liberal precinct surrounded by a sea of red precincts. Polls close at 9pm. Kind of excited for 9:05 when the machine spits out the tally.

blocksof ago

The gloves are off, expect no mercy. Nov 6th will be a Blue flush.... Project Veritas is the brutal version of JW. JW has to follow rules, Veritas is what they wish Shareblue was, brutal and merciless.

MrCooper12 ago

By the sounds of this we should be looking to twitter tomorrow......

srayzie ago

Why tomorrow?

MrCooper12 ago

This is the message he will deliver on 11/2/2018 – look for it – Look to Twitter, maybe between 1-2pm: Exactly this: “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….” God bless.

grace8 ago

Cause on November 2nd of 2017 Q posted:

Watch POTUS Twitter 44 Anonymous 2 Nov 2017 - 12:06:41 AM Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless.

This was the day after the My fellow Americans post that said there would be martial law and arrests