Truther65 ago

This video is by American Intelligence Media. They are comped and part of the controlled opposition.......bought out by the black hats. They are Q deniers. I wouldn't give them the time of day.

OhBad15 ago

"They want you divided" Let’s end this ‘Us vs. Them’ bullshit! It’s the playbook of the elite; ‘divide+conquer’ is their only way to keep us people in check. They chuckle about us right now while we blindly follow the strategy they have implanted into us to divide ourselves. If you look around on Voat, you may discover quite a few people who live up to the same cause – liberation from slavery, re-gaining sovereignty – even if they are Q-sceptics. There are more similarities between us than differences.

OhBad15 ago

Please provide the facts of your accusation if related to the subject of the video. Not interested in anything other than that.

Truther65 ago

They were exposed way back about 6 months ago. Where have you been? Q told us to be carefull who we follow. They call Sessions evil and deny Q in this video. Wake up.

OhBad15 ago

"think for yourself" Every public news source has both inaccurate & accurate stories info, facts, & opinions at times. That doesn't mean that we can't monitor their content. Love the truth, follow the facts, hate the lie. I'm no fan of AIM's Douglas Gabriel's every conclusion or his hyper emotional outbursts but the Michael McKibben Leader Tech story is worthy of research and is affecting the nation everyday.

Truther65 ago

Trump has said that the fake media will tell part of the truth, sometimes maybe even 90% of the time. Its the 10% that is false that is the damaging part for their propaganda agenda. If these people are part of the fake media/deep state and paid by the CIA then they are evil because they are supporting the Cabal. They are in it for the money only, not patriotism. You cannot serve two master. Either you believe in Q and what he says or you don't. Your argument therefore holds NO validity or truth. Wake up and become discerning, not always easy but you have to look at facts, not feelings or how you want it to be.

OhBad15 ago

I use the think for yourself bbq method - eat the meat and set aside the bones, because eventually you have to get off the nipple or you just become a pharisee

2TBob ago

And this is why I check comments first, before watching an hour long YouTube video...

OhBad15 ago

Maybe you should go back to the shallow end of the pool & lurk for awhile until you can make your own decisions - at least read the Sticky for Welcome All Newbies Begin Here

2TBob ago

Thank you for the sage advice. I HAVE made my decision and that is, I will not waste my time on every post that goes directly to some YouTube video. I also know after spending considerable time "lurking" that some of our friends on this board can post some pretty useless and petty shit. With kindest regards...