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TinyFairyFarts ago

Rand seemed to be careful to only mention one positive aspect of DJT supporting a healthcare association and then quickly departs the stage. Potus seemed to smirk a bit upon returning to the mic. I wonder if Rand is still doubtful of POTUS.

CentipedeRex ago

His health isn't good enough. His wife said he has had pneumonia 5 times since the attack.

kneo24 ago

I would really like to get the Jew lovers out of congress. Rand is a pretty good guy except for that one issue, and for that alone I'd rather not have him. Voting in Rand is pretty much maintaining what we will have by then. We need to keep pushing forward to bring the country back to a more conservative state, not behold to Jews. I just don't see Rand being that guy by the time 2024 comes around.

Tennis123 ago

Do you think Rand could win the republican nom? Perhaps he will run under libertarian. Either way I love him but not sure he could actually win

Light_Guard ago

POTUS has already staffed his 2020 campaign and they're working.

DoubleTap ago

Rand is the only politician I have ever sent donations to. I hope he runs (with Don Jr.) in 2024.

bigbaldjohnny ago

There will be an entirely new political landscape in 2024. Hard to know how it will play out, but it's looking promising. I don't want to jinx it, but the liberals will learn how to counter Trump's playbook.

Fat_Butted_Man ago

I'm not so sure that President Trump plans to run in 2020. He became president to stop the corruption and return the power to the people. I think this is a four year plan, and Trump is a man who gets the job done on time and under budget. I may be wrong, but it would be like him to win the victory and then step aside and let someone else take it from there. And, of course, go down in history as the best president this country has ever seen.

petevoat ago

I dont think he wants to but he is going to. 4 years of swamp draining is certainy not enough and even 8 years wont be.

Adminstrater ago

I hope so. I wonder if that would be what the country needs in several years. I can see that happening, and I certainly think it would be great for the country if the people decided he was what is needed.

petevoat ago

8 years of Trump is just not enough to root of the scum.

KimnanaT ago

Ted Cruz and Rand Paul 2024....I love these two guys b/c even though they had their differences with POTUS they set aside their personal feelings and worked with him for the betterment of our country.

petevoat ago

Action not words. By support POTUS for the country, they really are trustworthy.

Keywest ago

exactly - they see the bigger picture and have proven they are focused on the same goal.

moblodite ago

I really wish Rand would have spoken longer,, what a rush off the stage.

voatusernamevoat ago

Remember though, pro open borders. Also do the put shitskins on a pedestal, top of the oppression hierarchy christcuck routine, spending their free time helping shitskins rather than poor Whites, but going to shitkin countries to dispense gibs has more virtue signaling points than bleh White poors at home.

Truther65 ago

I am not a huge fan of Pence. I would like to see Trump dump him and take Rand as his VP in 2020 so he can run for POTUS in 2024. Pence doesn't have what it takes to follow in Trump's footsteps. He is too deep state.

SharkShack ago

I don't and never will trust Pence. He was all set for the Access Hollywood tape coup but Trump supporters came out strongly rallying for him so he canceled the rally he was going to hold with Paul Ryan.

petevoat ago


Adopted-Patriot ago

I think Pence has the same affiliation as Lyndon Johnson, and George Bush, put in place in case something happens to POTUS, and back to the deep state. Interesting, haven't heard Q talk about Pence.

MrShekelstein ago

Rand Paul would be a good choice after trumps 4 terms.

patrat102 ago

That would be great for us if he could--- but I am hoping Trump get that retirement he was planning before he decided to save our country. He has certainly earned it.

MrShekelstein ago

Hes not retiring at this point.

This job will end up killing him from the looks of it and he could not care less about that.

patrat102 ago

Not until his 8 yrs are up and then he will retire in good spirits with the love and respect of the American people and the rest of the freedom loving people of the world. Best President ever and the most loved.

MrShekelstein ago

hes not retiring at all, hes going to be president until he dies and hes already hinted at repealing the 22nd amendment.

moblodite ago

Don't think he can get the funding needed, but he would be great, but no one will ever fill Trumps shoes,

SkelSoc ago

I love Ron and Rand. Ron has been redpilling folks for decades. And his son, Rand... well, I'll just say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Great people.

european ago

Isn't he short?

lorlipone ago

That would make me fantastically happy. Rand is no Ron, but he's still great.

DeathRayDesigner ago

My surmise would be that Mike Pence runs for President in 2024, with Ron Paul as the Vice Presidential nominee. A MAGA dynasty?

moblodite ago

I don't know, I kind of think one of Trumps Sons will run then. or even Ivanka!

Phantom42 ago

Oh yeah, because I want a goy slave girl as my President, doing her master Kuckner's every bidding.

petevoat ago

I have never been sure about Pence something is very odd about him.

moblodite ago

I agree, Don't think he has the balls for iy but who knows, Maybe he will learn enough from Trump?

patrat102 ago

Maybe---but he was not Trumps choice--Pence was forced on him by the republicans

Q007 ago

Totally agree, he's like an adhoc VP that got attached to Trump. Seems like he's just the to fill the seat

WanderingTaurus ago

Fan of Ron Paul, but not so much the son. After spending several years living in KY (not too long ago) could see that the wonderful people living there deserve better.

derram ago :

WATCH LIVE: President Trump holds 'MAGA' rally in Kentucky - YouTube

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usernameisnotthis ago


shawnfromnh69 ago

Video unavailable

petevoat ago

Oops, sorry. Edited my OP