Type-o-Negative ago

Why would you want people to limit their post to this sub and not other appropriate topic subs? I could see your argument if this Poster was posting political shit on the Quilt making sub as an example, other that that, I do not see anything wrong with it.

divine_human ago

many goats surf voat via v/all; i also do that, there is some interesting and fun stuff out there ;)

when people post on all 3 subs, all at the same time, the triple-posts clogg the feed with repetition which isnt nice at all. therefore, the call is for people to go to the set s/greatAwakening (note the 's' for set instead of a 'v' before the dash) so they dont miss anything that has been posted in only one sub.

personally, when i post one thing to various subs, i leave some time inbetween so they dont appear in one bulk. its a courtesy to the rest of voat where many react with impatience and resentment about the flood.

barebrain ago

Ok Thanks !

CluelessInTheDark ago

Got it.

hangry ago

Old goats voat down whiny shit like this that does not add to the conversation. Go find a safe space, it ain't voat, bitch.

bdmthrfkr ago

@srayzie, would you please explain to this guy that he is not on reddit any longer? I know that most of the Q people are fine but some of them are plebbit cancer, he falls into the latter category by attempting to brigade my post with your subscribers.

This is why they shouldn't have nice things.

srayzie ago

Sorry. He’s actually helpful. He put this big thing together showing the Redditors how to respect Goats and how to do things. I use it in one of my stickies...


I don’t know the back story to all this. But, that’s been my experience.

divine_human ago

you annoyed the fucking crap out of this old girl so thats my response.

i be-lie-ved you old goats that you honor opposing opinions and only downvoat trolls. my comments are not crap and you guys prove that your voting system is a lie.

been trying to teach redditors the voat ways as i learned them from listening to old goats.

you totally didnt get my intent, all you seem to want is create more divisiveness and hostility.

been pouring my heart blood in here so we can understand each other and get some peace.

but posts and comments like yours make it incredibly difficult for redditors to become immigrants and new goats. hostlitly is just too much. so are you surprised that Q-people want to stay among themseleves?

btw, i agree to your notion that its annoying when people post the same stuff in 3 different subs and you run into all these posts on the v/all feed.

just the way it is expressed is so shitty that actually nobody will listen.

bdmthrfkr ago

Lol, like we welcome anyone with open arms you stupid fuck. I went through the process, all of the other goats went through the process and you niggers are going to go through the process too.

Deal with it.

divine_human ago

see, the funny thing is that you actually have good points and interesting things to say. its just watered down through your need to smear the person you talk to in every sentence. who is supposed to dig through a shithole, in order to find the gem?

is that the purpose of free speech? honestly, i doubt it.

and why the fuck do you post something that you want 'Q-niggers' to learn and change in v/whatever and not on a Q sub? and then, when i crosspost it, get annoyed about an invitation for brigading?

i dont get it. i have seen you guys downvoat the heck out of genuine people so they can never post, simply because of what? you cant stand Q? you feel invaded? you dont want any new people on voat? you think everybody who came with Q is stupid? you think everybody who is no racist is automatically a jewish shill?

dont get me wrong, you do as you please, have fun with it. those who dont want to hear all these shitty insults all the time simply stay away. many real good people stay away because goats mistake free speech for a permission to widely spread insults, personal attacks, hatred, racism, all that shit thats so easy to do behind a keyboard but most people wouldnt do in RL.

the result is a hostile environment. if you enjoy it, just keep going.

from my pov, thats kindergarden shit.

adults act differently - discuss the information, not the user; attack the argument, not the person.

the first is about finding truth, the latter is an expression of egoic weakness that feels stronger when it puts others down.

kindergarden shit, nothing more. grow the fuck up!

bdmthrfkr ago

You must be new around here nigger, Q never said it would be easy, they just said it would be possible.

divine_human ago

you know the drill - just hover with you mouse over my nick and you see how new i am.

hangry ago

don't be a whiny cunt

Minxy_84 ago

I agree pick a sub and post once. We will search the various Q subs and find it.