Stefanovich973 ago

"Q" in 1st of 4 dots within presidential alert (in handheld phone, just below "settings"). Post 2319. Forgive me if this has been pointed out already. (Thought I took a screenshot of the actual alert that came through - with no sound for me - but it's not in my gallery so can't verify if actual alert had the "Q.")

bulrush ago

Thanks for all your hard work! Your link to "PDF: Assange Arrest by Mad Hatter" is a search and returns 482 search results. Was there a specific PDF you wanted to link to? The search term you use appears to be a group of 482 documents, not a single document.

srayzie ago

Oh sorry. Q’s post said this...📁 [Pg 20 - Assange Arrest]
By: Marty Torrey [Mad Hatter]

So it looks like page 20 is what you need.

bulrush ago

You're right. When I type "20" in the page box the correct email is the bottom one.

srayzie ago

Oh good :)

Cindytham ago

Did the Emergency alert go wrong?? Was there a PROBLEM? Was the TV 30 minute broadcast by the President cut off? Some are saying the deep state was able to interfere.

srayzie ago

Really? I just heard that some mobile phones can turn off alerts like that. I didn’t hear about all that.

MolochHunter ago

Subpoenaing Jeff Sessions so he doesnt have to bust his recusal and appear partisan. .... Genius.

srayzie ago

@Kevdude - Today’s Q posts

fujison ago

GodsAngell ago

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/03/18 (Wed) 14:32:38 No.324>>325


Did James Baker just testify behind closed doors [RR] & [JC] coordinated to appoint Mueller?

What a wonderful day.


▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/03/18 (Wed) 14:57:26 No.325


James Baker closed door testimony today + previous to IG / GJ statements > sealed > timed re: Sessions subpoena tomorrow?

If Sessions is recused from Russia probe [prevented rec of related docs / info / etc] how can Sessions learn [RR] conflicts re: Russia probe?

Per subpoena to Sessions - Schedule 1 - 'McCabe Memos'.

'McCabe Memos' = SOURCE DOCS for NYT article re: [RR] "wear a wire" - 25th amendment?

Enjoy the show!


▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/03/18 (Wed) 15:07:02 No.326

File (hide): 82846e495dda740⋯.jpg (21.22 KB, 442x271, 442:271, DmPiBV6WwAEq9M_.jpg) (h) (u)

Tensions Flaring.

Tolerant Left?


OK, folks, False Flag Attacks are INCOMING. Police Officers shot in Florence, So Carolina. Gotta district from developments in the District of Corruption! EXPECT MORE!

Bunkson23 ago

There is another Q drop can someone post it for discussions?

Bunkson23 ago

There is another Q drop .I can't post yet.

ShaneE11183386 ago

Yes an email from mad hatter to HRC about assange arrest

Bunkson23 ago

Noticed a lot of files there just thought there might be more info.I Couldn't navigate it very well thought someone might find more appreciate your reply.Thanks

GodsAngell ago



Be READY for ANYTHING to happen. We are dealing with seriously disturbed leftwingNUTS, so be vigilant.

Q drops today, 10/3/2018:

First check out the link on this drop:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/03/18 (Wed) 12:06:51 No.322

File (hide): d70876164c70779⋯.jpg (131.69 KB, 1200x611, 1200:611, POTUS_ALERT.jpg) (h) (u)

What a wonderful day.


Its a photo of Jeff Sessions, U.S. Attorney General, giving a speech on violent crime in Utah. Note that right behind Sessions is Huber, US Attorney based in Utah. Huber is the only one giving a THUMBS UP!!! What Violent Crimes in Utah??? 55,000+ Sealed Indictments type violent crimes!!! Be sure and scroll down the twitter posts, and enjoy.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/03/18 (Wed) 12:27:16 No.323

Sessions meeting Huber THE SAME DAY as POTUS_ALERT.

Sessions meeting Huber THE DAY PRIOR to >>>

What must be understood prior to?

Think GJ information.

What are the odds of that?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/03/18 (Wed) 12:27:16 No.323

Sessions meeting Huber THE SAME DAY as POTUS_ALERT.

(Sessions meeting with Huber seems to be related to today's Presidential Alert that went out at 11:18am PT / 2:18 ET today. Ok, I'm just speculating that possibly this emergency alert can ALSO be used to notify Americans of Marshall Law, should things become more violent by the LeftWingNuts, and Demoncraps that are still on the loose.)

Sessions meeting Huber THE DAY PRIOR to >>>

(Sessions meeting with Huber, and going over Grand Jury data, one day prior to the day Sessions has been ordered by subpoena to show up at Congress and bring the following items on Oct 4, 2018:)

1) The McCabe Memos files. McCabe is former Deputy Director of the FBI. (Can someone help me out, what are the McCabe Memos again?)

2) The Woods files INCLUDING THE TREASONOUS FISA APPLICATIONS which will EXPOSE and bring down the Deep State's attempts to do an treasonous coup d'etat to remove a duly elected president!

So my guess is, shortly after, or possibly at the same time, the unredacted FISA will FINALLY also go PUBLIC, so We The People can see how bad it was. Yippee!!! Bye, Bye Hildabeast, Bye, Bye Demoncraps....don't let the back door hit you on your way out......Enjoy GITMO!!!)

(This is the subpoena to order Jeff Sessions to appear in Congress. Page 2 lists all the items he is ordered to bring with him.)

What must be understood prior to?

Think GJ information.

(Hmmmm......Sessions must understand the Grand Jury information Huber has before meeting with Congress tomorrow.)

What are the odds of that?



Bansheemanshee ago

Great breakdown. I'm unsure on the timing since I think it would be closer to the mid terms. But if they're ripping the band aid off this early, we are in for a hell of a month

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

Gotta give it time to make the info gets out there. The MSM aren't going to go out of their way to let people know what's going on.

TalkingDixon ago

Exactly this. It will take time for the masses in denial to be truly informed and understand.

TrulyISayToThee ago


blocksof ago

Schedule 3. Is where the destruction of an arrest of Democrat Gang of 8 will happen. they knew and hid ALL the facts from the Reps. Why do you think Nunes is pissed and why they tried to get him removed from the Committee?

The information the Gang of 8 received will show they were carefully selected after approval from Feinstein.

Bunkson23 ago

There is another Q post can you post it for Discussions?

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

It's starting! Notice at the bottom of the subpoena.
To: any authorized staff member or the U.S. Marshall Service.

spetraniv ago

criminal justice fag chiming in:

this is normal verbiage on a subpoena. all subpoenas are delivered by peace officers or process servers to the person listed on the subpoena. U.S. Marshalls would be the peace officer in this instance and "authorized staff member" would be the process server that would be hand delivering the subpoena to Sessions.

pby1000 ago

The blue balls are killing me... Jezus, man.

ShaneE11183386 ago

I know this is the worst case of blue balls ever had

pby1000 ago

Lol. We suffer together.