23phillysean23 ago

Jerry Hanafin served as a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for over 24 years. He began his career in the Kansas City, Missouri Field Office in 1985 where he was assigned to investigate white collar crime and violent crime matters. He was transferred to Washington, D.C. in 1989 where he worked violent crimes and foreign counterintelligence. After graduating from the Department of Defense Polygraph Institute in 1995, he served as a polygraph examiner until his retirement in 2009. He conducted polygraph tests in a number of high profile criminal and espionage cases to include conducting exams in Nairobi, Kenya after the U. S. Embassy bombing in 1998 and several sensitive exams following the attacks on September 11, 2001.

Jerry is a member of the Virginia Polygraph Association. He has received numerous awards from the U. S. Attorneys’ Offices in Washington, D.C. and Virginia for meritorious service. He was also honored by the Federal Bar Association, District of Columbia Chapter, for Outstanding Law Enforcement Service.

Vindicator ago

Here's the thread for investigating the Reddit/Rothschilde logo @srayzie: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3297124.html#3297124

I also made a separate Link post.

They are digging up interesting stuff over there.

srayzie ago

Oh Thank you!

GodsAngell ago

Latest Q Post, 10/2/2018:

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/02/18 (Tue) 22:50:21 No.321



Ford herself coached by the C_A?

FARM (pre-family invite) w/ internship assignment (Stanford)?

C_A-assisted 'sex assault' 'sleepers' who are targeted based on trusted family backgrounds, geopolitical location relative to families of power/influence, ability to harvest [control], etc.?

Fantasy or Reality?

Normal-to- [self-induced] in stages to exhibit past trauma-level events w/ 'friendly' therapy sessions notated as undefined?

'Past trauma' exerted to IDEN 'mind w/ feelings' w/ TARGET INSERTION.

Polygraph administered by [former] FBI agent?

Who was the agent?





Goal: [per past statistical success rates] apply enough 'false' intensive private & public pressure for nominee to resign.

Mission Failed.

Target provided w/ info to prep [counter].

The More You Know…


▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/02/18 (Tue) 22:50:21 No.321



Ford herself coached by the C_A? (Yes, we get it, her whole family is CIA.)

FARM (pre-family invite) w/ internship assignment (Stanford)? (Not sure what Q means here. FARM refers to CIA Training sight for newbies. And we know that Ford was a recruiter for the CIA at Stanford, steering innocent students to get trained/(mkultra'd?) with the CIA.)

C_A-assisted 'sex assault' 'sleepers' who are targeted based on trusted family backgrounds, geopolitical location relative to families of power/influence, ability to harvest [control], etc.? (CIA mkultra'd people to be sex assault "sleepers" to be activated upon demand.)

Fantasy or Reality? (Given what we know to date, probably reality.)

Normal-to- [self-induced] in stages to exhibit past trauma-level events w/ 'friendly' therapy sessions notated as undefined?

'Past trauma' exerted to IDEN 'mind w/ feelings' w/ TARGET INSERTION.

(My stab at this: CIA can through therapy (and hypnosis or mkultra torture) cause someone to exhibit past trauma events, and identify/associate that trauma (mind and feelings) with an inserted TARGET. In Ford's case, cause Ford to feel like Kavanaugh (the target) assaulted her, when it was someone else entirely.)

Polygraph administered by [former] FBI agent? (Bogus polygraph administered by former deep state FBI agent operative.)

Who was the agent? (Mueller era deep state agent.)




(I am assuming it was administered multiple times until Ford finally said what she was supposed to say without triggering polygraph that she is LYING. That's why Ford said the experience was draining, cause they kept asking so many questions for such a long time, but the results we see, is that she was only asked 2 questions......neither of which included any kind of reference to Kavanaugh.)


Goal: [per past statistical success rates] apply enough 'false' intensive private & public pressure

for nominee to resign. (Ah,... the Demoncraps plan was to cause enough pressure upon Kavanaugh to get him to resign. Kavanaugh refused to resign.)

Mission Failed.

Target provided w/ info to prep [counter]. (Kavanaugh prepared to counter these outrageous baseless smear campaigns.)

The More You Know…


Dimamo ago

Oh God, I pray this means Kavanaugh will be confirmed, and this nightmare will be over.

doggy1 ago

53-47 you might want to check this link posted by someone else.https://www.defensenews.com/breaking-news/2017/06/13/us-senate-advances-saudi-guided-munitions-sale-53-47/

doggy1 ago

Was researching Q post 2304 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 48f150 No.3281997 Oct 1 2018 14:42:31 (EST). “Think NYC bomber 'fireworks' hours prior” and came across Christian and Tyler Toro.
https://heavy.com/news/2018/02/christian-tyler-toro-bronx/ Coincidence? Two things stood out about that post. A card was found in the apartment on Christian’s backpack with a note that read, “Under the full moon the small ones will know terror.” On Christian’s Facebook page wrote in his about section: It’s the devil’s way now There is no way out You can SCREAM and you can shout It is too late now Because… You have not been! Payin’ attention… I’ll always have an explanation for everything…always. Looked up the “Under the full moon the small ones will know terror” and landed on this page. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/19036167/ Coincidence? Next i looked up what Christian had wrote on his FB page and found this. https://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3458764513820560241/ Oh go up to the king, and the sky is falling in Coincidence? Found the song was inspired by the George Orwell book 1984. 2+2=5 is a reference that people can be made to believe anything even when the truth is clear Coincidence?

bamadeplorable420 ago

I have been wondering about Judge K and shrubby 911 bush endorsing him....he worked for bush closely you know???just sayin.

TheBRAINz ago

Thousands of people work with every administration. They are not all swamp creatures, even when the POTUS is cabal.

TheOldestGoat ago

I wonder about this as well. The question is, was beer swilling K in on 9/11 or was he duped like the rest of us and now has an axe to grind..

Publius1778 ago

Q has said prior to latest FBI adventure that "they have the votes"

Today Q is laying down the marker that they have them.

So if Future Proves Past we shall see this vote tally by the end of the week, as McConnell has promised a vote by the end of the week.

Which also seems to mean that the FBI investigation will not last a full 7 days as initially claimed given it started last Friday/Saturday.

TrumpofGod19 ago

53-47...Is that the SCJ vote? Did it happen? If so, swear him in now before this makes it to the news! I checked, nothing yet....

Trfsrfr ago

Why else would Q post this if it wasn't the case?

Gofer1 ago

This is his projection of how the confirmation vote will go down.

TrumpofGod19 ago

Really? Sarcasm? Not much of a patriot are you...

Trfsrfr ago

Umm...I think you took my reply wrong. I wasn't being sarcastic, and I am as patriotic as they come. I'm saying maybe the vote happened and this is the result. Q is not in the habit of guessing that I'm aware of. And we're always the last to know...

NotYoMama ago

The title of the 53-47 drop has a ? At the end! App Q knew about the ex bf letter so his prediction would be 51 Reps + 2 red state Dems! Or -Flake 50 Reps and 3 red state Dems! At least 2 red state Dems are behind in polls!

TrumpofGod19 ago

My apologies then, I will delete that post.

Trfsrfr ago

No need to apologize, but apology accepted. WWG1WGA!

TrumpofGod19 ago

Yes, thank you. I love that! WWG1WGA! And if you haven't already watched the video I posted here or JT Wilde's post on you tube of his song WWG1WGA, please check it out, it's amazing and inspiring! Blessings to you Patriot

Trfsrfr ago

And blessings to you, and to all of us patriotic Americans! No need to quabble, just be reasonable, rational, and we will do just fine! I prefer the high road :-)

75usmc79 ago

No votes today, Semper Fi

Guccijacuzzi ago

Ladies and gents plea deals come in handy