BettyLiberty ago

No, Q has gone dark for 20 days before.

Quantumdog ago

LOL no. How long you been with us?

cmcgee14 ago

Not long on here but for three months on 8chan and reddit

Quantumdog ago

Really? And after a few days you're concerned about where Q is? If you've been around 3 months you've seen longer silent periods than this.

cmcgee14 ago

Whats your issue with my question? You are the only person that sent me a nasty message about it? Oh you must be so smart that any question pisses you off

Quantumdog ago

Well this is about the 20th time i've been around to see the "Where is Q" line after a silent period. That tends to be a concern shill staple.

Blacksmith21 ago

Completely normal. I think the longest gap was almost 2 weeks previously? Someone told me that Q was going to the DR for some fun and sun for a few days this week ; )

SharkShack ago

I could be wrong but Q seems to "go dark" right before huge things are going down. This week has been a real poop show but Patriots -Q followers and not, have stepped up blowing up false witnesses like Julie Swetnick. The other show is the Rod Rosenstein will he won't he.

Hopefully today finally puts to bed the Kavanaugh circus and move on to confirming him.

Telstar ago

He's waiting for a post. I need 10 upvotes before I can post it. Q = J Q = J Q = J

Mumbleberry ago

Unless you want to get assraped by down votes, don't ask that. Read this;

Telstar ago

Q = J

She-Zu ago

Q steps back = we step up! Full participation required by all!

karendesoto ago

Re read drops start from 1.

cmcgee14 ago

Not necessary

153545 ago

Trust me taking a breath in stressed filled environment allows fine motor skills to function at peak level.

My talk to text function has finally stopped telling me to slow down!

MartyMcfly85 ago

It fits the pattern. Whenever there is a lot of work being done behind-the-scenes the Q Team is quiet. They'll speak up when there's something we need to know.

Ronin3000 ago

Not at all

VQTmom ago

Half in New York, half somewhere else. Here’s my list of my Q team: PT, Gen Kelly, Mattis, Flynn, Adm Rogers, Stephen Miller, Brad Parscale and Erik Prince. SB2 is my 9th.

Sirnotabot ago

No, there have been periods of silence in the past much worse. It's not as if there is no momentum without Q ... The Sky is Falling and there's Panic in DC. Between the Kavanaugh accusers, confirmation hearings, RR situation, UN addresses, calling out bad actors (countries) and ideologies, press briefings, and tweets, not to mention more and more pressure to release the docs .... it's been a busy week. The momentum is here, the momentum is ours ... run with it ... Q drops are just refueling.

BBSPaul ago

Not at all. This has happened several times and for a lot longer too. Trust the Plan. Reread old post and use the time to post proofs on other media sources. Sharpen you sword of knowledge, load your gun with red pill ammo. Put on your armor of god and pray frequently. * We are not here to be entertained by Q.

We are here to help save America and then the rest of the world, by exposing the pedophile globalist cabal that controls the world.

dideediane ago


DJB ago

Dont worry. Once I recall a 20 day absence. The job of doing the work is crucial to the job of informing the world about it

Butter_and_Meatloaf ago

Not weird at all that Q hasn't posted. The anons are currently engaged in Kavanaugh research. Q is letting them work undisturbed.

Knower ago

I too have wondered at the silence. Seems unusual to me, but there is PANIC IN DC, so I am certain he has a lot on his plate right now.

cmcgee14 ago

He must have a lot on his plate. I thought maybe since they were all at the UN meetings it might be why we haven't heard anything. Plus with the Kavanaugh debacle it might bring unnecessary press.

hawk888 ago

WEIRD also WEIRD that POTUS is backing off of RR and believes him???

cmcgee14 ago

Maybe doesn't believe him really but understands that if he fires him it will affect the midterms?

M2Q2 ago

"Sometimes disinformation is necessary" .... Trust the plan. Needs all eyes front and center so people will recognize the lies... and red pill others when they start to ask Q uestions. Wait for the Boooms.

dideediane ago

Also during the press conference yesterday when asked if he would fire RR, he was saying that he would postpone the meeting with him till after this craziness with Kavanaugh today. I thought that very interesting.

Stopmotionhistory ago

It is normal. Stay strong. Use this time to research.

Mumbleberry ago

2nd row down, first from left on a standard keyboard.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Busy fighting the globalist wankers.