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fuckingmockies ago

The mods of v/TheAwakening are idiots. They've already banned me just for calling them stupid niggers and showing people how to see what they have deleted and banned.

They have already irrevocably ruined their sub. By requiring a minimum CCP to downvoat, they've quarantined themselves. We've had shills use this feature to set up brigading and upvoats farming subs before, so any sub with a minimum CCP to downvoat will not be visible on the front page or /all. Likewise, any upvoats received in that sub will not count on the rest of the site.

Congrats, mods of v/TheAwakening, @DropGun, @girlwonder, @high-valyrian, @RonaldSwanSong, @DrogeAnon. You've fucked up your "official" sub, no one has any proof you're even the same users behind the Reddit counterpart usernames, and you're trying to moderate like this is Reddit when you are here on our website.

Assimilate or die, you fucking mockies.

DropGun ago

You have a little button. We have a bigger button, and it works. Support Q's mission (red pill normies) or find somewhere else to play.

Oops, look like you found somewhere else to play, already. Nice place. Have fun in here.

Jadsticles ago

You proud fag. You had to go and be a dick... Just apologise and do the right thing.

therisingsun ago

Fuck off you niggerfaggot

ExpertShitposter ago

But you are the blind normie tho.....

vladtep ago

Have a downvote, schlomo

kalgon ago

OMG dropgun -87... What the hell happened to all your internet points you fucking shitbag???

middle-path ago



IrbyTremors ago

Leave now, never come back you kike

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Hello user for 20 hours. It doesn't look like you're going to be compatible with voat culture.

ThierryofAlsace2 ago

Hey nigger why did you delete my post? Rule one doesn't say shit about about slurs? I can do this all day nigger faggot!

jzerocoolj ago

I think they're referring to their own Rule 1, which is "support Q" which is precisely vague enough to carpet bomb and wrongthink with bans.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nope it says "support the cause" most rules power modes make are vague in such a way so they can be applied broadly

everlastingphelps ago

Wow, I've heard that (((tone))) before.