Tallest_Skil ago

Absolutely fucking hilarious. You expected ✡redditors✡ to join your fold and not shit things up with their own self-absorbed autism? REALLY?

realnstuff ago

Nothing against it, even as "red pilled" faggot you can be a fuckin sheep blindly believing shit. Look at /v/TheAwakening they already have 1000 subs more than /v/GreatAwakening. Those faggots have to learn to think for themself, there will be no old man jerking them off. By the way we shouldn't waste our time on them rather research and discuss.

manxom ago

waaaahhhh. either it'll be stronger for having more options in different flavors or one will win. worried you might be betamax?

Nahte27 ago

The message on qmap.pub needs to be changed. I moved here, but after seeing that message thought everyone moved to v/TA. Now I understand what's going on and have moved back here.

MehTehOreamnos ago

So, yeah... I found v/greatawakening because it came to the top of the suggestions when I created an account a few min ago. I too am a refugee from the shithole Reddit. I saw Serial Brain was posting on v/greatawakening so I figured that was the place to be.... Are you suggesting that v/theawakening is misguiding Patriots? Or just in general Q followers should stick to one or the other? #helpthenewbie 🤨

valk2 ago

I have no clue about misguiding with that particular subverse. I was banned from it already for simply pointing out we have 2 places now for this topic.

There was a reason he pointed out that particular subverse. I would like to think it is because there is a great mod here who isn't on a power trip and only here to find out the truth.

I think we should stick together.

The other subverse that was created is censoring so much stuff and banning people already.

MehTehOreamnos ago

Yeah, I think the more prominent users in the movement should try to guide everyone to the same area. I know that will be crazy difficult tho...

valk2 ago

Yeah, well what happened was people came in, shit on the rug, moved next door and bought a new rug. Then shit on that one.

MehTehOreamnos ago

I wouldn't expect any less. Spending 5 sec on 8ch will show you how retarded some of these people are

Systematicparadox ago

yep im new here and cant wait to get more info. this shit is going down.

valk2 ago

Well stick around and see how things are because things can be pretty different at first.

GrandMaesterRahool ago

Hey, i appreciate y'all letting me crash on your couch, it's pretty nice in here, i just might stick around. Also, you're all a bunch of niggerfaggots, and im happy to be able to say it.

valk2 ago

1.3 years of crashing...man I didn't even see you on the couch.

GrandMaesterRahool ago

Haha i started the account when pizzagate left reddit, lurked for a day, and then forgot about it. I'm here to stay now

heygeorge ago

I don’t believe you! But, welcome if indeed you do.

GrandMaesterRahool ago

Oh I'm serious for sure, y'all are a bunch of assholes, but in a good way. It's much better that the holier than thou bullshit the commies pull on reddit.

valk2 ago

At least you know what you're dealing with upfront. Always a good thing.

Barracuda72 ago

New here myself, a Reddit Refugee as you call it... I came to Voat once Reddit banned Q subs only because I had never even heard of Voat, might have been here long ago if I had. You too were once new to Voat... Judge each of us by the measure of our input. There are a great many of us, I am sure there are many more to follow, and most of us just seek the truth. Me, usually I just lurk, research, and learn. Trying to engage more here as that is how this platform seems to reward us. 🤔

valk2 ago

Kinda hard to engage when they divided everyone by creating a new subverse than Banned me from it for pointing it out.

So yeah, so far you guys have a great track record.

Barracuda72 ago

Not "You Guys"... Cause I had no idea it happened prior to your telling me. There were two subs on Reddit as well. One was full of shills and bots, the other... Seemed to be a bit better. Myself... I came because Serial Brain 2 said this is the best place to regroup. I may be new, but I have no hand in none of the shenanigans of which you speak. That's on them, not me... As I said, I come in search of whatever truth might be found and wish only the best for any and all involved. To be fair... Judge each of us by his own measure, not by the measure of another's deeds and or misdeeds.

valk2 ago

Syrazie has been on top of every Q post, they break it down, have it linked out and archived as well. Bopper too. There was no need for that other sub. We had everything setup and some of us thought this was going to happen. The site just isn't setup to handle that much traffic all at once which is why things were so sluggish.

I don't know whats going on with the other subverse but at this point I am going to trust Syrazie and Bopper as they both are on top of stuff. If they aren't around and I see a post I try to make one to let other's know.

I am no one special just a person who try's to help out when I can and say something when I see it. I did that today.

Barracuda72 ago

I would like to add that I will look for the posts of these two you mentioned, and say thank you for the direction. I too would like to suggest you take a gander at SerialBrain2. I'm sure he will begin posting soon. His message brought me here. Tips my hat to you...

valk2 ago

Oh, I am familiar with their work. I was able to understand many of Q's posts thanks to the deciphering done by them. I've watched many a youtube video discussing the postings. Thanks for the heads up. Others might not know and if they see it then they will.

Have a great day!

Barracuda72 ago

Look, I can't speak to what you do concerning the information flow and or the set up of either subverse... I know this and this alone, most of us come here in search of truth. That it, my friend. MOST of us are, we ALL seek unity, WWG1WGA. There were two subs on Reddit as well, and one went straight to shit because it was infiltrated... Lots of discussion on it if you'd like to learn, but if the mods of this other subverse come from the shit sub on Reddit, it will collapse on itself. Folks had went running from that sub in droves.


valk2 ago

I am trying to tell you that if you seek that then you are in the correct subverse now. Syrazie and Bopper as well as others on this site do much work concerning Q. There is work done here that can't be done other places because of censorship and taboo topics.

There are usually posts done every time there is a Q post, usually just moments after. It will contain archive links, images of the post as well as links to the board as well as qanon.pub.

The other sub has already banned myself as well as anyone who questions the fact they created a second subverse. I don't know who the previous mods were but the ones who are in that subverse are creating a second echo chamber and possibly just as that sub reddit you spoke of on reddit.

Simplified: I come to this subverse for the no bullshit, straight up information that comes from Q. Research and discussions occur as well. However, you can always count on getting the raw information and having it sourced here in this subverse. Example: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2715616

You can go where ya like though, we don't care on here. They might care and ban you like they did me just for pointing out they created a second subverse.

Have a great day, and I hope that you find the truth and information you're searching for and WWG1WGA.

Barracuda72 ago

I will keep an eye out for Syrazie and Bopper. Thank you for the heads up... I am surfing around the platform and trying to see what I might see that interest me. My curiosity is piqued, and the freedom of open discourse. Freedom of speech is key for me as well. Have a great evening as well... WWG1WGA, Indeed my friend, Indeed. Unless of course your jumping off cliffs and shit, then... Well, I ain't going! 😉 😂😂😂😂

WokeByTheStorm ago

thanks for the info...many don't know who to trust. My rule of thumb has always been to take everything with a grain of salt and do my research. I will probably participate in both until i settle down where i feel comfortable. We were 70k strong there but had to filter through the BS to find the info. Its all good. And hopefully i won't be called a nigger faggot too many times, but i'm no snowflake and can defend myself.

In the end we all are just seeking the truth to be in the light.

lethak ago

Well, it feels like the "internet point lovers" wanted to feel safe and stay in control of the narrative, so ...

BUT, I did felt much antagonism around, maybe the blame is to be shared ?

Anyway, why not simply contribute in both ?

StormSurfer1776 ago

Reddit refugee here to fight. Not divide.

Tenebre ago

I'm for whatever offers great info. I'll be sticking around awhile.

badwordsarefunny ago

Does this get me a ccp

y0brando ago

Hold up, swole up. Ive had a voat for a minute, followed this sub for a bit, and i lurk more than i respond. Not everyone that's migrated from reddit is dividing the movement.

Be careful with your blanket statements. ;)

Matterhorn27 ago

Redditfag here. I think I'l just browse both the new and old subverses, just like most people will do. I just want the info.

Canpede ago

I fell into the new subversion by default, thank you for posting this. I'm monitoring both and will choose carefully.

Punisher1Pain ago

There is no division, most people that came from reddit are subscribed to both. The only division is by butt hurt people complaining that there is another sub. Who cares? The more info the better!

IrritableGimp ago

I joined here about a month ago, taking Q's postings as an alarm approaching. Before that, I never knew that Voat existed. Personally, I don't get into any sub squabbles. There is too much going on out there to be worried with who has the longest slong here....just sayin'! As with any freedom, let them do as they like and be welcoming to those who choose otherwise. With that said, I welcome all like minded anons and normies.

kalgon ago

Yeah especially @DropGun he needs to go back and kill himself in T_D

Fallout18 ago

Glad to meet you all. Redditt refugee looking for shelter.

PraiseKEK7 ago

This is the legit sub as I’ve come to realize. I had an account on VOAT after the reddit purge in summer 2015. Some dindu sub got banned so I migrated here. Glad to be back.

DankOrganism ago

Make the Awakening Great Again!

Qanonplus1 ago

Same here, I'm a reddit refugee...little lost...never heard of voat really until now. I just need to stay connected to people who talk about q.

manxom ago

what's the panic for? they will rise or fall on their own,

Cara_C ago

I've always heard you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket, and we've seen you certainly shouldn't leave your movement under the control of one group of moderators. People working alongside each other toward the same goals are still united.

PrivatePyle ago

I'm more or less new here too ( opened my account about 2 years ago but never used it much), so I just subscribed to both. That way, they both show up in my news feed. Over the next days/weeks this will shake itself out and one of the subs will die and the population will coalesce around the other. I have no idea which way it will go, so I'm covered.

But if subs are banning people for showing other users how to see what the mods are deleting, that's not a good sign.

Diverscale ago

Well said. Seems like since the beginning of Q, with pamphlet and baruchthescribe for example, there has been ongoing censorship and division. They just don't give up

Elfchiro ago

Ok, went to The awakening by accident. Was not paying attention. But I did delete my reddit account so it's not all bad. WWG1WGA

WhiteDragonMage ago

Neon Revolt used his following and sent everyone over there. Citing that he did not know if the mods over here could be trusted. Because of his status in the community he himself was never censored like the rest of us were. So he is not really aware of how others were treated.

We didn’t have just one sub either. I preferred an alternative TGA with higher quality posts and less traffic. Either way spreading out is fine Imo as there were just to many people trying to post on that sub.

thelogicalgirl ago

Jeez. Didn't know any of this. I came here from Neon Revolt's post. I was fairly new to Q anyway and had found TGA useful. Had never heard of Voat before. Will stick with this sub from now on.

basedmangod2015 ago

finally a place where we can come together and use our newly found free speech to TALK ABOUT HOW BULLSHIT MCDONALDS IS!!!!

joecamoe ago

Just use both, that's what I'm about.

VapidGopher ago

This is a gang like turf war right now, fighting for who will be the captain of the ship and steer information whatever direction they chose. We really need to stay united in this but I do t know how to help make that happen

SolomanAl ago

watch and learn. remember lurking.

VapidGopher ago

Usually I do lurk, while up/down voting. I just want to get to that ccp level so I can help contribute upvotes where needed

Neinlife ago

There is already some cunt rag jew mod on theawakening imitating the cunt rag kikes at faggit.

everlastingphelps ago

The containment sub is working, though. I need to figure out how to get AVE to hide 0|0 posts, and I'll be set.

moonshadoe ago

Over Dramatic statement, IMO.

WWG1WGA01 ago

A lot of people were unhappy with the GA mods for multiple reasons, not least that it was common knowledge that at least one mod had been compromised and that posts were being removed. This started a mass exodus to T_GA which was great until it became apparent that the mods would not tolerate any questioning of Q or anything that showed Q in a negative light I disagree with these posts but believe that if there is a legitimate argument it should be discussed and people can make their own minds up, the mods obviously wanted to mirror MSM and only allow the posts they wanted us to see. As a result of this I started my own Sub which has also been removed now. It wasn’t a busy sub by any stretch but posts were there and people would check in when they wanted. I have set this up on voat now v/wwg1wga01 for the same reason, it is there if anyone needs it.

snortykat ago

I came here for q info and discussion. I will gladly learn the culture here and adhere to it.

2whitelighter7 ago

So what is the current backup plan when VOAT goes down?

vladtep ago

I can't say and you don't want to know.

CrusadePrime ago


SemperFortis99 ago

BUSTED! John Kerry Caught Holding Secret Meetings With Iran AGAIN http://archive.is/i1C53

Captainfancypants ago

I had no clue about Voat until NeonRevolt posted about it on his site. I was a long time lurker on Reddit, but barely posted much.

Durm ago

I wouldn't go that far. They aren't dividing real people, they might be creating FUD around parts of the Voat culture, but those fighting voat wont win. They are absolutely not changing anyone's mind, but maybe 10-20% of themselves and their own minds for those that stay.

The rest who were just high on the old echo chamber aren't worth anything and will go. You can't force unreasonable people to be reasonable, you can however present a choice to the ones who are reasonable.

Derpfroot ago

2 subverse's on here for Q.

Looks like some reddit-tier drama...they couldn't handle not being in charge.

YoHomie ago

Actually, I think it'd be great if ALL you Q LARPers would go to some gaming forum and hang out there. Voat was a much better place befire any of you morons got here.

albatrosv15 ago

Both are owned by women. They are fucked.

VapidGopher ago

Thanks for pointing out the difference, I actually missed that. Qmap.pub links to /v/theawakening so I will visit that one instead

Mumbleberry ago

That's the Eddit censorfag version.

Soakingitup123 ago

I saw yours or another similar party. I found this soon and a couple others looking for great Awakening on Reddit yesterday. Thank you for sharing. Most people want the truth and not compromised mods, but many are comfortable where they are herded and again have no idea their kids may be compromised. That and/or they don't know where else to go. I'm following a few subs here now. I had peeked into voat a couple times before, but now will definitely be participating here.

Maestro232 ago

This is all very difficult for a half-woke newbie like me. You guys were here first before the reddit migration. I think I'll be lurking here.

AllahuAkbarSH ago

I like Voat, more drama than in the TV

analyticalalligator ago

There were two different subs in Reddit because some believed the original mods were compromised.

Uncertain, the philosophy many of us took was to sub to both.

I will point out that the Reddit mods had a very hard time keeping the leftist trolls at Bay. I will also point out that those trolls are going to follow us.

Quietwolfkingcrow ago

That's because some of them are leftist trolls....

LurkMaster ago

Future has proven past in this case. Look at how they setup their sub here. I was on CBTS then GA, then moved to TGA. Spammed others to join, never told anyone to completely leave GA. GA continued to slide for a couple of months, now gone. Same will happen to them here but on a quicker time scale.

aDalekHater ago

I have been on reddit for over a year in that subreddit and I had no idea this place existed. I’m extremely happy I found it! I’m new here but I’m always willing to learn.

Quietwolfkingcrow ago

Thanks for putting this out there! I am thankful to have found this place because the mods at GA were definitely exacting out an agenda and not allowing a free exchange of information.


Ok tell me wich one i need to go to, I don't want to go to the one that is mod by soros people

Le_Squish ago

The point is for you to decide for yourself. Stop being led by the nose.

You are literally sheep no more.

caprica777 ago

I’m a long term lurker here and pizzagate, was a contributor over on r/ for a while. Mostly because the Voatify app is not as user friendly (for me).

I’ve had to point out to a few people about the division myself.

The mods over there have been suspected of being compromised for a while now, so I’m not surprised they want to hold onto their power.

What you have said here I couldn’t have said better myself

Le_Squish ago

Voat is perfectly fine experienced through your browser. Admin has given much love to mobile voat.

caprica777 ago

Thanks for the heads up! I'm embarrassed to say I never actually tried to use my phone browser.

FlappyJappy ago

you only have that many mods on a subverse if you intend to censor and control the narrative constantly, TheAwakening is nothing more than an clown controlled division tactic as far as im concerned.

standstrong4christ ago

Their attempts will fail regardless.

I_am_Q ago

No you are not dividing the movement, gather here.


Buttercup0724 ago

Idk. We had a lot of grandmas and recently converted bernie bros on that sub. Super newbies. Maybe its best theres another sub so they dont come interefere with your thing you have going over here? I dunno. I will read everything.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

His CCP is -14 right now: https://voat.co/user/DropGun

@DropGun hey man... please chill, take a step back, look at the big picture. Please consider adopting the culture of Voat, rather than coming in and imposing your own. We would really, really appreciate that. Y'all are welcome here, really, it's just that this site's motto is "have your say" and that's intended to mean a very light hand on modding and censorship. Please, let the users decide. Thanks for listening.

everlastingphelps ago

He's -91 now. Now he's limited to one thread and five comments a day, which is hilarious.

Make them count, fuckknob. You've earned the restrictions.

everlastingphelps ago

He fucked and posted a comment outside his padded wall containment forum. Now he's negative.

He won't make that mistake again.

Waffle_ninja ago

Don’t be afraid of a change of power. We did it in 2016 and this could be a good chance to ensure there is let any residual Reddit admin contamination.

valero73 ago

Just move over to the other one and join MODs together :)

DutchFag ago

"Reee, new people suck"

Yeah, I know, but you better deal with it nigger

ThreeFourSevenOne ago

There was a shit ton of mod drama over on reddit - people splintering off to other boards, accusations of trolls/shills being in charge etc... like you say, it was all about people wanting to be in charge/control. The whole thing went to shit when Q started posting links and the number of subscribers skyrocketed, so I sympathise with those worried about this latest influx.

Badaboom ago

Q linked to the other sub, legitimizing it.

LurkMaster ago

Q linked to posts on GA, not GA as a whole.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

mod migration from reddit is a terrible idea

Reddit1984 ago

I'm with you. I have a huge post over there but I have had bad interactions with r/GA mods (although some are great). An old account of 7 years was banned from there after contributing since Q's first drop.

This place seems much more difficult to infiltrate.

Workman ago

Christ, this happened when the r/the_donald briefly tried to migrate here too. Reddit mods are the second most cancerous subhumans on the planet, they can't possibly accept giving up their minuscule amount of power over others and just becoming regular users, so they ignore the existing subverse and make their own pointless one where they keep running it like the little tinpot dictator's they are!

DasReich ago

everlastingphelps ago

Because comped mods can't get by when the users realize they can see what they are doing.

BonesDC ago

That and they can keep you in their own little disinformation circle jerk

gitmo_rope ago

I'm kind of stumbling (crashing) in here. Truly, my apologies. Not aware of Voat history/protocol, admittedly. I appreciate any education regarding. Many of us discreddited won't be leaving here unless we are deleted. Again. Following your advice and pulling your recommended precedent subverse. Thank you.

MrShekelstein ago

You can't have a monopoly on Q subverses.

Just let them have their own subverse and stop bitching.

SIayfire122 ago

It reminds me of /R/The_Donald users. We already had /v/thedonald but the reddit mods didn't lie surrendering their power so they created /v/thepedes. Now it's a ghost town.

analyticalalligator ago

I remember that. The sub info at the time said that the Holocaust was a hoax. I assumed the mods were compromised.

Azurenightsky ago

The sub info at the time said that the Holocaust was a hoax. I assumed the mods were compromised.

There can be no Sacred Cows.

CaptnObvius ago

Everyone came here from reddit, so these are NOT the sharpest tools in the shed, including myself, we're not working with a lot here, just open minds, that's about it. This is your opportunity to shape minds and create independent thinkers, touch skins, new Goats.

Strawboss ago

I disagree with the OP suggestion that by our being "spread out" is a bad thing.

Using the example of the early Christian church in Jerusalem...once the uprising in AD 70 began - the Christians were scattered far and wide. However - they took their message with them...and the results are literally historic.

My point is that sometimes - a scattering is necessary in order to spread a message.

87376263 ago

I used Reddit for convenience. Since that is not an option, I’m happy to assimilate to an established source for Q information. Thanks for having us, WWG1WGA.

WhereIsMyMind ago

It's amazing the number of "patriots" that can't assimilate for the greater good and want to be shadowbanned in some private circlejerk moderation cumdumpster sub

EmJayGee ago

Yeah is there a voat app? This was a major factor that drove me back to Reddit/Twitter/FB from Gab, just the friction of having to use a web browser instead of an app on my iPad. lazy? sure. But it's true.

Lucille ago

For me, this. I thought the Reddit interface and app was convenient, and have been using Reddit for several years/have only recently heard of voat. I'm primarily a lurker and am grateful for the lack of censorship and promotion of free speech. This said, is there a subvoat that posts q drops and research? Maybe I'm not in the correct sub

robot7247 ago

Spent morning on voat feeling like I was trapped in a submerged car. Now trying to follow the bubbles up.

NellerBean ago

hear hear

Cheetah1964 ago

Same here. I will just adapt. Patriots are not the enemy. The Clinton Crime Network is the enemy.


Is anyone doing research here? Man all I see is Oldfags freaking the fuck out. Fuck man what the hell ya'll gonna do when 200k show up? GET MAD at them? Damn, I'm gonna search Voat for research and not get sidetracked anymore. Welcome to Voat Patriots! Now go the fuck Home right?

everlastingphelps ago

Oh, THIS is rich. Now, the reddit mods on the new sub are going back through old comments of mine and deleting them for violating "Rule 2."

The funny part is there was no rule 2 when I posted. So they went back and added a rule to delete my comments. I'm touched.

MannyIsRight ago

Sounds like nazi bookburning.

TerryB ago

Have you ever looked into the books they were burring? I think you would have provided the matches if you did.

BonesDC ago

They are cancer

TheParadigmMan ago

Don't have the time to tread the chans and Reddit made it easy ... Thanks for the heads up on the other sub I've been questioning Neon since he shoved us in that direction.

GlendonHawke ago

Can’t downvote the NiggerFaggots that are in the wrong subverse till I get some more upvotes

LurkMaster ago

Same. Tending my karma farm until the harvest allows me to down voat.


@srayzie @Shizy

What do you guys think about making a sticky introducing yourselves to the new users and making a brief statement about your future plans for this place? I've already seen one of your open invitations to former Reddit mods to work together but from my perspective it looks like they've given you guys the cold shoulder. All I'm saying is it might put some minds at ease if you guys proactively put out a statement on this whole situation

Aaronkin ago

Srayzie honestly there is nothing bad about your sticky idea as long as we are aware that the black hats will use the information we post about ourselves. We have to use judgment in what we post as always. As to the invite to join with them, I am deeply against letting the Redit Refugees anywhere near any mod powers here and you and I both know that is what they will want. The Risk is to great. They already banned free speech in their own little Voat play ground. Till they adopt our culture and our general rules they should not be trusted. We have all seen the Refuge floods before from Redit. It is same over and over they always want us to change to their standards. Not this time, not ever. I will not give up my Freedom of Speech just so some Redit fagot an have a new play ground to spoil. We have remained free here because of our culture and our rules. If they can't adapt first then they should never get to be Mods. (This situation reminds me of the main defeat in the KNU bid for Independence. They took in a bunch of refugees and next thing they knew the refugees let the enemy into their battle lines and their war for independence was lost.) Be very careful in your decision, please. I would recommend you strongly encourage them to adapt first. Good luck.

Shizy ago

@stayzie made a post this morning that covers some of that. Thanks for the suggestion. We are always happy to answer questions. Maybe I will add that as a comment in her post.

Treefart ago

There's too many of them, I fear for Voat's future

everlastingphelps ago

Since they've shadowbanned themselves in their training wheels sub, I'm not really worried about it. On voat, no one can hear whiny bitches scream.

Treefart ago

I hope you are right

emperorbma ago

I see it as a slow detox from the Progressive concern trolling that characterizes Reddit. I grew up with 4chan and YTMND. Shitposting is natural to me. They were babied and mollycoddled. Gotta wean that shit.

pacificbold1776 ago

Competition can be healthy. It keeps the people 'in power' on check. Quality will make this sub-verse strong. Mods just need to make sure to be on top of the new Q drops.

PSA: Ignore the shills with their division tactics and complaints. Judge for yourself. Subscribe to all Q anon subverses you can find and evaluate them for yourself. Participate in all them until you find a "home" base on your own expeience.

boredTech ago

Hi, I told you all not to leave your circle jerk :)

Anonomus911 ago

Folks are watching both places. Who has the better content will decide. Most folks coming from reddit are looking for a new place. FAR more then this place has NOW.

The pond is gong to get MUCH bigger.

everlastingphelps ago

It isn't the job of the mods. It's our job.

Stop waiting for other people to think for you.

pacificbold1776 ago

You know newbies we can not post, right?

everlastingphelps ago

You have zero points and you are posting.

pacificbold1776 ago

I am commenting. I can not post threads. yet. So, if I see a new Q drop I can not post it.

Soakingitup123 ago

I can't post comments even since I've reached my 10 comment limit for the day. Edited: I was going to take a screenshot because of the message I got last time I tried to post. Not sure why it let me make this comment after previously denying a different one. I'm a newbie here, hopefully I can contribute more soon.

everlastingphelps ago

You need to get more comment points. It only takes 10 points to be able to post threads in a normal sub.

You can't get CCP at the other sub, BTW. Because they have downvoat restrictions, none of the points over there count. You don't get free speech credit unless you participate in free speech. Comment and get upvoats here or in v/Introductions, and you'll be able to post threads.

StormSurfer1776 ago

Thank you. I assure you I have the best of intentions as a Reddit refugee.

hankkimball ago

I go where the content is. If I can find the content without all of the racist shit, that’s where I will go.

Treefart ago

Get out nigger

hankkimball ago

Fuck off.

vladtep ago

Have a downvoat, schlomo

Treefart ago

I was here first, oh yeah and suck a dick kike

everlastingphelps ago

Racist is a word used to keep you from thinking. It serves no other purpose but to stab you in the feels to kill the thinks.

hankkimball ago

You guys don’t offend me and I understand why you do it.

I am looking for a place or a sub or forum to discuss Q: I would like to find one without the racist name calling. Can that be done at voat or is it mandatory to allow that behavior at all subs?

Race and religion can be discussed without the name calling.

everlastingphelps ago

It is mandatory to not censor if you want to participate on the front page. Nobody trusts anyone else to decide what is and isn't "name calling." This is the lesson of reddit.

hankkimball ago

Thanks for the info.

Personally, I don’t care about the front page of voat. I didn’t care about the front page of reddit either though. They both appear to have a certain amount of censorship in order to be welcomed to their front page.

everlastingphelps ago

This isn't censorship. All the mods have to do is take the downvoat restriction off and they can appear on v/all.

Face it. It's a containment sub. Your mods are controlled opposition. They want to you waste your effort there where no one will see what you are doing.

hankkimball ago

That’s it?

So we can ban left and right all those that don’t follow the sub’s rules. We just need to allow downvoting to occur to make it to the front page?

I don’t care about the social adspects of reddit or voat. If being forced into isolation from the rest of voat is the only way to have a sub we want. So be it.

It sure feels like censorship.

everlastingphelps ago

You've got it. All they have to do is allow downvoats, and those 700+ upvoat threads will be all over the front page. It happened with v/pizzagate.

They don't want you on v/all.

LurkMaster ago


Iwashbeforeipee ago

Trust the plan. Fuck this mess of a website. Qdrops is all we need. Go be a better person if you wanna contribute at this point. Voat sucks dick

Mumbleberry ago

ForeskinGhost ago

Lovely day isn't it?

0perationchromite ago

I'll stick with the Mods I trust from reddit

LurkMaster ago

which ones? GA? you gotta be kiddding.

WanderingTaurus ago

A site with true transparency?! I approve

fuckingmockies ago

The mods of v/TheAwakening are idiots. They've already banned me just for calling them stupid niggers and showing people how to see what they have deleted and banned.

They have already irrevocably ruined their sub. By requiring a minimum CCP to downvoat, they've quarantined themselves. We've had shills use this feature to set up brigading and upvoats farming subs before, so any sub with a minimum CCP to downvoat will not be visible on the front page or /all. Likewise, any upvoats received in that sub will not count on the rest of the site.

Congrats, mods of v/TheAwakening, @DropGun, @girlwonder, @high-valyrian, @RonaldSwanSong, @DrogeAnon. You've fucked up your "official" sub, no one has any proof you're even the same users behind the Reddit counterpart usernames, and you're trying to moderate like this is Reddit when you are here on our website.

Assimilate or die, you fucking mockies.

DrogeAnon ago

Thank you! It's awesome to be welcomed so warmly around here and I can see we're going to love it! : ) I'm glad you appreciate the effort we've made to irrevocably ruin our sub - it's something we worked long and hard at, according to internet rumor. I'm not the same guy from Reddit tbh, you have "outed" me. I'm a 400 pound Zimbabwean Grandmother but I saw an opportunity to grab a mod position in the Q movement and I couldn't resist! Mwahaha!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you ruined your own sub tbh

ThirteenthZodiac ago

You're a fucking communist faggot reddit-tier piece of shit.

Kill yourself.

Mumbleberry ago

Censor fag is now butthurt censorfag. Glorious!

everlastingphelps ago

Keep posting outside your padded sub so we can keep downvoating you and making sure that your cancer is known.

Oveass ago

Stop censoring. Unhide your subverse. Stop banning people.

fuckingmockies ago

Thought you acted like a cunt over on Reddit as well. Here's the difference between Reddit and Voat: Reddit is obsessed with self censorship, extensive and comprehensive rules, and a Platoon of power hungry mods working overtime. On Reddit, the Sub belongs to the Mods.

On Voat, we're aggressive about upholding out r freedom of speech ideals - this is why we have you and bombard you all with vitriol. You think we're like this 24/7? Of course we aren't. This is a litmus test to see what kind of values you have. This is like the sixth or seventh major migration I've seen, and your group is behaving almost as shitty as The_Donald did when they came for a hot minute. Also, on Voat, the subs belong to the community, not the mods; here, the mods are the conscientious servants of the community.

Remember, you came here. Stop acting like faggots. Adapt to our culture, make peace, and within a week you'll hardly see a slur one way or the other - and if you do, swallow your pride and ignore it. Downvoat it, if you want. But never censor it.

DrogeAnon ago


Azurenightsky ago

Mild applause

Mumbleberry ago

Rampant faggotry.

DropGun ago

You have a little button. We have a bigger button, and it works. Support Q's mission (red pill normies) or find somewhere else to play.

Oops, look like you found somewhere else to play, already. Nice place. Have fun in here.

Jadsticles ago

You proud fag. You had to go and be a dick... Just apologise and do the right thing.

therisingsun ago

Fuck off you niggerfaggot

ExpertShitposter ago

But you are the blind normie tho.....

vladtep ago

Have a downvote, schlomo

kalgon ago

OMG dropgun -87... What the hell happened to all your internet points you fucking shitbag???

middle-path ago



IrbyTremors ago

Leave now, never come back you kike

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Hello user for 20 hours. It doesn't look like you're going to be compatible with voat culture.

ThierryofAlsace2 ago

Hey nigger why did you delete my post? Rule one doesn't say shit about about slurs? I can do this all day nigger faggot!

jzerocoolj ago

I think they're referring to their own Rule 1, which is "support Q" which is precisely vague enough to carpet bomb and wrongthink with bans.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nope it says "support the cause" most rules power modes make are vague in such a way so they can be applied broadly

everlastingphelps ago

Wow, I've heard that (((tone))) before.

Araket ago

Wait.. So displaced pedes are dividing the movement by trying to find some place to continue discussing the movement and disseminate information. We are talking about the same movement here right? The Great Awakening? The namesake of this board? So who is dividing the movement? I'm confused because, by telling the pedes to fuck off, you are.. well... dividing the movement... GA had a population of 70000 people, it was an excellent way to bring in new people, people that would come here, see crap ass posts like this and leave without learning anything.

furiousg3orge ago

Let's not group us all into one fucking big group. I, for one, am embracing a new leadership and direction. Until I see something that is off then I'm here for the long haul. Neon Revolt has my trust and spoke about this sub so here I am.

dooob ago

One is modded by a long time and trusted poster/user of Voat who has been called out for supporting the Q movement.

I do not like mods that protect known disinfo agents.


so much for STAY STRONG STAY TOGETHER I understand the need for good optics but the mods over there are too thirsty for power.

TonyVilla89 ago

No one is divided because a lot of us are subscribed to BOTH

/v/TheAwakening is just a refugee camp. It's for people who can't handle pure uncensorship and prefer Reddit's style of modding.

paninavan ago

So it's for all the pussies.

everlastingphelps ago

Yup. Training wheels and padded walls.

If you can't handle reading "faggot" how are you ever going to get to the filthy satanists running the world?

GamerWithGlasses ago

That's what I did. But if there is a primary source we all should go to then I'm there.

GlendonHawke ago

I’m new here only because I didn’t know about this place I love it already True patriots found the right subverse fuck those other guys

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Voat generally abhors censorship, and in its history, frowns upon new mods/subs things like this:




Voat encourages use of user up/down voats in lieu of modding

PizzaMario ago

Voat isn't for gentles, nice way to demonstrate that. With all due respect, where to send the newly-redpilled, some of whom are just waking up to the pedovores/monarch programming/satanism? Throwing porn at the new group was guaranteed to provoke, and then when the new mods predictably react you want to act superior and insult them. Feel better? Now let us know how this helps the cause. Even chananons have been welcoming; they (amazingly) patiently point noobs to intro pages and prep them, instead of trying to repulse and insult them. The movement needs mentors and shepherds, not just drill sergeants. If you can't be one, consider perhaps to refrain from being the other when it's not called for. And maybe check the source of these strong feelings - resentment, jealousy, hate? We pray for each other, brother, accept some love. Use logic; WWG1WGA means the rest will have to catch up, and they won't all follow the same paths. They aren't built for it.

TonyVilla89 ago

Refugees don't care about respecting their host's culture, you should know that.

Now where is my Welfare Check and Nutella?

PizzaMario ago

Backwoods inbreds don't care about anyone else's stories, either. If you think you're a superior of some sort and the only one deserving of salvation, who are you more like - Q anons or the other side?

obvious_throwaway1 ago


everlastingphelps ago


PoundSign_999 ago

I wouldn't worry about. We're all on borrowed time here on Voat. I'll be very surprised if this site is allowed to operate much longer.

Emperor_Jack_Tunney ago

People have been saying that for 4 years now.

dunklederf ago

every time one of these invasions happen, i've been fortunate enough to be there AS IT HAPPENS, and try to get it into people's fucking heads that they need to learn to fit the fuck in and adoptt he voat ways, and not bring their fuccking reddit cancer in here.

i HAD to go to bed at SOME point. i've never seen an invasion of voat -THIS FUCKING CANCEROUS-


what a fucking rampaging goddamn pack of "useful" idiots these cancerous cunts are. it's ACTUALLY making me mad how fucking trash these people are.

vladtep ago

Worse than frigging moslems

MrDarkWater ago

Dude, it's mostly boomers who don't have a clue. Everybody is willing to learn. Quit being such an ass and help make the movement better.

dunklederf ago

stop being cancer immigrants


MrDarkWater ago

And we are gonna rape your little girls like I rape my daughter.

dunklederf ago

is this what you shiteaters consider edgy still?

gabara ago


That is an ANTI-SEMITIC slur and I will ask you NOT to use it here EVER again you manbaby shiitlord! I'm reporting you for racism to our Social Justice Officer @heygeorge. And yes her name is George, that is NOT your say,.

zyklon_b ago


dunklederf ago


gabara ago

NO! This is Voat! You are free now. FREE! This is where you tell me to fuck off and tell me that I am a nigger / kike / faggot. Don't make me force you to be free!!!!!!!!

MrDarkWater ago

Nah. Just quoting one of Soros' financial guys.

furiousg3orge ago

Put some vagisil on your cooter and fucking deal with it. A lot of us are readers, lurkers, and infrequent posters. There are some that are dickheads, but not even close to a majority.

Le_Squish ago

Most of you will need to be put in the oven.

furiousg3orge ago

As long as you put some reading material and some black coffee in there with us, I'm game.

Treefart ago

They banned me at /v/TheAwakening for telling them they should not be censoring free speech

OnyxDialectic ago


cstrafe ago

Agreed. Things should not be this fragmented.

Micheal84 ago

My advice: also subscribe to the subverse /v/pizzagate

MrDarkWater ago

Thanks for the advice. Works better than being an ass. Everybody is willing to learn voat's culture. Give us more than a day.

everlastingphelps ago

Nobody ever cured cancer by giving it time to get well rooted in.

MrDarkWater ago

If cancer was trust, I suppose your analogy would be relevant. What you've got here is a bunch of people who don't know who to trust but are willing to make their minds up based on the evidence. People need an argument they don't know exists.

middle-path ago

No, go fuck yourself you stupid nigger.

MrDarkWater ago

Not an argument, faggot. 😁

Micheal84 ago

Agreed, once you know how it all works here, Voat is fine.

jzerocoolj ago

Use niggerfaggot the way Aussies use cunt?

OnyxDialectic ago

you could cut the air with a knife things are so tense around here.

SolomanAl ago

by Neon Revolt: So, yes. /r/GreatAwakening was banned from Reddit today. Thankfully, we were able to quickly relocate a ton of people to a reddit-like site called Voat, and get **https://voat.co/v/theawakening/ **up and running with a great mod team that I trust.

BonesDC ago

Unfortunate that Neon has thrown in with that pack of redaction troll MODs

Bigglesworth45 ago

/v/TheAwakening is full of pussy controlled op niggers. Hell this one may be too, but you should see the deletions at the other one. They are going to wear out the mouse button deleting all the uses of the work nigger.

fuckingmockies ago

I got banned for showing people how to see what their mods delete

Banned for "slurs" and "calling out the mods", what a joke! Criticize the mods and you get banned? Fucking kikes.

Cyrus_Q ago

One word perceived as anti Q got you banned in a hurry. They the scam mods were worse than fake news

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Banned for "slurs"

they need to go back

Tasha11 ago

Hi. I did leave Reddit, I am new here. But I was there because I didnt know of this place before :) Give us a chance, most of us want to unite, maybe some are tourists, I am not.

Jadsticles ago

See? It's not hard to not be a dick! Search subverses, get involved, contribute and all shall be well!

Xenophobic ago

I just want info, mostly lurk. Not here to shitpost the board to death. Feels good to speak freely, Bigly

WyoTxn ago

Same here.

MadWorld ago

Please tell your other friends/users to join https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening. All users on https://voat.co/v/TheAwakening are being isolated from the rest of Voat, because it is set to a private subverse. That means all submissions to that subverse won't show up on /v/all list and it is only visible when you specifically visit that subverse!! The cancerous (((reddit mods))) knowingly did so in order to maintain control of narratives and shield the users from the rest of Voat!

You can also visit https://voat.co/v/theawakening/about/log/submission and https://voat.co/v/theawakening/about/log/comment to see what they are trying to cencor!

gregthebassist ago

Also sb2 suggested ga here so boom in my mind

bb22 ago

Your mods on reddit are obviously a bunch of boomer-tier faggots.

K-lina ago

Agree. I am 57, had no idea about voat before yesterday (I do know the chans). I was redpilled from childhood. I am sticking around.

I did get a red "VQTE" sticker for my car

Cheetah1964 ago

I'm sticking around too. You can call me anything you want. I don't care. I just want to kick Deep State butt.

Fallout18 ago

Fuck yes.

CaveManUg ago

New Q sub https://www.reddit.com/r/Qpatriotsfight/ been active about 17 hours, why should there be only 1 big one? smaller is comfy. If they want we could play whack-a-mole. if you got time start another

Momerath ago

Hope you do mate, just as long as you aren't a shill alt, or plan to sell the acct to shills down the road.

Atomized_Individual ago

Welcome, Tasha

mrfetus ago

I like you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


everlastingphelps ago

I nigger you too, faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

gas the kikes, racewar now

pby1000 ago


There is no censorship here.

everlastingphelps ago

There won't be any uniting, because the mods at /v/TheAwakening are incompetent.

They way they have set up the sub, it can never appear on /v/all. If anything, it looks like they are trying to marginalize and hide the sub. They shadowbanned themselves before they ever got started.

I hope that @neonrevolt wises up quickly, because that sub doesn't look like it got cancer -- it looks like cancer from the core.

Pain_Is_Here ago

Yeah you get it. Their custom voting rules mean none of the upvoats there matter. It is a compromised blackhole, and just an extension of reddit.

WyoTxn ago

I had already left /ga for /t_ga, so I think I'll stick around here if that's ok.

robot7247 ago

New bumbler here, had not heard of voat before either. I rejoined reddit after leaving years back for the Q forum and now find myself here. Spent most of day reading back on posts v/GreatAwakening. Probably where I'll center.

bb22 ago

Don't educate the reddit fags. The smart ones will naturally assimilate to Voat culture and the stupid ones will be gassed per usual.

CSharpDev ago

I'm a Reddit refugee and I'm personally ready for a change. I was only on the Reddit sub for 5 months and I saw a massive change in the last two weeks even. It was absolutely insane with the censoring and the lack of any intelligent conversation.

Anything intelligent and thought provoking would get buried, whereas a link to a tweet would get 1000 upvotes.

I'm by no means a vote junky, but it makes it difficult to further along the conversation when you have to weed through so much crap.

Now if only voat had a decent mobile app.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Boats for Voat is good.

heygeorge ago

Voat’s mobile site is all you need. What good would the app do?

everlastingphelps ago

At first I thought it was stupidity, but now I'm convinced it was intentional. They set up v/TheAwakening as a containment sub. The purpose is to herd everyone into it and make sure that they are too afraid to look at the rest of voat, and that the rest of voat doesn't see what is going on.

It's an internet concentration camp, and the idiots are climbing over each other for the boxcars.

bb22 ago

ROFL These might end up being more hilarious than I first thought.

Qluelessnomore ago

I just discovered this myself. They have a "contained" sub over there and that is not good.

dunklederf ago

that fuckig dumpsterfire of cancer boomers and redditors is good to be contained, you need a fucking hazmat suit to see trough the fucking smog of full-of-themselves faggot cunts

LurkMaster ago

Can't agree more! The mods on GA do not want to give up what control they think they have. That's why TGA was started on Reddit. And it was growing every day and had better participation ratios than GA by a long shot. TGA/FOT/CLICK & others had a few subs set up for back up. Albeit still on Reddit so they got bonked with the rest.

My prediction is the new sub here will wither like T-D here did a while back. They have set themselves up for failure.

Qanonplus1 ago

I miss FOT and CLICK.

yougettogotogitmo ago

FOT is in discord I know for sure, not sure about here. I know they are reopening draintheswamp tonight but probably won’t go back there. Would rather learn to voat with the other newfags here

NickDixon ago

I'm hoping that there's plenty of interest to go around. As Q's posts continue to provide insight as the tide starts to turn, there will be plenty of ways to help spread the word, and help other people understand what's going on. Sometimes it's actually more effective to have what appears to be more independent analysis, and multiple subs with different perspectives may actually make our movement stronger.

Alphaqwrong ago

Where is FOT on voat?

LurkMaster ago

sorry, i meant the mod FartOnToast on TGA, swampwatch, draintheswamp.

Haven't seen him on either subverse yet.

BonesDC ago

Absolutely Correct! ^This


lol 18 hours. you must have done a ton of research on here.

BonesDC ago

Just several months observing the antics of the Mods from GA now same Mods on this sub pulling the same crap.

SneakyWino ago

Y'all should let Q know. Q is sending everyone to the other /v/ with a sticky at the top of Qmap.pub.

everlastingphelps ago

Q doesn't run qmap.pub.

You've been told, over and over and over, NO OTHER COMMS.

Anyone who leads you to believe that they speak for Q is LYING TO YOU.

BonesDC ago

Yeh I dont know if that is Q listing that link or not and I would have no idea on how to get that message through to whoever linked it or whether it would be welcomed. What I do Know is that the mods had a blowup with another mod before all this banning happened and my posting abilities were fucked with as were others. I do not trust those MODs on bit

malloc ago

Sure. Not bad advice. I don’t know either set of mods, so this is the natural next step. Research, listen, and drain the fucking swamp.

Pickzilla ago

That’s sure what I’m doing

OnyxDialectic ago

Tickle tickle

obvious_throwaway1 ago

People who are complacent and oblivious enough to only leave Reddit when they are forcefully removed are not the type of people who have demonstrated enough competent critical thinking and foresight to act in their future-facing best interest.

These individuals are, sadly, little more than "somebody should do something" personalities leveraging the internet to waste time voicing the very inaction they are too scared to do anything about.

In short, who cares. Some of these people will explore new ideas and wake up, but most of them were still summing it on Reddit for reasons far more terminal. They won't survive the near-term future without their cell phone and local Walmart either way, so it's best to just try and help as many of them wake up as possible with the firm understanding that the majority are beyond salvation and will not last long when times get truly rough.

Aaronkin ago

I understand your point of view but I think your not looking at the bigger picture pertaining to why some (key word) of theses patriots stayed on Redit. For 99% of us this war is at this time being fought on the battle fields of the Internet and in the Media. Think of these Redit Refugees like, they were knowingly standing their ground against the enemy on the front line. For the others who are as you described them it is our job to shape them up into a assets worthy of this Great Awakening. This job is before you now, will you accept it or will your own complaisance about this become part of the problem?

Qluelessnomore ago

I wish I could upvote this comment into oblivion ( }:{o)

obvious_throwaway1 ago

You are making too many wild assumptions about me, people, and this so-called "movement".

PizzaMario ago

Wow, what a welcome. Real-life SHTF preppers and working normies don't spend hours a day online so are still learning that there's layers beyond the social media monopolies. Instead of helping you're... oh never mind. I have real work to do back on ch.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

"Real work". Thanks for the laugh, keyboard warrior.

I have an armory and stockpile of provisions from seeds to raw construction materials that can rebuild a small city, and I did so while.. dun dun DUN, working one of those full-time "normie" jobs you are referencing!

Keep spewing your bullshit absolutes if it makes you feel better - all you've done so far is illustrate the very ignorance I'm trying to shock you out of. Someday you may wise up to realize I am helping you.

PizzaMario ago

lol TMI construction material hoarding bro. we don't know each other, and i def won't tell you what my afk real world work is (which i presumed you'd understand was being referenced as lunch break was ending, but you be you, drama eagle). i was trying to be polite and considerate but thanks for the laugh. i'm always very open to learning, both how to do things and the opposite. i want to do my part to help guide the newly-redpilled to a path of self-actualization where they learn to think for themselves and stop being led by emotion, especially hate, which forms easily from disdain and disgust. sounds like you are familiar with that road. meanwhile, you be you. would be nice if we were actually on the same team, helping each other be as emotionally intelligent as technically so. thank you for your time, prayers and blessings.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I assure you I understand OpSec. The first rule is to just presume everything everyone else says is a lie.

Choose to follow that rule or not, that's up to you.

PizzaMario ago

tutto bene, it's all good. I do not project, so I do not universally assume honorable intentions; also tend to dig when someone's responding emotionally/disproportionately to the issue. Part of me is known for looking into all sorts of oddities like the many shenanigans this weekend (did you see all the 'wetwork' going on? some of it's not even in the local media yet. but we're trying.)

7Younglivelyforever7 ago

Could you be specific how the majority won't last long when times get rough? I can perceive people struggling with disillusionment. Please share, speculate. Thanks.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

The department of defense currently lists approximately 12 ELE's (extinction level events) on their last yearly report. Five of them are logistics based (just-in-time delivery failures for whatever reason).

Their conclusion in ALL logistics-based catasgrophe's is that the trucks just need to stop coming for approximately 72-hours and then 60% of the population dies off in the next six months. My post history contains literal books of this kind of information including details, references, and sources. I'm not going to sit here and re-type it per request, so feel free to go over my history for whatever interests you.

MrDarkWater ago

Is this the new "it takes real intelligence to understand rick and Morty" meme? Seriously though, a movement needs people: autists, sources, and followers. Reddit was great for this movement for getting info out and gathering followers. Many were new to Reddit: ie. Boomers. Don't deride anybody for not having the forthought to seek something they didn't know existed. What's more divisive? A large group taking precautions or a small group lashing out territorially in a place with enough room for everybody?

Calm down, guys. Everybody will merge and we're really be attached until we won.


Everybody relax

Qluelessnomore ago


obvious_throwaway1 ago

Look. Here is the reality being ignored.

Those who were unable to stomach/deal and/or unwilling to participate in Voat prior to being banned on Reddit, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, and who have done nothing but try to bring their own rules and problems with them are not going to get any pity from me - and you really should re-consider your position.

You're basically talking like the conservatives in Colorado and Arizona who are so pissed off that Libtard douchebags are fleeing California, buying up property for cash with the sale of their over-priced real estate raising the prices for the locals and, and bringing their terrible voting habits which led to the destruction of their state in the first place.


You can feel free to join them if you disagree. Assimilate or die.

Qluelessnomore ago

We were trying to raise the vibrations and awareness of the public at large. Negativity lowers people's vibrations. Doing this makes them associate this movement as going in the wrong direction because of it. We can't raise their awareness if they are chased away by what appears to be the very hatred the far left and MSM have been accusing conservatives of having.

The Q movement on Reddit was non-violent, and non-hateful. I'm starting to think that the part of the movement we had going on Reddit may not be a match for Voat because of these facts. LOTS of hatred and divisiveness here. This environment is more like the chans. While I don't agree with what they are doing on the /v/theawakening/ sub, it's now becoming obvious to me that Voat doesn't offer the environment to keep the mission we had on Reddit going. We are supposed to be the bridge for the newbies who are just waking up. If they come and see the hatred that exists here most will turn tale and run and this movement will stagnate. Plus, the MSM would have a field day painting us as hateful and would be able to prove it this time. They were unable to do that on on Reddit. It's not about whether or not they get hurt feelings. It's about people not wanting to be dragged down into and immersed in negative vibrations all the time. Hell, we get enough negativity just living life each and every day. The board we had on Reddit was a place of hope and positivity in the face of cold hard reality.

I have nothing against the people of Voat or the platform. I support our Constitutional right to free speech and am glad this platform is here allowing the expression of those rights. No one has the right to try and change Voat culture. I am merely pointing out that the these are two very different cultures that do not have the same mission and therefore don't mesh. And while I am not bothered by the language myself, I have to, at the same time, admit that I liked swimming in the higher vibrations that existed on the Reddit sub. We were a more pleasant gateway to the movement for the normies. In the end, I think this place is too rough for the people we are trying to attract and wake up and that, in addition to stagnating the movement, we could also be giving the MSM the ammunition they are looking for against this movement. What do you think about this? Am I wrong? Please tell me if my logic is flawed here.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

You, sir, appear to still be lost in Libtard la-la-land where you use the words "hated" and "decisiveness" to incorrectly describe the contention between individuals. These particular frictions cannot be so easily dismissed as you have just done by projecting your fantasy upon reality. Those of us who choose to live in the real world see these frictions as constructive communication. In addition, and in sincere empathetic candor, you might wish to double-check if your use of "fact" when projecting your particular views of the "Q movement". It would appear to me that based on the dictionary definition of the word you are quite openly mis-using it with careless disregard as to the commonly accepted English disctionary definitions, which makes it somewhat difficult to have a dialogue with you that isn't somewhat suspect from the very beginning.

I suspect you will either learn to see the truth in this, or if you truly are unwilling or do not desire to do so I would be so bold as to assert that you belong on Reddit, and not Voat. Seems like a simple enough process of elimination, wouldn't you agree?

Freedom is not free. You cannot dictate "negativity" for anyone but yourself, yet your entire three paragraphs literally oozed dictation of both circumstance and language. You, sir, appear to have an agenda while at the same time pretending otherwise with your presentation. I would appreciate you explaining why I shouldn't conclude you are absolutely full of shit.

Qluelessnomore ago

Everything I said is true. I was referring to the Reddit board as we had it there. We cannot have that here. Am I wrong?

Blacksmith21 ago

Stop following the herd. You know better. v/greatawakening

Truthseekers only.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

A better question is why you would think you should or could have the same thing you had at Reddit on Voat.

Do you not see the hypocrisy of this? This is what Liberals do, be it good-intentioned or otherwise. You have problems in your own areas and fail to recognize your own either action or inaction is to blame - and then proceed to go somewhere else and immediately demand to begin shaping it in your image. Barring any failure, you just use money and influence to circumvent.

I often wonder if the disillusioned still consider this "progress", when they're in fact raping something else because they cannot simply put forth the energy to make their own place. You always have to steal from others to try and mold things. It's why everyone hates you.

Qluelessnomore ago

A better question is why you would think you should or could have the same thing you had at Reddit on Voat.

This is my point. Why did they bring us here when it does not support what we've been doing. I thought I was being clear and unambiguous with the language in my post, but I guess I was wrong.

and then proceed to go somewhere else and immediately demand to begin shaping it in your image.

Did you not read where I said no one has the right to come here and try to change Voat culture?

You always have to steal from others to try and mold things. It's why everyone hates you.

You are speaking of others here, not me. You are lumping me in with the mods of /v/theawakening/

What you call "hatred" I have to laugh at.

If you don't think people spew hateful language on this platform, which they have the right to do so, I am not arguing otherwise, well I have to laugh at that.

Along the way I'd like to think I learned enough about the way the world works to know I don't know shit

Ditto, friend. All I'm saying here is that it was a different world where we came from and we can't recreate what we had in that world on Voat for the newly awakened normies. The environment here is it's own and it won't tolerate the likes of what we created on Reddit. We reached many normies who were curious after Q went mainstream and gained a shit ton of new subs. Reddit said like 25k but we know it was way more. I just don't see delicate normies coming here and staying because of the negative environment. I'm just pointing out how they will perceive it. I can tolerate it here for myself. But my concern is for the delicate normies we have been working to red pill. 5:5?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Most of the beginning of my post where "you" was used was a side-diatribe about Liberals and was a royal "you", not you specifically. I was using it to illustrate my emphasized point, not attempting to bash you. I probably could have phrased it better, but I edited it a few times and in the end it ended up pretty messy and really should have just been re-written entirely.

Your entire last paragraph is something I can concur we have mostly parallel opinions on. Voat is not the right place for most of Reddit, especially those who are emotionally fragile. Voat requires thick skin not just to participate but to survive at all.

Maybe we're really looking at the same picture and mostly saying the same thing, but are convinced the other can't really see things the way we see things.

MrDarkWater ago

That's what in saying though, dude. The masses coming over here don't know the way things are. they just get shit like youre giving me. So just calm down, explain why voat is better for them, or so whatever the dick you want. I don't really care. I'm not here to argue metasubverse bullshit. I'm here for the information. Peace

obvious_throwaway1 ago

What you appear to fail to understand is that weathering the storm of Voat's personalities and coming out in the end is literally the trial by fire that is necessary to break out of the carefully sculpted safe space censored mold of Reddit in the first place.

It's part of growing up. A rite of passage. If you can't deal with severe and constant criticism you cannot survive here and all I am doing is helping those who won't make it fuck right off. It's a goddamn community service, and I'm being polite about it compared to others.

MrDarkWater ago

Ok. Carry on, soldier boy. Glad to be here

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Enjoy the upvoats.

StormSurfer1776 ago

I stuck around on Reddit for as long as I could yesterday hopping from sub to sub trying to hold down the fort. Was even asked to mod r/WWG1WGA for a short while before that folded. It was just so fucking overrun, you couldn’t say anything without shills crawling all over the threads. It was BAD. So that being said, fuck those Reddit cocksuckers!

Reddit1984 ago

Absolutely disagree.

I've been contributing to r/GA since it began. And r/CBTS before it.

We're doing much more than just bitching. Creating graphics. Making connections to puzzagate. Trying to solve 'suicides'. Publishing when CEO's step down. Connecting CEOs to their satanic taste in artwork. The reason Q is mainstream is because of r/GA. It was streamlined and easy to contribute to for everyone. Q linked there for a reason.

We've got 70,000 active followers dedicated to Q who represent many more.

Most importantly, we will be at the core of the midterm election. MANY more people will be voting Red solely because of Q. And now because of this awful censorship.

Le_Squish ago

You all bunch a beat girlfriend's clinging to an abusive narcissist that can't accept that even after he tried to kill all of you, that the relationship was a sham.

You were part of a highly moderated and highly censored containment sub. Q always told you guys to do your own research. The fact that the ban caught you all off guard with no contingency is very telling.

Xenophobic ago

we are here as a contingency, I dont like mucking up 8chan research and reddit was linked so I went there. It may have been censored but some good was done. It has shown it's TRUE colors like google, twitter, YouTube and the rest of its ilk. I do wish I had found this place instead of reddit.

everlastingphelps ago

The fact that the ban caught you all off guard with no contingency is very telling.

Especially when Q literally told them it was coming. The guy they are all the "experts" at analyzing told them what was coming and they were still caught flat-footed.

Reddit1984 ago

Most of us anticipated it, but were hopeful that Reddit wouldn't delve so low. I expected as soon as we started to touch pizzagate stuff.

Soakingitup123 ago

I anticipated it, but knew that last time a new Reddit sub was made and people migrated, and figured the same would happen this time. I follow many citizen journalists on different platforms, but mostly YouTube, Twitter, and Reddit as of late. Several have their own sores which I check sometimes and keep some bookmarked.. Reddit is one of many of my info sources, so I'd get into and participate without it. I did try to use alternative video channels anger YouTube banned so many, but most content creators stopped using the alternative sites when YouTube was working again, making it hard to leave the platform and have my same favorite info sources.

Le_Squish ago

You guys are painfully naive. So many subreddits got banned for much less.

Appeasement never works.

Reddit1984 ago

r/MDE was regularly posting about killing degenerates (in minecraft) for months leading up to their ban. We got nowhere near that. Not to mention we now have proof of CBS employees shilling and infiltrating with the sole intent of banning us.

It wasn't just ToS violations.

Le_Squish ago

You really don't get it.

The leftist don't want to silence you because you "did something". They want you to not exist.

Cheetah1964 ago

You have a darn good point. This from a refugee.

Le_Squish ago

You guys gonna have to learn to be free. Being free and responsible for yourself is hard and scary. Letting yourself be lead is the easy path.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

CaptnObvius ago

You should help them get on board, they are here whether you like it or not, but all this whining sounds like the Google Hillary after party, and is just as effective.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

People need to help themselves.

Those who only fled Reddit once they were fully banned from participating have not helped themselves.

I'm nobody's fuckin' life babysitter, and neither are you or any other Voat member.

CaptnObvius ago

You have to remember, Qanon is about helping the "less insightful" or "red-pilled challenged" and in some cases "just fucking stupid", so I'm not looking at it as a Voat thing, but a Qanon thing. Reddit is no doubt the severely retarded cousin of 8chan, but we can improve their cognitive ability here, the goal should be to increase critical thinking in others. Give it some time, don't stress yourself, the tsunami will settle down, some will learn to help themselves, some will get frustrated and leave. There were 297K /r/GA members, that's a lot of folks.

fuckingmockies ago

They seem to have no interest in getting on board. They refuse to accept Voat's culture and are banning people for thing like "slurs" and "calling out the mods."

You can see every action they take.

spiggot ago

I agree it doesn't fit with Voat culture, but it's only been a day.

Give it some time and hopefully all will be fixed and we'll fit in better.

Already loving the transparency here and the lack of jackboot mods. TA mods will hopefully cool their shit soon.

CaptnObvius ago

Well, in that case drop the hammer. Stupid is as stupid does. I was referring to those simply trying to figure out how things work and fit in here. Don't forget, the black hats, disinformation agents came here too, they will do whatever they can to disrupt things here since they can't censor it.

DawnPendraig ago

That is very cool. Transparency helps prevent what happens at Reddit

jzerocoolj ago

Maybe they don't realize you can literally read every comment they removed and why. I saw one removed for "dox" that had nothing to do with doxxing people.

gustodog ago

Cool division trolling.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

You're going to realize right away that sub 24 hour accounts calling others trolls around here won't survive long.

gustodog ago

Attempting to evading censorship only to be set upon by clique-y whiners... fun.

FrozenFire74 ago

This is a hard site to get adjusted to if you come from a curated community like Reddit. The one thing that we hold on to here is Freedom of Speech. Call that a clique if you want, but that Free Speech we value so dearly allows you to call us whatever you want. You can't say that TheAwakening values that Freedom the way Voat's communites have.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Set upon? Jesus christ kid, grow up - this is the real world and the fact that you can't deal with conflict is part of the problem with Reddit in the first place.

HERE we tackle conflict by defending our positions as opposed to crying about it.

YOU'RE the fuckin whiner here. Feel free to debunk me on whatever you want, I'm all ears.

gustodog ago

HERE we tackle conflict by defending our positions as opposed to crying about it.

HERE we find idiotic things to squabble about, rather than engage in useful work.

Enjoy externalizing your issues.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Enjoy externalizing your issues.

Says the dumb piece of shit who literally cannot handle criticism without externalizing his issues, ahahahahahahaha.

Perfect hypocracy from a Reddittard who needs to go back to the plantation because he clearly can't handle actual freedom due to the fact that FUCKIN' FREEDOM IS NOT FREE and you have to actually work for it, not let mods wipe your ass every day.

Fuck off kid.

gustodog ago

You confuse "cannot handle criticism" with "don't have time for idiots".

You're a time wasting, cliquish clown.

kalgon ago

Then go back to your reddit shitbox you fucking moron and stay there that's good enough for shits like you

gustodog ago

Naw, this place is going to work out just fine.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Sorry, kid, but I'm someone who's contributed to Voat for a long time. You are merely an outsider who is already failing at assimilating and has his panties in bunch that he isn't getting his way like he did on the plantation.

I don't really give a shit about your opinion, and if you bothered to review my post history you'd see why. You are a part-time migrant I expect to ragequit before the end of the month if you can't even handle the simple act of being called out by your bullshit - because I do it politely vs. the suffering 99% of the rest of the regulars here will give you, so feel free to cry your poor crocodile tears at my easy treatment and I'll just enjoy the popcorn of watching the actual angry members tear you various new assholes until you go crying back to Reddit-momma's waiting censored safe space arms.


gustodog ago

I'm someone who's contributed to Voat for a long time

Yeah, I can tell you've got "scenester syndrome". Growth is a threat... "the scene is dying mannn".

You are merely an outsider

Muh clique-based status!


Ha, what? Hardly. The reddit sub had 90,000 people subbed and usually had 5-6 thousand online at any given time. The board moved fast and disseminated high-level Q information to the target audience: the normies. Don't be a pridefag, I love typing niggerfaggot as much as you do, but the truth is that beyond our circle of discussion taking screencaps and shit of such talk is giving enough to make the normies spit out the medicine. NOW, I'm down to force feed and flame the stupid fucks until they understand this isn't a bullshit game, but wouldnt it be easier if they just took the damn pill? Let's make it easy for them. That being said, fuck spez and his cocksucking hoard of virgin nerds

everlastingphelps ago

The other sub can never do that, because the way the incompetent mods set it up, no post there can ever show up on v/all. They shadowbanned themselves.

Cheetah1964 ago

Boy, that sounds intelligent.

recon_johnny ago

Ok, am going to be real stupid here, so bear with me.

Why won't it ever show up on all?

everlastingphelps ago

Only subs that allow full up and down voating can appear on v/all. If you put restrictions on voating, then your sub is not eligible for the front page.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Sorry-not-sorry, but you're a fuckin' retard if you are trying to defend people who remain on a platform that despises them and everything they are trying to accomplish - especially when it goes so far as to actively participate in the censorship against the individual in question.

You're more than welcome to your opinion, but you're still part of the problem.

Politiskep ago

I stayed on Reddit because that's where the normies we need to reach are. Qresearch and Voat were always the back up plans, and who actually cares if there is more than one Q sub? It's just about disseminating information either way because Q is the focus here.

heygeorge ago

about disseminating information

v/theawakening is a walled garden, by the moderators’ own making.

Politiskep ago

Yep, I am aware. I made that comment before I realized how ugly this is getting.


Well then fuck you too. You have trouble reading? What I said was the other board was more powerful because it has fucking NINETY THOUSAND PEOPLE ON IT and this board has 3. So maybe you are part of the problem, douche. We need this board to grow and grow fast and your holier-than-thou attitude is some distinctly oldfag shit.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

The number of people involved in a community holds no weight on the validity of the purpose of the community. Keep shillin' faggot. Reddit misses you.

pby1000 ago

I still posted on reddit to wake up the normies. It was useful for that.

fuckingmockies ago

I like to think I reached one or two lost souls. My big kick was getting them to recognize the global white genocide and the importance of Ethnostates.

I was NationalismForAll.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I cannot object.

70times7 ago

You need to go back

Anonomus911 ago

How has your small group of 3000 done more then the 70,000 from Reddit? Did Q ever link to this place? You're about to see a huge influx of refugees. Almost 300k if Q is correct.

Those folks will be watching/ subscribing to both. Or whichever one does a better job.

heygeorge ago

You're about to see a huge influx of refugees. Almost 300k if Q is correct.

That number is far exaggerated from the actual traffic spike. So far, I am seeing not more than ~3,500 additional active users at a given time.

70times7 ago

Il faut y retourner


Right, because I recognize that a forum with 90,000 members is stronger than this circlejerk of 3,000

abyssmal ago

That is an archaic way of thinking ... SIZE ... like a niggerfaggot.

fuckingmockies ago

Lmfao quality, not quantity, my friend. Reddit was the circle jerk. Every time I checked in, it was all, "Check out my WWG1WGA bumper sticker lol!" And "I just wanted to share this Bible verse with you all."

70times7 ago

The door is right there ---->

Iwashbeforeipee ago

You should try spreading your moms fat thighs open and going back inside her dirty sloppy vagina

Mumbleberry ago

Well said, valk2!

OnyxDialectic ago

God bless Israel for supplying their brightest and best on this the holy day of our Lord. Hare Krishna.