
new4now ago

the link in the comments was so engrossing

many many old names came out

unfortunately the series stopped on me around the 14th article

was going to look for it today

the people mentioned in post are not the only military brats

Controlled opposition is what I thinking

Gothamgirl ago

Had no floors? What does that mean, like where the stripes are?

TheGodHead ago

TheGodHead ago

Criticalthinker615 ago

What is this? Why tag me?

TheGodHead ago


!!!!!! JUDGEMENT TIME !!!!!! @Cc1914 @GodWillwin @ADaniels @doob @10297981

TheGodHead ago


!!!!! JUDGEMENT TIME !!!!!

@are_We_sure @rabidgentile @angB23

AngB23 ago

Still trying to figure this all out...I HATE not knowing the truth.

Thank you for the tag

AngB23 ago

Does anyone know who this lady is in this pic?????

Blacksmith21 ago

Wow - That's some insane connections.

new4now ago

theres more

click on the link I gave in comments

you'll find more Military connections, Mob connections

it was fascinating, have to find last 3 parts

the guy took them down I think

the author died of a quick cancer, Hit?

Blacksmith21 ago

Like Dave McGowan

new4now ago

that's who I talking about

Blacksmith21 ago

I almost qualified my comment by saying - I haven't read the other links yet.

new4now ago

no problem, took me some time to get through the ones they had

so many deaths around " Satanic" holidays

Chuck Barris, Gong Show, is said to have been C-IA

so many names popped up from wayback

Blacksmith21 ago

I will check that out. Les Moonves, CEO of CBS, out.

JesusFinchrist ago


WIll your demonically possessed brain allow you to say that Blacksmith21?

be a witness to this hilarious happening @new4now

new4now ago

also David Geffen is involved with these folks

Blacksmith21 ago

I think a lot of us have been reticent to focus on the "classic rock" genre, instead just focusing on the trainwrecks in pop culture. It's probably been the same for the last 70 years.

new4now ago

Laurel Canyon folks were the beginning, it was when David Geffen came on the scene that changed and set the pace for the future

been reading on this stuff all day

just fascinating, have to break though, have stuff to do lol

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm pretty sure Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin and a few others were complicit on the UK side of things too.

new4now ago

no doubt at all on that

new4now ago

Paul A. Rothchild

By the mid-1960s Rothchild was established in the Los Angeles music scene, and his house on Lookout Mountain in Laurel Canyon was inhabited by many of the future musical superstars of the 1960s and 1970s.

Rothchild is perhaps most well known by being the producer of the first five albums by The Doors.[5] He did not produce their last LP with Jim Morrison, L.A. Woman, as Rothchild withdrew from the production after disagreeing with the group over the band's musical direction. He also produced albums and singles for John Sebastian, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Tom Paxton, Fred Neil, Tom Rush, The Lovin' Spoonful, Tim Buckley, Love, Clear Light, Rhinoceros and Janis Joplin, including her final LP Pearl and her only no. 1 single (written by her then-lover Kris Kristofferson) "Me and Bobby McGee".

In the 1970s, he produced The Outlaws' debut album for Arista Records, as well as producing Bonnie Raitt, Elliott Murphy and the soundtrack album for the Bette Midler film The Rose, which was loosely based on the life of Janis Joplin. He also produced the soundtrack to Oliver Stone's film The Doors, about the group and appeared in a small role in the film.

Associated acts The Doors, The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Janis Joplin, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Love, Clear Light, The Lovin' Spoonful

Born in Brooklyn, Rothchild grew up in Teaneck, New Jersey[1] and graduated from Teaneck High School in 1953. His was a musical family; his mother was an opera singer, and Rothchild studied classical music conducting.

Charlotte Henriette de Rothschild

Charlotte Henriette de Rothschild (born 28 November 1955) is a British soprano specializing in the recital and oratorio repertoire who is a member of the Rothschild banking family of England.

The second daughter of the four children of Edmund Leopold de Rothschild (1916–2009) and Elizabeth Edith Rothschild née Lentner (1923–1980), she is a twin to David Lionel de Rothschild. In 1990 she married Nigel S. Brown.[1] Her grandfather built the world-famous Exbury Gardens in Hampshire where she was raised.

the connections are crazy in Laurel Canyon and the canyons around it

auralsects ago

Jews have always run music and entertainment. Why do you think Hitler won support railing against their Degenerate Art.

So keep this in context, newfags

bopper ago

Are you for Q or not? Can Q stop the Jew machine?

auralsects ago

If common sense doesn't tell you that Trump is a JEW/PLANT himself based on the evidence I provided (and which you couldn't refute), you are a brainwashed lost cause ready to drink your last Kool-aid.

OF COURSE he tells you what you want to hear, makes grand promises, and exposes some guilty parties.

If you were a real patriot like Patton you'd acknowledge that we fought on the wrong side of WWII, that the Jews have been a parasitic enemy to whites/humanity forever, and that the country Q purports to save is not worth saving because your progeny will be a despised, exploited minority. WWG1WGA? Nothing unites us except sportsball and the Almighty Dollar.

Deep down a white man knows he isn't one to live in subjugation.

WE lay down the fucking law: on our women, our children, our less-capable non-white neighbors, and on any rat kike who comes as a guest and immediately flouts our conventions.

bopper ago

By that logic POTUS must be one of the most evil and deceptive civil magistrates ever to walk the earth.

I understand the other points, I'm not unaware.

I'm not much of a patriot either, honestly, in that flag worship borders on idolatry.

I don't fit in well anywhere.

Can the Jews be stopped?

auralsects ago

Totally post-hoc (egregiously so for a Christian) to consider Trump a moral individual even only given his PUBLICLY-KNOWN history.

A rich kid social-climber flipping buildings in Jew York, filling tabloids with his banging of whores, gutter politics, mind-numbing "reality" shows, parading our women as pieces of meat on catwalks and "beauty pageants" as kikes always have.

A man who said on live TV that he's never felt the need to ask God for forgiveness for anything.

Of course they COULD be stopped. They are 2% and all live in NYC, Miami, Philly, Chicago, and LA.

We could, within 24 hours and for the 300th time, justifiably expel them and install gentiles in their influential positions of finance and media.

But that was before women could influence our society's decisions. Now we'd more likely round up some ebola-niggers from the Congo to bring them here as refugees.

Our demographic decline can't be stopped and the Southwest can't be recovered. Best hope is to start anew elsewhere.

Our job is to impart wisdom to future white men whatever the size of their community they're fortunate enough to be left with.

For example, expulsion does not work. The Jews must be exterminated from this planet to the extent possible. It's them or us.

bopper ago

The Jews cannot and will not be exterminated but on the contrary their future restoration as to a people and a nation is something to look forward to.

auralsects ago

lol do you mistake me for a Christian, old man?

Christianity is by far the worst thing that ever happened to the white race. And you're demonstrating why.

"Love thy enemy, turn the other cheek, all humans are your brothers in Christ, made of equal souls of inestimable value." That is not a recipe for success in competition. That is what allows our race to be brainwashed into allowing miscegenation with beastly, violent niggers and welcoming millions of mestizo leeches just because they like crosses.

Even knowing what Jews have done and are doing to your racial family, you want to BEFRIEND them and "save their souls." Absolutely pitiful.

The smart money says Paul of Tarsus (home of Mithraism) was a Pharisee agent to replace Jesus' teachings, since the two bear no resemblance whatsoever and that he actively persecuted Christians before his miraculous conversion.

The Church has been a Satanic fraud the entire time and you Christians even acknowledge this (e.g. the Roman pagan holiday dates and their holly/wreathes straight from the drunken orgies of Saturnalia).

It's amazing that you folks don't see the irony of worshipping a human sacrifice given the topics we research here.

God is real, but he doesn't visit earth as a man any more than Zeus visited as a bull. You can worship Him in some other logical and healthy way that doesn't involve betraying your own extended racial family.

Or you can face a firing squad with them and try to convert them before we pull the trigger.

Shizy ago

How funny that a muslime thinks they are able to understand the Bible 😂

bopper ago

You are engaging in AGEISM ! Calling me OLD! I'm not that OLD relatively speaking. Apologize!

I don't have the energy to address the rest right now I need a nap. Edit: Oops I guess I did a bit.

You've been bamboozled by modern day apostate and heretical Christianity.

Paul the apostle was tasked to explain the fact that the old sacrificial covenant and way of worship of the Hebrews was at an end and was to be eradicated forever as it was fulfilled by and in Christ.

Of course Paul persecuted Christians, he was spiritually blind (you yourself said his turning was a miracle, that's kind of the point). He was a trophy of grace.

All the OT sacrifices typified the one true one to come (people were 'saved' and their sins atoned for the same way under the OT as the new), this is why Satan is so obsessed with blood and sacrifice.

You state God is real but you dismiss any objective attempt on his part to reveal himself to man? Illogical. As if God is not ruler of what is a proper sacrifice and what is not and you reject this, outright, simply because human sacrifice is repulsive to your natural mind. Illogical.

You don't have to befriend Jews to 'save' them.

What else, I'm tired.

Yes, Rome, the papacy is apostate, it is not Christian, it is pagan.

God is real, but he doesn't visit earth as a man any more than Zeus visited as a bull.

How do you know?

Properly worshiping God is only through Christ, and you should look to the Reformation folks and their writings as a safe guide. It is comforting tho to tell yourself otherwise, but it is at your own peril. God makes the rules, not you or me.

I think I won this debate HANDS DOWN.

ParisJackson ago

Here's a little bit of advice humans

They Live was an accurate depiction of politics.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Well, I hear that Laurel Canyon

is full of famous stars,

But I hate them worse than lepers

and I'll kill them

in their cars.

bopper ago

Will somebody please read Billy's Back cuz it's Sir Paul who wrote it and nobody cares, nobody notices.

And he talks (a bit) about Tavistock and how they infiltrated The Beatles and many others.

Nobody knows, nobody sees. Nobody knows but me.

It's lonesome at the top.

new4now ago

Johnny was also military

Podge512 ago

Laurel Canyon was also an utter cesspit of paedophilia and child pornography. Likely another method of control. As a relative of the 'King of the Freaks' Vito Paulekas told author David McGowan, "Roman Polanski just got caught".

Newmemba ago

very peculiar indeed, I've read for many years snippets that allude to this line of thinking. Somebody once said "where there is smoke there is fire"

bopper ago

Exactly. Where rumors persist, there's usually something to them.

bopper ago

Ironically, I was listening to an interview about this today. And then I drove thru Laurel Canyon. On Google Maps. Stephen Stills was buds with Manson. It's all quite fascinating.

sunajAeon ago

Wtf? Stephen Still friends with Manson? Do have a citation please

bopper ago

Neil Young, so sorry (I could've sworn it was Stills, that might be a possibility still tho but I see nothing when I search).

Scroll down.

(This whole Manson thing is quite sketchy and people are still trying to figure it all out and all the connections.)

"He was also a frustrated artist, one who'd brushed paths and even socialized with important people in the music business, such as Beach Boys member Dennis Wilson (brother of Carl and Brian Wilson) and Neil Young. Young, in fact, liked Manson's music and told a record exec he knew about the aspiring singer-songwriter not too long before the murders."

KekistanEmperor ago

I'll just leave this here:

Shizy ago

I read that a few years ago. It's fascinating and extremely informative. If people have the time, it's really worth the read!

KekistanEmperor ago

Yeah man, we've been duped big time. I wonder how much of what we're fed is bullshit. I think most of it honestly.

Shizy ago

I now question everything I have ever been taught or told! It's sad that we have been so deceived we don't even know what's real anymore!

KekistanEmperor ago

You breathe. You hear. You are aware. That is real. Stories about abstract things outside of your field of awareness, not so much.

Shizy ago

Yep that's for sure!

bopper ago

Thanks I have come across this by Mathis before but never took the time ... I just downloaded it and I will read it.

Shizy ago

You should read it bopper, it's great. I had some questions afterwards so I emailed Miles Maathis and we wrote me back to answer me.

bopper ago

Wow, that's neat! Okay I'll read it and maybe ask you some things afterwards.

Shizy ago

Like a quiz 😲? Haha! Just kidding.

bopper ago

Haha no not at all.

new4now ago

Dennis Wilson had them living with them

he always denied it, but one day he said he would write a book

he never did

he drowned at the age of 39

bopper ago


new4now ago

I still reading up on it

there was a lot of bad shit that went down in Laurel Canyon

found this after I posted, going through all the parts

so many names, back in the day who died, of OD's and suicide are very questionable

This stuff is just blowing my mind


bopper ago

Eventually you should check into the Paul is Dead story and buy the book Memoirs of Billy Shears.

Talk about mind-blowing.

new4now ago

will check on them

bopper ago

It is mind-blowing. And I forgot that Jerry Brown lived there and he dated Ronstadt whose backup band was the Eagles who lived out there and Jackson Brown lived below the Eagles there (in the same house) and he helped them learned to write songs while there. The stories go on and on and on. The military connections are jaw dropping really.

new4now ago

We could also, I suppose, discuss Mike Nesmith of the Monkees and Cory Wells of Three Dog Night (two more hugely successful Laurel Canyon bands), who both arrived in LA not long after serving time with the U.S. Air Force. Nesmith also inherited a family fortune estimated at $25 million. Gram Parsons, who would briefly replace David Crosby in The Byrds before fronting The Flying Burrito Brothers, was the son of Major Cecil Ingram “Coon Dog” Connor II, a decorated military officer and bomber pilot who reportedly flew over 50 combat missions. Parsons was also an heir, on his mother’s side, to the formidable Snively family fortune. Said to be the wealthiest family in the exclusive enclave of Winter Haven, Florida, the Snively family was the proud owner of Snively Groves, Inc., which reportedly owned as much as 1/3 of all the citrus groves in the state of Florida.

And so it goes as one scrolls through the roster of Laurel Canyon superstars. What one finds, far more often than not, are the sons and daughters of the military/intelligence complex and the sons and daughters of extreme wealth and privilege – and oftentimes, you’ll find both rolled into one convenient package. Every once in a while, you will also stumble across a former child actor, like the aforementioned Brandon DeWilde, or Monkee Mickey Dolenz, or eccentric prodigy Van Dyke Parks. You might also encounter some former mental patients, such as James Taylor, who spent time in two different mental institutions in Massachusetts before hitting the Laurel Canyon scene, or Larry “Wild Man” Fischer, who was institutionalized repeatedly during his teen years, once for attacking his mother with a knife (an act that was gleefully mocked by Zappa on the cover of Fischer’s first album). Finally, you might find the offspring of an organized crime figure, like Warren Zevon, the son of William “Stumpy” Zevon, a lieutenant for infamous LA crimelord Mickey Cohen.

WOW, I did not know these connections

hmmmm No Name comes to mind

So much stuff happened in Laurel Canyon, a lot of big names, a lot of perversions

will look for more