Vindicator ago

That's quite a web of slime that needs cleaning out.

Are_we_sure ago

You do realize this guy was a Bernie Madoff victim, right?

Considering that Michael Cohen's lawayer, Guy Pretillo defended Ezra Merkin you'd think REAL journalists might have mentioned it. /s

This is completely incoherent. First off, journalists did mention this fire.

Secondly, When did this happen? "Guy Pretillo defended Ezra Merkin." Nothing you posted shows this happening. So what happened?

Thirdly, this happened well before Cohen retained Petrillo. So what exactly is your claim?

kestrel9 ago

You do realize this guy was a Bernie Madoff victim, right?

The former hedge fund manager J. Ezra Merkin, who for years shoveled his investors’ money to Madoff, while pretending to be investing in it himself.

On Wednesday, on the eve of a trial with the trustee, Merkin settled with Picard for $280 million. This was not his first big settlement: Merkin had settled in 2012 with then-New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for $410 million. Once viewed as a great philanthropist, Merkin has been forced off charitable boards. He has had to sell his prized collection of Mark Rothko paintings. He has few friends, because so many of them had put money into his fund — only to discover, to their horror, that they were Madoff victims.

He was not a victim.

J. Ezra Merkin

J. Ezra Merkin, a prominent investment advisor and philanthropist, has been sued for his role in running a "feeder fund" for Madoff.[127] Merkin informed investors in his $1.8 billion Ascot Partners fund on December 11 that he was among those who suffered substantial personal losses, since all of the fund's money was invested with Madoff.[128] The Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is examining the role boards of nonprofits played, in possibly not conducting due diligence on donors' contributions.[129]

On April 6, 2009, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo filed civil fraud charges[130] against J. Ezra Merkin alleging he "betrayed hundreds of investors" by moving $2.4 billion of clients' money to Bernard Madoff without their knowledge. The complaint states, he lied about putting the money with Madoff, failed to disclose conflicts of interest, and collected over $470 million in fees for his three hedge funds, Ascot Partners LP with Ascot Fund Ltd., Gabriel Capital Corp. and Ariel Fund Ltd. He promised he would actively manage the money, but instead, he misguided investors about his Madoff investments in quarterly reports, in investor presentations, and in conversations with investors. "Merkin held himself out to investors as an investing guru...In reality, Merkin was but a master marketer."[131][132][133][134]

In addition, the complaint accused Merkin of improperly commingling his personal funds with his hedge fund accounts and using some of the money to buy artwork worth more than $91 million. Mr. Cuomo's office is seeking restitution and unspecified damages from Mr. Merkin.[135]

On May 7, 2009, Madoff Bankruptcy Trustee, Irving Picard filed a lawsuit[136] against Merkin seeking to recover almost $500 million withdrawn from Madoff accounts in the last six years. The complaint alleges that since 1995, Merkin steered more than $1 billion to Madoff through three private hedge funds, Ascot Partners, Ariel Fund and Gabriel Capital. Since 2002, the funds withdrew at least $494 million from Madoff — returns that Merkin "knew or should have known" were fraudulent.[137]

As of May 18, 2009, Merkin's control of Ascot, Gabriel and Ariel hedge funds are to be placed into receivership for liquidation by Guidepost Partners. One receiver will be responsible for managing the remaining money, nearly $1 billion, in the Gabriel and Ariel funds, and another will be responsible for overseeing Ascot, whose entire $1.8 billion in assets was lost to Madoff's Ponzi scheme.[138]

NEIL A. STEINER, ESQ. * DECHERT LLP * * 1095 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10036 (212) 698-3822 * Attorneys for Defendants-Appellees J. Ezra Merkin and Gabriel Capital Corporation

My claim is in regards to the Michael Cohen case, in the manner in which it's being used to go after Trump and the media as well as yourself, promote the narrative (as you've explained that Guy Pretillo's motive is to dig up dirt on Trump.) Optics....are you going to mention Lanny Davis backpedaling now that the MSM blitz attack damage from his 'error' has been done?

The fact that Pretillo defended Merkin demonstrates that he has no problem defending major corruption. Therefore his presence is just one more example of the means and motive behind the Witch Hunt. Do you happen to know who is paying Pretillo in the Michael Cohen case? If Trump were as rotten as has been insinuated, I imagine Pretillo would be tripping over himself to end up working on behalf of Trump, not vice versa.

And the fire was ironic, given it was April 6...the Trump fire was April 9. and of course the media covered AT THE TIME... What the media has not mentioned since Pretillo was hired by GoFundMe Michael Cohen was that Pretillo defended Ezra Merkin (a fraud) and at least one of his company that had to give back money into a trust for Madoff victims.

Feel free to read the links. I didn't have time to hand hold people unwilling to read them.

Are_we__sure ago

Good post on Merkin. Less so on Petrillo.


I think Joe Nocera's a great financial journalist. (his book on the causes of the crises is excellent. He says that Merkin did not have any personal wealth with Madoff. That holds weight with me. His Wiki entry says he had $100 million with Madoff.

Bernard Madoff scandal

Ultimately, Merkin's investments with Madoff were extraordinarily costly for his investors and for him personally - both in dollars and in terms of reputation.

....He did not reinvest his $169 million in management fees for the years 1995 to 2007 back into his Ascot, although he had more than $100 million in personal capital invested through his funds in Madoff. [17]

So we have two claims, he had no money with Madoff, or he had a $100 million with Madoff. So if Nocera's right on that he had no skin in the game, that would change my opinion of him.

As for the lawsuits you cite, Merkin was ultimately not found to be part of the fraud. He was cited for neglience to his investors, but he was not part of the Ponzi scheme itself, but he should have done due diligence and should have upfront with his investors.

In the Book the Wizard of Lies which Nocera cites positively, Merkin is mentioned as someone who was fooled by Madoff, like many, many others. He trusted him. She believe's Madoff's Ponzi scheme was well in progress when he convinced Merkin to put his funds' money with him. Merkin's father thought highly of Madoff and some people think that his father's opinion overrode some of the Madoff skeptics around Merkin. Remember there is nothing inherently illegal about being a feeder fund. (Merkin definitely misled his investors, though.)

Madoff made him money, so he never looked too closely. Remember Madoff fooled an awful lot of people including regulators. The author of Wizard of Lies said she was stunned the Madoff fraud. Remember that Madoff's lieutenant who was inside on the Ponzi schemes, pleaded guilty and named names. Merkin was not on the inside. The more benign view of Merkin is that he he got in early and consistently was making money through Madoff and got to act like big shot in the art world and philanthropy world and stopping doing his job of protecting people's money. Someone who sat on board with Merkin said basically it went to his head and he believed his own bullshit. But he was not on the inside faking trades and forging documents.


how the media as well as yourself, promote the narrative (as you've explained that Guy Pretillo's motive is to dig up dirt on Trump.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I never said Petrillo's motive was to dig up dirt on Trump.

The fact that Pretillo defended Merkin demonstrates that he has no problem defending major corruption.

Given the differing views on Merkin, I think this is way overstated.

Do you happen to know who is paying Pretillo in the Michael Cohen case?

I don't. Cohen has his own money. He also just raised a bunch of money for his defense.

If Trump were as rotten as has been insinuated, I imagine Pretillo would be tripping over himself to end up working on behalf of Trump, not vice versa.

This really makes no sense. Defense Lawyers work for who hires them. It's bizarre to think they pick any client they want.

What the media has not mentioned since Pretillo was hired by GoFundMe Michael Cohen was that Pretillo defended Ezra Merkin (a fraud) and at least one of his companies had to give back money into a trust for Madoff victims.

This is ridiculous. Do you think the media should be tailoring their coverage to your narrow and idiosyncratic interests? Remember the media hasn't talked very much about Petrillo at all.

kestrel9 ago

Merkin was not a victim. It doesn't take that much more digging to reach the same conclusion. Looks like your gal Hillary is back in the news, so you'll be busy on the China front. Good luck with that.

derram ago :

            UPDATE 1-Madoff investors win $12.74 mln in Merkin case | Reuters :

Fire at 740 Park Avenue, the most prestigious apartment building in New York City | Daily Mail Online :

Madoff Trustee Reaches $280 Million Accord With Merkin Funds - Bloomberg :

Raj Rajaratnam Gets Hit With Highest Bail In US History - Business Insider :

HSBC spared further US money laundering sanctions as it battles to clean up its act

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