Arrvee ago

The Muslim Brotherhood - The Globalists' Secret Weapon

Hassan al-Turabi also made the diplomatic rounds in the West. According to bin Laden biographer Roland Jacquard, Turabi visited London in 1992 and was a guest at the Royal Institute of International Affairs. This is the headquarters of the British Globalists and the parent organization of America’s Council on Foreign Relations. After this visit he also took a trip to the United States, where he was given an official reception in Washington.(13) Back in Sudan Turabi established links with Somalian warlord Muhammad Farah Aidid.

This is sourced to Harry Goodgame of Red Moon Rising.

thedayismine ago

shit needs to happen, I'm tired of seeing these traitors continue to shit on the legal system, parade around showing how above the law they are. Trump supporters have gotten nothing but shit on for over 2 years now by everyone in public. I've read every damn Q post and if this isn't legit, then we are truly fucked. If they have it all, let us have it. We need to throw the truth in the faces of the people who constantly berate us for supporting Trump, they won't listen to anything. It's time for them to discover this shit and get shocked.

kestrel9 ago

I've read every damn Q post and if this isn't legit, then we are truly fucked.

That's the truth. Fortunately, for it not to be legit would mean that THEY are even more stupid then we've been told! Why not just continue the fraud as they've done for DECADES? No, this battle has become so real that they have been forced act like it's a reality show, that's how thin the veneer has worn off.

Stay sober minded, stay positive, stay thankful. Study the timelines, and learn to reread the old lies, mining for the truth: motives, hidden agendas, hidden relationships, follow the money. They've been repeating the narratives over decades, changing names and characters, but read enough of it and the dross starts burning off before your eyes.

BRAINWASHING... requires control of the narrative, repetition and manipulation of emotions. Control is slipping away for the Cabal and they are breaking glass and pounding the narrative reset button with their fists!! The truth is showing through, effecting REAL Hope. What have we seen? The #Walkaway movement, Blacks for Trump, Women for Trump, Gays for Trump... The Slave masters are very angry about this. They can't survive without censorship. They have to hire people to pretend to support the poison they're selling, they have to threaten people into silence, they have to hire people to play act the 'Villian' in order to create false stereotypes about us. Their yap dogs bark on command, but are getting long in the tooth, grisly and repulsive, faces distorted by the never ending lies they have to repeat.

I found the DeepCapture site (thanks to the arrogance of AWS spewing nonsense) and to be honest the scope of the 'Great Awakening' contained within it was like a sucker punch to the gut and I haven't even read the half of it. Q isn't kidding IT IS BIGGER than we can imagine. A festering, flesh eating corruption beyond the ability for many to face. But as like with a cancer, the removal necessitates finding the margin which best prevents regrowth, with the least amount of damage/danger to the patient.

Q #142 (partial) * Who controls the narrative? * The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. * It must be controlled.

also.. * Question everything. * Keep talking. * Stand up. * Fight fight fight.

and #669

darkknight111 ago

what deep capture site?

kestrel9 ago

AWS brought up Michael Cohen's lawyer Guy Petrillo as the Mueller Witch Hunt's agent de coup d'état to find Trump guilty of something. Seems to me, based on the people Mr. Petrillo has defended, that if he thought Trump was guilty of something he'd sign up to be Trump's defense lawyer! People like Ezra Merkin. Of course we don't know who's paying Mr. Petrillo, by all accounts it's not Michael Cohen.

The former hedge fund manager J. Ezra Merkin, who for years shoveled his investors’ money to Madoff, while pretending to be investing in it himself.

On Wednesday, on the eve of a trial with the trustee, Merkin settled with Picard for $280 million. This was not his first big settlement: Merkin had settled in 2012 with then-New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for $410 million. Once viewed as a great philanthropist, Merkin has been forced off charitable boards. He has had to sell his prized collection of Mark Rothko paintings. He has few friends, because so many of them had put money into his fund — only to discover, to their horror, that they were Madoff victims.

Yet despite all that, Merkin can say something that almost no one else who did business with Madoff can say. He came out ahead.

Diana Henriques, in her definitive account of the scandal, “The Wizard of Lies,”

2 traces the roots of the Ponzi scheme to the 1987 market crash, when Madoff lost money for his investors but didn’t want to admit it. By 1992, the scheme was in full swing. Meanwhile, as a young fund manager, Merkin also saw his assets crumble after the 1987 crash. Searching for a way to redeem himself, he discovered Madoff — and began sending Madoff his investors’ money at the same time Madoff was giving up on legitimate investing.

Ultimately, Merkin managed three funds. Two of them had about 25 percent of their assets with Madoff; the third was 100 percent Madoff. In all, he put about $2 billion with Madoff, making him an important source of funds — something Madoff constantly needed to keep the scheme going.

3 And here’s the kicker: Most of his investors never knew he was outsourcing their money to Madoff. He pretended that he was a value investor, making them money the old-fashioned way.

Naturally, after the Ponzi scheme was exposed, Merkin claimed to be an unsuspecting victim. And I suppose that’s possible. But it’s not particularly credible. The red flags were everywhere, starting with the absurd steadiness of Madoff’s returns. (In 2002, Madoff was up his usual 13 percent when the S&P 500 was down 22 percent.) Madoff and Merkin didn’t just have a business relationship; they were close friends.

As the trustee pointed out in various legal documents, Merkin did zero due diligence. He was warned on several occasions that Madoff’s returns were too good to be true, and that his operation didn’t pass the smell test. One of those who warned Merkin was Jack Nash, the co-founder of Oppenheimer & Co. — who had money in Merkin’s funds not knowing that it was actually with Madoff. Finally, there’s this: Despite putting billions of other people’s money with Madoff, there is no evidence that Merkin ever invested a dime of his own.

After Madoff’s crimes came to light, hundreds of his investors were wiped out. Money they had given to Madoff, thinking it was safe, was gone. Money they had used as collateral for a big loan had never actually existed. Worse of all, the trustee was demanding that some of them — those who had taken out more than they had put in — return some of the money, because it had never been theirs in the first place. It was devastating.

Merkin, however, was not among those wiped out — not even close. He made more than $500 million in fees from the money he had invested with Madoff. When he settled with New York State, he put in a claim with the receiver of his own bankrupt funds for $210 million in deferred compensation. Incredibly, the receiver accepted it.

In addition, he sold his Rothkos for some $200 million. Of that amount, $100 million went to his wife, who was said to be the co-owner of the paintings. Between the Rothko sales and the deferred compensation, Merkin covered $310 million of the $410 million settlement. And his wife got to pocket $100 million for herself.

Merkin got another break in his settlement with Picard. Some years earlier, the trustee had fought in court to be able to claw back money going back six years. But he lost the case, and so could only go after two years’ worth of money. That’s why the amount announced Wednesday was only $280 million instead of $1 billion or more.

As part of the settlement, the trustee is allowing one of Merkin’s funds to put in a claim for — you guessed it — $280 million. Which means that the money Picard collects from Merkin will go to right back to his investors, rather than Madoff’s direct investors.

Merkin may have sold off his prized paintings, but he still lives in one of the most expensive buildings in New York: 740 Park Avenue. And he’s still rich — most likely richer than he was when he first started giving his investors’ money to Madoff. Many of those investors will never recover. But with Wednesday’s settlement, Ezra Merkin can start buying Rothkos again.

That amounts to 3/4ths of the estimated $17.5 billion in principal lost by Madoff’s investors. This is a significant accomplishment — but because the investors thought they had three times that amount, there has been very little cheering over the recoveries Baker Hostetler has made, and much grousing over the firm’s litigious tactics.

The full title is “The Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust.”

Quick refresher: Someone running a Ponzi scheme uses money from new investors to pay out to older investors when they want to redeem. Thus, the more redemptions there are, the more new money the Ponzi schemer needs to bring in to maintain the façade. The scheme usually collapses when there are simply too many people who want their money — and not enough money to pay them.

Guy Petrillo is a partner at Dechert LLP.

Dechert LLP provides legal advisory services. The firm focuses on areas such as business, litigation, tax, and government practices. It offers litigation, arbitration, negotiation, representation, dispute settlement, and tax consulting services. Additionally, Dechert LLP provides antitrust, bankruptcy, corporate and securities, customs and excise, defamation, intellectual property, mergers, and while collar litigation advisory services. Dechert LLP caters to chemical, construction, energy, financial services, insurance, healthcare, retail, media, and technology sectors. Dechert LLP was founded in 1875 and is based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dechert has offices around the world, even Moscow. On their Global Site, Guy Pretillo's name does not come up when searched. Maybe because he is, as AWS described 'the inside' of an inside/outside strategy. "Lanny Davis is Cohen's lawyer, but his specialty is crisis management. It's like an inside/outside approach. Petrillo does not go on TV much. Davis does."

Plus Pretillo used his other company where's he's a partner for the Michael Cohen news coverage. That way the article can focus on him as a fmr. prosecutor from the same SDNY offices that are prosecuting Cohen and ahemtrumpahem, without having his background defending Madoff related client Ezra Merkin plastered next to his name, not the kind of 'Optics' THEY are going for.

uh oh...there's more...about Ezra Merkin… 'cont

kestrel9 ago


See this is on of the problems of listening to's a lot of work to read and dig, when he just throws out an opinion as if it's fact like: "The guy handling Cohen's criminal case is Guy Petrillo who is an ex federal prosecutor who knows his stuff. This right there proves Levin wrong.." He Leaves out of course the SEC Chairmen who agreed with Levin...anywho, it's not like AWS is interested in truth or ferreting out corruption, he's just an Open Borders Hillary defender/Trump hater.

So when I said there's more, I'm not just talking about Eric Schneiderman, protector of NXIVM, the guy who violently assaults women during sex, passes it off as 'kink' and was out front and center in public as 'Mr. I support all you MeToo babes). He prosecuted Ezra Merkin in the same case where Guy Pretillo was a defense attorney.

So I wanted to post the uh oh...there's more, and once again, it still gets worse. I really Hope this isn't leading eventually to people involved in Q's 'what if the cure already exists?'

So for now I'll just post the link

Scroll down almost 1/4 way down... just after "They Said it Was a Suicide"

Another of Madoff’s most important “feeders” was J. Ezra Merkin, who managed the Ariel Fund, which seems to have been designed specifically to raise money for Madoff’s fraudulent investment business. In this regard, the New York attorney general has described “Merkin’s deceit, recklessness, and breaches of fiduciary duty…”

While Merkin was “deceitfully” feeding the Madoff Ponzi, he was also a co-owner, along with Steve Feinberg, of Cerberus Capital Management, a fund named after the mythological three-headed dog that guards the gates of Hell.

Keep reading...You'll find familiar ties..

The key limited partners in Steinhardt Jr.’s first hedge fund, Steinhardt Partners, were the Genovese Mafia family, Ivan Boesky, Marc Rich, and Marty Peretz.

Given all the old Mafia memories swirling around prosecution and defense, one wonders about who's really putting the screws to Michael Cohen...and who's paying his lawyers fees to Mr. Pretillo...I read he's quite expensive. Who's really behind the Witch HUNT that targets every person in Trump's life that they can? The Clock is running down...

kestrel9 ago

The Global Bust-Out Series (Chapter 5): Monzer al-Kassar, Model Citizen

darkknight111 ago

Sabotaging investigations into terrorist organizations?

That is a TREASON level offense.

kestrel9 ago

And now we know that in order to regain control, there's no limit to how far they are willing further degrade the justice system. Not a game. It's a race to the finish.