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bopper ago

BREAKING...arrested on RACKETEERING charges (RICO)...

"Seagram’s heiress arrested in NXIVM sex-trafficking case"


@Oh_Well_ian didn't you mention the Seagram's family once?


Arrvee ago

Charles Bronfman had been co-chairman of Seagrams, until its merger with Vivendi.

Vivendi was run by the Bollore Group of France until the arrest of Vincent Bollore.

Bollore Group controlled the PR firm Havas which put David Cameron in power in the UK.

David Cameron is closely affiliated with the Rockefellers' front organization Common Purpose.

After the Breivik attack, David Cameron declared war on the EDL and all English nationalism.

The head of London police is also connected to Common Purpose.

Vivendi completely controls Universal whose American head is a Megalian-type feminist who works with USC Annenberg, the same people that Gamergate ran into.

Hillary Clinton helped al-Qaeda overthrow Libya because France demanded it. UK intelligence was used to avoid a US footprint.

France, Bollore. UK, Cameron, Bollore.

What was really going on?

kestrel9 ago

Some links about Common Purpose. This one is a site exposing Common Purpose in the UK in 2010s. Sound familiar?

The main objective of Common Purpose is social control in a collectivist and corporatist society.

The other objectives of Common Purpose are the destruction of the national identity of Britain, the destruction of democracy in Britain, the undermining of traditional beliefs and values and the slow, secretive merging of the public and private sectors into a state-controlled partnership.

What would you say, if I introduced to you a system, whereby, in an 'open and free society', some views were not heard at all? Possible? That is precisely what Common Purpose has set out to do - create an organization that instructs its members how they must think and act on a number of key issues such as immigration, multiculturalism, the EU, global warming and any type of nationalism.

The plan, now well advanced, is to create a massive network of 'training and diversity' organisations to brainwash the useful idiots needed to run society on behalf of the 'élite'. These include those involved with the institutions of government, commerce, education, law enforcement etc.

Common Purpose proposes a 'design for life', from a frighteningly early age. If you are with them, you can rise through the system until you reach your calling - but dissent, and you will always be staring upwards from the nadir below. In other words, if you will not play by the rules of the manipulated system, you can kiss any future career goodbye.

Independence Day – July 4, 2012. U.S. Marine Field McConnell has linked Common Purpose pedophiles’ associate, Cressida Dick, to Same Sex (SS) Spectrum Libor frauds which were allegedly perpetrated by Chris Mathias, Chair of Common Purpose Trustees, and a member of the extorted advisory board of Barclays Private Bank.

“Chris Mathias (Chair of Common Purpose Trustees) .. co-founded CMG Partners and Arbor Ventures – both are private investment management companies. Prior to this, Chris successfully founded several companies, most notably Conduit Communications Ltd, an internet consulting firm and service provider [when he apparently developed the Same Sex Spectrum app allegedly used by his Common Purpose pedophile colleagues at Barclays for the Libor rate-setting fraud] and Careline Services, a call centre provider. Chris had previously been the CEO of the Harpur Group. Chris has served on the board of several organisations including Digital Links International, Impetus Trust and Charity Technology Trust. He supported the start up of Basic Needs India and he is also an Ambassador for Action Aid and supporter of and advisor to Oxfam GB.

More recently he was a founder of the British Asian Trust and has joined the board of Bioss and the advisory board of Barclays Private Bank. Chris was born and raised in India and still has business, family and philanthropic connections there. “Common Purpose is exactly what we need right now and in our turbulent futures”, says Chris. “I am excited to be a part of making Common Purpose a truly international organisation”.

Some history (1918 Boys’ Welfare Association (Hoxton, London), changed name to Industrial Welfare Society in 1919)

The Industrial Society was granted a Royal Charter in 1984 [whereupon Julia Middleton, founder of Common Purpose, allegedly adopted the Industrial Society’s use of child pornography as a means of extorting concessions from political, military, police, business and NGO leaders]. Robert Hyde continued as head of the Society until his retirement in 1948. HRH Prince Philip became the Patron of the Industrial Society in 1954 [The same year as HRH began serving the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators as Grand Master and allegedly began preparing Guild Socialist pedophiles (cf. Russell Williams) to launch the Oneworld Management Company in Vancouver in 1999 in support of the 9/11 man-in-the-middle attack on America]”