MolochHunter ago

whos responsible for these 9 downvoats?

explain yourselves

13373247? ago

hell yeah!

o0shad0o ago

I thought he was going to stop posting?

srayzie ago

Some people were afraid he was

bopper ago

"Who financed the Nazis?"

Is Q naming the Jew?

talmoridor-x ago

Q makes a faulty prediction

"It was necessary disinformation, goy!"

Ulfghar ago

More Q larping!

Micheal84 ago What a wonderful day. Do you believe in coincidences? Q


srayzie ago

Thank you!

Boban_Rajovic ago

waiting for that retard @are_we_sure

Spankings ago

fhaqyu ago

I"m shocked that you all buy into this bullshit. THIS IS NOTHING BUT CRYPTIC BULLSHIT.


No fucking shit

liftwizard ago

lurk more

fhaqyu ago

haha, nah, just pointing out to fools that Q is the LARP.

RockmanRaiden ago

Not the hero we deserve.

youllrememberme ago

Interesting.. It actually happened. I saw soneone mention this in another thread..

Q's days of silence.

4 = D

10 = J

20 = T

derram ago :

John Huber, U.S. attorney leading FBI investigation, a special counsel in every way but name - Washington Times

This has been an automated message.

kestrel9 ago

"We have it all" Q posts:

1279, 1273, 1222, 1124, 1102, 854, 596

Today Q posted this link: The April 18th Criminal referral of Comey, HRC, LL, McCabe, Strozk/Page.

bopper ago


Syndicalism ago

I hate it when the response to a deleted submission makes me wish I got there in time to see it.

bopper ago

It's (the comment) edited and reposted by Arvee, above...

Charles Bronfman had been co-chairman of Seagrams, until its merger with Vivendi.

Vivendi was run by the Bollore Group of France until the arrest of Vincent Bollore.

Bollore Group controlled the PR firm Havas which put David Cameron in power in the UK.

David Cameron is closely affiliated with the Rockefellers' front organization Common Purpose.

After the Breivik attack, David Cameron declared war on the EDL and all English nationalism.

The head of London police is also connected to Common Purpose.

Vivendi completely controls Universal whose American head is a Megalian-type feminist who works with USC Annenberg, the same people that Gamergate ran into.

Hillary Clinton helped al-Qaeda overthrow Libya because France demanded it. UK intelligence was used to avoid a US footprint.

France, Bollore. UK, Cameron, Bollore.

What was really going on?

bopper ago

BREAKING...arrested on RACKETEERING charges (RICO)...

"Seagram’s heiress arrested in NXIVM sex-trafficking case"


@Oh_Well_ian didn't you mention the Seagram's family once?


srayzie ago

That is awesome news!

bopper ago

Song for QTards...@srayzie lol

srayzie ago

Sorry. I didn’t see this earlier!

bopper ago

It's okay bro.

new4now ago

Sara is the sister I waiting for arrests, her husband too

She and her husband have ties to Libya and CIA

Plan1988 ago

Did you notice the names of the three women arrested with Clare?Thinking the daughter named is.was Obama's little friend. She was pictured with him?

Joe10jo ago

Maggie Nixon?

bopper ago

Wow, forgot all about her, just too much to keep up with. Hive mind works so great.

bopper ago

I'm not sure, I do know that Q linked something about Salzman a few months ago.

Arrvee ago

Charles Bronfman had been co-chairman of Seagrams, until its merger with Vivendi.

Vivendi was run by the Bollore Group of France until the arrest of Vincent Bollore.

Bollore Group controlled the PR firm Havas which put David Cameron in power in the UK.

David Cameron is closely affiliated with the Rockefellers' front organization Common Purpose.

After the Breivik attack, David Cameron declared war on the EDL and all English nationalism.

The head of London police is also connected to Common Purpose.

Vivendi completely controls Universal whose American head is a Megalian-type feminist who works with USC Annenberg, the same people that Gamergate ran into.

Hillary Clinton helped al-Qaeda overthrow Libya because France demanded it. UK intelligence was used to avoid a US footprint.

France, Bollore. UK, Cameron, Bollore.

What was really going on?

kestrel9 ago

Human trafficking lead? April 24, 2018 French Billionaire Vincent Bollore Arrested For Alleged Corruption In Africa

French billionaire Vincent Bollore was arrested and detained on Tuesday near Paris over allegations that he indirectly influenced election outcomes for governments in West Africa and secured lucrative port contracts for his company in return.

According to a report by the BBC, Bollore, 66, who is the head of the Bollore Group, was taken into custody as part of an ongoing investigation into how his company obtained contracts to operate the Lome and Conakry ports in Togo and Guinea respectively.

kestrel9 ago

Charles Bronfman "Mega Group was founded in 1991 by Leslie Wexner and Charles Bronfman"

Jeffrey Epstein was basically a nobody until Victoria's Secret founder Leslie Wexner gave him tens of millions of dollars, the largest private residence in Manhattan, and all the other luxuries required to seduce politicians and the powerful into ... making stupid decisions. 12 days before 9/11

kestrel9 ago

Some links about Common Purpose. This one is a site exposing Common Purpose in the UK in 2010s. Sound familiar?

The main objective of Common Purpose is social control in a collectivist and corporatist society.

The other objectives of Common Purpose are the destruction of the national identity of Britain, the destruction of democracy in Britain, the undermining of traditional beliefs and values and the slow, secretive merging of the public and private sectors into a state-controlled partnership.

What would you say, if I introduced to you a system, whereby, in an 'open and free society', some views were not heard at all? Possible? That is precisely what Common Purpose has set out to do - create an organization that instructs its members how they must think and act on a number of key issues such as immigration, multiculturalism, the EU, global warming and any type of nationalism.

The plan, now well advanced, is to create a massive network of 'training and diversity' organisations to brainwash the useful idiots needed to run society on behalf of the 'élite'. These include those involved with the institutions of government, commerce, education, law enforcement etc.

Common Purpose proposes a 'design for life', from a frighteningly early age. If you are with them, you can rise through the system until you reach your calling - but dissent, and you will always be staring upwards from the nadir below. In other words, if you will not play by the rules of the manipulated system, you can kiss any future career goodbye.

Independence Day – July 4, 2012. U.S. Marine Field McConnell has linked Common Purpose pedophiles’ associate, Cressida Dick, to Same Sex (SS) Spectrum Libor frauds which were allegedly perpetrated by Chris Mathias, Chair of Common Purpose Trustees, and a member of the extorted advisory board of Barclays Private Bank.

“Chris Mathias (Chair of Common Purpose Trustees) .. co-founded CMG Partners and Arbor Ventures – both are private investment management companies. Prior to this, Chris successfully founded several companies, most notably Conduit Communications Ltd, an internet consulting firm and service provider [when he apparently developed the Same Sex Spectrum app allegedly used by his Common Purpose pedophile colleagues at Barclays for the Libor rate-setting fraud] and Careline Services, a call centre provider. Chris had previously been the CEO of the Harpur Group. Chris has served on the board of several organisations including Digital Links International, Impetus Trust and Charity Technology Trust. He supported the start up of Basic Needs India and he is also an Ambassador for Action Aid and supporter of and advisor to Oxfam GB.

More recently he was a founder of the British Asian Trust and has joined the board of Bioss and the advisory board of Barclays Private Bank. Chris was born and raised in India and still has business, family and philanthropic connections there. “Common Purpose is exactly what we need right now and in our turbulent futures”, says Chris. “I am excited to be a part of making Common Purpose a truly international organisation”.

Some history (1918 Boys’ Welfare Association (Hoxton, London), changed name to Industrial Welfare Society in 1919)

The Industrial Society was granted a Royal Charter in 1984 [whereupon Julia Middleton, founder of Common Purpose, allegedly adopted the Industrial Society’s use of child pornography as a means of extorting concessions from political, military, police, business and NGO leaders]. Robert Hyde continued as head of the Society until his retirement in 1948. HRH Prince Philip became the Patron of the Industrial Society in 1954 [The same year as HRH began serving the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators as Grand Master and allegedly began preparing Guild Socialist pedophiles (cf. Russell Williams) to launch the Oneworld Management Company in Vancouver in 1999 in support of the 9/11 man-in-the-middle attack on America]”

Plan1988 ago

Amazing contribution. Thank You. ⚠ WOW. I'm getting expectantly happy.
Thrilled for what came out today re: NXVIM. etc.

bopper ago

You are 'pregnant' with happiness (etc.) used to be a common saying, fer real.

Before it became so attached to childbirth and babies. Couple hundred years ago.

Plan1988 ago

Love It! Thank You! Good One! :-) ⛅

bopper ago


Plan1988 ago

Clare Bronfman was indicted this morning as you reported above. She has a sister-heir.

bopper ago

I'm just waiting for Q to link the news.

kestrel9 ago "We have the server" -Q drop #1666

I had post this yesterday, an article about the broken chain of custody on the server in the Awan case. (I'm assuming that's the server Q just mentioned).

Multiple sources connected to the investigation told TheDCNF that shortly after an IG report came out identifying the House Democratic Caucus server as key evidence in a criminal probe, the evidence was stolen.

“They [the Awans] deliberately turned over a fake server” to falsify evidence, one official close to the CHA alleged. “It was a breach. The data was completely out of [members’] possession.”

kestrel9 ago

Media was flipping out over Trump asking about the Awan server .

In reality he was trolling them LOL

srayzie ago

Thank you! I’ll put it in the post.

bopper ago

Q is linking the movie "BIG" and Tom Hanks and twitter (Sara Ruth Ashcraft, active on twitter) who fingered Hanks I believe. Anyone with more info feel free...

Shizy ago

I loved BIG as a kid, but as I got older it has always bothered me that Tom's character hs sex with the co-worker woman. Yes he was in a mans body, but according to the storyline he was still a pretty young boy. When the woman sees him change back into a young kid, she still looks at him lovingly and doesn't seem grossed out. It's creepy

anotherdream ago

Yes that's it. Q is back. Elites are flipping out. Good. WWG1WGA

Shizy ago

Yayyy! Thanks for the ping

bopper ago

Q posted just after this below Q hit piece from Huff Post came out wherein they say Q "hasn’t posted anything since July 4, leaving those followers frantic for something to do."

kestrel9 ago

Edit: Huff Post just updated their article saying "Q just posted" lol.

Too funny!

bopper ago

I know, cracked me up.

kestrel9 ago

Almost as good as Pelosi eating crow after her comment about Kim Jong-Un's supposed "giggle fit".

Plan1988 ago

I hope Huffington Post is the first to go . BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE. ⤵ ⚠ 🆘

srayzie ago

Haha I love it. They can eat their words.

Plan1988 ago

You're 'on this'. WOW. Thanks for your trigger fast analysis. And for your post above.

bopper ago

Happened to be gleaning different places just before Q posted, thank-you.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol frantic?

I've never felt more convinced something BIG was coming.

youllrememberme ago

Something BIG is about to DROP.


Plan1988 ago

SOOO 🆒 !

bopper ago

Yeah frantic so we stir up people to shoot up places I think lol. It's what we do and love.

Oh_Well_ian ago

That article is pathetic... So.. a Muslim blows up himself and 30 others, it says nothing about Islam.

A fake Q follower parks a Brinks truck on Hoover Dam and he's exactly like you, me, srayzie or any other Q followers.

bopper ago

I know, gosh these people are transparent. And disgusting.

pby1000 ago

Got it! I heard about some Honk for Q video. Please tell me it's true.

srayzie ago

Since I was on the road, I actually listened to Patriots soap box. They played that video on there.

pby1000 ago

Gotcha! Someone posted it, so I saw. It looks like the white van honked.

srayzie ago

Oh I just sent it to you. Oops

pby1000 ago

No problem!

heretolearn ago

thank you!

LightlyToasted ago


bopper ago

"Silence is golden." Must refer to Q's long silence.

Gonna be interesting to see things Q might possibly link to.

NoisyCricket ago

That and the news cycle has gone reasonable quiet except for key stories which MSM generally didn't cover.

Calm before the storm?

kestrel9 ago

(Processing talking points, processing talking points...please standby...) lol

fartyshorts ago

Who was right? Flatulent vertically-challenged britches was right!

Shizy ago

You're good! And it's not just cause of those hot shorts

kestrel9 ago

Cheers to the clever goat in the billowing shorts! Good call ;)

bopper ago

Wow, good job.

fartyshorts ago

Thanks 😎

srayzie ago

Wow! 😮

Blacksmith21 ago

Wow - I didn't think Q is coming back. This is exciting. I would agree D/DS = Democrats / Deep State. Panic. Love it. Let's see some action!

NoisyCricket ago

Until the nation is secure Q will remain with us. Anyone telling you otherwise is not to be trusted.

dooob ago

I cant remember if Q said it himself ( i seriously should reread drops) but I remember reading Q will stay with us even after the fall of DS, to gives us clues in unlocking the real history, think World Wars and such. Might have been an anon in notables and I am just misremembering.

NoisyCricket ago

Not a Q expert. Hadn't read that. But it certainly fits with what he has already revealed dating at least as far back as WWII.

fartyshorts ago

Q didn't say that specifically, but did ask who funded WW2.

mynewaccountagain ago

Wow you love LARPing eh?

pby1000 ago

A white hat LARP is still positive, right?

mynewaccountagain ago

Sure. Go read some fucking Grimm brothers too. It's delightful.

pby1000 ago

Based on true stories...

mynewaccountagain ago

Unlike Q

pby1000 ago

I have told several people that Q has had a positive affect on people, even if it is a chan LARP. That is a good thing, right? I mean, unless you are a NWO Marxist-Communist.

I can tell that Q has had a positive affect because of what I hear out in public. People are waking up.

The bottom line is that it is up to us to create the type of world we want to live in. It is not up to Trump, Q, or anybody else.

mynewaccountagain ago

Why would I care what you tell people? I don't give one fuck what you tell me because I can independently think.

Shizy ago

Wow! You're a real treat aren't you 🖕🏻

mynewaccountagain ago

Eat it up sheep

Shizy ago

Good thing that just like in real life, no one here gives a shit what you say/think/do/whatever 😂😂😂😂!

pby1000 ago

Why are you here? Why do you assume that we give a fuck that you think Q is a LARP?

mynewaccountagain ago

I'm bored on my phone mocking idiots.

Why are you here? Why do you think I give a fuck that you believe the fairy tales?

pby1000 ago

You are mocking yourself on your phone? You should get out and make some friends.

Look, you are at a Q research board saying that Q is a LARP. Do you have any other genius information to give us? You obviously think we give a fuck what you think.

mynewaccountagain ago

Oh you think I'm home alone crying. Great deducing there ace. No wonder you eat up this bullshit.

Syndicalism ago

Its at least entertaining, right? Even if you think its a LARP, its a damn good LARP.

Nalbarcam ago

I put on my robe and wizard hat

Oh_Well_ian ago

didn't we bet a buck on that?

pretty sure we did ;)

LightlyToasted ago

Here's an Anon's take on the post which I found interesting:

Silence is golden.


Fake news [prop arm of D/DS] failing.

Those asleep blind.

Those awake see.

Think Twitter.

Repeats important.

Future BIG meaning?

Topics stated in past.

Who has it all?

Future proves past.

POTUS does not speculate.

Why does POTUS continually refer to the server?

Who has the server?

Define evidence.

Who does Huber report to [directly]?

From Sea to Shining Sea.


Here is the REAL message from Q.

Think Mirror.

Blacksmith21 ago

We did. I'll mail it to ya. I reallt thought 04 Jul was how he was going to go out. Having said that, <04 Jul was IPB - Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield.

The next phase, which we are just entering now (I don't think it aligns with calendar months), will be much more kinetic and a lot harder for the MSM and the sheep to ignore publicly. Q's guidance will be needed in how to handle the freak-out cases.

Oh_Well_ian ago

damage control on the Gunn story failed miserably and seems like another Pedo outing is coming out DAILY..

this is the TRICKLE... Wait until the D5 Avalanche is here.

Blacksmith21 ago

You saw about Dwight (Rainn Wilson) outed as a pedo yesterday?

anotherdream ago

Sure did. Excellent. They all need to burn.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Roger that..

Did a quick search of his bio >> Born in Seattle / Mother a Yoga Instructor / Father a writer of weird books / Lived in Nicarauga for years as a youth / Lives in Sisters, Oregon ( a small weirdo destination outside Bend ) Plus... he LOOKS LIKE A PEDO

I can faithfully say I never watchd a single episode of The Office

Blacksmith21 ago

Cernovich said they have 200-something celebs with similar twitter comments. It will be interesting to see how they leak these out.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Tweets were the probable cause to investigate all of them. They got warrants for all their digital data based off the tweets.

Data revealed ALL THEIR CRIMES.


Blacksmith21 ago

White hats probably had them all along. Used for basis of likely hundreds or thousands of the sealed indictments. Round them all up at once. Don't give them time to kill the witnesses.

pby1000 ago

It is a good thing the pedo Cabal passed those data collection laws. Now we can use them to prove that they are pedos.

Didn't someone say that these people are stupid?

bopper ago

Live chat, good info if you can stand the hoaky comments.

bopper ago

D/DS probably means Democrats / Deep State? (Others say.)

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yes... D or D's is Dems

DS is Deep State

srayzie ago

My Q app still worked!

muzzieniggerjew ago

mine did too!

srayzie ago

Yay! I guess we just can’t get updates!