Shizy ago

The photo is real, but it's not Obama. Apparently it's some dude named Michael that wears that costume to burning man. There are articles to document this that someone listed in the pizzagate forum. Oh, and the dude is white, but he looks like Obama.

Le_Squish ago

So if this was some one's wedding, was it symbolic or real? Real event is traceable. Especially since date is known.

MolochHunter ago

look, at the end of the day, if its Obama, if its not Obama, this is not a photo of Obama with a parentless child, or organising human trafficking

its fancy dress

you wanna store this in 'circumstantial evidence', fine, its only one of a zillion pieces of circumstantial evidence we already have in that file. Its bulging with shit like this.

its not a smoking gun

Quicktor ago

It's just Bathhouse Barry being Bathhouse Barry...

give the sodomite a break y' was his weekend...

dooob ago

I agree, it is not a smoking gun but

Symbolism will be their downfall

And also proves that @Oh_Well_ian is not to be trusted

MolochHunter ago

lol no it doesnt

you have diverging takes on one piece of evidence that isnt so significant at best. What are we, intersectional feminists at each others throats because one thinks there are 32 genders and the other thinks theres 45?

Oh_Well_ian ago

dooob is a faggot and a cunt who's had a hair up his ass ever since I slammed him for calling me a shill 6 weeks ago...

I think it's pretty obvious I am 100% behind Qanon and trusting the plan. I attempted to settle up with him, and he told me to go fuck myself. His snarky comment to you is just another proof of his whisper campaign against me. You gotta wonder why he is attacking the most prolific poster to this subverse, with a well established body of work in Pizzagate.

Cincosiber ago

Photo doesn't give much context to the immediate situation. Depends if there is others in displaying symbolisms too.

Perhaps lots of the future proofs will be based around the whole crew displaying symbolisms.

HACKhalo2 ago

I don't think the photo is fake, but I wouldn't say that it's most likely not fake, but it's most likely not fake using public photoediting software and knowledge. Like @MrShekelstein said, we don't know what type of editing software exists in the private sector, and the skeptic in me thinks that this could be a clever plant to disprove and further demonize the hardcore Obama skeptics from 3LA's. But, yes, there's like an 90% chance that this image is, in fact, real.

MaxVieuxlieu ago

Even if the image is real there’s no real proof that it’s Obama. Those who think it’s Obama already thought he was involved in the occult or were at least open to that suggestion. Those that think B. Hussein Obama is an American hero will not be convinced by it. It serves only to further divide us.

VandalayIndustries ago

Max gets it.

I’m at the point where further division is wanted, but I shouldn’t be. I just don’t see how to reach the emotional shit show that are the easily fooled democrats.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

What about the vein on the side of his forehead?

dooob ago

I highly suspect the girl that uploaded the picture posses the necessary skills to alter an image so good that it cant be detected. If so, her post history doesnt show she posses that kind of skills.