DietCokehead1 ago

I am white. I am pretty sure that both @shadow332 and @dietcokehead1 are white. Unless you have proof they aren't?

Accordng to the kikes who run 23andme, I'm 0.1% kangz:

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago


RickFlairWOOOOOO ago


RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

LOL OMFG HAHAHAHHAHA your shilling is weak as shit. Is this your side hustle form your telemarketer job in india?

tomyhawk ago

Tanx buddie, luv u too.

tomyhawk ago

He lives in your head rent free, I think you secretly love him, is he your Chad?

tomyhawk ago

Would you make up your mind! Am I a cracker or a heb, I need to know!!!!!!!!!! Maybe a taco bender or a nigger you've never considered that. Or perhaps an immortal that rode here in the pyramids.

tomyhawk ago

OMG, how did you find out, oi vay you mean bastard, i'll lose my shekels. Your a fuckin Sherlock Holmes. Now archive this bullshit so you can use it as proof down the road. Thats why I could tell you to suck start a shotgun without affecting my soul, jews are souless.

gabara ago

You realize the Hebrews accidentally put a character from the Epic of Gilgamesh in Genesis.

tomyhawk ago

Remember when you used to watch Seinfeld, that was humor, not really real, just lulz.

gabara ago

But ((( Sumeria ))) is where the Hebrews came from.

tomyhawk ago

OMG, u convinced me!!!!!!! They are unfortunately right, your jewish. Jews cant do humor.

freshmeat ago

I think it's hilarious. Maybe Sar was right, maybe SRS/SBBH isn't led by jews. It doesn't make any sense for you guys to call everyone jewish even when they have been outspoken against the jewish agenda unless you guys are in fact muslims who want to divide the conservative community up. That seems to be your goal

@OH_Well_Ian does that sound about right?

gabara ago

See now @OH_Well_Ian, this guy here is a shill. Goes by @9-11 and @Grifter42. The site owner calls him SaneGoat. Yes, it's THAT SaneGoat. We were testing that you were not this faggot.

freshmeat ago

@Oh_Well_Ian Their tactic is to calla nyone who points out their shilling the same person. Gabara/Trigglypuff/Crensch/Kevdude/TheBuddha/Zyklon_B/MadWorld/Laurentius_The_Pyro etc. They could all very well be the same person but I wouldn't claim that because it's obvious they are working together as a group to control this website

I think we know what SBBH/SRS is attacking you Ian, :

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Discord's ultra gay.

freshmeat ago

its actually pretty great when we keep SBBH out

gabara ago

Their tactic is to calla nyone who

I love to singa / About the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a / I love to singa / About a sky of blue-a or a tea for two-a!


tomyhawk ago

As have I, bonghits and Southpark mind you.

gabara ago

Wasn't Nibiru supposed to be in 2012?

tomyhawk ago

Your wrong, they are the tops of ancient spaceships, thats how lizard people got here. Unfortunately the crab people locked there claws on the spacecrafts exterior and came along too.

gabara ago

I keep telling you, the predynastic Egyptians were pissed off at Ra for destroying their Damn so they built the first Pyramid as a resurrection device to make the current Pharaoh the next Ra when he dies. Then they could build their Damn. After a while they just liked building Pyramids.
Go back to sleep, citizen.

tomyhawk ago

I am genuinely curious, do post link

gabara ago

Yeah, I'm starting to think @Oh_Well_Ian is legit. Just the usual vetting, sir. I have already backed off and we friends now. We both really like Trump. He's also probably pro-potato. At least that's the recent hubub.

tomyhawk ago

No, no, just yesterday 911 was worried about my soul, he just a gud christian boi who dindu nuffin.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

so it was just yesterday? can't dig it up lol

totes_magotes ago

It looks like @Oh_Well_ian has a problem with free speech. On a free speech forum.

lulz, the level of stupidity on this is over 9000.

Oh_Well_ian ago

are you too fucking daft to realize that was my block of text from own submission?

haha If this is all you faggots have, it's pretty clear that we are nearing the end.

totes_magotes ago

You sound butthurt. Are you butthurt?

Oh_Well_ian ago

'things passive aggressive blue haired faggots say for $1000, Alex'

totes_magotes ago

I'll take "Cry some more, faggot", for $800....

<Audio daily double>

"Here's your audio clue"

"What is 'Cry some more, faggot'?"


White_pride_cis ago

Well you do call everyone shills and are overly hostile... What was the quote? The Jew's will cry-out as they strike you.

gabara ago

True. It's how we figure out who the real shills are. Shill.

White_pride_cis ago

I meant that comments towards Ian. The first time he spoke to me, he called me a shill, and has downvoted ever since. Fuck me for having questions, right?

gabara ago

I know, I just realized I've never called you a shill before. Sorry. I apologize. I know I can't be a friend to everyone but I don't believe in being exclusionist.

White_pride_cis ago

I appreciate that.

dooob ago

@oh_well_ian is a teenager who cant control his fee fees, gets very offended when someone points out he sometimes posts shitty submissions that are borderline subversive. He claims he is a Q follower, I just wait the day he starts calling Q fake or compromised. Biggest tell is that he doesnt understand /greatawakening/ lingo.

Btw @oh_well_ian, I will call out all your shitty submissions. You will have to chose discussing it with me or going the shill way and deflect and attack.

>inb4 he picks the least important part of my comment and writes a shitty comment to deflect the accusations

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I love you guys. I consider it an art form getting these slimy jew fucks to oust themselves.

HugeDouche ago

God's work son. The real God, not the jew shyster god.

Justaddcoffee ago

It looks like the shills identify themselves with each other by using _ in their handles. Tallest_skil is another example.

gabara ago

Nah, I know I'll take flack for this, but I think @Tallest_skil is fine. I honestly think he just has a brain the size of a planet and people that smart sound crazy to the rest of us. People today think they would have accepted Nikola Tesla if they'd lived back then but the truth is I'm not sure even today he would be taken seriously. Today he would have Cold Fusion up an running and no one would believe him until after he dies.

Diggernicks ago

Tallest skils faggotry makes elton john rimming freddy mercury appalled.

tomyhawk ago

I call bullshit, he has never backed up an argument with facts when I've called them out.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

You can say pretty much whatever you want to T_S and he'll say it proves whatever point he's (totally not) making.

Oh_Well_ian ago

are you seriously this fucking stupid ??

You've parsed out my own text about the complicity of Jews and Israel to call me a Jew Shill ??

let's face it... You faggots are in a total panic and MAGA is winning.

None of you cunts have a single submission in this Subverse before today..

gabara ago

7 day old JIDF account

youllrememberme ago

@Oh_Well_ian SBBH is nothing but a bunch of SJW soy boys larping to muddy the waters. Nobody will help you though because muh points. That and most of the people you think you trust...

gabara ago

9 minute old account

youllrememberme ago

Get you vote brigade to make my account irrelevant you SJW powder puff. We're still coming for you.

This was an older accoumt than yours and you didn't say shit.

gabara ago

youllrememberme ago

If i was @stillinit i would use that 3 year old account. Nice try powder puff.

youllrememberme ago

^Still a SJW though^

Oh_Well_ian ago

Hey you fucking retards...


zyklon_b ago

((( @oh_well_ian )))

Elmer_Hagen ago

@Oh_Well_ian the holocaust never happened

Oh_Well_ian ago

no shit, you stupid fuck... I wrote those words. lol

srayzie ago

You wrote what words? You made this post?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Don't try to wiggle your way out of this. You have been ovened.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol I'm right over the fucking target, as usual.

your sophisticated attack on me will end in failure

HugeDouche ago

You're a deluded little fucktard. Over target? Sure thing. It's real in your mind faggot.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Sophisticated? Shit, I aint even trying yet, son. I'm just poking you with my stick so people can watch your nature. I got you babe. I will always be ten steps ahead of you jews. I troll Israeli forums for years just for the fucking lulz. I want you to admit to me that you are jewish. That is what I want. That's how this ends. Are you ready to do that yet?

Oh_Well_ian ago

you fake fuck... you think legitimate followers of Q and the GA will believe this contrived attack on me? 14 upvoats for a post where you faggots use my words against Jews and Israel as an attack on me ? lol

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I think they will believe it. I proved it and many others are speaking of you. You slipped up and I caught you. @Blacksmith21 is in hiding, or is that one of your alts?

Oh_Well_ian ago

shocking how predicable this entire LARP of yours is playing out...

'accuse your enemies of your crimes'

have fun here faggot, while you can.

Your income is about to dry up and you are panicking. lol

that's REAL

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Income?? shit. I should get paid for what I do -keeping you jews exposed.

Digital-Patriot ago

A patriot does the work for free. A whore gets paid.

heygeorge ago


This really tickled me. I would not think to use that word and associate @cheeseboogersghost

@gabara you and @expertshitposter might enjoy this, too.

ExpertShitposter ago

@Oh_Well_ian = Supreme Gentleman's ghost.

heygeorge ago

This I do not understand, but it must be part of the sophisticated actions taking place.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

wtf? I can be sophisticated. Why is that so funny to you>?

heygeorge ago

Lol! I'm just saying... It's not really the first word I think of. And yes, yes I am.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

haha I know which side the plastic sfork goes on.

HugeDouche ago

What's a fork?

heygeorge ago

Hmmm my wife mixes that up with alarming regularity. Maybe I do not give you enough ((credit))

CheeseboogersGhost ago



AndrewBlazeIt ago

Is that like some kinda really Jewish mixture of halal and haldol?