Nekochan11 ago

HIV status should be on the common record as a matter of public health.

The right of a person to avoid exposing themselves to potentially deadly incurable disease that is costly to control is greater than the right to privacy in this case.

Yes I am aware that with treatment HIV can be controlled, but these treatments are expensive (Atripla costs around $50 a day as a recurring expense without insurance or a $200 a month copay with an insurance policy that covers it) and have undesirable side effects (dizziness, headaches, trouble sleeping, drowsiness, trouble concentrating, and/or unusual dreams) of their own.

Irony_Dan ago

HTF is this gamergate related? This post is bad and you should feel bad.

Grospoliner ago

It shows the two organizations are affiliated. Meaning they acknowledge and sanction each other. Depending on their level of cooperation, they may very well sponsor one or the other via funding or working in conjunction with one another. Meaning that PPA could very well be condoning the Int'l PP's behavior which would make them complicit.

It is not hard to understand.

Al_Rubyx ago

This is one of the most hideous things I've ever heard of.

farmer- ago

but its preventing social darwinism. instead of letting people feel the full brunt of poor decisions, we're holding back other people who are more responsible to make sure the dummies are supported. taxes shouldn't be used to coddle people, taxes should be used to keep up with goods and services we all use, like public utilities. the more we let the government decide where our money goes, the more authoritarian our society becomes.

and I don't subscribe to the whole "practicality vs idealism" argument. of course nothing will ever be perfect, but you can't honestly tell me you'd rather live in a world where the government takes MORE of your money to do with it what they see fit rather than a world where the government takes LESS of your money leaving you with MORE choice to do with it as you please.

TheMasterSword ago

That's illegal to do, right?

g-j-a ago

For that, they can go fuck right off.

greycloud ago

"International Planned Parenthood Federation, of which Planned Parenthood Federation of America is an official affiliate, maintains it is a person’s “human right” not to tell their sexual partners they are HIV positive if they don’t want to."

in case you missed that, its like saying that "john's neighbor sally, of which john affiliates said that chocolate is worse than vanilla, so therefore john must somehow be blamed for what sally said".

the reality is that international planned parenthood has to endorse policies that work in african countries, where stating that you have HIV may give you a death sentence by the locals. of course not all countries and not all societies can live by the same laws. diversity of populations requires diversity of laws. this is one of the reasons that the international businesses prefer the spread of intolerant monoculture, its great for business and gets rid of the pesky need to have different countries.

ding0bait ago

So Charlie sheen isn't a doc he after all. He's edgy.

farmer- ago

So instead of encouraging people to get married before they have sex, pull society down a bit to take care of those who irresponsibly have a kid outside of wedlock. Great. So now the government forces me to contribute to these people doing things I disagree with. Such a wonderful system.

And, just so we're clear, I'm not trying to throw my views onto anyone. I don't care if you have sex with or without a condom or some sort of contraceptive. But if you're risking that, why should I have to pay for your shitty decision. Why can't you deal with your shitty mistakes on your own

51rH0n3y84d93r ago

I don't disagree with your premise, but could you explain to me your reasoning on education as well? IE: You chose to have a child. Why should I pay for their education? If you're a minarchist/anarchist, then your logic makes sense, but if not, how do you differentiate between the two?

farmer- ago

im saying education is fine, if that's planned parenthood's goal, just not let it be funded by taxpayers. i don't disagree with abortion, i just disagree with the idea that it has to be government-ran.

draco_nite ago

What does this have to do with GG? This isn't even SJW, this is just insanity. I can't even see Peter Coffin agreeing with this.

oktober ago

Tabloid headlines again from Xeno.

It says, “Young people living with HIV have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose their HIV status.” It continues: “Sharing your HIV status is called disclosure. Your decision about whether to disclose may change with different people and situations. You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status.”

This Kimberly Ells likes to create a narrative. Why are you encouraging this Xeno? Not even an archive link either.

farmer- ago

someone explain why we need planned parenthood

StarSlinger ago

To stop white from having children.

facepaint ago

  1. One of the few groups actively pushing to protect access to abortion.

  2. One of the best groups pushing for proper contraceptive use, and accessibility. If you want to prevent abortions and sexually transmitted diseases, you want to promote contraceptives.

farmer- ago

but if they say its your right to experience sexual pleasure, aren't they kind of encouraging sexual activity? everyone knows the best contraceptive is celibacy, so if they really wanted to "prevent abortions" why wouldn't they discourage "sexual activity" outside of wedlock?

to me, since they profit off of harvesting organs, its like they want to encourage sex since the only way to get those juicy fetus organs is through making mistakes in the bedroom. and nothing says "dealbreaker" like a potential partner who is HIV-positive

p0ssum ago

but if they say its your right to experience sexual pleasure

Are you REALLY going to say it isn't? WTF country is this again?

to me, since they profit off of harvesting organs,

They don't, never did.

encourage sex since the only way to get those juicy fetus organs is through making mistakes in the bedroom

Yes, yes, that must be it, nothing to go with helping women.

farmer- ago

Are you REALLY going to say it isn't?

are you going to say its the government's (aka taxpayer's) job to be responsible for people who are irresponsibly bearing children they cannot take care of? if my taxes are going to something like that, id at least like a say in what a tax-funded agency should encourage. and in my opinion, if people want to "prevent abortions" don't encourage them to indulge in something they are to irresponsible to practice correctly. you may not like that p0ssum but that's because youre a liberal drone who's been brainwashed by soros

They don't, never did.

yes they do, but please, stay in denial

Yes, yes, that must be it, nothing to go with helping women.

helping women. ha. the agency without even a mammogram machine in one facility is for helping women's health. this is just Abortions, Inc. and they are hungry for more stem cells to sell to labs.

p0ssum ago

are you going to say its the government's (aka taxpayer's) job to be responsible for people who are irresponsibly bearing children they cannot take care of?

No, Im saying you worry about yours and I'll worry about mine. When I want your opinion about what is going on in my life. I'll ask.

yes they do, but please, stay in denial

Show me proof they made a profit selling organs ... I'll wait.

the agency without even a mammogram machine in one facility is for helping women's health.

Most womens health clinics don't have a mammogram, it's an expensive piece of machinery unneeded for 85% of womens needs.

this is just Abortions, Inc. and they are hungry for more stem cells to sell to labs.

Despite the fact they no longer do this, even though they never did if for a profit and that abortions are less than 3% of the business they do...

And Im the one in denial....

farmer- ago

Show me proof they made a profit selling organs ... I'll wait.

for the lazy: "The pathologist, who ultimately went to prison for tax evasion and died in 2013, revealed that average fetal tissue sample or organ cost his firm, Opening Lines, “just $50, plus overhead – but that he charges an average of $250. The law only talks about recovering costs. But on a single fetus, Jones said he can make $2,500.”"

and: "Besides the hidden camera video, the journalist featured two whistleblowers: Dean Alberty, who used to work for Opening Lines and the Anatomic Gift Foundation (AGF), another firm that obtained organs from aborted babies (and later served as an informant for the pro-life group Life Dynamics); and Ross Capps, who also worked for AGF. Alberty revealed that “abortions were altered to get better tissue” – something that Planned Parenthood officials also admitted to in the Center for Medical Progress videos."

so yea, they're mining fetus tissue, not just aborting a cluster of cells which I have no problem with.

No, Im saying you worry about yours and I'll worry about mine. When I want your opinion about what is going on in my life. I'll ask.

what your idiot brain doesnt understand is that there is no "worry about yours" and "worry about mine" when the government is using our tax dollars to fund this. so its not a matter of choice, its a matter of pay taxes so we can fund this OR ELSE.

they never did if for a profit

says you. I provided my links. give me some proof they never did it for a profit.

p0ssum ago

he pathologist, who ultimately went to prison for tax evasion and died in 2013, revealed that average fetal tissue sample or organ cost his firm, Opening Lines, “just $50, plus overhead – but that he charges an average of $250. The law only talks about recovering costs. But on a single fetus, Jones said he can make $2,500.”

You fucking moron, those are the people BUYING the tissue FROM Planned Parenthood, and he's talking about how little they charge. How fucking stupid can you be. Thanks for proving my point.

what your idiot brain doesnt understand is that there is no "worry about yours" and "worry about mine" when the government is using our tax dollars to fund this. so its not a matter of choice, its a matter of pay taxes so we can fund this OR ELSE.

They aren't and haven't been since the Hyde amendment, I'll bet you don't even know what that is.

says you. I provided my links. give me some proof they never did it for a profit.

No, says the LINK you yourself provided....

So, essentially, you provided nothing except for stuff that proved my point. Want to try again?

farmer- ago

Dr. Miles Jones held a contract with planned parenthood, retard. He's been peddling baby parts for around fifteen years. Look him up, he's a swell guy

p0ssum ago

Yes, he BOUGHT stuff from Planned Parenthood, just as I said. I know what a winner he is, but it does absolutely NOTHING to prove your point, that PP profited from the selling of tissue. I have a hard time believing you are this fucking stupid and can breath without assistance.

farmer- ago

They are CONTRACTED together. Meaning they are in BUSINESS together. Meaning they ARE harvesting and selling baby parts. Meaning I'm RIGHT you fucking moron. That's what I've been saying. Why can't they just abort the cluster of cells rather than letting it develop. Jesus Christ you're brainwashed

p0ssum ago

They are CONTRACTED together.

No, he held a contract to BUY tissue from PP.

Meaning they ARE harvesting and selling baby parts. Meaning I'm RIGHT you fucking moron. That's what I've been saying.

No, you specifically said PP PROFITED from selling tissue, and then, to prove it, provided a link that shows that PP clearly DOESN'T profit and the tissue banks do.

Why can't they just abort the cluster of cells rather than letting it develop.

If it's going to be aborted, shouldn't it be used for something useful rather than being thrown away?

Jesus Christ you're brainwashed

Yes, I'm the brainwashed one. You're a fucking right-wing talking point, and I'm deluded.

farmer- ago

What are you talking about doesn't prove that they profit? They're funded by the government with tax dollars to do their job and abort fetuses among other things. They then ask the mother if she wants to donate their tissues for scientific research. Then they CHARGE that scumbag money. He's a middle man. He pays for them and jacks up the prices because no one else really does this twisted business. They do in fact sell tissue for profit because they're getting tissue donated by the mothers who abort fetuses. What in the hell are you talking about? Do I need to spell it out?

Sale of fetal tissue - costs of acquisition = profit



p0ssum ago

They're funded by the government with tax dollars to do their job and abort fetuses among other things.

They are funded by the gov't, but not for abortions, which as I pointed out earlier is illegal per the Hyde amendment.

They then ask the mother if she wants to donate their tissues for scientific research. Then they CHARGE that scumbag money.

My god, you are so fucking misinformed it would be funny ... if you couldn't vote. No, PP harvest the tissue and they charge a processing fee. They then contract with a tissue bank, and provide the tissue to the bank. The tissue bank pays a pittance to PP for the tissue, and then sells it to research houses.

Again, answer the question, would you rather the tissue be thrown away, or used for medical research? Did you happen to skip you polio vaccine, which was created using fetal tissue?

Then they CHARGE that scumbag money.

What, didn't you read your own article, he PAYS PP for the tissue. So you are right, he is the middle man, but he's a buyer, he's purchasing the tissue from PP. Is that so hard to understand. Read your article again:

revealed that average fetal tissue sample or organ cost his firm

So, let's work on on reading comprehension. "Cost his firm", sure sounds like he is PAYING for it, not being paid for it as your delusion seems to imply.

He's a middle man. He pays for them and jacks up the prices because no one else really does this twisted business.

Who the fuck do you think he's selling this to, fucking voodoo doctors? No, scientists pay good money because it's important for research.

They do in fact sell tissue for profit because they're getting tissue donated by the mothers who abort fetuses.

And they previously collected a small processing fee, but that doesn't show a profit. Their annual reports are available online.

Sale of fetal tissue - costs of acquisition = profit

You forgot processing and handling, you don't just send the stuff via USPS you fucking moron.


I'm clearly brighter than you, that being said, if I'm stupid, where do you land on the list?

farmer- ago

Originally you said:

Show me proof they made a profit selling organs ... I'll wait.

Then I came back with this quote from the article I linked:

The pathologist, who ultimately went to prison for tax evasion and died in 2013, revealed that average fetal tissue sample or organ cost his firm, Opening Lines, “just $50, plus overhead..."

see that "$50, plus overhead" part? that's how much he paid for the fetal tissue sample. Okay so this past comment you say:

What, didn't you read your own article, he PAYS PP for the tissue. So you are right, he is the middle man, but he's a buyer, he's purchasing the tissue from PP. Is that so hard to understand. Read your article again:

So, let's work on on reading comprehension. "Cost his firm", sure sounds like he is PAYING for it, not being paid for it as your delusion seems to imply.

Who the fuck do you think he's selling this to, fucking voodoo doctors? No, scientists pay good money because it's important for research.

but you're literally proving my point. you say "you are right, he is the middle man, but he's a buyer, he's purchasing the tissue from PP." exactly. thats exactly my point. going back to your original challenge:

Show me proof they made a profit selling organs ... I'll wait.

There you go. you looked at it yourself and admitted he was a buyer "purchasing the tissue from PP". The tissue was "donated" from mothers aborting their fetuses for scientific research, but instead of it actually being "donated" (donate: to give (money or goods) for a good cause, for example to a charity) it was SOLD to this buyer who jacked up the prices to sell to labs. Regardless of whether or not the government paid for the abortion (since the patient ends up paying for it), PP is getting the tissue free and selling it off.

But why would they do this? if they were really out for trying to promote scientific research, you'd think a "nonprofit" organization like PP would end up just giving it to a research lab. Oh yea, I forgot that PP actually also donates funds to federal election campaigns. How could they ever afford to do that without pawning off a couple of dead baby parts? Funny how an agency that is MOSTLY (note i said mostly since you've been nagging me on that) government-funded, throws that money back into the election cycle with a left-leaning bias. weird. almost as if its just one big liberal scheme.

p0ssum ago

LOL, your stupid is too tiring. Have a happy holiday.

farmer- ago

gotcha p0ssum. it gets so boring just winning against you all the time

p0ssum ago


facepaint ago

everyone knows the best contraceptive is celibacy, so if they really wanted to "prevent abortions" why wouldn't they discourage "sexual activity" outside of wedlock?

On a personal basis, yes that works... if you can actually stick to it. But the issue is that we are all horny humans. What our brain thinks one moment, changes in the heat of passion. It is better to be prepared with contraceptives, than to screw up because you don't have them around.

As a matter of public policy, pushing for absence is far less effective than teaching about contraceptives and making sure they are readily available and people are not embarrassed to obtain them and use them.

farmer- ago

okay but then defund planned parenthood. you can encourage education and teaching about contraceptives, but not on the taxpayer's dime. if its goal is to prevent abortions, then encourage celibacy, the only 100% guarantee that you won't get pregnant

Lord--Gaben ago

You didn't even read @facepaint's post, did you?

farmer- ago

instead of a snarky comment, why don't you actually point out what you think i misunderstood

spookybm ago

That.... is a dangerous game to play...
Should the partner find out that the HIV was hidden from them, that is attempted murder, was it not?
Granted this argument is being made

Gamio ago

I think its considered assault not so much attempted murder.

Gake_The_Cake ago

SJW's hold that it's also rape.

throughthedarkglass ago

Grospoliner ago

Well then. I revoke all support I held for Planned Parenthood.

samwisekoi ago

Too bad for you -- other people can make contributions to Planned Parenthood on your behalf. We got a nice card from them informing us that a relative had made a nice donation on our behalf. We recipricated with a donation to Trump on their behalf.

(Not really, because doesn't have that feature. But we could have!)

Anyhow, other people can support Planned parenthood for you. Hooray!

Grospoliner ago

Yeah and other people can be pieces of shit and support the spreading of debilitating and potentially lethal STDs because they're entitled little fucks, they're welcome to it but if I were one of the unfortunate victims of such a person, I'd be compelled to violence.

throughthedarkglass ago

Did you check the Planned Parenthood website and fact check this article? I just read through the pp website and it doesn't say what this article says. It says to tell partners about any STD's and to always use condoms.

psymin ago

I agree. This is nothing more than a smear piece. We should expect more from journalists.

Grospoliner ago

decide if, when, and how to disclose their HIV status

Bullet point #2.

throughthedarkglass ago

That article isn't from the American planned parenthood website. The American planned parenthood website says to disclose any stds to potential partners.

Grospoliner ago

Then the question should be what ties do they have to the local one if any.

Edit: Because:


throughthedarkglass ago

The federalist played you with an old article not even from planned parenthood.

Grospoliner ago

Guess you failed to read the edit.

throughthedarkglass ago

No I read it, it didn't change the facts.

Grospoliner ago

The fact that you're unable to understand that the US Planned Parenthood is affiliated with the International one? Obviously. Now as I said before, the question should be what ties they have to one another, you know, things like funding and administration. Or are you incapable of understanding that concept as well.

throughthedarkglass ago

I'm sorry your source turned out to be wrong and an unfair smear piece. Maybe you will learn and do some research next time. I thought gamer gate was all about ethics in journalism? This piece has none.

Grospoliner ago

That would be a yes then. You are as dishonest as you appear to be.

TheDude2 ago
