21742204? ago

Not sure if the title of the sub is about the content, or the retarded SBBH posters that shit the place up.

21740025? ago

I wonder if he even tried /u/AR47 @AR47 .... or She was a mudshark? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3564168/21739375 do you think he pays for the kids or Welafre or do tax Dollars support? @ratsmack @LexOrandiLexCredendi @Andrewisboredx2 ... anyways I know some women were crazy and some people could not stay together because the relationship was nothing more than cancer, biohazard and radiation

21741815? ago

This /u/SoyOrbison @SoyOrbison got some kinda mudshark wife who wants to teach everyone a bunch of wakanda female niggaz in space bullshit https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/3564278/21741667

21740076? ago

Feels before facts and the Boomer age Jew Feminist Commie politik @Almighty1776. @Charlez6 @SlawaAK these guys are Niggers maybe not Afro Negroid but at least Wiggers, if there's no kid then there will be no broken family, ones that let the kids go feral are scum

22838387? ago

Yes, I'm a wigger, you're a backwater retard.

21740071? ago

I think she is a woman seeking to be relevant.

21740094? ago

You know I think there is a MGTOW or Redpill or MensRights sub on voat or maybe you guys could be hanging there a while and figure things out and not block up voat with your Soap opera Shipper E-Drama

21740177? ago

What exactly would someone limit themselves to a subset of ideas? Love how the moment someone doesn't blindly agree it is identified as drama and unwanted.

Voat loves drama as does other methods of social media. It is how new ideas are fostered as well.