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AR47 ago

Ever had a woman that if you stayed around her it would end with her death?

Guessing you haven't. Instead you see the world within a world of absolutes. You can't even fathom reasons outside what you haven't had to deal with because you crave structure and conformity.

Personally I see you as the nigger. You force people through shame to see the world as you do.

WickedVocalist ago

Well if you want to kill the woman you'd also kill the kids you had with her so maybe that's a sign that you fucked up?

RonBennington ago

Comment of the month of December, well done

TheSmallPenisOfDial ago

Very jewish comment I must say

ex-redd ago

Angryelectrician ago

Yes to the first question. Yes. It is a feeling I wouldn't even wish on a Jew.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

Right. If i had stayed with my ex i might have killed her. Still love her though.

Marku1 ago

your retardation at picking up a viable woman should not be a penalty paid for by US YOU DUMB FUCK. You made your bed now commit suicide dealing with it dick face.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Lol stop describing the institution of marriage

gazillions ago

Wife AND kids. Men who didn't contribute to their kids financial lot in life used to be punched in the head by other men; fired from their jobs and they had to leave town because they were shamed. This is why the term deadbeat dads was coined. That didn't bode well for the poor fools that simply could not come up with an extra nickel for their kid's dinner table, but we're talking about a time and place where digging ditches gave you enough to feed your kids as long as you didn't put yourself first and insist on iphones and name brand shoes.

Both men and women have to be prepared to go without in exchange for the love of children and family.

Lateknighttt ago

Shut the fuck up loser bitch.

Not_C ago

There's nothing wrong with leaving a relationship. What's wrong is saying, "for better or worse, as long as we both shall live".

Don't say the vows in the first place if they can't be kept.

You were right for leaving. You were wrong for taking the vows.

stray502 ago

Well said.

AntiMason ago

The man should test the waters before rushing in and reproducting. I was with my wife 6 years before we had a kid and everything is great. You're just a nigger.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Ever had a woman that if you stayed around her it would end with her death?

Words of the wise, never stick your dick in crazy.

Nevulox ago

They’re all crazy.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Only if you're shit tier. Quality women are where they've always been: with quality men.

Glipglup ago

I'm starting to realize that the vast majority of "crazy bitch" stories I hear are from men who are... not in optimal condition, let's say.

Tandemlee ago

End with her death?

Very emotionally compelling!

Are your feefees hurt because the bad man says your damaging behavior is shameful?

Fuck off kike

SearchVoatBot ago

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Charlez6 ago


Almighty1776 ago

Yeah, I'm having a similar problem. No kids, but I love my wife. She's just not well, and there's nothing I can do. Add another woman into the mix that gives me what she can't... I don't know what to do. I've tried so hard for so long and I feel like it's going to fall apart one day. So what do I do? Pass on something that makes me feel better than I have in years?

Situations aren't always black and white...I am not asking for advice, I'm just giving perspective.

Intrixina ago

So you fuck around behind the back of someone not well? You are a disgusting piece of shit making financial and health decisions for your wife without her knowledge.

Instead of being a lying cunt, tell your wife the truth, divorce her and give her a generous settlement. Anything less is you being a degenerate fuckwit.

Instead, you have to make it all about you and your needs like the narcissistic shithead you are.

No sympathy from me.

BoomerHater1488er ago

and give her a generous settlement.

Why? I thought women were stronk and independent and don't need no man.

Intrixina ago

For being a two faced, lying prick. His wife does not deserve to be cheated on. Even if she was a disgusting person, you divorce her and then find someone else - not monkey-branching for a sex-ticket while the wife keeps house and keeps his meals cooked. Being a cheater is narcissism 101.

Almighty1776 ago

Yeah, sure that's a summary. Go back to your trailer, grown people are having a conversation.

Intrixina ago

And your attitude shows me all in spades what kind of kiked cunt you are. The karma bus will rolls your arse over, and your wife will laugh her arse off when it happens.

If anything, you are the child for acting like "Boo hoo, my life is soooooooo difficult! Look at me, I'm an attention whoring cunt who needs to fuck anything with a hole to be satisfied!" Fucking pull your finger out of your arse and grow up.

PS: A downvoat is not an argument.

Nevulox ago

Did you make an oath or didn’t you? Is your word your bond or did your mouth write a check your ass can’t cash?

If you wouldn’t be able to divorce her under marriage 1.0 then is it moral to do so under 2.0 just because you can?

Fix her issues, get her family involved. Try everything within reason before you walk away. This is your failure as well so make sure your conscious, not the one now bit the one you’ll have in 20 years, knows you did everything within your power before quitting.

Almighty1776 ago

You ever try convincing a Hillary supporter that they are flawed in their reasoning or tried explaining a fisa warrant? Some people don't want to be helped. I tend not to believe in spectrums in general I feel like people use the range of human emotion to justify everything under the sun, but when it comes actual humanity there defintely is a spectrum, some people can't be convinced of shit and others are willing to accept their flaws with a contented heart. I'm not walking away, I haven't gone to the point of no return, but I am saying I've been asking this shit with her for two years and she's not even at the point where she thinks it's a problem.

Have you ever been with someone who calls you a loser ? Tells you to kill yourself? Tells you that your job is for losers... Then tries to smooth it over the next day? A lot of you guys seem to think a marriage document is some sort of guarantee of a partner for life, but so didn't sign up for this shit.

I have no kids out in the wild, I work a good paying job and never call out, I'm honest, hardworking, relatively smart and treat both my friends good... But someone can push you too hard for too long.

AR47 ago

Op and those like them seek to shame you to conformity as well they demand you do so.

You do what you feel is best.

ratsmack ago

Yeah... that's a problem with you, not her.

Andrewisboredx2 ago

I have. I didn't leave. she did. Fortunately we didn't have kids. But it's "til death do us part". You should promise no less.

Gopherurself ago

Well, that's what happens when Jews eventually take over a democracy, you get women's rights

Tallest_Skil ago

Jews created democracy. Democracy is communism. They didn’t take over any of them.

BlowjaySimpson ago

No. That's just the social decay that happens innately with any Democracy.

Jews exploiting it is just an inevitable conclusion.

Democracy is a false god.

Gopherurself ago

Hence why fascism is the ultimate.

BlowjaySimpson ago

It's the largest pill the lolberts amongst the dissident right can't/won't take/accept.

illuminalto2 ago

psst! we're a republic! tell everyone you can!

BlowjaySimpson ago

we *were a republic!


jimibulgin ago

Ever had a woman that if you stayed around her it would end with her death? see the world within a world of absolutes.


RedWolfTheAnimal ago

Hes asking a question.

AR47 ago

Many husbands and father's are unable to see a different outcome.

However when I was confronted with this by my ex wife I just left. Emotionally I shut down. Was just easier for me.

Op placed blame without understanding that the world is not so simple to classify.

You seem to be very good at cherry picking comments to suit your narrative to derail discussion.

Angryelectrician ago

Fuck that faggot. I have been there man. And it is a true experience. I am a very stoic individual, but there is a very real place that you have described above. It was my fault for putting myself there in the first place and I should have seen the signs, but it is an actual state of mind. Realizing there is no real way outside of violence to make somebody stop behaving a certain way is the ultimate black pill.

Nevulox ago

The phone that you pay for...

If she calls the cops she has ruined the relationship. But if you dumped kids in her and shes just a normal crazy bitch, all women are at times, and you walk away then you’re the pussy.

This is why debt free virgins without tattoos are best. The only man that you’ll have to fix issues from are her dad. She’ll still go nuts, call you every name in the book, and break your shit, but her reliance on you for support doesnt just mean money, it’s also through her emotional inconsistency.

Glipglup ago

Where are you people finding these insane cunts? Both my brothers married and their wives act like normal functioning adults, even the fat liberal.

Damn, and I thought I had it bad with women.

AR47 ago

Throughout this string of comments it is evident of the need for conformity. It is very rare to see a score like I do on the parent comment as well. Half and half?

Shows exactly how bad people need to push their agenda.

I am just glad I have so many new user names to skip trace and find origins too.

blagjesus ago

I read it as 'knock her up and walk away'. You took it to a place of abuse where you had to get out. I would feelz for you but

1st you lie

2nd you tell tuth than youve left your children in an abusive home.

Thats a bad look either way