Neskuaxa ago

This thread provides some insight

pitenius ago

For one moment, forget anything about kids, okay?

Why am I selling or buying a wildly overpriced item? To provide a legitimate paper trail for an illegitimate product. This kind of money laundering is very clear in Japan. Geishas work this way, accepting small, token gifts from incredibly expensive stores. Then, they sell the gifts (hand-carved combs, etc) back to the stores for exorbitant prices. No "bought sex". They exchanged a gift. Pachinko parlors work on the same idea. Gambling is illegal, so you win stupid highly authenticated trinkets produced by the parlor. Across the street is the shop of a trinket collector. (Congratulations -- you've also just cracked Damian Hirst and the modern art market. Ever wonder why Podesta was so into art?)

If someone legitimately buys a $10,000 cabinet and receives the illegal material, that would expose the whole thing. Right. Good job. Except that won't happen. Either you'll receive the legitimate cabinet, or the item will be mysteriously out of stock. They're not moving hundreds of thousands a day. Maybe only tens. If you're not on the list -- perhaps even with a shibboleth, like requesting black gift wrap in the order form -- you're not getting the item.

So, it's some kind of money laundering. And I suspect it's porn/snuff films, because multiples of 5k are what seems to float around for that kind of thing.

Alex_Jones ago

Show does the money get back to the peddler of illicit material? Do they own the manufacturer who sells to Wayfair? Wouldn't non profits and other speculative enterprises like art, antiques, and collectables be more efficient?

Wayfair is a large retailer with many accountants doing legitimate work, wouldn't those people notice? The whole account department can't be in the loop, that's retarded.

pitenius ago

Wayfair would have to be the peddler, but only some part of Wayfair. What might interest me is whether these products were repped by one salesman, or part of a B2B divison, or some other internal division. A commission would be a smoking gun. I suspect it's just "on-line sales".

The manufacturer has nothing to do with this. The manufacturer is the legitimate work that provides cover.

Would other routes be more efficient? Yes, perhaps, but if that's not what you have already, then no. Wayfair could legitimize other exchanges beyond the traditional peddler-pervert exchange. If ChaseManhattan were dropping $100k a month at "Olde Trinket Shoppe" it would look odd. Eventually, some auditor would look into the shop. Wayfair? Not really. The legitimate work would be the cover. Accounting isn't in the loop -- they see "custom cabinets". The fact that they are a large, legitimate retailer is useful for covering the illegitimate portion. A maximally efficient system would be obvious.

That's probably the next question, though: how much of Wayfair is involved with this?

WillowMinxy ago

I believe it is a money laundering scheme that involves human trafficking. So you pay for and receive a cabinet and someone contacts you about the real merchandise and that arrives separately.

Alex_Jones ago

Then how would the accounts work. A retailer, like Wayfair, doing business in the 100s of millions has to have tighter paperwork than a small non profit, or other enterprise.

WillowMinxy ago

If I knew how to launder money Iā€™d probably have more of it.

Alex_Jones ago

Not trying to belittle you. Think about how this would work. The non profit and not for profit paperwork requirements are lax compared to a retailer with revenue in the 2 billion range.

I think this is being propagated do de- legitimate real trafficking investigations.

WillowMinxy ago

I saw this and thought about this conversation.

Fateswebb ago

šŸ™„ idk why don't you go any buy a 10000 dollar pillow and find out?

You do realize they most certainly would have other layers of protection they aren't just going to ship you a kid. šŸ™„ that people don't actually buy the products through the Wayfair website that they just find the NAMES there and then they search out those names and find the missing person with that name and that's how they know who is for sale... šŸ™„ All the price is for is a deterrent from regular people buying the cabinet because they don't actually have a stock of them. The transaction isn't ACTUALLY done on the website. šŸ™„

Alex_Jones ago

So Wayfair just list the price? A large company like Wayfair has departments for listening sales and accounts. Is it one insider and their peers are oblivious?

Fateswebb ago

Again all the top executives at Wayfair came from romney's and hillaries organizations both of which are suspected fronts for traffickers. Look it up.

So they very well could have written the site to control that, also they could just be the ones that input those items. It's the people running the show. The executives / founders.

Michael fleisher CFO came from Romney's Bain institute.

Kate Gulliver VP came from Bain institute

Grace heintz VP came from Bain institute

John Kim VP came from Bain institute as well as Clinton health access initiative

Liza leftowski VP came from Bain institute

So all these executives came to Wayfair from Clinton and Romney organizations.. for fucking why?

And in pizzagate we both Clinton and Romney have been highly suspected of trafficking.

But you think they're just going to call down to marketing and tell them to list a cabinet up for 10k and a pillow up for 10k

If anything your point PROVES my point doesnt disprove it..

Because THEY HAVE DEPARTMENTS FOR THAT. So assuming it was a normal business how the fuck did pillows get listed at 10000 dollars? I saw one pillow said it was 45 dollars but you personalize it with a name and when you enter the name the pillow becomes 10 grand. So if they have departments that do that then how the fuck is this stuff happening?

And it is clear you are a shill just based on your name. Totally a a name a shill would choose. I mean SOOOO OBVIOUS. You must think we're fucking stupid or something.

The_Penis_Wizard ago

If it is real, the obvious answer is that unless they know you and know you're in the business of children, they'll just send a shitty cabinet to the person who pays $10,000.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah because the real customers don't actually purchase the fucking kids on the website. šŸ™„ It's just there as a way to spread the word what kids are available by having their name in the listing...

Alex_Jones ago

So Wayfair collects the money then what? Wayfair is not like these non profit organizations who haven't filled 990s in years. Wayfair is a large retailer that has many accountants doing legitimate work. Those employees would see hundreds of these transactions. They're too many people who are not in the loop that would notice.

But a non profit with a handful of employees or less moving money to other non profits is more realistic.

Fateswebb ago

Dude you're not reading what I said or you're remedial. I said DUHHHH

They don't actually purchase the fucking kids on the website it's just there to show them what's available.

So a customer goes in the Wayfair website and searches out the skew of a cabinet.

It returned a bunch of cabinets all exactly the same but each with a different name. Then the customer does a search for that name on Google and adds on to the search "missing person" and BOOM they can see a picture of the child that was kidnapped and is now for sale.

But the customer doesn't literally go back to Wayfair and fucking ADD TO CART ya fucking nit wit.. the purchase is done by other means when they pick up their slave.. šŸ™„

Also did you not know that all the executives at Wayfair either came from McCain's organization, or hillaries? Which destroys your "the employees would see" bullshit. If they made the website as a front then they can certainly control it.. to keep what you said from occurring. But like I said you are not thinking things through and are probably a shill.

EpiPendemic ago

I just had a crazy thought...What if Maxwell had a ~kill-switch. Suppose for instance this scenario; maxwellhill doesn't post on reddit for a week then it triggers some person or system to publish the 'catalog of kids for sale' so it goes public view to expose the whole thing?

FullOnRapist ago

People into it are now more likely to believe whatever comes from Maxwell and that narrative

pushthis ago

I think its circumspect to use victims last names

And the whole "look up the SKU on image search and see the product" is invalid because you see multiple people.

I think its fake. This sort of salt should be expected.