Wynterwhisper ago

Voat is not invite only and it never has been. I read about this a few days ago when a poster made a thread asking this and the responses were exactly what I'm saying now. Just use common sense and realize the person was just trying to get upvoats or shilling.

hafen ago

Voat is not invite only


Anyone can check it for themselves.


Too many kids

Voat is currently Invite-Only :(

New registrations are temporarily disabled, check back in a few hours.

Why would you say this given it's such an easily verifiable fact? The proof is right on Voat's very own registration page...

and it never has been

A claim so hyperbolic that it raises suspicions. Voat most definitely has closed registrations before.


Member for: 3 months

Damage control?

Wynterwhisper ago

Oh. Okay, I am new and I wasn't invited. So if you are trying to prove that I'm new by posting the age of my account and I'm saying that I didn't have to be invited then obviously I'm not making multiple accounts. If I'm wrong then that's okay. I thought I read somewhere that it wasn't by invite. Pardon me.

Halseon ago

Are you sure new accounts are being created?

RexYehudi ago

Another nail in the coffin of free speech ..