fluhthreeex ago

main site switched URLs... this is a mirror

Maersk ago

Then, a couple hours later, you go on with your other account, or tell a friend...and I'm downvoted. I just lurk fag. You are a retard. Do not have children. Your 15 downvotes mean nothing. I'll be watching you

Maersk ago

You post about PewDiePie. I guess I'm not mad anymore. You have literally zero clues about what is happening around you.

Maersk ago

Your post is so fucking stupid you have all the old goats responding. Then you call me out to try to be cute. Go straight to hell you piece of shit

Maersk ago

All I said was-" 3 months ago anyway"... You gonna call me out on the top retard?

Maersk ago

Update with my name in your post hafen for one non malicious comment. Really? You are actually worse than a fucking nigger! Your child be probably be born with hoofs

Ina_Pickle ago


Maersk ago

Sorry, I was good at math- great at rants

Maersk ago

Really? Calling me out like a nigger? Go fuck yourself. I tried to redpill someone 2 months ago. He could enjoy but not sign in. OP is is a fucking faggot. I may be new and recruited from a Q yard group, but I'm been on here lurking every day for like a year on a wide range of subs. OP- Go fuck a jew, have babies, and ruin your bloodline for all of eternity

hafen ago

You're not being "called out". I mentioned you to cite where I got my info from.

If registrations were closed 3 months ago (at least according to /u/Maersk)

I had appreciated the fact that you told me it was 3 months ago that Voat went invite-only.

I'd actually love to know, if anyone else has a more accurate date.

Maersk ago

Who gives a fuck! Just go post on QVR, so when somebody reads your retarded post, they won't know it is you. You have on here for so long acting like a retard and yet you didn't realize this happened? Go fuck a midget since its so risky being pedo now.

hafen ago

Who gives a fuck!

Well... you just did.

Maersk ago

Yeah-About you editing your post and putting my name in it. You clearly have no penis

gabara ago

I miss when this place was alive

gabara ago

How do we turn it around? I've taken to up or downvoting every incoming post increase the noise to signal ratio. Voat must live!

TheBuddha ago

LOL I'm just fucking with the OP, in all actuality.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


admin2 ago

"Shut it DOWN! The Goyim know! They are onto us!"


Dismal_Swamp ago

free Breivik

progressbin ago

Zyklon_b ran putt off.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Putt switched Voat to Invite-Only just before The Purge of "Vote Manipulating" Destroyers happened so that they could not return with new accounts.

Or at least that is what I WHOLEHEARTEDLY believe. It was a shitty move with a good result.

I like it this way. It should have been done nine months ago when the Qtards were coming.

TheBuddha ago


Your account doesn't have a 'generate invite code and URL' link?


Morbo ago

Because, just like with FB and Twatter, you are the product. Putt doesn't need our money anymore so that means you went from being a potential patron to being the product. Make sense now?

Demonsweat2 ago

Along came Lou with the old baboon and said "I recognize that smell, Smells like seven layers, That beaver eatin' Taco Bell!".

GradyStilesJewnior ago

Primus sucks

dirt-nap ago

Upvoated because I am also a primus fan.

GradyStilesJewnior ago

You can't kill Michael Malloy

Demonsweat2 ago

So does your bitch, but we don't complain about it.

zyklon_b ago

she sucked muh dick

Demonsweat2 ago

Yeah, 3/10...not complaining though.

zyklon_b ago

she ate muh sheeeit

Diggernicks ago

I need alt accounts so I can troll reddit niglets on fph.

Get on this asap putt.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It's for fighting malicious attacks.

We're about to get invite code generation in the next update.

hafen ago

How are new users making their accounts?? If registrations were closed 3 months ago (at least according to /u/Maersk), then how do accounts younger than 3 months than that currently exist?

irradiated_toaster ago

It was more like a month or 2 ago

admin2 ago

Rule #1 first rule about voat club : You don't ask how to join, and you don't answer anyone who asks how to join voat.


Ina_Pickle ago

I just spoke to a 2 month old account u/h3rt. who trolls as hard as Gabara. How is this possible?

bosunmoon ago

Valid question.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Sorry we forgot to ask your permission, Hoss

hafen ago

Who exactly's "we"?

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Owners of the Internet - half Illuminati and half Freemasons, aka The Cabal

hafen ago

Owners of the Internet - half Illuminati and half Freemasons, aka The Cabal

aka "Builders"?

And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. -Mark 13:2

If there were anything you shouldn't "forget" it's what happened to the second temple should you follow in "Hiram Abiff's" footsteps. That the "permission" which we need is God's.

28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. 29 For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. 30 Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us. 31 For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry? -luke 23:28-31

Have kids? Constructing a second temple didn't end well, and neither will a third.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

(squints eyes) ahem.... "The Cheese Stands Alone!"

(waits for Cabal secret counter-sign)

hafen ago

Who exactly's we?

We're half freemasons! The cheese stands alone!

A genuine question, that you then made a mockery of...

Could that actually be why you weren't deemed a sufficiently important (third temple?) "builder" in Putt's subsequent post?: https://voat.co/v/Voat/3239483

Not knowing or caring about how to interface with questions (especially those we put before God) will be the downfall of many.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Oh, I don't take myself seriously on the Internet. Not usually. I'm just here to have a gee and an oh, an oh and a dee, a tee and an eye, and em and an ee.

gabara ago

Putts... taking a break.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Concentrating on his poetry.

crazy_eyes ago

Hopefully he bought a guitar!

hafen ago

What happened?

Ina_Pickle ago

What Gabara is leaving out is he is the local troll.

gabara ago

q powermods got in a fight with the local trolls and both sides got way out of hand and people got global banned, then there was a fuss about even that so Putt unbanned everyone and declared this place the wild west, turned off new account registration, and hasnt been seen since. @kevdude and @heygeorge, did I miss anything?

heygeorge ago

That’s about the most succinct run of it, ahyup.

zyklon_b ago

yea @heygeorge wut went down?

virge ago

Welcome to last month's news. How was your nap?

Maersk ago

3 months ago anyway...lol