thebearfromstartrack ago

Yes he did fag.

hang_em_high ago

Same door? Of course it was the same door.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Civil_Warrior ago

Newsflash:IT WAS FAKE crisis actors, disappearing casings, no blood, a dummy w no head as part of the fake body pileup. First two guns had blanks second was shooting wax dummies, all w faces to the ground.

gonight ago

Account for two months

Civil_Warrior ago

Nig for life on your end. Looks terminal.


He didn't use bullets either. Fucking hoax

Azryael ago

How many people from here were recruited?

1 person does not equal a trend. Not even 2 does. That can be isolated to individual choices unless there is evidence of more.

Be better than the liberal media, people.

herrhaller1990 ago

Weird, MSNBC didn't mention this

Fafnirs_Throwaway ago

I would've been surprised if this turned out not to be the case.

ArielQflip ago

What does this have to do with Brendon Tarrant? He's the shooter....

FH_Rileys_MaitreD ago

Does anyone have an active link to that video for me? I cannot find it anywhere. Even Liveleak said they won’t post it.

NosebergShekelman ago

I love watching it. It....makes me feel proud?

FH_Rileys_MaitreD ago


MrShekelstein ago


Charlez6 ago

Didn't he also mention that this mosque was a converted church? In that way, it was symbolic of the invasion.

iLuvJews ago

Was it a Christ Church?

Seriously though, just asking to be murdered by opening a mosque in that town.

No offense.

mightnotbearobot ago

In that way, it was symbolic of the invasion.

An Australian went to a foreign country and killed people. Do you understand the concept of irony or is it lost on you?

DeadFox ago

He goes from am Anglo country to an Anglo country? What's foreign?

mightnotbearobot ago

Let me get the crayons out

StrayWalrus210 ago

Nice bait m8.

Unless you want to have an actual conversation and say why you are so offended by the statement. You can believe what he did was wrong, but remember this.

Everyone in there that is now dead was a person who would look you in the eyes and be delighted with the chance to kill you. That’s just a fact that you can’t cover up and avoid. Go back to new shit censored Reddit.

meow_cow ago

He's an invader who killed other invaders. He's an ally.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

He admits to that in his manifesto. Uses it as a proof of concept.

Fenrir-1488 ago

“By living in New Zealand, weren’t you an immigrant yourself? Yes, and it seems we immigrants seem to bring a whole host of issues. “

Charlez6 ago

You think the nigger next door is more "us" just because he has the same paperwork, than the White man who could be our brother but lives in another country? Am I an invader if I cross into another state to defend my people from invading foreigners?

He is a White man who went to a White nation and eliminated a few Middle Eastern invaders. The outpouring of empathy and support for him from White people all across the world is testament to the increasing connection we have with each other and our racial identity.

Scheming_Merchant ago

I hope you're right, but I'm seeing a lot of right-wingers (civ-nats) just labeling the shooter as a psychopath. They are prepared to be replaced, and can't be bothered to protect their people and culture. What makes matters worse is that the culture replacing ours is a barbaric theocracy.

mightnotbearobot ago

Are you fucking retarded or what?

Black_Phillip ago

He did nothing wrong

dassaer ago

It's OK to be right ...

0iamlordeyayaya0 ago


sampsonnite420 ago

If only retards like yourself would be consistent with those standards when it come "Anchor Babies", correction, Invaders.

Charlez6 ago

Quit with the emotional rhetoric and state your point.

Gottmituns ago

His "point" is that he believes in modern national borders and magic soil. What he fails, or pretends not to see is that all Europeans/white people are in this together. If an Austrian came to America and shot up some "American" dindus, I'd cheer him on. Rage above all.

mightnotbearobot ago

I am not sure how else I can put it to you. I think I made my point quite clearly. I think if I had to dumb it down even more I would have to find my crayons and draw you several pictures.

Charlez6 ago

How was I supposed to know that you were making some obtuse point about Aboriginal Australians? You only edited your comment to make the first mention of this point after I had already replied to the original.

There were a small number of primitive Abos here in Australia when it was colonised by Europeans. There was no society as we know it, no architecture, no philosophy, no science, no medicine, nothing. It speaks volumes that the island was considered 'uninhabited'.

They were conquered. Call it an invasion if you like, I won't even counter that point, and they were promptly defeated and we took this land for ourselves. I'm not ashamed of that, I'm very proud of it. Also, I don't begrudge the Abos their right to have violently attacked the Europeans who they perceived as attackers. They should have!

Aboriginals are an utter waste of oxygen here at the moment, with foul and purposeless lifestyles, but I'd challenge anyone to argue that their lives are not objectively better now thanks to European domination. Indeed, their continued existence is evidence of the great empathy of European people- Colonised by any others, Aboriginals would have almost certainly been enslaved, slaughtered, and erased. Instead they enjoy privileged status here: Free money from White taxpayers, preference for jobs and scholarships, the right to perform their culture at our ceremonies and an increasingly common deference to their original ownership in introductions to any such event.

No other race offers us, Europeans, this advantage. There is no race of people who can come and elevate our nations and culture to that level. No race can accelerate us, almost overnight, from pre- stone age to extraordinary wealth and enlightenment as we gifted the Abos. Further, I would argue that no other race can exist in our nations without harming our way of life. They simply have nothing to offer us, and their presence divides our people and exploits our wonderful traits of empathy and compassion which evolved to serve our interests, not those of strangers.

I don't condemn Whites fighting back, in the same way that I don't condemn the Abos for having fought back. They had that right, so do we. If you thought that the colonisation of Australia was to the detriment of the indigenous population, in spite of all the treasures and advances of modernity and White culture that we brought to them, imagine how much worse it will be for Whites to have a foreign race come and colonise our homes now when they have nothing positive to offer us in consolation. If they wish to conquer us, they're welcome to try, but (1) they have an obligation to announce this intention and declare their state of war, and (2) they have absolutely no right to complain when we exercise our right to defend our families and our territory.

chrimony ago

the right to perform their culture at our ceremonies and an increasingly common deference to their original ownership in introductions to any such event

A disgusting trend. It shows how far the West has gone downhill in submission to white guilt.

mightnotbearobot ago

Well done mate you just proved how retarded you are.

path ago

This account is BTFO, try the next one

Charlez6 ago

Any attempt to disparage early European settlers will only make the other races look worse by comparison.

eg. In a couple hundred years, those "drunk Irish convicts" transformed this barren island into one of the most beautiful, civilised, modern outposts of European civilisation; a country that people from all over the world today risk their lives to attempt entry into, and otherwise beg for our charity. In contrast, in the 40,000 years prior, completely isolated from the challenges of external interference, lazy, low-IQ Aboriginals had achieved the great feats of inventing a hollow stick and a bent stick...

dassaer ago

Hold the Frag on maan. Im sure them hollow sticks can be taken off some type of tubed underground-water drawing arid land tree, already hollowed out. Plus them bent sticks were more probably a 'gift' from seafaring (pre)-Egyptians seeking new trade routes, who most likely threw them at the abo's to keep from becoming ganked then bum cheek-split....

chrimony ago

Well done mate you just proved how retarded you are.

You proved how retarded you are by ignoring everything he said... because you know it's all true.

SIayfire122 ago

It's too bad you ate them all already.

Goering ago

I don't think you have the ability to convey your message through pictures.

NarrativeControl ago

Muslims are not people.

mightnotbearobot ago

Good work completely dodging my point.

NarrativeControl ago

Ah, right. Aussies and Newzealanders are the same fucking thing. Both island countries sucking Her Highness the Queen's cunt. So it's not an Aussie invasion if that's what you meant.

mightnotbearobot ago

I will let you think about it. A rat born in a stable etc?

MoteMoteKek11 ago

Your name is fitting, you are an NPC. Beepboop

mightnotbearobot ago

Has Kek in their username but accuses others of being an NPC. Say hello to Vlad when you see him. Dasvidaniya, Ivan.

Dark_Shroud ago

Here is a back-up proxy image so this won't be memory hole'd.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

thank you

Dark_Shroud ago

Good work.

I'll one up you now, I just donated 10 BAT to Internet Archive via Brave Tips.

American-Patriot ago

I had a feeling this was the case. If you watch the shooting, the shooter was pissed. He took it personal. He blew away everyone in the first minute and then just spent the rest of the time shooting the bodies making sure they were dead.

shmuklidooha ago

The plot thickens.

Phantom42 ago

The thick plottens.

Goathammer ago

The pots kitchen

shmuklidooha ago

Go back to Reddit with that shit. You and @Phantom42

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

The fire rises.