Hakencruze ago

Check out David living's video on you tube on Rudolf Hess

Prettylion ago

Blocked in Australia :(

RogerByam ago

Blocked via my VPN (a European country) too. Because of BBC Studios?

I thought it was because of the Nigel Hawthorne segments, but now looking, I believe his segments are from this series. I always thought it was made by the BBC from a long time ago, because it was relatively unbiased. Now I see it was from not so long ago and seems Russian-made.

Womb_Raider ago

Hooktube link:


Not sure if it still anonymizes your data but starving google as much as possible is a good thing

GoyimNose ago

Fantastic documentary. HH brother

ardvarcus ago

I just watched the first two parts of it, which I've seen before, and bookmarked the site so that I can watch it all when I get time. This is the only honest presentation of Hitler's life that I've ever seen. The Jews invariably demonize him and mock him and slander him. I wonder who put up the money to make this documentary? It wasn't Jews, that's for fucking certain.

antiliberalsociety ago

WHO IS SPEAKING AT THE 49 MINUTE MARK?? Someone has got to know

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Ahmed Huber

antiliberalsociety ago

THANK YOU! I made a post asking who he was and it went unanswered

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

No problem. Glad to help.

veteran88 ago

Great movie. It has a very sad ending.

GoyimNose ago

As I was watching I got my hopes up.

ardvarcus ago

Don't spoil it for me.

metism ago

I'll wait for the "Greatest Greatest Story Never Told" (only 1 minute) where they mention his "true" identity and that it was all a ruse coordinated by "people" in different countries to score massive political capital for "people"

usernameisnotthis ago

this will prob be required watching in a schools if we ever pull a russia and kick out the jews.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

Russia hasn't really kicked out the Jews. They just have better awareness but don't think they aren't Jew'd too. Putin has to bow proper until he's ready to flex.

BeefBourgignon ago

I think the only way to be free and clear of jews (because Hitler's gentle expulsions and the others don't work) is to destroy them via bioweapons. They are a cancer on European society and they refuse to leave us alone. Retaliation would be justified, especially with all the shenanigans like the Weimar Republic before WWII and the planned starvation of Europeans under communist rule after WWII. Fuckin' jews.

oneinchterror ago

We need bio-engineered super Tay-Sach's. Or some kind of prion disease we can put in their water supply.

Pcpoet09 ago

may every thing you wish to happen to the jewish individuals happen happen to you..….hint your soul is missing and it is telling

oneinchterror ago

You're either a jew yourself or completely clueless about the world in which you live.

Pcpoet09 ago

no a Christian but Hitler killed almost all of my grandmothers family in Europe who just happened to be Jewish so I have a soft spot in my heart for the religion... if you think it is only Jewish people that cause misery in this world then you don't understand that every man is capable of causing misery and does... I study and explore everything and suggest that if you think that Hitler is great you are the one deluding yourself.

kalgon ago

may every thing you wish to happen to the jewish individuals happen happen to you..…


You're either a jew yourself or completely clueless


no a Christian


Alright then, this one is for you


For real watch it, today's jews have nothing to do with biblical hebrews period

The cult itself isn't even remotely the same, it's talmud worshipers you have today, pharisees in a nutshell, and as you know those people rejected christ and still reject him, it doesn' t make sense from a christian standpoint to worship them or to even consider them as allies

Pcpoet09 ago

you are one real lost individuals …You say all this stuff about the Pharisees and ou don't even see yourself for who you are. … suggestion self examination is needed....

kalgon ago

Synagogue of satan much? Allo?

It doesn't say mosque of satan or church of satan, for a reason

You tell me I'm lost, but who is lost here, worshiping jews?

They aren't sacred cows wake up

ardvarcus ago

The Jews are going to start World War 3. I have no doubt about this. Maybe during this third terrible world war we can manange to eradicate this pestilence forever from the face of the earth.

anomRandom ago

They'll fully fulfill the talmud. No doubt about it.

GassyMcGasface ago

Bio-weapons, you mean the ones at the US border or the ones trafficked into Europe? I think the Jews have already launched theirs. I saw we respond posthaste.

BeefBourgignon ago

Nah, white mans bio weapons like those that are lab engineered. I keep going some super NEET genius out there is working away in moms basement with some CRISPR type of technology, just working away on something that's deadly and contagious to our enemies.

PangaeaRepublic ago

Don’t kick them out. Just investigate the ones breaking the law. Pass a big death tax so no group of people can ever hoard wealth. Simple.

Israel wants all the smart Jews kicked out. Don’t give them the manpower they need to rule the world.

DasReich ago

Israel wants all the smart Jews kicked out. Don’t give them the manpower they need to rule the world.

Lol, GTFO kike.

PangaeaRepublic ago

I’m 1% jewish. Are you going to expel me too? The Jews spread their seed all over the world. If anyone with a drop of Jew in their blood had to go to Israel it would have to take over the Middle East and then obviously never stop conquering.

Keeping the bad Jews from getting power will help keep the gentiles alive... trust me I’ve thought about this a lot.