Titus_II ago

Maybe it's time to stop speaking and start shooting. Everyone's got a home to defend.

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.

fhaqyu ago

violence is never the answer in my opinion. In fact, that is exactly what it appears they want, for a war to break out so they can cry a foul that they are being persecuted again.

Titus_II ago

Yeah I thought violence wasn't the answer for a long time, but it is part of life. The tiger rips apart the throat of its prey. They also fight to defend their territory. I think the pacifist view is intended to weaken and lower the West's defenses.

They do seem very much to want another world war, but I'm alluding to 'rendering ineffective' the very people that are creating the climate for the next war. They have been murdering our key personnel for centuries, and now they've got us on the ropes. If many of these criminals were put out of action, their plans would be disrupted. Instead, we keep trying to tiptoe around, obeying the rules that the criminals have set! Peace through strength.

Just an opinion, but it seems like we're playing a tennis match by the rules, but they ignore the rules and come out victorious. I mean, they've been kicked out hundreds of times, and still come back to control the world.

Maersk ago

OP is a faggot liar Nigger Jew. This is totally not me saying this but I'm quite sure its true

fhaqyu ago

oh no, did i upset you Schlomo?

lvbuckeye27 ago

"if you want to know who is oppressing you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize."


flipT3 ago

Sonuvabitch, are we ever going to have fun again? What happened to having some skin on your fucking spine. Jesus the fucking Jew, this is some bullshit.

Judasrope ago

2% of the US population needs severe protection because it will be very fucking obvious if you name all the Jews that they are stacked all over in key decision making positions. US better wake the fuck up and for fucks sakes stop cutting off parts of your dicks. Like the Jews, USA is becoming a parasite to the world.

WeGoAll_theWay ago

This is horrifying! Thanks for sharing. We need to end the assault on free speech. This is unconstitutional

zavala ago

Kikes control language, and doing so control normie thoughts.

SPUD21 ago

The Special Envoy shall: (1) be a person of recognized distinction in the field of combating anti-Semitism or religious freedom

a person of recognized distinction in the field of combating ... religious freedom

DavidGydeon ago

It doesn't seem like crying about it has helped much....nazifag

fhaqyu ago

nazifag? for what, defending my right to free speech? who is the one trying to oppress whom here fucker.

DavidGydeon ago


AEndtoThemForever ago

Do better. This is voat. This kind of low effort trolling belongs on reddit, with the other folks in your 'unit'

DavidGydeon ago

Uh-oh, I think I triggered a nazifag...maybe in another 90 years you will figure out a way to deal with that tiny population of physically un-intimidating Jews.

ArkansasJack_Ass ago

Searched "BDS" and no results found, isn't the entire purpose of this to give legal framework to counter the Boycott Divest Sanction Israel movement?

thisistotallynotme ago

Boy, are you faggots getting your panties in a bunch over nothing. All this does is make the Special Envoy and ambassador.

Nothing in this bill makes naming the Jew illegal. But don't let that stop everyone from freaking out about it.

Derpfroot ago

The closest thing that implies it may become illegal is the "combat" word. Nowhere it that does it say "antisemitism becomes illegal." Though this still is an erosion of 1A.

La_Shure ago

I was with you 💯% until your hateful rant! Seriously? I decide whether a person is worth my respect or not, not you, and I decide according to their character, period.

NellerBean ago

Unconstitutional. K gets confirmed and the free speech issue goes before SCOTUS.

thisistotallynotme ago

How can an ambassadorship upgrade be unconstitutional? did you even read the text, or did you just believe OP's lie?

markrod420 ago

this bill creates some kind of anti-semitism monitor. but i fail to see in it where it provides for the punishment and prosecution of said anti-semitism. dont get me wrong, im very oposed to this bill. but not quite sure how it alone is going to get me arrested for anti-semitism.

fhaqyu ago

I see that it is misleading. I should mention that this is the prelude to that happening. Step 1 was the state department defining 'Anti-Semitism' | Step 2 begin passing legislation making anti-semitism a hate crime = see south carolina | step 3 push this to federal level and create an 'Independent council' who gets to watch dog this = come on.... Step 4 | making it federal law that 'anti-semistism' is a hate crime = bad news for american voaters

We are currently at step 3

markrod420 ago

oh and i am quite oposed, just to repeat for clarity. but thank you for the clarification. concerning indeed.

thisistotallynotme ago

Truth be told, the monitor already existed. All this bill does is upgrade it to Ambassadorship status.

Still no prosecutorial powers, so OP is a faggot liar.


If you give a shit about free speech at all. You will do whatever you can to fight anything that even remotely resembles this. This is blatantly against the first amendment. We cannot allow outlawing of speech, it can and will be used to outlaw other speech. @puttitout you should probably be aware of this one yourself for obvious reasons.

AEndtoThemForever ago

Yeah, it's probably more impactful than people are understanding here. This is a gateway policy, created in order to make the jew untouchable even in thought. This is not the first or only place and time they've done this. Look at Germany. They placed the same policies in effect there, a little at a time, and now no one is able to even understand that their 'happy merchant friend' and the jew that's selling their neighbor's kid to the Muslims to be eaten are the same people.

fhaqyu ago

Step 1 was the state department defining 'Anti-Semitism' | Step 2 begin passing legislation making anti-semitism a hate crime = see south carolina | step 3 push this to federal level and create an 'Independent council' who gets to watch dog this = come on.... Step 4 | making it federal law that 'anti-semistism' is a hate crime = bad news for american voaters

We are currently at step 3

thisistotallynotme ago

You didn't read the bill, which means you don't realize that there's nothing in the bill that can curtail naming the jew even a little.

But boy, don't you have an opinion!


Just out of curiosity, what exactly would be the point of this bill if it wasn't headed in the direction of punishing those who express anti semitic views? Full disclosure I haven't read the full text of the bill but I did look at the summary and it seems like a push to limit speech to me.

thisistotallynotme ago

All the bill does is upgrade a position to ambassadorship. No investigatory powers in an ambassadorship. No executive/prosecutorial powers in an ambassadorship.

If anything, it gives him the power to advise the president on who is a jew-hater. I'd love to have one of those on my team, so I could locate legitimate jew-haters and assist them in their activities. I'd like to have a similar position for Tranny-haters, if I could get away with it. As long as I was in power, it'd be used for keeping the frogs straight, to invert an AlexJones-ism.


Why would they upgrade that kind of a position like that? It doesn't make a ton of sense if you ask me. It would only make sense if more is coming. See if you can get away with this and then try the next step. Perhaps I'm wrong and I sincerely hope that I am but it wouldn't seem to be a good thing.

SerialLarper ago

Thinking that you have the right to bear false witness does not make you great.

Speakfree ago

We are paying them to suppress our freedoms: https://www.cbo.gov/publication/54050

analyticalalligator ago

“(3) DUTIES.—The Special Envoy shall serve as the primary advisor to, and coordinate efforts across, the United States Government relating to monitoring and combating anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement that occur in foreign countries."

This is exclusively about monitoring the actions of foreign countries. It's about combating Islam, not about controlling speech inside the us.

fhaqyu ago

that is far from true - the internet hub is in france, so this gives this 'Committee' the ability to watchdog the american internet. what do they say, chess not checkers.

why do you think that they ran the internet out of the US, so it could then be monitored as foreign data vs domestic. wake up dude

voats4goats ago

thisistotallynotme ago

No. TLD is not a valid argument to avoid or establish jurisdiction.

Source: Have .is domain. Company is still domestic.

voats4goats ago

You underestimate the craftiness and doublespeak of the us govt. They dont need an argument they just do it anyways.

In the off chance they have to defend thier actions it won't be in a public court but a fisa one with the best damn lawyer available

kalgon ago


"(1) Acts of anti-Semitism in countries throughout the world, including some of the world's strongest democracies, have increased significantly in frequency and scope over the last several years.

"(2) During the last 3 months of 2003 and the first 3 months of 2004, there were numerous instances of anti-Semitic violence around the world, including the following incidents:

"(A) In Putrajaya, Malaysia, on October 16, 2003, former Prime Minister Mahatir Mohammad told the 57 national leaders assembled for the Organization of the Islamic Conference that Jews 'rule the world by proxy', and called for a 'final victory' by the world's 1.3 billion Muslims, who, he said, 'cannot be defeated by a few million Jews.'.

"(B) In Istanbul, Turkey, on November 15, 2003, simultaneous car bombs exploded outside two synagogues filled with worshippers, killing 24 people and wounding more than 250 people.

"(C) In Australia on January 5, 2004, poison was used to ignite, and burn anti-Semitic slogans into, the lawns of the Parliament House in the state of Tasmania.

"(D) In St. Petersburg, Russia, on February 15, 2004, vandals desecrated approximately 50 gravestones in a Jewish cemetery, painting the stones with swastikas and anti-Semitic graffiti.

"(E) In Toronto, Canada, over the weekend of March 19 through March 21, 2004, vandals attacked a Jewish school, a Jewish cemetery, and area synagogues, painting swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans on the walls of a synagogue and on residential property in a nearby, predominantly Jewish, neighborhood.

"(F) In Toulon, France, on March 23, 2004, a Jewish synagogue and community center were set on fire.

"(3) Anti-Semitism in old and new forms is also increasingly emanating from the Arab and Muslim world on a sustained basis, including through books published by government-owned publishing houses in Egypt and other Arab countries.

"(4) In November 2002, state-run television in Egypt broadcast the anti-Semitic series entitled 'Horseman Without a Horse', which is based upon the fictitious conspiracy theory known as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Protocols have been used throughout the last century by despots such as Adolf Hitler to justify violence against Jews.

"(5) In November 2003, Arab television featured an anti-Semitic series, entitled 'Ash-Shatat' (or 'The Diaspora'), which depicts Jewish people hatching a plot for Jewish control of the world.

"(6) The sharp rise in anti-Semitic violence has caused international organizations such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to elevate, and bring renewed focus to, the issue, including the convening by the OSCE in June 2003 of a conference in Vienna dedicated solely to the issue of anti-Semitism.

"(7) The OSCE convened a conference again on April 28–29, 2004, in Berlin, to address the problem of anti-Semitism with the United States delegation led by former Mayor of New York City, Ed Koch.

"(8) The United States Government has strongly supported efforts to address anti-Semitism through bilateral relationships and interaction with international organizations such as the OSCE, the European Union, and the United Nations.

"(9) Congress has consistently supported efforts to address the rise in anti-Semitic violence. During the 107th Congress, both the Senate and the House of Representatives passed resolutions expressing strong concern with the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence in Europe and calling on the Department of State to thoroughly document the phenomenon.

"(10) Anti-Semitism has at times taken the form of vilification of Zionism, the Jewish national movement, and incitement against Israel."

Qforever ago

How effing convenient! They might just have seen the writing on the Wall!

AnarchicAlpaca ago

hate crimes dont exist. no one gets special protected status. law should not recognize any group as less or more protected. if we are to be free as a people, justice must be blind. this law would be the final signal that those that aim to rule over us feel threatened.

thisistotallynotme ago

Another Voater that didn't read the text of the bill.

This bill doesn't do anything but upgrade a position to ambassadorship. That's fucking it.

Blaxsploitation ago

Haha just vote Red guys am I right?

ProgNaziGator ago

Do Jews want a hall of cost? Because this how you get one!

i_scream_trucks ago

oh great so does this mean if i want to go back to the UK i should pre-book a room at the Ecuadorian embassy or what?

thisistotallynotme ago

It means you should probably read the text of the bill and delete your comment, because you were fooled by OP.

i_scream_trucks ago

Eh, why hide from a fuckup. Y'all know i made it, whats the point of deleting it?

thisistotallynotme ago

This comment earned you upvoats.

i_scream_trucks ago

i know. One.

Mr Popular me.

Stuffed_Crust ago

Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't trump completely pro jew?

its the one thing i have felt conflicted about this whole swamp clearing thing.

How can you ever clean the swamp when you swim in it with the jew?

soda_crackers ago

I'm remaining optimistic about this because I have to be, but there is no possible way Trump could tell Israel to go fuck itself right off the bat. The AIPAC, ACLU, SPLC, etc. has so much power, money and influence in our government right now. The list of government officials who are dual citizens in Israel is staggering. It's no mystery where their loyalties lie. Trump has to play ball with them for now, otherwise he'd get fucked six ways to Sunday. The coziness with Netanyahu and the massive amounts of funds for their military spending keeps the Neocon Jew off his ass while he deals with the Neolib Jew trying to take him down. This isn't going to be an easy war to win, and it's going to take years to undo the damage that's been done. We can't fight the war on both fronts.

Quickdraw08 ago

I want to know why so many in the congress have duel citizenship with Israel. They are not all Jewish. POTUS or Q or Qanon keeps referring to Israel being saved for last but that doesn't make since to me.Any idea what that's about. Keep in mind I don't know much about Jew conspiracy and I don't want to read a bunch of books.

soda_crackers ago

Read Culture of Critique by Professor Kevin MacDonald.

Stuffed_Crust ago

I did some further thinking on this... yes it hurt...

Given all the 5d chess that has been going on lately, you would have to be an idiot president to not win favor of the jews early on. perhaps the pro Israel / anti islam thing is actually a really well thought out long term plan...

or not. Just an idea.

Food_Stamp ago

Trust the larp, bro.

thisistotallynotme ago

trust your reading comprehension, bro. Where in the text does it say anything about stifling free speech?

Michael3500BC ago

It is not what I would call a good idea to start creating anti laws.

draaaak ago

The last thing anyone should do, is take a break from naming the Jew, while the Jew is trying to ban naming the Jew. Horrible advice.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago


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Gorillion ago

Where's the special envoy for rooting out anti-anglo activities within certain populations?

Silencedmajor ago

So hate speech trumps free speech does it? The UK and other countries in Europe have had to put up with this bullshit for a while. But Europe doesn't have guns or a constitution. How can this pass when the Supreme Court would have to reject it as unconstitutional?

Hand_of_Node ago

Is it really unconstitutional to "guide" the affairs of other countries?

ObamasPinkSock ago

Combat Anti-Semitism

Jews are the most exiled people in human history.

Allowing people to discover why and have honest and robust debate is imperative.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Well time to call the White House switchboard and voice our No's.

Ocelot ago

LMFAO in foreign countries as well? Fucking kikes.

RedditEnablesH8Subs ago

Since when has America had a law protecting other countries?

Conway ago

It's illegal to boycott Israel in many states.. This has been in the works for a long time.

thisistotallynotme ago

You're not missing anything. OP lied, and got everyone to freak out predictably.

fluhthreeex ago

Might be over exaggerating a bit here.

Might, but when it comes to this shit you have to look at history to know you never give an inch.

thatcoolmartian ago

They won't stop at jews. America is about to lose its free speech, we need to fight this.

Grindelwo ago

fuck the globalist jews but the OP is full of shit fhaqyu is a pakistani turk who constantly posts jihad propaganda

captive ago

These kikes don't know when to stop. Keep pushing your luck you dirty jew rats. See how well it ends up for you all.

This world is about set to burn.

SeeSomethingSaySome ago

The question is : why is Trump so protective of Israel. Is it because of the primacy of Israel in the End Times, or is it strictly political ?

Future Prophecies

1) Tribulation — God will put the Jewish people through an unparalleled period of tribulation (Deuteronomy 4:30), during which two-thirds of the Jews will perish (Zechariah 13:8-9). The purpose will be to soften the hearts of a remnant so that they will accept Jesus as their Messiah.

2) Salvation — A remnant of the Jews will “look upon Him whom they have pierced” and will accept Him as Lord and Savior (Zechariah 12:10; Romans 11:1-6,25-29).

3) Primacy — God will then regather all the believing Jews to Israel where they will be established as the prime nation in the world during the millennial reign of Jesus. (See Deuteronomy 28:1,13; 2 Samuel 7:9; Isaiah 60-62; Micah 4:1-7.)

See : http://christinprophecy.org/articles/the-jews-in-prophecy/

Adam_Jensen_ ago

The only reason I can suspect, is they have control over the entire financial system and essentially economy.

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Cleanhobo ago

This will be found unconstitutional in a hot-minute...

Hand_of_Node ago

OP exaggerated. This only applies to foreign countries. (the link to the text is at the top...)


Unconstitutional. SC ruled that hate speech is protected speech. I may not agree with what you say, but I'll fight to the death your right to say it. Hate speech that incites violence is not protected speech.

thisistotallynotme ago

It's not unconstitutional, because OP lied about what the bill does. Why would an ambassadorship upgrade be brought to the supreme court for violating free speech? When did ambassadorships gain prosecutorial powers?

Rawrination ago

Define incites violence. At the moment anything that you say that is against the narrative is called violence by the AntiFA types and increasingly by the rest of the evil cabal.

The right to free speech includes the right to call for violence. In fact that may be its most important function.

Optional_Reading ago

Free speech! Fuck the jews

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ya OP, this is only to combat anti-semitism in foreign countries, so maybe your the lazy ass who didn't read anything.

Defend yourself.

elitch2 ago


Found the kike.

HST ago

Part of the 5 eyes program, dummy. We could or will find similar legislation in other countries that are part of the 5 eyes

thisistotallynotme ago

Considering this bill is about upgrading the position to ambassadorship, your "five eyes" narrative is hillariously wrong. Making a position into an ambassadorship should have ZERO bearing on our ability to share intelligence information with other countries. This ambassadorship isn't even related to intelligence sharing, so imagine me pointing and laughing at you for being this retarded and getting 10 upvoats by other retards that also didn't read the bill.

TrulyISayToThee ago

Fuck off, shekelsniffer. You're obviously too fucking stupid to understand the JEW game and how it's played.

Gorillion ago


Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I fall under FVEYs. This most definitely impacts me.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Only 2 reps voted against it. Tell me again how we can vote our way out of this.

thisistotallynotme ago

Tell me again how an ambassadorship upgrade makes naming the jew illegal.

How can we vote our way out of the Fake News of this thread?

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Would this survive the supreme court?

thisistotallynotme ago

Yes, it'll survive the supreme court, you illiterate fuck, because [upgrading a position to ambassadorship](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr1911/text, which is what this bill does, has ZERO bearing on free speech.

You idiots all swallowed the bait.

draaaak ago


Norseman ago

yes, because in the name of "fighting terrorism" this is aimed at foreigners in other countries, not Americans,so the supreme court will have shit none to say about it.

Feldorai ago

No, it would not survive the supreme court. They know as well as every Constitution-loving American knows that the moment they step out of bounds to not enforce the Constitutional rights of every American, the moment they try to impede on the right to free speech, then the immediate response will likely be to see them hanged for treason in committing tyranny. They sure as Hell won't be safe, there would be sudden and immediate empty seats among the supreme court branches following their deaths.

thisistotallynotme ago

Why would an appointment of ambassadorship even make it to the supreme court, let alone survive its test?

You didn't even read the bill, but you didn't let that stop you from having an opinion, did you?

Feldorai ago

2.Finding Congress finds that since the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004 was enacted, in many foreign countries acts of anti-Semitism have been frequent and wide in scope, the perpetrators and variety of threats to Jewish communities and their institutions have proliferated, and in some countries anti-Semitic attacks have increased in frequency, scope, violence, and deadliness.

Where is their proof, their evidence for citation? Muslims? Mosques? Oh yes, the Goyim know well about these, they'll pass such a legislation no problem!

As far as I've seen Muslims have only ever fucking attacked white people and have been covered up for by the Media, they have no evidence for citation to enact such a bill or even to support it. Let's put it this way, it will not survive the Supreme Court because the Constitution is against it. They have no proof or evidence for citation that Jews have faced any such acts of violence in America, the bill is unnecessary and pointless. It'll be slapped down regardless. America is not Germany or any other country in Europe where they don't have a bill of Constitutional rights to guarantee them the freedom of speech. America on the other hand, does. Americans don't have to worry about this, you're distracted by something this trivial? Get a grip.

It will not survive the supreme court, that I can guarantee. What you should be more focused on is keeping tabs on all of the Congress & Senate representatives that sign in support of the legislation and vote them the fuck out.

thisistotallynotme ago

Good lord, child. Most people would stop and think about what they were doing when they were shown that the bill didn't do what it said it did.

You, however, doubled the fuck down on it. Is this your first time reading a bill? The preamble and justification is great when judges need to interpret a law, but here's the thing:


Feldorai ago

Also, the question shouldn't be about whether it would survive the supreme court, or how it gets twisted into meaning that someone would be arrested for wrong-think for naming the Jew or that it's infringing on the Constitution.

In the first place the question should be, "why should anyone be granted the title of ambassador for something as stupid as anti-Semitism?"

Sounds like that Team America World Police bullshit all over again if you ask me.

thisistotallynotme ago

I'll agree with that, but remember this ambassadorship has no prosecutorial powers. or even investigatory powers.

Feldorai ago

But if I'm not mistaken, they're given Diplomatic Immunity if I remember correctly. This more or less sounds to me like the operations targets will all always be in countries other than America's, the way it's worded I can't imagine it being granted for any matters concerning affairs in America. At least it doesn't sound that way unless I'm missing something in the way it's worded in the bill.

thisistotallynotme ago

You're not missing anything. All diplomatic immunity means is that they won't be prosecuted if they gun-down a schoolyard of kids in a foreign country.

(as an aside, it costs $200,000 to become a Panamanian diplomat).

Feldorai ago

Well both questions I don't know. I was just answering how I think it's stupid to think that it means what OP was suggesting, and responded to how the other person asking a question in the thread if it would survive the supreme court, which that response was a "no".

Rawrination ago

They should have been hanged for treason long ago.

Hopefully the number of people willing to take a stand will be high enough this time.

I wish I could be among them. I will keep trying to redpill my normie friends but I fear its all I can do as disabled as I am.

Tallest_Skil ago

Interestingly, the SCOTUS voted 9-0 recently that “hate speech” does not exist, by law. However, this is about jews, so they’ll likely vote 9-0 that it does.

OhRutherfordBehave ago


Tallest_Skil ago

They go 9-0 on “hate speech” every time it comes up, surprisingly, but this is the most recent one.

hang_em_high ago

Passed House 393-2 with 33 no votes. Amash is one of the two that voted against it. Really fucking vague and written like shit too. So they can appoint some "special ambassador" to "combat and monitor" anti-semitism? What the fuck.

Kill-Commies ago

Notice it's not an office to protect muslims, or niggers, or even mexicans for that matter, as far as pushes to restrict constitutionally protected speech its always to benefit the jews.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

(b) Purpose of Office Upon establishment, the Office shall assume the primary responsibility for- (1) monitoring and combating acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement that occur in foreign countries; (2) coordinating and assisting in the preparation of that portion of the report required by sections 2151n(d)(7) and 2304(b) of this title relating to an assessment and description of the nature and extent of acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement for inclusion in the annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices; and (3) coordinating and assisting in the preparation of that portion of the report required by section 6412(b)(1)(A)(iv) 1 of this title relating to an assessment and description of the nature and extent of acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement for inclusion in the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom.

Why does it say it is only for foreign countries?

thisistotallynotme ago

Where does it say it limits naming the jew?

Hand_of_Node ago

Because this only applies to foreign countries. OP exaggerates a bit. However, these things begin incrementally, and it should be a concern.

thisistotallynotme ago

> Text has ZERO supporting evidence of OP's claims that Naming the Jew is at risk.
> Nobody reads it, and trusts OP to not be a faggot, because confirmation bias.
> "OP exaggerates a bit".
> "a bit"

It's not like you to downplay like this. OP is a faggot liar.

Hand_of_Node ago

Well, OPs title is a blatant lie, and OP is a faggot. I guess I focused too much on the "movement in that direction." Another "jew protection scheme" should be a concern and receive push back, but fake info doesn't help, and probably hurts.

captainpixystick ago

The day anyone is arrested for speech will officially be known as the first day of upper echelon hunting season.

thisistotallynotme ago

they won't be arrested due to this bill.

This is what Fake News looks like: they're trying to rile up the voaters with a nothingburger.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

it happens a lot more than you think. this would just seal the deal that free speech is too much of a threat.

usernameisnotthis ago

ernst zundel ring a bell? he spent the last years of his life in a canadian prison for talking about jew truths

freshmeat ago

He was also Canadian and didn't have the 1st amendment

Tallest_Skil ago

People have already been arrested for speech and you did nothing. People have gone to jail in the US for saying nigger. People have gone to jail because someone else CLAIMED they said nigger.

You did nothing and you will never do anything.

blam4fun ago

Never heard of that one before. The Black race gets a bad rap because of all the niggers. Black people I respect like any other human on Earth. I've got no time for niggers.

draaaak ago

And neither have you, or will you, hypocrite.

Tallest_Skil ago


lol, I’m not the one who said he’s going to do anything about it, you fucking coward.

draaaak ago

You don't have to say you're going to do something about it to be a hypocrite, and calling you one hardly makes someone a coward.

Tallest_Skil ago

So… you’re not going to do anything about it.

The collapse of civilization is complete. The purchasing power of the US dollar is worth three cents, compared to the dollar of 1913. Taxes? Where do we start. ✡Income tax✡, which exists solely to pay for the existence of the Federal Reserve–taxes going to the pockets of private individuals for the ‘privilege’ of printing worthless currency. An unconstitutional marxist welfare state to steal more income from the working and give it to the lazy, the nonwhites, and the foreigners. Endless war solely for the sake of other nations with no annexations or financial benefits for the US, wasting trillions in taxes and tens of thousands of lives. All laws, everywhere, at every level, are completely ignored by the government. The governing class is universally guilty of multiple felonies, and at least half of whom are guilty of outright treason. Genocidal invasion from the third world. Rape, murder, theft, etc. running rampant throughout once-safe streets as niggers and dune coons reap the fruits of their invasion. Terrorist attacks against people who are imprisoned for fighting back against the terrorists. Faggots and trannies holding parades where they spew their juices riddled with incurable STDs all over the streets. You get fired from your job or arrested if you so much as disagree with this shit. And gun confiscations from actual citizens so they can’t even defend themselves against any of it or reverse it. NOT THAT THEY EVER WILL. And that’s the problem. One hundred fucking years of this. Never stopping, never slowing. And what have the people done? NOTHING.

  • They didn’t rise up in 1913 when the US stopped using gold and silver as money and started using private paper currency.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1917 when the jew puppet Wilson said, “We’re going to war for the Europeans and getting nothing out of it in return.”
  • They didn’t rise up in 1920 when jewish feminists brainwashed men into granting women the vote, setting a deadline on the collapse of our nation at no later than 2020 (every single civilization in human history that enfranchised women fell within 100 years).
  • They didn’t rise up in 1933 when FDR unconstitutionally made “owning gold” illegal.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1934 when the National Firearms Act unconstitutionally banned the ownership of weapons.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1935 when the marxist Social Security Act was passed, nor during any of other FDR’s illegal acts.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1941 when the jew puppet FDR said, “We’re going to war for the Europeans, again, and getting nothing out of it in return, again.”
  • They didn’t rise up in 1946 when Bretton Woods was signed.
  • They didn’t rise up against any of the proxy wars in the Cold War (which gave our nation absolutely nothing–no annexed land, no reparations, and we paid to rebuild our enemies).
  • They didn’t rise up in 1965 when the Immigration & Nationality Act openly committed genocide on Americans. The politicians admitted it. No one did anything.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1968 when the Civil Rights Act unconstitutionally destroyed freedom of association.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1973 when Roe v. Wade legalized murder of the innocent.
  • They didn’t rise up after all the contra deals in the 1980s showed the US was deposing democracies and installing dictators.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1990 when the first Gulf War began the march for Greater Israel.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2001 after 9/11 when jews false flagged the US yet again for Greater Israel.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2003 when the Second Gulf War was declared. Nor when it was proven the war was carried out under false pretenses. Nor when any of the post-Cold War wars STILL failed to get us land or reparations, and we paid TRILLIONS MORE to rebuild our enemies.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2008 when the economy collapsed and the banks were given trillions of dollars to give bonuses to their executives who caused it.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2015 when faggot “marriage” became “legal.”

draaaak ago

Fuck off with your copypasta, retard. You're not doing anything about it other than reposting tired old textwall rants from the comfort and convenience of your home computer, yet you give other people shit for apparently doing no less. This is why you're a hypocrite, and this is why I have such little respect for you.

thisistotallynotme ago

He doesn't have a home computer. He's doing all of this from his iPod. he posted a pic that proved it once.

draaaak ago

She? It all makes sense now... Only a woman could be capable of such expert level hypocrisy.

You wouldn't happen to know where that pic is, aye?

draaaak ago

Wow, queen of the faggots.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey goyim a paid shill admits to it and I support him

ha ha that will show the guy who posts facts that hurt my feelings

You should probably neck yourself.

draaaak ago

Guy? lol

Whatever fatty. How long before your feet get amputated?

thisistotallynotme ago

OMFG. you got her to RE-POST in the old thread, because she was so mad about it.

I wish I had more upvoats to give you for this.

draaaak ago

I called her out for being a disgusting fat fuck. Works every time on these fat fucks :)

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting every word of what I said is correct and that you will not do anything. Thanks for admitting you have no argument, nothing to add, and that you will not do anything. Thank you for admitting that YOU WERE PROVEN WRONG ABOUT ARRESTS FOR SPEECH IN THE UNITED STATES and that you will not do anything.

Cry more, you fucking coward.

draaaak ago

I admitted no such thing, or anything, for that matter. Meanwhile, here you are doubling down on your hypocrisy, proving exactly my point, with exactly the hypocritical tactics that I called you out for.

OK Mr. Copypasta Hypocrite, when and where did I suggest that people had never been arrested in the United States for speech? And where did you prove that anyone had been? Also, do you not understand the difference between being arrested for something, being prosecuted for something, and being convicted for something. People get arrested for stuff all the time that they are never prosecuted or convicted for.

It's not me who's crying... I think I can hear your sobs all the way from here. You sound fat btw. How many Hot Pockets did you eat for dinner?

Tallest_Skil ago

I admitted no such thing

Thanks for admitting that you have no argument whatsoever, then.

the hypocritical tactics that I called you out for.

Which you have

  1. Never done
  2. Never listed
  3. Not shown by example, anywhere

Thanks for admitting you will not do anything.

when and where

Put a bullet in your brain if you think we’re this stupid.

And where did you prove that anyone had been?

Put a bullet in your brain if you think we’re this stupid.

Also, do you not understand the difference between being arrested for something, being prosecuted for something, and being convicted for something.


It's not me who's crying... I think I can hear your sobs all the way from here. You sound fat btw. How many Hot Pockets did you eat for dinner?

This is how pathetic you actually are. THIS IS HOW SUBHUMAN YOUR BEHAVIOR ACTUALLY IS.

thisistotallynotme ago

Confirmed chick. No male uses "Pathetic" as an insult, unless they're inside a Mortal Kombat game.

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m sorry you’re so pathetic that you’re still shitter-shattered about being proven wrong A MONTH AGO.

thisistotallynotme ago

Only narcissists apologize for other people's feelings.
Only narcissists post to threads a month old because someone new laughed at them.

Deflection is all you have left, isn't it? Poor little girl.

thisistotallynotme ago

> A Psychiatry Degree Appears!

Every time you post that pic, after you lose another thread, I get a little more proud. It's my crowning achievement on the site, and I get a new PM every time you mention it, thanking me for trolling you so hard.

Notice I'm not having to edit my posts to lead you around this time. I just played to your ego. and you freaked out so much, that you replied to a month-old post because you were afraid of being laughed at, then accused me of doing exactly what you did after you did it.

Your ego is so big, it can be used to steer you.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey you’re doing what i say you’re doing because i say you are

That’s nice, kiddo.

The above user changes posts after receiving replies he does not like.

thisistotallynotme ago

I invite everyone that's reading to read her image completely, then browse the thread I linked to. She's so triggered by it, that she's still pissed about it a month later.

She's showing more legitimate trauma from this than Christine Blassey Ford showed during her entire testimony! She should probably report me to the police for rape!

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re so autistic you can’t even tell a person’s sex, for fuck’s sake.

The above user changes posts after receiving replies he does not like.

thisistotallynotme ago

And because of her hard work, there are now TWO people laughing at her other than me!

You should keep posting! more people are starting to notice!

draaaak ago

Using capslock doesn't make you sound any less deranged.

You right now

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong about everything you claimed.

draaaak ago

Beep boop bip beetusbot must respond with same comment as before boop boop

thisistotallynotme ago

Holy shit, it looks just like her. Sadly, this fat is using a computer running windows, so it's just a case of mistaken identity.

but it's so close....

thisistotallynotme ago

Another reminder that You're all crying over nothing. This bill does NOTHING to stop the naming of the jew.

draaaak ago

I already knew that though, thus my complete lack of tears.

Feldorai ago

Citation please. And the follow-ups. Betting none of the alleged charges stuck.

Tallest_Skil ago

They stuck. They went to jail. I forget the chapter, but search “hate speech” and he outlines all the cases in the US.

Feldorai ago

I read it, no where does it say anyone was jailed.

thisistotallynotme ago

Watch out, you proved him to be a liar. Prepare to be accused of being a self-admitted shill now.

475677 ago

This will destroy America if it passes. It won't be called a free speech issue but a hate crime one that will be expanded out to Muslims and niggers too and the second someone accepts their sentence it'll set precedence.

Your post really needs to be pinned so everyone here can see it and then we need to avoid talking about the jews at first so as to not turn normies off. We could for example talk about how once the jews claim special status every race and religion will want their cut so for instance when the blacks start looting stores we could be arrested for laughing about how they took all the air jordans but left the work shoes behind. If it's ever thrown back on the kikes instead of going full red pill we could just say that they're really over represented in banking, wall street and finance in general and are probably just looking for a way to throw dissenters in prison while they fuck us all over, money controls politics after all and then change to saying we could also go to prison for saying that muslims worship a pedo or that they throw gays off roof tops. We need to stress that it's not a hate crime to point out actual issues even if they have some kind of race or religion in common but those with a vested interest in keeping us blind from the reality around would make it so to crush us into submission.

It's probably also a good time to save all the memes we can. Bitcoin be damned, if this shit passes rare pepes are going to be the currency of the future.

thisistotallynotme ago

Nothing in this bill makes naming the Jew illegal.

Prove me wrong.

bessarionofegypt ago

yeah this literally says it's combatting it in foreign countries, and it doesn't even specify how which is actually kinda eerie

AlbitEinstein ago

Any country to flee to if America gets destroyed?

aLegoInYourShoe ago

Flee? Are you for real?

AlbitEinstein ago

Do you want to stay and be put in a FEMA camp? Nothing you can do at that point.

475677 ago

Stay and fight faggot.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

" and then we need to avoid talking about the jews at first so as to not turn normies off. "

Nice try schlomo

475677 ago

I know the kikes have earned being exiled nearly 360 times, that the holocaust is a lie, that they've weaponized the lesser races and our own media against us, etc. but if you start off carrying on like that normies are going to think you're a straight up nazi and think this law a good thing to pass. You need to ease them into it by calling them bankers, wall street investors, etc. and say that they're using money like a weapon to get themselves richer at everyone else's expense and are trying to use that money to make it impossible to criticize them by buying off politicians that will make it against the law to do so. Then you bring in the other races like I mentioned with niggers leaving work boots but shooting each other over the last pair of air jordans during natural disasters and say that it will be a criminal offense to point that out too as it would be considered a hate crime to point out how it's only shit skins that are looting and the fact they've no intention to earn an honest days pay.

You make it a case of pointing out facts that would used to be known as stereotyping people which when based upon observation is merely factual and not a racial issue. You ask them why someone would want to hide the truth like that, who is behind the bill, etc. and when it comes back to being about the jews eventually people are going to feel ok with stereotyping them again and that's when the memes will flow making it normal to shit on them in the open. We'll see people sharing videos on themselves rubbing their hands together saying shut it down, people shitting on the holohoax numbers as being impossible, everyone finally seeing their influence in the media, etc. and that's when we go red suppository on the normies to the point no one wants to do business with jews, they're not allowed dual citizenship and eventually they're all forced on welfare and living next door to tyrone in section 8 housing or they fuck off to israel.

I wish we could just shoot them all, women and children included because after all baby spiders still grow up to be spiders, but having them mocked, losing all their money, losing all their power and influence, etc. would be glorious all the same and if this law passes because the public only sees us as screeching nazi's that would be really shitty to say the least. I don't want to see them or anyone else a protected class of people but if we go all holobunga on the normies from the get go that's exactly what's going to happen.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

write less. you have a few good points then you go into dodo ville. advocating killing children is fake and gay and throws everything you said away.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

No. Beating around the bush gets us nowhere.

You name the jew on the spot and educate the others around you about them.

475677 ago

I don't know about you but I've actually tried that in real life. I sat there and forced people to search for shit themselves in front of me so they knew I wasn't bullshitting them and the more I went on the more it turned them off. NPCs do not like going to any effort and when it goes against their condition they'll try to fight it. I've seen plenty of people recoil like I just took a shit in their hands only to come back and say it doesn't matter what their religion is. Only once did a guy actually manage to make it past that point and let me continue and I honestly think it was because I was the one shouting drinks that night as he was poor as fuck and hadn't been drunk in weeks. To his credit though he actually saw the light but just like the forgetful jew who acknowledged your point the day prior he had seemingly completely forgotten the next day. I could see it in his eyes that he remembered but his feelings of racism and white guilt stopped him from letting it bubble to the surface. I tried with him again and again with everything from niggers to muslims to how we're all enslaved by modern society and money in particular and it all clicked and then rolled off like water off a duck's back. Just like Shia le poof he couldn't admit it while sober but privately put a few drinks into him and he was all nods, agreement and even chipping in to help confirm the red pills.

I think we need to take a lessen from the jews with their push for multiculturalism in that too fast and the public will put an end to it but a slow enough drip won't have them notice until it's already too late. I know I didn't want to believe in the child sacrifices, literally worshiping satan, white genocide, etc. but once I took all the other red pills about the jews I was all too happy to look into those too as I was already past the point of no return. But hey you go right ahead and go balls to the wall from the get go. Just like the swastika you'll know exactly who shares your ideals and who's going to pussy out when the getting gets tough. Just know that if societal conversion is your aim that most are so blue pilled that even when they know you have everyone's best interests at heart that they'll fight tooth and nail against you. WWII was nothing compared to the fight that would go up against outright Nazi idealism today but given a slow creep we can get everyone on our side and maybe even eventually exterminate the jewish menace once and for all.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

You really think people are buying your shit, jew?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Then you're a terrible orator because I've been openly naming the jew @ my place of employment for months now and I've not even been referred to HR.

It's best if you stick with facts and ask leading questions...

(Then again, one anecdote doesn't disprove another so I guess ymmv)

talmoridor-x ago

It's not our duty to enlighten the NPCs. Anyone who isn't redpilled on the JQ by 2018 is either very young or extremely oblivious, and trying to educate them is a waste of time. The only way to fight is for a few of us to accumulate power level to that of the jews, the first step being to form underground societies and institutions. From there, we will amass huge capital and challenge their authority.

thisistotallynotme ago

Parent is the only sane post in this entire comment thread.

Lordbananafist ago

Shut your fucking kike mouth

0rion ago

Read the Turner Diaries. That is our future.

GoodGodKirk ago

dont you mean shlomo?

Dsciexterminationist ago

Well fuck, that sure complicates my narrative

thisistotallynotme ago

it fucking shouldn't, because all it does is upgrade a position to ambassadorship. OP is a lying faggot that can't read.

Dsciexterminationist ago

Good looking out, just don't be the frog in the frying pan, having an existing position for such is already an overreach

usernameisnotthis ago

mine too. though i hold out a glimmer of hope that trump is doing this so when he finally does start undoing the shit jews have done, it will completely blindside them.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

You mean like marrying more of his kids off to jews? Stop sucking Trumps dick, he's as much a kike as any politician.

usernameisnotthis ago

and btw right after jared kushners(the jew) two week visit to saudi arabia 15 saudi princes were arrested for bunch of horribleness one of them was bin alaweed guy that paid for obama to be president. so that jew is def a good one.

Lordbananafist ago


usernameisnotthis ago

all jews are not a part of this evil man, it's just impossible. zionist and their sympathizers, that's the problem. Q has pretty much hammered it home to us that the rothschilds rockerfellers , msm and the liberal parties are the core of the evil that has ruined the world. Q tells us to dig into these people and their connections. well that totally leads to zionst jews everytime evrywhere. never fails. it's painfully evident to me Q is trying to wake up the world to jewish trickery and the evil they have done. but a jew who is unaffiliated with zionism is most likely just as lost as the rest of the world is.

Lordbananafist ago

I can’t wait until someone attempts to make this argument to me in a real environment

freshmeat ago

Actually I think secular jews are a much larger domestic issue.

asabove ago

We don't need a jewish ambassador to prosecute speech they don't like. That is fucking anti-american.

Every signer of this needs to be shamed and made infamous for supporting this communist bullshit.

thisistotallynotme ago

Ambassadors don't have prosecutorial powers, nitwit.

here's the text of the bill. I fucking dare you to find something that proves that this will make naming the jew illegal.

asabove ago

whoa, are you too stupid to realize that would be snuck into some other bill as soon as they get away with the first step?


thisistotallynotme ago

Ah, when shown to be COMPLETELY WRONG, the kid with the fragile ego doubles-down on his fear, in the form of a slippery slope fallacy, in order to shake that pesky congnitive dissonance he's experiencing.

This Ambassadorship upgrade does nothing. He has no investigatory powers. he has no prosecutorial powers. He's a fucking ambassador now. That's it. Your goalpost move to "WHAT IF ANOTHER BILL HAPPUNS?" is an exercise in fantasy, unless it explicitly grants this ambassadorship powers outside his normal scope.

You must be terrified of being wrong.

asabove ago

Complacent people like you are why shit like this and the TSA happen.

You are a fucking retard.

thisistotallynotme ago

Ah, so you're trying to defend the fact that:

  • You didn't read the bill;
  • You were wrong about what the bill did;
  • You were fooled by Fake News;
  • You're terrified of being wrong;
  • You moved the goalposts instead of admitting you were wrong;
  • You can only speak in logical fallacy; and
  • You can only shift the blame to others when you realize you're wrong;

Nobody else is reading this. Did you think you convinced me? Do you think you convinced you?

asabove ago

haha, you're so fucking spun out you can't stop.

it will bother you all day.

it will keep you up late.

you will dream about it.

you will wake up angry.

thisistotallynotme ago

How much deflection can you possibly muster before your ego collapses?

glennvtx ago

I am jewish and I think this is a bad idea.

kalgon ago

This sort of shit is only going to reinforce the conspirational aspect of the whole ZOG affair in the minds of people already subscribing to it, which basically represents the entire muslim world and a part of the so called far rights plus a fringe of the left

In the minds of most normies in europe, canada, australia, this will be entirely justified because hitler

And evidently this will be extended to any form of criticism toward zionism and/or jewish disproportionate influence over the US gov, but not only, any discourse specifically criticizing the relationship between jews and the western power structure, dissidents basically

For now it seems to be mostly focused on acts of vandalism and publications abroad... Europe for vandalism, and mostly arab countries for publication...

This shit is getting orwelian it's sickening, a fucking bureau for that specifically, talking a bout privilege

glennvtx ago

I agree with you, we don't need anyone "monitoring" or policing thought or speech. Period. Least of all government.

thisistotallynotme ago

Hey, bubblebath, you realize that there's no evidence that this promotion of a position to abassadorship does anything to make naming the jew illegal, right?

You've been led into a con. Not a single person in this thread read the text. They just reacted to what they were told.

kalgon ago

You're missing the point entirely, as usual...

thisistotallynotme ago

The fact that you were fooled by faggot OP is somehow missing the point.


Do you just shut down your brain when people make fun of your nickname? think, bubblebath.

kalgon ago

I haven't been fooled by anyone

The fact that you're ok to pay for a "special office" dedicated to monitoring and countering antisemitism "abroad"(lol) clearly shows that you are retarded beyond repair

You have no clue

Mustard_Monkey ago

You are probably considered a Got by the rest of the Jews. Shin Shaddai.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I am white and I think this is a great idea. The moment someone goes to jail for naming the jew is the moment the actual holocaust begins.

Sarevok ago

I was just thinking they really want to accelerate shit, after reading this.

fuckingmockies ago

Everyone who signed should be executed. Everyone who voted yes should be executed.

Bottled_Tears ago

Dude they are really pushing us..

o0shad0o ago

There's nothing in this that adds new criminal offenses people can be prosecuted under. It may allow for intrusive investigation of those who say anything bad about jews though.

thisistotallynotme ago

the bill doesn't even do that. all it does is upgrade the position to an ambassadorship.

ADaniels ago

Don’t be fooled, they do this in half-step increments! Like boiling a frog! Heat the water too quick and it jumps out! But heat it slowly, slowly, like a boa constrictor inches ever so carefully, until IT BECOMES TOO LATE.

thisistotallynotme ago

So, there's no evidence that this actually makes naming the jew illegal, but everyone's resorting to a "slippery slope" fallacy in order to cover up that there's nothing here to freak out about.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Looks to me like it only says this is for combatting anti-Semitism in foreign. I don't agree with the bill, but it does not look like it puts us in danger, am I wrong?

thisistotallynotme ago

You're not wrong. but you're lost in the sea of emotional reactions from these people pretending they're not women.

ItGoesOnAnonAnonAnon ago

More "official" reasons to meddle in other countries if you're correct. "Fighting anti-semitism abroad" was likely one of the catchphrases used to bring the US into WW2. Any legislature that helps the Jews/Israel adds legal precedent and puts us deeper in their pockets, thus harder to climb out.

morecrap ago

v/privacy ≠ mega redpill

clamhurt_legbeard ago

every American goat on this site, is going to be prosecuted under federal law from even half the shit we say.

Hahaha, are you high?

ridleychozo ago

IDK man, they threw some 86 year old lady in prison for questioning the holocaust in Germany recently. Anything's possible.

thisistotallynotme ago

> German cucks throw an old German woman in Jail.

The best part of all this? the bill doesn't even do what OP said it did, and none of you read it.

Novusod ago

Her name is Ursula Haverbeck and she is now 88 years old and still in prison.

usernameisnotthis ago

she is a hero

ARsandOutdoors ago

Heil Haverbeck

clamhurt_legbeard ago

in Germany

In Germany you aren't allowed to wear camo, meanwhile Muslims commit mass rape.

We are talking about America.

fluhthreeex ago

It's not like in America we elect Jews and Israeli-American dual citizens to run the country like they do in Germany, right?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Germany is a cuck country full of cucks.

America is still fighting back. If you think the US is as bad as Germany, all I have to say about that is

cool blackpill (((friend)))

fluhthreeex ago

stay blackpilled, (((((((((pal)))))))))

Tallest_Skil ago

And you’re fucking retarded. People have already been arrested for speech and you did nothing. People have gone to jail in the US for saying nigger. People have gone to jail because someone else CLAIMED they said nigger.

I forget the chapter, but just search “hate speech”; he covers how the 1st amendment hasn’t existed for decades.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh hey, friend! Up bright and early today, I see.

Tallest_Skil ago

If 11 PM is early, sure.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You sure it's not 6:30am?

thisistotallynotme ago

Ignoring the fact that OP was a liar, and this doesn't affect speech at all, @Tallest_Skil exists in Grenwich Mean Time, because she's a GCHQ operative with their internet task force. This is why she throws JIDF/Kike, but never talks about muslims, or refuses to draw Mohammed when asked.

The more you know

SearchVoatBot ago

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clamhurt_legbeard ago

Ew gross, England is possibly worse than Israel because England hides it very well.

Nobody says we need to bring in Israeli refugees, but I see fuckers all over Voat crying about "our British cousins".

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that the user to whom you’re replying changes posts after he makes them.

srayzie ago

I like you today 😁

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hahaha, holy fucking shit.

This is gold!

thisistotallynotme ago


@Tallest_Skil is the best lolcow on the site.

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m sure you don’t have a refutation to the facts I posted, and your feelings are hurt by that. So you act like the leftist you are and scream impotently about the person who told you the facts rather than just accepting them.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You mean the facts completely unrelated to the topic at hand?

The sky is BLUE. Let's see you refute thst, and if you can't you lose!


Tallest_Skil ago


gets proven wrong


Reported for spam, you fucking kike.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


I never said this.

Tallest_Skil ago

Then what’s the fucking problem?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You lied.

I dislike liars.

Tallest_Skil ago

Didn’t happen. Fuck off.