Johnny_Bodega ago

I have adhd. So what is it really?

goatsshadow ago

well we get told its adhd. if i put you in a room with others like you, then who has adhd? one of two will be more intollerable than the rest and now those are the adhd prone and the rest are normal according to their piers performance.

edit: if you have adhd and go into an all black shitfest school learning the most mundane things and score higher, you wont have adhd anymore. thats the only known cure

srayzie ago

I will explain how medication helps me. This is what it’s like. I was diagnosed years ago. I went on and off Adderrall 3 different times. When I am on Adderral, it’s like night and day. My mind wakes up and I get into art. I do art every single day of my life now. I love to read and research. When I’m not on Adderral, my mind is like a zombie. I watched a lot of tv. I would be bored everywhere I went. On Adderral, my mind becomes alive again and my creative side comes out and I barely even watch tv. I’m much less forgetful as well.

It’s very hard to live with. But I also have hilarious stories because of my ADHD. I’m so forgetful and distracted that I come off so dingy. I’m not even joking, one time my friend and I went to Starbucks around the corner from my house. I was wearing flip flops and didn’t want to have tan lines so I took them off as we sat outside drinking our coffees. As we were walking to the car in the parking lot, we got into an interesting conversation. I stepped into the car and put my flip flops on the ground to slip my feet into them before I got in. My phone rang and I got distracted. When we pulled up to my house and I was about to get out, I realized that when I got distracted, because of my phone ringing while in the parking lot, that I forgot one flip flop. 🤣 We went back and it was still there.

I have so many crazy stories because ADHD is so much more than just about attention. I’ve done so much research. I don’t think so many children should be put on medication. Only if it’s really bad. Adderral affects people with ADHD differently than it would a normal person. It’s not like meth where I go tweak or clean house all day. It’s like my creative side comes alive. I’m interested in learning and more curious.

I look back now and see why I had such a hard time in school. I wish that ADHD was recognized back then. People with ADHD will hyperfocus on things they like. Especially interactive things like being on the computer and video games. But on things they don’t like, they get distracted so easily. They get bored. Their mind will wander. Math was pure hell for me.

There are different teaching methods that are best for people with ADHD. I retain a lot less with audio than visual. I had all kinds of tests done. So someone with ADHD does much better when they learn in a way that’s interactive. Or not just listening to someone, but by having, say a lecturerer, having something visual, like on a projector or something to go along with speaking. It makes it much easier to pay attention. If you don’t have that option, then someone with ADHD should take notes so that they take in more by also visually seeing it. Those are tips anyone can use. But, especially if you suffer from ADHD.

Also, make habits. Put your keys in the same place everyday. People with ADHD are forgetful and disorganized. Make to do lists. I could go on and on. Researching really helped me to learn strategies to help. But, medicine makes my mind not live in a zombie state. So for me, I like both medication and using strategies I’ve learned.

srayzie ago

I am an adult who has Adult ADHD. I can promise you, it is VERY REAL. Too many children are diagnosed just because they may be too hyper or get distracted easily.

But, ADHD goes very deep and involves a lot more than the name implies. It affects my daily life. I’ve researched it for years. People can call it whatever they want. But it’s very real.

argosciv ago

Brilliantly put! (parent comment and the next, starting with "Ok look at it this way")

It's a shitty situation and a shitty choice but that's the reality of it. If you can get by without drugs that's it! Try everything first!

srayzie ago

I am an adult who has Adult ADHD. I can promise you, it is VERY REAL. Too many children are diagnosed just because they may be too hyper or get distracted easily.

ADHD goes very deep and involves a lot more than the name implies. It affects my daily life. I’ve researched it for years. People can call it whatever they want. But it’s very real.

argosciv ago

I'm not saying it isn't

srayzie ago

I know silly. I was just letting you know since I am your bestie 🙄 JK lol

argosciv ago

You need to pop in on the new research at some point :P

srayzie ago

I know. I’ve been into a lot of stuff lately. My mind can’t keep up with everything I want to research.

10654168? ago

its masking an ulterior motive to hinder development of people they don't want advancing outside of the predicted crop

neutering lines

B3bomber ago

ADHD/ADD does exist for sure. The mass medication thing is definitely a problem though. But someone gets more money for pushing pills so it works out the only way it matters (fuck all of you, I GOT MY NEW YACHT!). That is Capitalism, including the corruption that leverages monopolies and crushing or merging of all rivals.

Jobbyweecha ago

While I agree with you that ADHD is real, I also think that there's definitely some shady shit revolving around it.

Here's my own experience with it. When I was in elementary school, I was deemed the "bad kid" in the class, constantly getting in trouble, had horrible grades, etc. My teacher decided that I had ADHD, and so my parents took me to a Psychiatrist. After testing, they decided that yes, I had ADHD. My parents, being the Boomers they are, just asked "Is there a pill to fix him?" And the Psychiatrist answered that there was a treatment, my parents said "fantastic" and got my prescription, but didn't do any of the followup stuff required for ADHD, because the pills were supposed to "fix" me. Obviously, being the Boomers they were, they couldn't be arsed with the responsibility of making sure I took my pills, threw the bottle at me, and told me I was old enough to handle it on my own. Naturally, being an elementary schooler, I never saw that bottle again. However, magically, I suddenly stopped getting in trouble all together, my grades skyrocketed, and I became a model student. The only difference is that the school THOUGHT I was on pills.

A few years ago, I was having trouble in some of my college classes, I remembered that I was diagnosed with ADHD, and thought that maybe it was holding me back some. I didn't remember much about my pill regiment, but I talked to my doctor about the possibility of getting medicated again. He looked at my file, told me that I had only received one bottle of pills, that had never been refilled. He also said that since I got as far as I have without pills, that I most likely never had ADHD, and was falsely diagnosed.

Warnos44 ago

Unfortunately you're trying to talk to people who haven't had the joy of experiencing it first hand. I once was on the other side of the fence in my beliefs, then my first born happened. Unfortunately the medications they offer do not help him at all. We home school with great struggling and I'm pretty sure he'll never fit in anywhere. My hopes are that he some how won't care, even though it's become obvious that it matters to him already. :(

goatsshadow ago

I apparently have adhd. I was medicated but i sold ritalin in university to junkies, thats actually how I realized how retarded the system is. I pushed an 87 average selling my ritalin and living off campus

Roe_beans ago

I do have ADHD. I didn't start taking Adderall until after college when I got my first office job. I do think it's real, but also think people should find their own coping messages and not take drugs until they need to. That being said, it is not safe for me to drive more then just across town without my Adderall, I also walk into things, knock things over, break things and am very much less observant without it, it's horrible. However, I only take it on days I'm driving a lot or working.

goatsshadow ago

I have a fear of pills because I was given Ritalin (some form of slow release bullshit) at a young age and hated it but the doctors assured my family it was good even though I barely ate and stayed up all night. It's just a drug, you do not need it. Eat better food, love them coffees and nicotine gums if you smoked, just try and be clean. Best way to live, you'll even think better after a while

Roe_beans ago

I'm actually working on it slowly. I halved my dose in the last couple months.

goatsshadow ago

Skittles and other crappy sugar for a while, then get into spicy shit... keep the mouth interested

goatsshadow ago

i stopped around when you started, get a punching bag and an onion to chew on. I now watch myself work, in a house I dont move my arms unless needed to make a point and I keep my tone steady. ADHD = smart and on the spot imo. havent had a pill in years and i resent the drug

argosciv ago

an onion to chew on

Eating(biting/chewing on) an onion?



Tony Abbott? (England-born?)

Abbott Laboratories

Recently implicated in an assassination which seemed to be pizzagate related(? will try to find thread)


Another Person investigating Hillary Clinton found dead!!

An award-winning Wall Street Journal reporter has been found dead in suspicious circumstances at his New York home whilst he was in a middle of an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s ties to a Russian drug company.

He was reportedly investigating Hillary’s involvement in the purchase of Russian drug company Veropharm by Abbot Labs at a time in 2014 when sanctions against Russia would have prevented the sale.

The purchase was accomplished by a US shell company named Kew Garden Hills, LLC (registered in Delaware –and- Hillary Clinton’s home State of New York) acquiring approximately 98% of Veropharm shares—and then their being bought by Abbott Laboratories.

Hillary has ties to both Abbot Labs and Kew Garden Hills LLC.Critical to note about Abbott Laboratories acquiring Veropharm, this report explains, is that it was accomplished on 12 December 2014—which was 9 months from the March 2014 Obama regimes sanctions against Russia prohibiting such company takeovers—and that only someone with Hillary Clinton’s power and lust for money could make happen.

Edward Gough Whitlam

Edward Gough Whitlam AC QC (/ˈɡɒf ˈwɪtləm/ 11 July 1916 – 21 October 2014) was the 21st Prime Minister of Australia, serving from 1972 to 1975.

For fuck's sake... 1975

Edward Gough Whitlam was born on 11 July 1916 at the family home 'Ngara', 46 Rowland Street,[2] Kew, a suburb of Melbourne.

Abbott, Kew... naming/place abstractions

@carmencita @GothamGirl @Commoner @cantsleepawink @srayzie

Roe_beans ago

Uff! I couldn't chew on an onion or do too much with a punching bag I'm pretty sure.

goatsshadow ago

Try being a grown man or woman. that'd help too.

Flour ago

It's so overwhelming but most people in here are no better than the plebeians on Reddit. Simply select the narrative you want to believe and then you get shit like this being posted.

Flour ago

Jesus Christ you guys get more idiotic everyday. Honestly, a lot of you sound like the faggots over on reddit screaming about multiple genders and healthy at every size.

goatsshadow ago

are you a fatty? I'll hit you if you need it. I boxed a lot more than that idiot Trudeau claims. you sound a lot like a fatty or a degenerate

Flour ago

Well, at least you admit you're one of those fags who sold pills in college. Glad to know you're a loser like the rest of them

goatsshadow ago

yeah well the only guy that kept coming to me to buy them was probably a fag like you... dunno why he wanted them but he knew in high school I took them and approached me at one of my parties...

qwop ago

Out of curiosity, heavy metals can also induce excitability. Before people knew mercury was neurotoxic, it was inhaled as a health promoting mist giving coffee-like stimulation. Just makes me think if observed changes in brain composition is genetics, or are these kids being poisoned in some way.

Well I guess this doesn't fully cover ADHD, but it's not completely out of its scope either. However that's just one heavy-metal. There are so many more possibilities, including pesticides and herbicides or other neurologically active agents.

Short‐chained alkyl mercury and elemental mercury produce a constellation of neurological abnormalities collectively referred to as erethism. Erethism includes anxiety, irritability, mania, sleep disturbance, depression, and cognitive deficits. Visual disturbance, hearing loss, paresthesias, and tremor may also be present.

goatsshadow ago

my dad used to play with mercury in chemistry class but we've been very ignorant about metals it took us forever to realize mercury condenses with water. I'll give you + 1 because you arent a retard

8Ball ago

Is hunter vs farmer a false dichotomy? Children are being drugged on an unprecedented scale just for being "unruly". And if ADHD did have some evolutionary usefulness in the past, and since we were all hunters at one point, then why doesn't everyone have ADHD?

goatsshadow ago

I couldn't make a better point myself. It's just smoke and mirrors to make money and test children

Baconmon ago

I've never believed ADHD was real, just because that is my own conclusion I came to after doing critical thinking about it.. It isn't any thing you can see in a microscope or blood test; It is just arbitrarily labelled to kids that want to be kids and aren't ready to be boring adults yet by sitting in class for literally hours every day and read and study..

goatsshadow ago

I have no idea why someone downvoated so have an upvoat :D

reddit-is-retarded ago

I always felt there were many kids at school that would have faired better applying their physical energy to other tasks.

CantBuySkills ago

Buh buh but... muh adderall!!!

jervybingly ago

Gimme my Ritalin. I need it.

ShowMeYourKitties ago

If your child's school says he has ADD/ADHD the kid is probably just bored or they need you to medicate them so they can be more effectively indoctrinated.

goatsshadow ago

I agree. I'm telling my teachers (they aren't my kids teachers in my mentality) to listen to me. if they don't, they lose the money given to them by the med society. Those aren't people I care about. If they died, normalcy would ensue. No less able as a parent after that. What does that tell you? Fuck those bugs