rickki6 ago

Click on the links in the bullet points to see the source and extra info...

•Told his audience that Hillary and Obama got enough punishment and that jail / prison was not necessary for them

•Came out in support for Henry Kissinger, one of the worst publicly-known Cabal / globalist members

•Kept insisting Snowden was a whitehat BEFORE Snowden took whatever deal Q offered him to cooperate

•Told his audience to not worry about Loop Capital, when Q specifically told everyone not to lose focus on Loop Capital

•Constantly promotes his book, begs for donations, has a monthly subscription service on his Gab.ai account for "in depth decodes"

•Got angry at Trump for not promoting his book

•Publicly ranted against Trump and Q for not releasing full, unredacted JFK files, Strzok & Page texts, and not seeing public arrests

•Purposely caused frustration, anger, fear, distrust, confusion, division, and distraction in his followers minds about what Trump was doing, Q's mission, and this movement

•Called out by Q for being a profiteer and doing exactly what Q has warned everyone about

•Went on another angry, defiant rant after he got called out by Q, calling Q a socialist / communist / Marxist, wanting to "duke it out" with Q, and claims Q is divisive

•Tried to get his followers to donate to a FAKE General Flynn charity account

•Goes on yet another rant against Q, saying Q was compromised, a communist, disinfo agent, and other ridiculous things

•Uses imaginary, made-up anons to sell his subscription service on Gab.ai, to attack Codemonkey - 8ch's administrator, attack Q, cause more fear, distrust, confusion, and division, and peddle his crazy conspiracy theories

•Exposed as having ties to Mel Rockefeller, called out by Rockefeller as being an Israeli Mossad agent, and defrauding 20 investors out of $1.2 million

•Has ties with B'nai B'rith, "the oldest Jewish service organization in the world"

•Investigated by the FBI, but did not get arrested or charged with crimes somehow, because he transferred his assets to his wife, Monica

A lot of us have heard Corsi constantly brag about his top secret clearance, but he never went into detail why or how he got that top secret clearance. Well, in his bio on Coast to Coast, it says that he got his top secret clearance from Agency for International Development. Do you know what that agency is? USAID. Yup, the same agency that's been funding the white helmets and the precursor group to ISIS.


As if that wasn't enough, his bio also claims Corsi helped found and launch the Iran Freedom Foundation. That's right, he was the founder and main spokesman for the IFF, which is now defunct. Remember what Q said about foundations...?


Corsi also constantly brags about the fact that he studied with the "father of propaganda" Edward Bernays. The head of Nazi propaganda Joseph Goebbels said he studied Bernays' methods and books. Corsi also brags about being a correspondent with Ion Mihai Pacepa, a former KBG member that wrote a book called Disinformation. Corsi is telling us to our faces that he's a master of propaganda and disinformation, and you want to trust this man?



You've got to ask yourselves this: How does 1 man go from being a political science major to getting hooked up with Mel Rockefeller (whom accuses Corsi of being a Mossad agent), is involved with the oldest Zionist organization (B'nai B'rith), starts up 2 mutual funds for the State of Israel, defrauds 20 investors of $1.2 million, gets off with no arrest or charges from the FBI, gets top secret clearance from USAID, founded the Iran Freedom Foundation, was a Senior Managing Director at Gilford Securities investment firm before getting fired, worked for WorldNetDaily (WND) and Infowars, and has become a top authority figure of the Q movement? Oh, and he had the time to write around 30 books throughout his career. If only all political science majors can be this lucky.

I really don't know how many red flags a person needs to be waving for everyone to realize this guy is NOT a patriot, is NOT trying to help Q, President Trump, or this movement, and he's only doing this for his own monetary gain, ego, and fame.

I didn't want to bother calling out scum like Corsi... until he started criticizing Trump and Q. Defenders of Corsi keep saying "don't like him, don't watch/follow/support him," but it's not that simple. He already garnered a big following of cult members in this movement and is now on a full disinfo campaign to discredit Q and everyone in this movement. Corsi is a problem, a big problem, and it's not just because he's a blatant profiteer. He is actively trying to destroy the movement that got him famous again and made him tons of money

wonderfuldonut ago

So many things come to pass, when one has the fortitude that is required. House built of Cards will always fail it all a matter of when and how. The question is which Koala and how far will it drop? There will be 3 very disgruntled parties when the declas takes place. However there will always be Doubters,

Silverlining ago

Lisa Mei decode https://twitter.com/LisaMei62/status/1066866474952900608

November 26th 2018 Q Discussion https://voat.co/v/QRV/2873510


An emergency Security Council meeting has been called for tomorrow at 11:00am