Silverlining ago

401k up 55% 7:06

Silverlining ago

$1.6 Bn - 16 gematria = cage

116 Barack Hussein Obama - Rothschild - Execution - Nuclear War - Saturnalia - District of Columbia - prescott - Congress - Zuckerberg - federal reserve system - Britain - Tony Blair - Cabal - goldman sachs - Manchurian Candidate - enter number and click "match"

Silverlining ago

We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity.

Silverlining ago

Well ive been a bad boy stomping around the place and I cant post anymore

The Freemasons & The Three World Wars

Media Programming | Death of Dylan Thomas, 16-year-old high school football player Gematria Effect News

Morals & Dogma by Albert Pike


Manly P Hall - 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages' 128,498 views UncleEvey 9 Dec 2014

Silverlining ago

Just noticed Dylan Thomas

QAnon London Publc Meeting was held in the Dylan Thomas library of the Fitzroy Tavern Charlotte Street Michaelmas September 29 2018

Where London's history happened – in the pub

drinkers included George Orwell, Virginia Woolf, George Bernard Shaw and Alesteir Crowley

Dylan Thomas: beer and loafing in Fitzrovia [Fear and Loathing - geddit?]

I turned up at 3:22 PM - no spies unless the two girls who came into the library - I took the opportunity to introduce them to Q - curiously as I cycled into Percy Street just before getting to Charlotte Street - never guess! - cycle lane "Q"

So I looked in some of the books by George Orwell and Dylan Thomas to see if Q had a message for me - none that I could see.

QAnon London Public Meeting Fitzroy Tavern 16 Charlotte Street LONDON W1 at 3:22 pm Saturday September 29 2018 - yook me hour to work out how to find this submission again - not from search, from someone who commented on it and his comment came up in my profile "submission comments"

Qureaucrat ago

LMAO;. I dont have enough CCP points to send a private message either. I tried the text follows :

Thank You Sir for the Honor

Thank you as well for the review. Morals and Dogma is one of the books I was referring to. I have have a picture in my mind of an opening page to one of his works. Where albert pike states clearly hes Luceferian. I scanned through some pages and well, it just seemed an exercise in confusion.I wouldn't dare taint my soul by reading through that garbage. As for posting, i do it to myself. If ya drop moronic BS statement in a random informative but racially charged post. ya get rewarded with a bunch of downvotes. Hehehehee. Rights should be excercised with responsibility and respect, who knew. Buhahahahaha. I don't have that college indoctrination in, Im just intelligent. Wait till I start carpet bombing some "Cannon Bible" red pills. People need to know the nature of true faith. (dont look at me, I aint got a clue either) That's going to make me real popular. I pray for inspiration. Kinda wondering when the ^old mans^ gonna get pissed off enough and say "awweright go kick some ass" I'm not a Trumper and I'm not a "Q"er. (Pray) I'll say something for you noob-pillers. You have your stuff together. Gives a little faith to this old hermit. Maybe if we give ourselves enough of a kick in the ass maybe "The Man" wont have to. Thank you and the community.

Goat..... pfffff ima honeybadger beeeeiiiitttccchh. buhahahahaha.

Thank You again. You honor me. Have fun, be safe, take care of the ones around you. Qureaucrat.

Silverlining ago

Be Uplifted - - looks like one person might be targetting your comments for dvs

RedPillMAGA ago

Loved POTUS' speech at the Electrical Contractors Convention. He worked closely with electricians in his former profession and you can tell POTUS genuinely respects them and wants them to have secure jobs and bright futures. He seemed very comfortable among this group of people and loved by them. It was heartwarming to watch. Can you even IMAGINE Hussein speaking at an event like that? LOL!

Silverlining ago

LIVE: State Department URGENT Press Briefing with Heather Nauert Golden State Times

derram ago :

🔴 LIVE: President Donald Trump ELECTRIFYING Speech at National Electrical Contractors Convention - YouTube :

President Donald Trump Speech LIVE at NECA Convention in Philadelphia 10/2/18 - YouTube

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