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Redcobra ago

@thewebofslime is the hero Voat deserves

thewebofslime ago

I'm totally happy to discuss my decisions behind this.

First, let me clarify that in my line of work, I already use facial recognition services. I did not sign up to specifically doxx @srayzie. I informed @shewhomustbeobeyed that I had run all of the pictures through facial recognition months ago. I sat on it, because I didn't want to get invovled despite multiple parties trying to drag me into it in weird ways. If you see what I do on reddit, where I am not under attack, you can see my posting is pretty straight forward and I mostly keep to myself.

Second, I would like you to consider your dishonesty or, possibly, ignorance, in how the Internet works. IPs are legally required to log IPs and every website keeps logs of IPs. If someone comes to my site, I don't bother looking up their IP. What I look at are the security logs that log the IP addresses of attacks. So, I started with the IP addresses of people who were maliciously using their computer against my database. Every site does that and your argument against me, in that regards, is completely disingenuous.

Furthermore, Google and Amazon use your own devices to report to the entire world where you are visiting. You can go to the stat sites hosted by many companies that are using your own device to track site visits. This means that, even if you use ad blocker, your device is betraying you. Google analytics is what I used to see who was going to and from my site, but ultimately, I have a cousin who is a professor of computer science who helped me set it all up and who found the attacks and who identified the attackers. I posted all of this information when it happened.

My site has far less tracking than Voat. In fact, all I have are security logs. Google is doxxing you constantly and it is making your information publicly available and it is far from the only one.

When this all went down, I came to Voat to ask them what to do and I was just met with false accusations, drastically reducing any sympathy I might have for users I had been familiar with for a while. @Vindicator wanted to paint me as the bad guy and called me a LARP, a David Brock shill, etc. Like @crensch, he also liked to insult for me not being "dangerous" or whatever but apparently sharing state information about crimes is the most dangerous thing on Voat, now? Enough to FINALLY make doxxing bannable?


What I do is perfectly legal and ethical.

It is perfectly legal to look up someone's criminal history. I am not the criminal in this situation.

@srayzie repeatedly doxxed, but the complaint is when I doxx her? That is true hypocrisy.

I have been telling you all, if you read between the lines, that I had this information. I have been warning you all. Two things happened that aggravated me when I chose to share the .18 BAC DUI where @srazyie was also under the influence of other drugs. Years ago, I was in a car that was T boned by a drunk driver, killing one of my friends, who I watched die. This propelled me into a career in firefighting, which transformed into other things. I have ZERO sympathy for drunk drivers. They should be forced to sober up because their need to get loaded, in their mind, outweighs the rights of others to live.

  1. @srayzie threatened @kevdude with a lawsuit. Repeatedly, that is legally harassment. That is a crime that a court will grant a civil harassment restraining order for if it is repeated. @srayzie has also engaged in harassing MANY users and has NEVER avoided the opportunity to use personal information to harass them. I'm not the bad guy. I did not threaten to misuse the courts for a stupid vendetta. I would never use the courts in such a way and it is truly a lowlife scumbag who would. @sandhog responded by calling me the scumbag. Clearly, @srayzie is the scumbag and anyone who defends her behavior should be viewed with suspicion.

  2. @Crensch said I was all talk.. or something to that effect. Again, as I've been saying for months, I have a lot of doxx on a lot of people. I have more criminal histories, as well. (Of Voat users)

All I want is the downvote brigading against me to stop and for people to stop making the false claim that I am a shill. I laugh at the money a shill makes. My research is a hobby and I automate a lot of it so that I don't have to be on the Internet every day.

So, I have doxx. I am not all talk. If anything, I've been trying to politely say "STOP FUCKING WITH ME" and avoid wasting my time with this drama. I genuinely think there is a case for multiple parties to file for civil harassment restraining orders against the known criminal, @srayzie, and I stand by my offer to help anyone file for a restraining order against her who deserves it. I am familiar with the courthouse in her jurisdiction. I know the state and local forms and the people in the courtrooms.

And, as much as anyone wants to ban publicly available information from a STATE/COUNTY website, I say that, IN THE EYES OF THE LAW, I DID NOT "DOXX". Most of you don't know what doxx even is.

So, go ahead and make more false accusations against me, but keep in mind, I might get fed up with it and do something about it. Voat wastes too much of my time for the amount of impressions/views it generates. It would help everyone if @srayzie and @crensch were banned. Then, you can see who is left still trying to create an uprising against @kevdude because it is almost certain they are a shill.

I get a lot of people don't like him, but when I see multiple false accusations against one person, I know that it is because of paid shills. Remember how everyone was accusing him of doxxing @srayzie? Well, everyone who did that is a stone cold liar and they are worth ostracizing if they aren't willing to apologize for it.

I don't downvote brigade ever.

I don't harass people with alts.

I didn't doxx anyone, I just posted publicly available information that anyone can get from searching for @srayzie's name in the Fresno and Kern county databases. Go ahead and you can see that I didn't share everything that was available. She loves to rack up "failure to appear" in her county.

The next person who threatens a lawsuit against people better be aware that there are those who actually know how to file lawsuits for free and write subpoenas for free.

@srayzie threatened @kevdude with a subpoena, which means you need a court case number and a clerk stamped form from a court clerk.

That was a bad idea on her part. I won't stand for it. I won't stand for sustained harassment that occasionally tries to wrap me up in the targeting. I didn't do anything except post good research and try to tell people how to solve the problem of Pizzagate. Guess what... that involves a lot of doxxing, as well.

Look at how easy it is to find FBI agents and "revolving door" government employees...

All you have to do is put names and addresses in your Google contacts list and the social media sites will find your targets for you.

Do you think that if all these Rothschild name and passwords are publicly available but somehow, magically, yours are not? Stop deluding yourselves. I've been telling you over and over. It is all easy to find. It is all tracked and it is all leaked. The feeds and streams of data are open intentionally so that they can feed the machine learning/AI machines the government uses. You don't have to be a top secret entity to use these feeds.

Not only can your data be found, you can be found using publicly available cameras.

Ethically, I have no problem with being given the ability to check up on government employees and agencies. The spy apparatus SHOULD be turned the other way. That is the only way equality will work out. @srayzie thought she was clever when she was doing some "lite doxxing" but the truth is that complete information about each and every one of you is publicly available. I HOPE YOU ARE ALL FINALLY HEARING ME.

I just want to do research and post information. I have automated scripts that archive everything off of /v/Pizzagate... what @shewhomustbeobeyed does manually. I have tools to catch actual criminals. Actual pedophiles. I actually report them and I have no problem going to court to testify against them. This drama is just a distraction. It is coordinated by shills. @crensch is a shill. @srazyie is a shill. If I wasn't under attack specifically by Voat members, I would have shared those tools with Voat long ago.

@srayzie (who has literally "done time") was finally able to start paying off her DUI when she got involved with GreatAwakening after years of not paying. So, she sits at home all day long on the Internet and finally has extra cash? Do the math. Paid shills should be banned from Voat. That is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

So, @theoldones, what was the alternative to my decisions? Let people hack my site and do nothing? Let this harassment and doxxing on Voat continue? No. I solved the problem by doxxing the golden child and, like magic, now doxxing is no longer okay for anyone. From where I sit, it looks like I earned a win for both sides. Doxxing is finally no longer tolerated.

Don't worry, everyone, though. I can still use Dissenter to post criminal records... which is totally legal to do. In fact, it is ethical to post people's criminal histories so that we can all warn each other about what kind of people really are. I have one case against me that was dismissed. If anyone finds it (I have been doxxed), then I will be happy to explain it.

Maybe all the "researchers" can get off their asses and start looking up the criminal records of suspected pedophiles and stop harassing @gothamgirl et al.

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