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ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx for the ping. I am finding out things every day that I never knew. In the background, in dozens of ways, using a dozen different people , she has been waging a full scale war against me in an effort to get me banned. All because of the Q Larp. I am sitting here going through some really old PMs. If I said I was kind, nice, and sweet to her it would be an understatement. She sent her own nude photographs to vindicator and crensch, and tried to make them believe that it was me. FuK!!!

SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteRonin ago

@vindicator was always pinged to do her dirty work. She tried to pull me into GA gunslinging and I wouldn’t do it.

I then started this SrayzieGate and it kept growing beyond imagination. I had a hunch something was up but I never expected to see solid PG posters end up being her. @kestrel9 is the latest one she is using to try to drown me out. This also means the PG subs are infiltrated by her. Nasty woman!

@vindocator anon @crensh and @virge won’t touch me. Lol, they avoid me like the plague. Lol

All this because of some psychotic bitch who wanted to bury you. I’ve seen your name pop up every so often, did we ever go at it? If I did, sorry.

I just want old voat back.

ESOTERICshade ago

@kestrel9 is not srayzie, just fyi

WhiteRonin ago

How are you sure?

ESOTERICshade ago

Because he and I used to research together a year or more ago by PM. He is about 100 times smarter than srayzie. I started talking to him about deep PG subjects before I ever started talking to srayzie. Its not srayzie, guaranteed.

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for letting him know, and if he doesn't want to be "drowned out' by my research based comments (a good read for anyone btw), he can easily accomplish that by not falsely accusing me of being a @srayzie alt.

Gothamgirl ago

I am really sorry to have had to include you in this, and I wish I would have been more vocally publicly on your behalf. You are one person I have come to know as true to the cause, and brave.

ESOTERICshade ago

Don't worry about it. The truth needs to come out. Mainly for Voat's sake, and for the sanity of all involved. She tried to enlist several people to go after me because I was vocal about Q being a larp.