ESOTERICshade ago

This is a deeper explanation.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are welcome. I am glad that you found value in it. It takes a lot of time to read but its good information.

Gothamgirl ago

I will never forget that you cared enough to reach out and educate me, when I was clueless. A person like you is a rare find.

ESOTERICshade ago

I will never forget that you cared enough to reach out and educate me, when I was clueless. A person like you is a rare find.

You are welcome. This is a crazy world we live in. The secret to understanding what we see happening in this world is to focus on OPPOSITES. The occult perps work with mirror images. If you look at yourself in a mirror your face is actually reversed. Its a mirror image, but it looks just like you. The perps that run this world do the same thing with ideas and concepts. Its incredibly difficult to understand, and its more difficult to explain to someone that does not understand it.

There are actually two languages being spoken but they sound exactly the same. The words the perps use sound exactly like the words we all use every day, BUT, they have a different meaning and a different context. I get in trouble every time I try to teach this stuff and I doubt that is an accident.

Think about it like this....Every trade or culture, like plumbers, carpenters, steel workers, etc...have their own little jargon and inside jokes and terms. Only they truly understand their own lingo and inside jokes. Well, the secret societies have made a SCIENCE out of being cryptic and secretive. They have cryptic meanings literally down to a science. When they speak everything is coded. Its hard to explain.

Gothamgirl ago

I trully understand what you're saying. Cicada3301 taught me all of their secrets. Even the future ones.

ESOTERICshade ago

I trully understand what you're saying. Cicada3301 taught me all of their secrets. Even the future ones.

I have not fully dug into Cicada 3301 but I remember when they were posting in the V/pizzagate sub and it was a mind trip. If a person is interested they will interact with you and try to teach you things. A person has to be a damn genius to understand their message. It takes a lot of time. I am intrigued by what you just said

Even the future ones.

That intrigues me. Can you elucidate that?

Gothamgirl ago

They basically tauggt me Iconology, cryptonology but the website that taught me the most is gone.

This Flickr account has some memes towards the end, shows what I have been shown.

ESOTERICshade ago

I scanned it briefly but that is too much information for me to absorb at the moment. Its supposed to rain tomorrow and I want to get some grass planted before it rains. The grass loves natural rain water. If I get these seeds in the ground just before this rain I will have success.

carmencita ago

Goof luck with your grass :)

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx. Its coming along. Rained harder than I expected so a lot of seed may have gotten washed away. This is the best time to plant Rye though so it might make it. I might seed it again just to make sure.

carmencita ago

Glad you are enjoying nature. I have to get out more. Locked to my laptop too much. :)

carmencita ago

That link was a wild ride. Always did feel those stolen guns played a part in Rich's murder. Those SEIU guys that had MS 13 ties I think they did it. From Myrtle Beach. They had just enough time and then their van was found with them in it and killed gangland style. Yeah, seed it again.