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H3yGeorge ago

Black pill is a term used by faggots who can't accept reality. It's stigma is negative only because 99% of the population are single-digit IQ NPC retards and black pilling them begins a mental state spiral into self-destruction.

Red pills are what wine-drinking, man-bun-wearing, Qew cult member faggots think they're giving when they praise their Orange Israel Jesus on his success at accelerating the greater Israel project.

Black Pill is just reality. Most people can't handle reality so they need a red or blue pill to survive on whatever ideological hopium lets them sleep at night.

axialballistics ago

They are just ignorant NPCs, they don't know there is a better way

FriedChicken ago


skullfuku ago

need a red or blue pill to survive on whatever ideological hopium lets them sleep at night.

This is the part I don't understand. I've been in fear of being a propaganda or hypocrisy cuck since my early teens. I can't sleep after being played for a fool. I've always been quite puzzled by grownup folk who expressed belief in a certain politician or government programme.

H3yGeorge ago

You're one of the few in the population currently motivated to think for themselves. Congratulations on being an extreme minority, have an e-high five!

skullfuku ago

thx fren, but i doubt that this is about thinking. e-high five back!

Floppyhorsecock ago

Jesus christ would call you a fucking faggot himself for this trash post

CapinBoredface ago

No, the black pill is not “reality”.

Black pilling is defeatism and cowardice.

Acknowledging that Jews control damn near everything is not a black pill. Saying that there’s no point fighting is a black pill.

chirogonemd ago

Anymore, I cringe at anybody referring to this shit as different colored pills. The red pill only had any significance because a generation of boomers let their sons and daughters down, so that a wake up call was even necessary, given that so many had lost sight of a well-reasoned conservative position. The baby boomers sold the fucking farm as it concerned conservative beliefs.

The black pill is just any cynical position that is sufficiently controversial.

Whether a pill is black or red is relative.

For most of us who had been living in liberal la-la land during our teens, the red pill feels like a black pill. That's why it's difficult for most people to take. The red pill necessarily involves a wake up to some of the unflattering and uncomfortable (but very real) constraints of reality and natural law.

Eventually, once your stomach has settled, a black pill is just a more cynical position than the one you have currently.

The cynical viewpoint has its use when it is kept inside the proper fenced area of the barnyard. You cannot continue on a downward spiral of stronger and stronger "black pills". Eventually, to act in the world you need a reason. Some set of values that gives you hope - no matter how narrow the domain, say, even where that might apply to one life: I'm going to live an honest, simple life; work hard; have children because there is a reason for me to do that. You have to arrive at a bedrock someday where you say enough is enough with the pessimism and just start doing shit. If there is nothing else to live for, decide on something then. Pick out something to do and don't stop until you do it. Make it hard. Make it something that you can look back on when you're near your last days and say: while everyone else was spiraling about the world ending, I did that.

At some point in the maturation of your beliefs, you have to stop giving a shit about the world and love a few people enough to live for them. For me, that's a pill by itself. Part of the pain so many of us deal with getting to where we are is that we haven't quite shaken this idea of having to live in a world where we love our society or love that world. Love is nothing if it's widely distributed. Love a very few people and act in the world like it's worth doing something for them.

Incels have a problem. Any man not able, if he desires, to attract a woman and give her babies is doing something wrong in their life. It's a matter of figuring out what it is and finally getting sick and fucking tired enough of your life to change it. But again, it's on every man to climb out of hell himself. Mentors are fine, but this cuts right to the heart of what I just said above: life is short and the time I have to love the few people I want to love is short. We cannot concern ourselves with the guys who aren't concerned enough about themselves to just fucking stop masturbating to porn, to eat right, to train, to learn skills and improve their work performance.

Love the few you are going to love deeply. I'd wager that incels, more than likely, have a problem of loving themselves too much to just jump in the river and get carried away. To subordinate themselves and make themselves slaves to something. They're too worried about themselves, and so they get in their own way.

Buckstabu ago

people need this

CeasarSalud ago

Black pill faggots can go back to Reddit

Glipglup ago

You are part of the universe, if it matters to you, it matters to the universe.

Floppyhorsecock ago


Glipglup ago

It's true faggot

Floppyhorsecock ago

Super gay

Glipglup ago


Floppyhorsecock ago

I showed you my dick plz respond

Glipglup ago


Floppyhorsecock ago

Venmo me 10 dollars I will show it to u

Imjgalt ago

ideological hopium


H3yGeorge ago

Literally life, if you think about it critically.

Heer_me_roar ago

I thought the final redpill was the JQ?

TradMan ago

The final pill is that this has all happened before and will happen again until the solution is final. We will succeed as out blood always has.

Tallest_Skil ago

His sentence was confusing, so I’ll truncate.

Red pills are what… …Qew cult member faggots think they're giving...

H3yGeorge ago

I should hire you to edit my thought process. We'd make a great time for your second book.

CapinBoredface ago

Get his cock out of your mouth. You know @Tallest_Skil is a kike, right?

Rotteuxx ago

Well put.

I'd be considered black pilled as fuck by most tarded edgelords on here but unlike many, I have a productive life, a great job I enjoy very much & plenty of projects keeping me busy. Just because I understand what's going on and how deeply ingrained it all is doesn't mean I can't find happiness.

I'm also an asshole so I enjoy shoving blackpills down virgin "truth seekers" throats.

shadowbanthisFux0r ago

This for the first what like 25 years of my life I tried to change things run for office leave the community none of it fucking lasts and all it takes is 5 minutes of feminist flashing their tits around to fuck it all up bought some property out in the middle of nowhere country Boi can survive

AR47 ago

That is what it's all about.....relevance. Greater portion of people here are locked within their own lack of it. They can't handle the possibility of just earning a life, much less keeping it.

Fact that you have it makes them furious. Just allow them to stay in that rut....either they will commit suicide or work out of it.

Libertyisgood ago

Sounds like you like shoving black dick down your throat more than anything.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh, it's you again.

Libertyisgood ago

Go back to reddit faggot, before someone doxes your stupid ass.

Rotteuxx ago

Good morning!


CeasarSalud ago

So in one sentence you're a Boomer faggot.

I've got mine, so I'll try and make everyone miserable.

You know what man does? They lift others up.

If you fail to do that you're just a rabbi nigger faggot. No better than the people you put a show on resisting.

Take your black pills back to Reddit.

Rotteuxx ago

So in one sentence you're a Boomer faggot.

And in one sentence you've demonstrated what a frustrated little edgelord you are.

I'm below 40, dumbass.

WickedVocalist ago

How many times you been married

Rotteuxx ago

Never in the past tense.

CeasarSalud ago

Age doesn't define a faggot mentality.

If you want to give up go back to Reddit.

Rotteuxx ago

Age doesn't define a faggot mentality.

Tries to reinvent the meaning of words to suit his narrative, like a kike.

If you want to give up go back to Reddit.

Encourages self censorship in order to preserve his narrative, like a kike. Besides, what have you done for this community in the past 5+ years that made you its guardian?

Not only that, you clearly have the reading comprehension of a nigger if you're down this thread and still equate being blackpilled with giving up.

Get your head out of your add Timmy.

CeasarSalud ago

I get it, even to Canadians you Quebecois are subhuman, but go back to Reddit with your bullshit.

Rotteuxx ago

  • Failed to address a single point and resorts to juvenile insult strategies.

  • Sticks to his go-to phrase of "Go back to Reddit" like an ex battered wife still obsessed with her ex.

Yes, I'm clearly the one who doesn't belong here.

slow clap

CeasarSalud ago

Quick import more Hatians to preserve your culture.

Clap bullshit is for niggers, but you probably love that black pill down your throat.

Rotteuxx ago

I love how impotently frustrated you are, so much so that you can't even form one intelligent sentence without letting your emotions control you.

CeasarSalud ago

That's fine, I'm used to Canadians pretending they matter.

Rotteuxx ago

Still 0 intelligent thought yet it keeps on yapping, typical yank.

custardcompass ago

Your a faggot..l

suck a dick boy

your a pedo

fiddle a kid man

and your a coward

you bring shame upon your race, nation, and family, let alone this site

chick, chick, chicken....

CeasarSalud ago

Thinks what it says matters, typical maple nigger.

It's amusing how invested you are in being right when there's no objective truth here, but I get it, I'd be mad too if I had to be Canadian.

Rotteuxx ago

Pathetic considering yoyr first comment in this thread.

You should learn to stfu instead of making a stupid fool out of yourself

CeasarSalud ago

What's pathetic? That I dare disagree with some Canadian retard?

I don't mind that you disagree with me, but the give up mentality is what a kike sells to others.

Downvote and cry all you want, matters little to me, even less given that the source is some maple nigger.

Now go back to Reddit to cry about how right you are.

custardcompass ago

He is a pedo seeking validation

he wants to start fights then cry about it to justify his abuse of children

keyboard warriors like this cunt are two a penny

Rotteuxx ago


Quote me giving up you utter fucking retard.

CeasarSalud ago

Awww it's adorable you think this is important.

Much like anything a maple nigger says or does it isn't though.

Go back to Reddit where you can talk about how much you love shoving black things in throats with the other faggots.

Rotteuxx ago

So it's not important when I prove you wrong but yet you can't let it go.

You are a pathetic little shit.

custardcompass ago




kiddy fiddler

CeasarSalud ago

Nigger, you haven't proven shit except how typically Canadian/retarded you are.
Then again if I was in your position I'd cling desperately to whatever this site was giving me.

Rotteuxx ago

You claimed I had given up.

You failed to quote me as "giving up" and went on a tirade instead of supplying corroborating evidence.

Therefore I proved you wrong.

Can't expect much more from an American educated failure whose ego matters more to him than actual intelligence.

custardcompass ago

yo faggot white boy

your the reason the white girls fuck niggers

anything is better than your pedo ass

Rotteuxx ago


CeasarSalud ago

You expect me to quote you like this is a fucking dissertation?

Go back to Reddit retard, you've only proven how sad you are.

Rotteuxx ago

No, you've only proven what a frustrated little shit you are.

Too stupid to have the ability to back up what you say.

Instead you reeeeee and launch into insults because subconsciously you know very well you don't have half the required IQ to hold an intelligent conversation without letting you emotions get the better of you... and therefore are probably oblivious to what projection is and how you're a master of it.

custardcompass ago




chicken shit

CeasarSalud ago

I just love how important this is to you that you've invested actual energy into your frustration.
You won yourself a internet today nigger faggot.

Rotteuxx ago

Nice projecting.

custardcompass ago

your a faggot cock sucker projecting your shit on people and trying to act all cool about it.

I hope your mother suffers for bringing you into this workd

go be a pedo

nobodys stopping you

stop looking for somebody to validate you too

we all know you wanna be a pedo

just do it to your own kids eh...


thats the words of a pedo right there

Rotteuxx ago


Enjoy that frustration little girl, those emotions have 100% control over you.

custardcompass ago

chick chick chicken...

your the reason the white girls go with the niggers

your such a pathetic coward, the niggers are the better deal in comparison.

i hope your mother gets raped on video

you can wank off to it then

H3yGeorge ago

I could have just said Black Pill is reality and most people reject reality, but I prefer my colorful explanation that can be enjoyed by fellow shitlords like yourself.

AR47 ago

Don't know how you can dislike reality. Its real and without certainty.

I like the excitement of it all.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

You have no faith, correct? Most people who project themselves the way you do are depressed and Godless.

shadowbanthisFux0r ago

And most religious leaders I know fucked little kids so I usually choose peace loving understanding over fucking little kids

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

You don’t have to be religious to believe in God/Jesus