ArmourFou ago

I think many incels are just late bloomers. I have a hard time considering someone under 21 as an incel. Online incel communities are often psychologically bad for the members because they tell each other their lives will never improve. "It's over!" is a shit rallying cry. They also have a bizarre view of female anatomy and dating. All of that said, there could be incel groups out there that are actually supportive.

The pills don't reflect reality, they reflect the worldview of the person offering the pill. We all witness a tiny part of society, and we focus on different things. We have different values and goals. To oversimplify, a person whose values and goals concern gaining wealth will perceive different social problems than a person whose values and goals concern raising a safe family. Both of those people may want money and a family, but their priorities will change what they focus on, and how they view the world.

BlackJivesChatter ago

No one cares if you don’t vote... ummm mhhh mask... vote against Biden and his rapist son

Intrixina ago

The "black pill" is accepting reality.

As for "incels" - it depends who's defining it. If it's a leftist using the term, they use it to describe "anyone who doesn't agree with my claptrap and I'm better than you as a result". If it's anyone who accepts reality rather than feefees, it's describing soyboy faggots who are so unpleasant to be around that they have no choice but to be celibate - therefore the "involuntary" aspect of the term.

NbodyCares ago

From the best I can tell, Black pill is just simple Evolutionary Psychology. Yes, it's defeatist, because the job of our DNA is to defeat the shit DNA. Read David M. Buss, you can usually find some of his textbooks online for cheap.

Our genetic race is fucking brutal and those that can't adapt will be left out. Sure, you can be ugly, but if you are smart and can generate money, your genes will get a pass. Hard fact is though, if you aren't bright and you aren't good looking... you are pretty much fucked.. and this is a GOOD thing for the human race.

As Eddie Vedder once said, "It's Evolution, baby"

Marzh ago

incels lack a role model. Mostly raised by a singled mother or family with and absent/passive father.

In combination with the current brainwashing, the perfect path to failure.

Extremely hard to recover, has to make up for years of missing knowledge/experience.

Feel bad for them.

Wormself ago

INCEL is term coined by leftists. It wasn’t invented yet when any of us were born, so much like corona fake and gay. I don’t further the language of the enemy

AdolfHimself ago

Incels are undesirable retards who are about as useful as niggers. It is our responsibility to marry and have many white babies.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

This faggot uses berg words.

lovehate123 ago

Incels are Basically Men who cannot get laid, Very Low IQ Maybe in a Wheelchair... Whatever makes them think they are at a significant disadvantage and are Became a thing only after they saw the left go full faggot inclusive blah blah blah.

Black Pill is controlled opPosition to try and soften the Power of the RedPill Message.

When I say controlled Opposition, Lets Look at Black Lives Matter...... the Next Logical Thing will be These Same Morons Chanting ALL lives Matter aka Communism everybody is the Same.

quick_and_dirty ago

Has a happily married man with healthy daughters (all virgins), and a successful businessI have to say... I totally understand where they’re coming from and I empathize. It’s fucking pure degenerate hell out here in the world. The only way I made it this far with what I’ve got is by being a ruthless asshole. If you aren’t ready to treat every day like a knife fight, every female as the Jezebel she is inside, and revolt against the modern world then you won’t make it. This jew made degenerate hell scape has eaten the souls of so many good men.

clymer ago

leave pills in the matrix. This entire thread belongs on reddit. I never heard of an "incel" untill some douchey female silicon valley exec called out the term. From reddit no-less

Anything that started on reddit sucks

Goat7 ago

reddit sucks

Agreed. 100%

SotiCoto ago

I admit I've never understood any of these pill analogies beyond the fact that originally they were trying to reference the Matrix.

For that matter, I've seen them associated with too much sexually aggressive bullshit to even want to find out for the most part. Too many randoms on the Internet all full of their own egos and desperate to prove what a big deal they are to all the other randoms.
So I tend to just dismiss pill talk as the noise of randoms who are more invested in their own vainglory than actually trying to communicate ideas effectively.

As for incels... that is an awkward situation. If you try to talk to an incel, others will assume you are one, and the incels themselves often react aggressively if they find out you're not one... so the entire topic is a social minefield these days. Don't even remind me of the time I tried to figure out otherkin. Apparently my tendency to just go up to these social groups and just ask them their opinion on themselves just makes everyone my enemy. Go figure. Treating social outcasts like ordinary humans is a big no-no, apparently.

I do think incels use their situation as an excuse to engage in disgusting behaviour though. It probably isn't doing them any favours. Ironically enough, their overwhelming focus on fucking is probably why they can't get any in the first place.

2-loot-the-boot ago

After everything going on the last few months I'm becoming pretty damn white pilled.

endomorpho ago

Men can't be family leaders if they don't have families.

Goat7 ago

This still gets replies even after a month :D

endomorpho ago

Yeah. Not much moving on voat these days.

PornMonkey5 ago

I don't care about them. They bring nothing to the table.

dreamwarrior23 ago

incels are male damsels in distress waiting for their charming queens to notice them and sweep them off their feet. incels might as well date each other.

AltUserMe ago

My take on the black pill is that they are doomers who just don't think anything good will happen. They might be right but it doesn't help anyone in case they're wrong. They're demoralised.

"Incel" is a derogatory term which has started being used to describe just about anyone the left doesn't like. It's starting to become as common as "racist" while that one loses steam. It's part of a narrative surrounding the accusation that a) right wingers can't get laid and b) right wingers commit violence.

Incel is also often confused by he "men going their own way" movement which is not accurate as well. Men standing back until radical feminism and left wing bullshit dissipates a little bit is perfectly sane and even expected.

In any case I think it's appropriate to ignore blackpills and to make sure that when the term incel is used it's used correctly.

Goat7 ago

Thanks for the comment.

How come users find this so long after posted?

AltUserMe ago

I dunno, I didn't go past page 2 at least.

mudbear ago

Its simple, women are worth more than men innately. A woman is valuable simply for what she is, a man on the other hand has no innate value, and is instead judged on what he can offer.

one alpha can produce enough sperm to impregnate every single woman on the planet, one woman however can only reproduce with one man at a time every 10 months or so.

when it comes to coupling, women reproduction hinges on quality. If she wants her child to survive she needs to be impregnated by a man with strong genes, or who will stick around to protect the child, or provide resources for the child. Those qualities can all fall under the banner of 'power', ie she needs a powerful man (phsyically, financially, socially etc)

Quantity means nothing, sluts reduce their reproductive success as their offspring become diminished without their father to raise them, without selecting stronger partners.

Women who sleep around give away their most valuable asset freely, which diminishes their value. That is a fact, that is why sluts are regarded poorly. Womens reproductive ability is the most valuable thing a human has to offer, thats just a fact that everyone needs to learn.

Mens reproductive success can follow quality investment, or from quantity investment. If you create a hundred babies by fucking around, statistically some of them have to succeed.

That is why men who sleep around arent considered sluts, since being a man whore is a valid path to reproductive success, everyone knows that, but also that shows social power, and women crave any power, so it creates a feedback loop where if your getting some you can get some.

Q: Want to know what the male equivalent of a whore is?

A: Its a man who gives women their most valuable assets freely.

Aka, the nice guy. If you are a 'nice guy', you are probably an incel, and you are despised by everyone. You stick up for your female friends, you think their boyfriends are dirtbags and you console them everytime they have an argument instinctively taking her side.

You are to males what whores are to females.

You give women everything they want without them giving what you deserve in return, the exact same low level transaction that a whore makes.

If you are an incel, stop being nice.

Being nice isnt a good thing either, its trying to appease others. It begs the question immediately: why does he need to appease others?

Instantly you look weak and pathetic. And you are.

Courting is a power game, if you dont come off as more powerful then the woman will pass you over for someone that does.

Dont be nice. Have good manners, but treat her as if she needs to meet your approval, otherwise she will assume the reverse, and nothing gets a woman hooked better than her trying to earn your approval.

Nothing actually matters outside of power. Its how ugly fucks get hot bitches, its how your highschool bully was fucking the girl of your dreams. You can be ugly, poor, weak or otherwise but you can still always have power if you know what to draw it from. Women are impressionable, if they dont think you are attractive, call em out on it and call em shallow for being so conceited. You just insulted them and now they need to earn your approval back, even the hottest chicks are incredibly self conscious, any insult throws their brain into a spin. thats power. that specific example might be sleazy and underhanded, but its what it is, thats the game you are playing and you need to learn the rules or it will look like everyone is cheating.

Those rules are universal and timeless. Watch any nature documentary, particularly on birds courting practices. There is no difference between them and us, women arent the problem either, they are just following nature, its your fault for not playing the same game.

Beloved-howl ago


mudbear ago

whoah your really taking the whole 'dont be nice' advice way too far, no need to go around calling people something as awful as 'jew'.

Goat7 ago

Thorough quality comment. Much appreciated!

If Voat had an equivalent for Reddit Gold, I would have given you an award.



thirdsargon ago

Life is supposed to be hard. It's supposed to be a struggle.

slickleg64 ago

Anyone who complains about women is a virgin closet faggot

slickleg64 ago

The whole “pill” analogy is stupid. Overused and attached to biases to the point it no longer makes sense.

Goat7 ago

What alternative do you suggest?

slickleg64 ago

Just say it as it is, no need to attach it to any colour of “pill”. It would be less confusing to those who don’t understand the pill analogy and make a better point.

IntrospectiveDeviant ago

the matrix was a pretty foundational part of many people's youth, so the analogy is very evocative for them, myself included. the term probably doesn't have the same impact for anyone that didn't experience the original before the abominable sequels had been released, but it's still a solid metaphor.

blue pill = blissfully and intentionally ignorant

red pilled = inescapably aware

black pilled = od'd on red pills

I'm open to a new metaphor if one arises, but given the state of cultural decline, i don't foresee anything as elegant in the near future.

Hephaestion ago

My opinion on incels is this; some people are born Johns. If you can't get a woman to touch you, start earning enough to pay one to. It's the oldest profession in the world for a reason- there have always been ugly men with tiny penises and bad bone structure. Sitting at home alone and fuming about 'femoids' or whatever they call them might work too! Let me know how that works out.

Goat7 ago

start earning enough to pay one to.

And what about making a family?

Hephaestion ago

In most common law countries it is now legal to adopt children as a single parent. In many countries around the world it is legal to enter into contracts with surrogate mothers and gamete donors. In labs around the world, artificial wombs are being tested, alongside artificial sperm cells made from immature egg cells, and artificial egg cells made from sperm cells. I would post the links but I don't have the points.

So if you really want to make a family, the options that are available to all infertile people are open to incels also. But that isn't the incel fantasy is it? The real fantasy is to have a wife who can cook and clean for you, fuck on command, and raise your kids without complaint. Well I have news for you incels, the reason most marriages end in divorce is because that fantasy is just that- a fantasy.

Goat7 ago

most marriages end in divorce

But not for Chad's.

Hephaestion ago

No, most marriages full stop. I really wish I didn't know what a chad is, but I know damn well that there are conventionally handsome men whose marriages fall apart too. It really doesn't matter what you look like- if you resent women, feel like you are owed something by women, women will be turned off by you. Desperation isn't sexy. The only marriages that last are ones built on a foundation of equality, and noone who speaks fluent incel is capable of forming this kind of bond. So you imagine that looks alone are the only way of achieving your goals, since you cannot do anything about the way you look. But you could do something about the way you think.

Goat7 ago

Desperation isn't sexy.

Indeed. Example.

Thank you for the thorough comments. Although I am not an incel by looks, this topic is quite interesting.

Drainpipe ago

I don't think Incels are real. I think it's a psyop. I think that psyop created actual real genuine people that genuinely identify as "incel". It's the weaponization of mental illness. They put out a bait and hook for people that are unstable, upset, and emotional. Then they give them something to identify as, and raise awareness of it through the media and false flags like that "incel" that opened fire in Toronto I think it was?

Then some lonely sad sack that's genuinely mentally ill reads up on this "incel" stuff and is like hey that's me.

Who knows, maybe it's entirely organic. I doubt it though. If it's organic, they definitely hype it up and make it worse as well.

slapstick2 ago

I agree. And having sex with some coal burning whore doesn't make you any better than someone who has no sex at all.

Goat7 ago

And what about short balding men with a roundish jaw bone? (thankfully not me :-D)

firedak ago

Their standards are too high. there are plenty of women who are at that level of looks as well.

QPilledLib ago

Every incel I've encountered on the internet is either functionally retarded or so socially mal-adjusted that they might as well be functionally retarded. Involving themselves in the incel community magnifies that effect and locks them into a state where they are going to remain virgins living in their parents basement for the rest of their lives.

skullfuku ago

I used to comfort incels by showing them tweets authored by mutual friends and colleagues which documented what miserable cucks they are, as well as links to tila tequila antics. I talked other friends out of suicide by pointing out that they would die early enough in the coming collapse/race war and that they should wait for watching dumb normie npc faces when shit hits the fan. I'm not exactly the a-good-deed-a-day guy, but if I can help, why not.

RandomFurryDude ago

"Black Pill" is demoralization propaganda. With enough effort Whites can make anything possible, defeat any challenge.

Incels are just ugly virgins which have the misfortune of living with today's women, who are hypergamous whores.

WickedVocalist ago

You see it bespeaks of how poor and low class you are that you’re groomed by whores

RandomFurryDude ago

Yeh sure. Faggot.

custardcompass ago

white men are faggots, pedos and cowards

niggers and muslims are better human beings in comparison

such cowards

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Incels are just pajeets, muhammeds, and ching chongs complaining that they can't get a white woman.

WickedVocalist ago

Because they don’t realize that paying the bills for a man is actually only paying your daughters way in life to be his side bitch, and that he will leave to go work remotely with some bitch who pays him eventually

Goat7 ago

Yeah, because the white race is the best race!

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Your boot licking won't get you laid poo-jeet

suterusu ago

Black pilled is the term that stoics know to really mean pussies afraid of eventualy failure and so proclaim ahead of time that everything is going to fall apart while unknowingly actively taking a part in helping that process along.

WickedVocalist ago

My entire post history is a case study that an account with almost exact content on another site has less viewers than the one I used to black pill fans

suterusu ago

There's solace to be taken out of doomsayers, believing everything is out of your hands and will fail regardless is comforting but also dangerous.

WhiteChickens ago

I'll bet most of the men leading the shaming on this are either clueless top 10% or try hard wannabe "pickup" types banging fatties.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

I don't get all asshurt about the use of these terms because I get laid, lift, have a job, friends and a kid. So writing out paragraphs full of insults hurled at other people, accusing them of being morons and immature and stupid for using these terms while I act like a complete fucking idiot just doesn't appeal to me. Then again, when you have a life, even though it isn't perfect, your priorities shift. You realize that you don't need to take every attempt to insult and berate people for saying things like 'black pill' and that you don't need to start arguments with everyone you can simply because you're on the internet and you can. It's probably the same reason I don't have multiple accounts, use them to farm CCP, reply to the very threads I start then needlessly insult others into replying to said thread. Of course, for pointing out this behavior, on accounts like H3yGeorge and his alts, behavior I've noticed for a long time, I'll be accused of the same exact behavior then told Im a mossad agent and then called more stupid, boomer laden insults like 'single digit IQ' and 'NPC' and other weak shit.

This is just a manufactured thread with responses by alt accounts, meant to insult to pull people into the discussion and used to farm upvoats. No, I'm not a 'man bun wearing Q'. I have never used these terms before. It is just these threads and these posters and their patterns have become obvious to me.

Zero reason to run around the internet needlessly insulting, starting arguments and acting like Jew Adam Sandler from a 90s movie. Not everything is an automatic reason to insult, make fun of and berate another person. People acting this way, responding to their own thread then to their own responses are simply trying to get credibility where they deserve none, sow discord and to bring you down to their level so you'll argue with them. They all do this over and over until you act like them and the general level of discussion in a place collectively nose dives. Look at these weak ass posts and how quickly they get all those upvoats then the downvoats trinkle in.

WickedVocalist ago

You’re not telling me how you’ve been married for ____ years, how you’ve owned your home for ______ years or about your successful business.

Convo over

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Wtf are you even going on about?

madmardigan ago

It all depends. Incels and black pilled people will explain what they are differently than how other perceive them.

So, from my perspective, black pill is nihilisy/defeatism. They are people who think they have seen beyond the curtain of illusion and there is nothing but are too cowardly to suicide.

Incels are men who have been taught how to live life by Jew Hollywood. They have consumed themselves into cattle, eating soy to weaken their testosterone and getting fat. They watch porn to satisfy their mating urges and play video games to satisfy their urge for progress, purpose, competence, and confidence. They live an illusionary life, they are in the matrix, feel something is off but blame the wrong people for their situation.

WickedVocalist ago

Or you could admit every trick and coke nosed lob in the business has a new ugly guy to sell

Granite_Pill ago

I'm not sure what the black pill is other than a term for a bit of truth that is absolutely damning. Such as whites will be bred out of existence in a few generations. Most states will turn blue by next election cycle. Women are hypergamic and the male livelihood has been destroyed for most men. The future looks bleak. If you're not hideously deformed, crippled, or ugly, there's always something you can do about it, I guess.

Floppyhorsecock ago

incels are pathetic.

Black pill is subjective.

Can be someone who is cynical or whatever and other things, too.

It means you dont give a fuck, mainly.

Personally I recommend the Honk pill. We live in clown world. Laugh at the absurdities and lick on the bigtitties.

IntrospectiveDeviant ago

im updating my prescription based on your recommendation.

bourbonexpert ago

Incels just needs to hire a prostitute and get on with their lives.

WhiteChickens ago

Chads need to hire prostitutes and get on with their lives.

WickedVocalist ago

IT work hells are infamous for having secret brothels

Now everyone merely knows who the whores are

WhiteChickens ago

Once more, in English this time. lol

HiJoker ago

Jews have blown up masculinity at the childhood level so that we end up with gamer soy tit basement dwellers. Active lads before the digital crack era, weren't so blobby and doughy, completely unattractive to anything with a vagina. You had to go out and do shit, not just live vicariously through digital replica.

Education has been blown up by jews. Music, TV, about any media is jewed.

You are all on digital crack as well, so am I. I've got better things to do, yet here I am. Pure escapism.

We lead us all out, not just the young or old, let's all get our heads out of our asses and back into the game. We're mezmorized, snap out of it.

firedak ago

you can get outside enough and workout enough to not have the digital crack rule your life. I play penty of the videa but i also do stuff outside quite a bit, workout 4 times a week ect. You just have to learn some disiplin and it's not too hard.

Education is shit, i'v learned far more in the real world than back in schooling. having been out for over a decade i'v got my shit together in that regard.

IMO the entire incel thing are just people who don't work on themselves and/or have such high standards they are retarded. work out some and have realistic standards and you won't have an issue. Shit for every ugly man there is an equally ugly woman.

Goat7 ago

Kikes like this piece of shit

nonanonanon ago

What is the black pill?

shillyourself ago

Black pills are what you get when atheists unravel the reality of demonic spiritual warfare but don’t man up and accept the whole truth of the Bible.

boekanier ago

Being an incel myself, I'd like to ask: what do you mean with 'black pill'?

whitesrbetter ago

Well for one a lot of these incels are non-white, indians, mesitzos, asians, mixed mutts and arabs make up most of the incel community in that order from observing their hangouts and self polls. They often are jaded and want sex with White women but, also hate on White males at the same time and , acknowledge Whites are the most attractive race.

Here is the thing about incels they historically are a sign of war, this is actually how islam wages war. Islamic society naturally creates incels from polygamy where only the rich men can afford multiple wives and creates inbreds. This leaves many young men without a chance and where islam recruits most of its fighters there is reason 72 virgins is repeated a lot because muslim males are often incels unless married. The incel problem is a non-white problem exported to White countries and

as a result they rape local women , join communist or commit a terror attack . White incels are little more unique in that they seem to have actual potential but, grew up in a abusive home and were introverts already. The White incels who can't snap out of it because they have a mental illness become feminists, trannies or a public shooter.

The blackpill is confused with the self defeating and self loathing when its suppose to be the most raw truth, like how everyone dies and a portion of people do no have easy deaths. The redpill has been rather hijacked by boomer tier centrist right wing politics.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Honestly it's never been easier to be in the top 10% of men. Get in shape, make sure you look nice, and boom you're ahead of the pack.

RandomFurryDude ago

Citing bullshit there, genetic factors like height, bone structure, requiring glasses, etc, all shit you cannot get rid of.

Find me an incel who's 6'5 and built like a brick shithouse lol.

WickedVocalist ago

But you always try to fuck over the woman who helped him

That’s how and why you never get introduced to eligible men

You try to meet men through work or other women- there’s the problem

alacrity167 ago

terrible writing, idiotic.

RandomFurryDude ago

Holy shit, if you can't get your message across in a couple paragraphs, you fucked up. Go back to reddit.

lanre ago

Incels are the 90% of men that lose out to the top 10% when all societal controls on women are removed. I think it's a silly thing to call someone, because you're admitting the social contract has failed. Sure, beta males naturally don't get to mate hardly ever, if at all, but that's why we made society so that mates would be evenly distributed, so we could have 100% buy-in instead of 10%.

WickedVocalist ago

That’s nice

That only works if you work exclusively with whores who demand pay for sex at a later date or more commonly through her being your actual raitero

lanre ago

I don't do anything with women at work. That's asking to go to jail/get fired.

WickedVocalist ago

Good to know what about the other 31 flavors baskin

What about yourself

H3yGeorge ago

It's ironic that the most obvious reason for masculinity is procreation, while at the same time the inverse is true. To some degree, being beta is an individual choice, so I'm not sure I agree with your percentages.

lanre ago

So I pulled my number out of my ass (personal experience), data from online dating sites, and what we know of great ape biology.

I'm having trouble finding the original OKCupid page about it, but women consider most men (around 80%) below average in attractiveness and only go after the top 20% or so. (For what it's worth, Christian Rudder, one of the founders of OKCupid doesn't seem to be a Jew and it's a "Christian" dating site. So hopefully these stats aren't intentionally distorted to blackpill white men. However, it seems that ownership has changed somewhat recently and the site is totally pozzed now).

Looking into biology, you see some other indicators that humans are naturally polygamist, with arguments that they're monogamous as well.

Here's a summary, but basically sexual dimorphism correlates to how polygamous great apes are. Gorillas have a huge difference in size/strength between males & females, and the alpha male gets (basically) all the sex. Humans don't have quite the same difference, but there is still a marked difference in size/strength between males and females. It's my theory that this would indicate that we're not quite as polygamous and gorillas, but we're not monogamous either.

If we look at modern societies that practice polygamy, there's not too many in the West outside of Mormons, but Muslims, about 25% of the world population or about 2.25 billion, practice polygamy. This is despite monogamy being more efficient for a society. Imo, this strongly indicates that the natural state of man is polygamy, and only through societal pressure have we reduced it.,ROC%20civil%20law.%2010%20Tajikistan%20More%20items%20

Finally, personal experience. If you've known any rich/attractive men, or any male models, you'll have seen firsthand the difference in treatment. I'm not rich, attractive, or a male model, but having been around some, it's amazing how beautiful women will throw themselves at these people, even stoop to sharing them, whereas they wouldn't give an average guy the time of day. I think we all see this to a lesser extent in the "girls love bad guys" trope, where a girl puts up with some guy's bullshit because he's attractive.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Black pill is the term used about depressing truths. black pilled is someone who is unsatisfied as a result. Light pilled is for hopeful and inspiring truths. red pilled is for truths that are supressed or hidden by truths hidden.

SearchVoatBot ago

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H3yGeorge ago

I prefer the term "inconvenient truth".

Seventh_Jim ago


FreeSpeechForever ago

I lurked the blackpill community for over a year.

I believe that the black pill is the most accurate of the pills. Women are extremely picky daters and it's been proven that they will fall for a child rapist so long as he's attractive. Only 40% of men throughout history have had kids. Tinder data also perfectly aligns with black pill theory.

Where they get it wrong is they only seem to focus on "hot" non christian western women between the ages of 19-25 and create their whole theory around these women. This particular demographic does come across as repugnant but does not represent every women throughout history. It's more a commentary about how society has strayed too far from christian values.

A lot of the black pill theory is correct, checkout r/blackpillscience for some really interesting posts. However the problem is the lens at which they perceive this information is full of bitter hate and resentment.

WickedVocalist ago

Women will always black pill other women just for looking at their man wrong or first

WhiteChickens ago

Only 40% of men throughout history have had kids

Those were the good old days.

prairie ago

If you want to grow, black pills are refreshing because they show that you've got to change because reality is grim. Whatever you thought was in that particular aspect of reality is not there so no use continuing to seek it. A chance to move on.

TradMan ago

Then you're still bound to lose.

SheaButterVaseline ago

Anhedonia and schizos.

alacrity167 ago

, it’s just a version for guys who weren’t mocked enough by their fathers.

i don't understand

Chempergrill ago

They have a very honest worldview, but point out that it only really applies to the bottom 30% (or less) of men.

For normal beta men, who can conceivably get women but have a hard time doing so, the Red Pill path is for them.

TradMan ago

Surviving in a bare tundra is hard, finding a woman is just inconvenient.

Bear your teeth and challenge the darkness.

WickedVocalist ago

We don’t allow those tawdry couples to build yurts here like in Pakistaniggera

Here the other woman is sent to dance naked and marry a cop

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Black pill: When you feel a tremendous swell of freedom and optimism and light within your soul. You want, desperately, to share it, because if everyone could get through the shadowy places necessary to get to where you are the world would be a paradise. You descend from the mountain top where you've been pondering life's mysteries, you meet a farmer who warns you that you cannot share your revelations with others, but in your optimism and belief in yourself you ignore him.

You find no one worthy to follow you. Commoners worship you as a man who has truth, but disdain your truth and will even destroy you if you insist on it too strongly. Serpents who hide among them like the Fallen World as it is, and they circle you with knives. Any disciples you have will distort your truths, or else devour you in their quest for power; few (or none) will choose the path of nirvana over that of samsara.

Eventually you either die, being served up like a christmas ham to a village full of cannibals or you climb back up the mountain and forget that other people exist.

AnotherGrayman ago

climb back up the mountain and forget that other people exist

Made me think of this:

potatocouch ago

I miss the random goodness of the internet.

TradMan ago

You find no one worthy to follow you.

Definitely not my experience, but my skill set was hard bought.

ConanTheGargarean ago


wesofx ago

It's ok to be incel. Desire for sex drives us to be better men in all aspects of life.

WickedVocalist ago

Let me guess you don’t masturbate or let your dick get sucked until you need a dick up your ass

Living with these incels fucks the non uncles up when they get asexual and confused

wesofx ago

I'm not an incel. I was in the past though, so I moved out of my parents house, got a job, and started lifting weights, all because I wanted to get laid. My self improvement didn't stop after I started having sex either. Sexual energy is a powerful life force no matter where you are on the incel spectrum.

Sheeitpost ago

Black pill is really just a stage on the red pill grief cycle and frankly shouldn't even be a stage because life is meant to be about becoming better and improving yourself. But again, the core value of incels is they don't believe self-improvement is needed and they want to be loved just as they are without adding any value to anothers life... like looking ones best physically through exercise and hygeine, developing as a man through education, courage and skills, giving her money and being based/charming and sexually confident.

The more vicious ones are so subverted by gamma male propaganda they actually think it is "beta" to provide and point at fat old guys who have transactional type sugar relationships with college aged women and laugh at them like they are better somehow.

They also use the term "Simp" in a pejorative way, when it is supposed to be funny because the Simps enjoy over-spoiling and worshipping some women and the women enjoy it also so it can't be pejorative.

AnotherGrayman ago

core value of incels is they don't believe self-improvement is needed and they want to be loved just as they are without adding any value to anothers life

You just described women.

"Simp" in a pejorative way, when it is supposed to be funny because the Simps enjoy over-spoiling and worshipping some women and the women enjoy it also so it can't be pejorative

It's a pejorative because the simp is a loser whose only route to pussy is by worshiping a woman who doesn't respect him and putting himself in a position of beta servitude in exchange for attention.

Simps get pussy because of what they offer, in spite of what they are.

Chads get pussy because of what they are, regardless of what they have to offer.

Sheeitpost ago

Sort of agree. Despite academia selling a lie that women have to have "something going on" like a Masters degree to attract men (it's scientifically false), there will always be a majority of men who value women based upon their inherent reproductive value, which is value to species survival (breeding).

Incels almost overwhelmingly come from single mother households or have a domineering mother and a father who is more submissive to her. This results in narcissism in the incel, they become confused of their biological role and want to be treated with the same "automatic value" as they see their mother reveiving and demanding.

Just because some women prey on men who will provide doesn't mean every act of providership involves a victim. In Eastern Europe cultures for example if you don't provide you are not a "real man" and this results in lots of shaming and fighting which contributes to alcoholism and cheating.

In America because the state acts as a pseudo provider and the dating market is skewed and diverse there is much more opportunity for fun low investment relationships and also for naive men who are exploited by predatory women who prey on simps.

But I'm talking about men who spoil their woman and she loves it because it's done where both partners are friends and a unit. It's a different thing.

WickedVocalist ago

The one thing you don’t get about Islam is that the evil is possible when the women and children become unchaperoned or in the exclusive company of the now non Chaste ex husband or incel

Timur9000 ago

You’re a cuck if you give women money for things

WickedVocalist ago

But not if someone else gives them money to stay interested in you

Sheeitpost ago

A major milestone of the deconstruction of the suburban family unit in America was by the media mocking the father figure as a baffoon and showcasing the wife as someone enslaved by patriarchy and financial dependence. Once this happened the divorce rate skyrocketed and now over 60% of marriages in the West end in divorce.


If your wife, girlfriend or date treats you like a wallet or is disgusted that you offer to pay for things while fantasizing about other men... you are low value at the present moment (not dialed in) and you're not with a women in charge of her full mental faculties but you're with a subversion victim. The same goes for men who are so cheap and insecure they feel "less than" for providing - falling victim to gamma male delusions regarding man's role in breeding and survival.

Goat7 ago

sexually confident.

Requires not being circumc**ed.

TradMan ago


WhiteFathers ago

I think incels are just people who never even try to meet woman and then complain about it. Almost any man can find a woman if he is not afraid to ask women out and talk to them. If you ask one and she says no keep swinging because eventually you'll get a hit. If you are really trying and no woman will go out with you or talk to you then they are probably sensing something really wrong with you. If that's the case figure out what that is and fix it.

Black pills are for people who have given up. That will never be me. I'm all about the red pills!

quick_and_dirty ago

Found the boomer.

You have no idea how much has changed since you (or I, gen X) we’re young.

WhiteFathers ago

I have a knife

CeasarSalud ago

Exactly, take your black pills and fucking kys already, there is no hope so get out of the way for the rest of use who have a future.

Disagree? Prove me wrong queer

WhiteChickens ago

I think incels are just people who never even try to meet woman

You think what every other NPC thinks, what a coincidence. lol

If you ask one and she says no keep swinging because eventually you'll get a hit.

And you think this is an enjoyable life? Also, no, it is entirely possible to bat 0/100, see below.

they are probably sensing something really wrong with you.

Like having an original personality. lol

WhiteFathers ago

Bottom line is if women avoid you there is a reason for it. It's not them it's you.

You are either really boring, have no self confidence whatsoever or give off a bad vibe. All of these things will make women avoid you like the plague particularly the lack of self-confidence.

Assuming you are one of these I don't understand what you think the problem is, do you think it's the woman who have a problem? You may see yourself as having an original personality and that may be true but it may be one that's extremely unappealing to most people. Your own self-image may not be what others see.

You need to go onto YouTube and start listening to "leykis 101" . Honestly listen to them all. I would normally recommend this method but it would probably help incels as long as they have the balls to implement the lessons. Start here

I am older now but I used these methods in my early twenties and I got laid every single weekend by a different woman. This is not a good method to find a wife but if you are a incel you need practice and you need to learn how woman think.

WhiteChickens ago

They don't avoid ME, you moron.

Take your leykis videos and cram them up your ass, poser.

WhiteFathers ago

I can totally see why you can't get laid or a girlfriend. Enjoy your life alone. You got a real terrible attitude.

WhiteChickens ago

I'm married, thanks and I've probably fucked more girls than you.

You, on the other hand watch videos on how to "get laid or a girlfriend". lol

WhiteFathers ago

Yes 20 years ago I did listen to leykis and got laid a lot but I never lied to women to get pussy like he suggested. I was just trying to help these pathetic incels. Far as I can tell I'm the only one who took the time to at least try. Going to cook breakfast for my family now. I don't understand the bad attitude. I think a lot of people on voat are really depressed!

WhiteChickens ago

Right, because things are worse than they were 20 years ago and they were bad then.

Go fuck yourself.

WhiteFathers ago

Man, you are a miserable fuck aren't you? Must be torture. I'm sorry.

WhiteChickens ago

I'm fine, I simply don't like you because you're a lying little scumbag.

WhiteFathers ago

Well, I'm not here to internet argue with people.

WhiteChickens ago

That's your tough luck, cheese dick.

WhiteFathers ago

Good luck. I hope things get better for you. Probably not until you change your attitude though.

WhiteChickens ago

Shut the hell up, you condescending little ding dong.

WickedVocalist ago

Having illiterate kids and ex wives doesn’t age well

WhiteChickens ago

So don't have them.

niggernaut ago

“Sensing something really wrong”- Disagree. I have a good friend who women flock too. He’s been to the psychiatric hospital multiple times. Fucker really thought he was Jerry Garcia reincarnated. A failure in life, but still, lots of pussy for him.

HbMcNutt ago

Youre not understanding what he means by something wrong.

WhiteFathers ago

There are different kinds of crazy. Maybe your friend is crazy but fun and not dangerous. Maybe this other guys has dark secrets or is giving off weird vibes... maybe hes just really boring or has zero self confidence. Woman will run from a guy with no confidence in himself.

HbMcNutt ago

These mgtow and incel guys are so pathetic. Unable to take the reigns on their own self image and self improvement. Ive seen you try to get it through their heads but they dont want to accept responsibility for their situations, its always someone elses fault that good women dont want to hang out with them

WhiteFathers ago

They really are universally miserable to interact with. It's no mystery why they cannot get laid or meet a woman oh, no one wants to be around someone like that

niggernaut ago

You obviously haven’t witnessed clinical insanity. There is definitely something “wrong”.

CeasarSalud ago

Or your trashy friend gets trashy women.

Your not loising out on anything by avoiding the women men pump and dump. Every time you complaining n about the women otherwn get do ten pushups, your problem will be resolved shortly

TheLesserApes ago

Yeah women like violent men. Great for their individual offspring to have little psycho chadlets and a man that can beat up others, bad for a comfortable and long term society.

See the entire fucking continent of Africa where you have nigglets all under the rule of some Hakeem Olajuwon big nig.

rowyn ago

Go back to 4chan you racist piece of shit

alacrity167 ago

bitch ur on voat go back to reddit niggerfaggot

lanre ago

I don't know if I'd qualify my coworker as an incel, but he had basically given up on women. So we convinced him to go out, find some at church, etc., and try again.

First two dates with different women he was stood up without even a text message. He's not unattractive, he's not fat, he has a stable job and doesn't drink, do drugs, etc. But he's not some guy you'll find on the cover of men's fitness so he's invisible to modern women.

Marzh ago

From your description he sounds plain boring.

Which is good for long term, but in this day and age, those are not the shoes you want to fill aka the ATM.

lanre ago

Yeah, that's true. Would probably get cheated on and treated like an ATM.

TheLesserApes ago

It's fucking nuts out there.

I see a lot of relationships like pic related when I go outside.

It used to be that beautiful chinks would grovel for the chance of an ugly white dude. Now? Those same gooks now command 6'5" germanics and nordics. Only the top nordics and germanics can get decent white women and even the top of them might be mentally ill as to fuck gooks as well.

Hypergamy has gone full steam ahead as we have abandoned the checks and balances that society has kept in place on it.

Anecdotally I also see white men with black women nowadays. When I was bluepilled I found black women hot but even in that bluepilled stupor I realized that my kids would come out retarded because in my entire public school career the smartest black person I ever saw had nothing on the smartest asian or the smartest white I knew.

Also this gook I used to simp over got an Aryan tik tok looking motherfucker. He pumped and dumped thank god.

WhiteFathers ago

They are sensing something about him that worries them

RandomFurryDude ago

Women are superficial, they can't see shit beyond first looks.

Why do you think the retards always end up getting raped or abused in relationships?

"Ohh he's such a hunk!"

"Yeh but he's a convicted wife beater..."

"Who cares!"

Beaten up like the last bunch of hoes

WhiteFathers ago

Well of course the first thing they're going to initially be attracted to his physical appearance. That's normal, everybody does that. No one wants to be with someone they are not physically attracted to. There are a lot of good women out there but having a terrible attitude will turn them away from you faster than anything. Honestly I'm so tired of incels blaming everyone else but themselves. I never even heard of this term until voat and every single one of them I have talked to you on line has been a miserable negative son of a bitch. It's pretty much apparent to everyone but them why they can't meet anyone.

RandomFurryDude ago

No thinking person dates on looks alone, unless you're suggesting you're not a thinking person.

Women date fucking child rapists, attitude other than "Confident" they do not care about.

WhiteChickens ago

The presence of an unwashed brain. lol

H3yGeorge ago

His only real option is to become rich and have a througuh vetting process for weeding out gold diggers at the same time.

Which is, of course, almost a statistical impossibility. So, poor dude is probably fucked. MGTOW not by choice, but by circumstance of modern reality. His parents failed appropriately preparing him to obtain one in his early years. The rest is up to him.

HbMcNutt ago

Yall are a bunch of faggot beta boys. If women dont want him now, he needs to reevaluate what he is offering. Maybe hes not confident, has no big dreams, no personality. Something like that. I asked my wife out 3 times over 2 yrs before i finally got a chance. I was hard working, ambitious, fun to be around, and made her laugh alot. I also not a pussy so shw feels protected when im around.

OneDayOldShillAccnt ago

I asked my wife out 3 times over 2 yrs before i finally got a chance.

That's sexual harassment nowadays :^)

Goat7 ago

Also, if one actually has trash genes, one could get rich with some kind of business and fund research to cure the trash genes.

Joe_McCarthy ago

The black pill, broadly speaking, more or less reflects reality - and the doomer perspective follows from it. This doesn't necessarily convey hopelessness - but it does recognize that even hope resides in a sort of doom of mass violence.

Incels though are not particularly rooted in reality. Their perception of women is just way over the top in my experience. Though there is enough truth there for it to have a foothold among guys that probably aren't at the top of the food chain in the first place.

jobber ago

Stuck on stale data.

Wait'll they get a load of body mods.

NoBS ago

Anyone who uses PC speak is a fag.

So tell OP, are most of your homosexual partners also into children?

ADaniels ago


Retron ago

It's certainly understandable to be so demoralised by what's going on that you just say "fuck it" and leave with whatever ball you've got. It's not productive, but it's understandable.

I think given time to decompress, most of them will desire productivity and return to some form of function. It's human nature to want to do, but it's also human nature to not want to play a rigged game, and that's what the enemy is counting on.

AngryInVirginia ago

This is a great answer.

iamabrokenbanjo ago

Men were born to overcome hardship. It's the meaning of life for us. Everything going on now is hardship that can be overcome. If you turn your back on that reality, that meaning, you forfeit your right to continue your genetic line. Fucking kill yourself (not you specifically buddy :) )if you can't find it in you to build a life for yourself in face of the hardship. Your ancestors fought off warring tribes that wanted to rape their women and ferocious animals that wanted to eat them and their children. They had to face the reality of seeing their children starve if they couldn't be good enough to find food, or watch them helplessly die of sickness they couldn't see. You are here despite all of the many thousands of generations who couldn't take it. Start acting like it.

WickedVocalist ago

The only difference in a man and a nigger is that the nigger will enslave the women and kids along to the road he chooses for revenge

TradMan ago

Men were born to overcome hardship.

Absolutely. Thank you.

moarzor ago

I'll outbreed them.

H3yGeorge ago

Black pill is a term used by faggots who can't accept reality. It's stigma is negative only because 99% of the population are single-digit IQ NPC retards and black pilling them begins a mental state spiral into self-destruction.

Red pills are what wine-drinking, man-bun-wearing, Qew cult member faggots think they're giving when they praise their Orange Israel Jesus on his success at accelerating the greater Israel project.

Black Pill is just reality. Most people can't handle reality so they need a red or blue pill to survive on whatever ideological hopium lets them sleep at night.

axialballistics ago

They are just ignorant NPCs, they don't know there is a better way

FriedChicken ago


skullfuku ago

need a red or blue pill to survive on whatever ideological hopium lets them sleep at night.

This is the part I don't understand. I've been in fear of being a propaganda or hypocrisy cuck since my early teens. I can't sleep after being played for a fool. I've always been quite puzzled by grownup folk who expressed belief in a certain politician or government programme.

H3yGeorge ago

You're one of the few in the population currently motivated to think for themselves. Congratulations on being an extreme minority, have an e-high five!

skullfuku ago

thx fren, but i doubt that this is about thinking. e-high five back!

Floppyhorsecock ago

Jesus christ would call you a fucking faggot himself for this trash post

CapinBoredface ago

No, the black pill is not “reality”.

Black pilling is defeatism and cowardice.

Acknowledging that Jews control damn near everything is not a black pill. Saying that there’s no point fighting is a black pill.

chirogonemd ago

Anymore, I cringe at anybody referring to this shit as different colored pills. The red pill only had any significance because a generation of boomers let their sons and daughters down, so that a wake up call was even necessary, given that so many had lost sight of a well-reasoned conservative position. The baby boomers sold the fucking farm as it concerned conservative beliefs.

The black pill is just any cynical position that is sufficiently controversial.

Whether a pill is black or red is relative.

For most of us who had been living in liberal la-la land during our teens, the red pill feels like a black pill. That's why it's difficult for most people to take. The red pill necessarily involves a wake up to some of the unflattering and uncomfortable (but very real) constraints of reality and natural law.

Eventually, once your stomach has settled, a black pill is just a more cynical position than the one you have currently.

The cynical viewpoint has its use when it is kept inside the proper fenced area of the barnyard. You cannot continue on a downward spiral of stronger and stronger "black pills". Eventually, to act in the world you need a reason. Some set of values that gives you hope - no matter how narrow the domain, say, even where that might apply to one life: I'm going to live an honest, simple life; work hard; have children because there is a reason for me to do that. You have to arrive at a bedrock someday where you say enough is enough with the pessimism and just start doing shit. If there is nothing else to live for, decide on something then. Pick out something to do and don't stop until you do it. Make it hard. Make it something that you can look back on when you're near your last days and say: while everyone else was spiraling about the world ending, I did that.

At some point in the maturation of your beliefs, you have to stop giving a shit about the world and love a few people enough to live for them. For me, that's a pill by itself. Part of the pain so many of us deal with getting to where we are is that we haven't quite shaken this idea of having to live in a world where we love our society or love that world. Love is nothing if it's widely distributed. Love a very few people and act in the world like it's worth doing something for them.

Incels have a problem. Any man not able, if he desires, to attract a woman and give her babies is doing something wrong in their life. It's a matter of figuring out what it is and finally getting sick and fucking tired enough of your life to change it. But again, it's on every man to climb out of hell himself. Mentors are fine, but this cuts right to the heart of what I just said above: life is short and the time I have to love the few people I want to love is short. We cannot concern ourselves with the guys who aren't concerned enough about themselves to just fucking stop masturbating to porn, to eat right, to train, to learn skills and improve their work performance.

Love the few you are going to love deeply. I'd wager that incels, more than likely, have a problem of loving themselves too much to just jump in the river and get carried away. To subordinate themselves and make themselves slaves to something. They're too worried about themselves, and so they get in their own way.

Buckstabu ago

people need this

CeasarSalud ago

Black pill faggots can go back to Reddit

Glipglup ago

You are part of the universe, if it matters to you, it matters to the universe.

Floppyhorsecock ago


Glipglup ago

It's true faggot

Floppyhorsecock ago

Super gay

Glipglup ago


Floppyhorsecock ago

I showed you my dick plz respond

Glipglup ago


Floppyhorsecock ago

Venmo me 10 dollars I will show it to u

Imjgalt ago

ideological hopium


H3yGeorge ago

Literally life, if you think about it critically.

Heer_me_roar ago

I thought the final redpill was the JQ?

TradMan ago

The final pill is that this has all happened before and will happen again until the solution is final. We will succeed as out blood always has.

Tallest_Skil ago

His sentence was confusing, so I’ll truncate.

Red pills are what… …Qew cult member faggots think they're giving...

H3yGeorge ago

I should hire you to edit my thought process. We'd make a great time for your second book.

CapinBoredface ago

Get his cock out of your mouth. You know @Tallest_Skil is a kike, right?

Rotteuxx ago

Well put.

I'd be considered black pilled as fuck by most tarded edgelords on here but unlike many, I have a productive life, a great job I enjoy very much & plenty of projects keeping me busy. Just because I understand what's going on and how deeply ingrained it all is doesn't mean I can't find happiness.

I'm also an asshole so I enjoy shoving blackpills down virgin "truth seekers" throats.

shadowbanthisFux0r ago

This for the first what like 25 years of my life I tried to change things run for office leave the community none of it fucking lasts and all it takes is 5 minutes of feminist flashing their tits around to fuck it all up bought some property out in the middle of nowhere country Boi can survive

AR47 ago

That is what it's all about.....relevance. Greater portion of people here are locked within their own lack of it. They can't handle the possibility of just earning a life, much less keeping it.

Fact that you have it makes them furious. Just allow them to stay in that rut....either they will commit suicide or work out of it.

Libertyisgood ago

Sounds like you like shoving black dick down your throat more than anything.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh, it's you again.

Libertyisgood ago

Go back to reddit faggot, before someone doxes your stupid ass.

Rotteuxx ago

Good morning!


CeasarSalud ago

So in one sentence you're a Boomer faggot.

I've got mine, so I'll try and make everyone miserable.

You know what man does? They lift others up.

If you fail to do that you're just a rabbi nigger faggot. No better than the people you put a show on resisting.

Take your black pills back to Reddit.

Rotteuxx ago

So in one sentence you're a Boomer faggot.

And in one sentence you've demonstrated what a frustrated little edgelord you are.

I'm below 40, dumbass.

WickedVocalist ago

How many times you been married

Rotteuxx ago

Never in the past tense.

CeasarSalud ago

Age doesn't define a faggot mentality.

If you want to give up go back to Reddit.

Rotteuxx ago

Age doesn't define a faggot mentality.

Tries to reinvent the meaning of words to suit his narrative, like a kike.

If you want to give up go back to Reddit.

Encourages self censorship in order to preserve his narrative, like a kike. Besides, what have you done for this community in the past 5+ years that made you its guardian?

Not only that, you clearly have the reading comprehension of a nigger if you're down this thread and still equate being blackpilled with giving up.

Get your head out of your add Timmy.

CeasarSalud ago

I get it, even to Canadians you Quebecois are subhuman, but go back to Reddit with your bullshit.

Rotteuxx ago

  • Failed to address a single point and resorts to juvenile insult strategies.

  • Sticks to his go-to phrase of "Go back to Reddit" like an ex battered wife still obsessed with her ex.

Yes, I'm clearly the one who doesn't belong here.

slow clap

CeasarSalud ago

Quick import more Hatians to preserve your culture.

Clap bullshit is for niggers, but you probably love that black pill down your throat.

Rotteuxx ago

I love how impotently frustrated you are, so much so that you can't even form one intelligent sentence without letting your emotions control you.

CeasarSalud ago

That's fine, I'm used to Canadians pretending they matter.

Rotteuxx ago

Still 0 intelligent thought yet it keeps on yapping, typical yank.

custardcompass ago

Your a faggot..l

suck a dick boy

your a pedo

fiddle a kid man

and your a coward

you bring shame upon your race, nation, and family, let alone this site

chick, chick, chicken....

CeasarSalud ago

Thinks what it says matters, typical maple nigger.

It's amusing how invested you are in being right when there's no objective truth here, but I get it, I'd be mad too if I had to be Canadian.

Rotteuxx ago

Pathetic considering yoyr first comment in this thread.

You should learn to stfu instead of making a stupid fool out of yourself

CeasarSalud ago

What's pathetic? That I dare disagree with some Canadian retard?

I don't mind that you disagree with me, but the give up mentality is what a kike sells to others.

Downvote and cry all you want, matters little to me, even less given that the source is some maple nigger.

Now go back to Reddit to cry about how right you are.

custardcompass ago

He is a pedo seeking validation

he wants to start fights then cry about it to justify his abuse of children

keyboard warriors like this cunt are two a penny

Rotteuxx ago


Quote me giving up you utter fucking retard.

CeasarSalud ago

Awww it's adorable you think this is important.

Much like anything a maple nigger says or does it isn't though.

Go back to Reddit where you can talk about how much you love shoving black things in throats with the other faggots.

Rotteuxx ago

So it's not important when I prove you wrong but yet you can't let it go.

You are a pathetic little shit.

custardcompass ago




kiddy fiddler

CeasarSalud ago

Nigger, you haven't proven shit except how typically Canadian/retarded you are.
Then again if I was in your position I'd cling desperately to whatever this site was giving me.

Rotteuxx ago

You claimed I had given up.

You failed to quote me as "giving up" and went on a tirade instead of supplying corroborating evidence.

Therefore I proved you wrong.

Can't expect much more from an American educated failure whose ego matters more to him than actual intelligence.

custardcompass ago

yo faggot white boy

your the reason the white girls fuck niggers

anything is better than your pedo ass

Rotteuxx ago


CeasarSalud ago

You expect me to quote you like this is a fucking dissertation?

Go back to Reddit retard, you've only proven how sad you are.

Rotteuxx ago

No, you've only proven what a frustrated little shit you are.

Too stupid to have the ability to back up what you say.

Instead you reeeeee and launch into insults because subconsciously you know very well you don't have half the required IQ to hold an intelligent conversation without letting you emotions get the better of you... and therefore are probably oblivious to what projection is and how you're a master of it.

custardcompass ago




chicken shit

CeasarSalud ago

I just love how important this is to you that you've invested actual energy into your frustration.
You won yourself a internet today nigger faggot.

Rotteuxx ago

Nice projecting.

custardcompass ago

your a faggot cock sucker projecting your shit on people and trying to act all cool about it.

I hope your mother suffers for bringing you into this workd

go be a pedo

nobodys stopping you

stop looking for somebody to validate you too

we all know you wanna be a pedo

just do it to your own kids eh...


thats the words of a pedo right there

Rotteuxx ago


Enjoy that frustration little girl, those emotions have 100% control over you.

custardcompass ago

chick chick chicken...

your the reason the white girls go with the niggers

your such a pathetic coward, the niggers are the better deal in comparison.

i hope your mother gets raped on video

you can wank off to it then

H3yGeorge ago

I could have just said Black Pill is reality and most people reject reality, but I prefer my colorful explanation that can be enjoyed by fellow shitlords like yourself.

AR47 ago

Don't know how you can dislike reality. Its real and without certainty.

I like the excitement of it all.

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

You have no faith, correct? Most people who project themselves the way you do are depressed and Godless.

shadowbanthisFux0r ago

And most religious leaders I know fucked little kids so I usually choose peace loving understanding over fucking little kids

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

You don’t have to be religious to believe in God/Jesus