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theoldones ago

Is he the one who makes all of those posts?

joe is the porn spammer guy. one of several. he's literally sent me porn on here of girls probably underage knowing his tastes, just to irk me, because to him pedophilia seems funny

Joe_McCarthy ago

You're just a liar. And voted the worst poster on this website.

That and your open drug use is enough reason to take most things you say with a grain of salt. You're not a serious person. You were better a year ago. Kids, this is your posts on drugs.

theoldones ago

You're just a liar.


Yeah. Here's the half-Jewish but very Aryan looking 15-16 year old in question filming in 1992 when she was older than I was. [YOUTUBE LINK] But yeah. Wanna hit it. Definitely


I am pedo. Hear me roar


I think this hysteria over 'pedos' mostly comes from uptight Americans.


and then you posted an article about the age of consent being 13

I'm just looking forward to the day when 15-16 year olds can do solo videos. Imagine Alicia or Alizée doing them at that age? But I think I'd prefer to see your sister.


land of pedos. I think I'll visit there and fuck your girls.


There are some 15-16 year old girls I'd like to fuck.


@RandyK see? i told you so

Joe_McCarthy ago

For any other problems with that litany only retards describe attraction to 15-16 year old girls as 'pedophilia'. This has been explained to you multiple times by multiple people - so that you continue to make the accusation makes you a liar knowingly.

Be glad I don't know where you live, kid.

theoldones ago

kill yourself, pedophile.

15-16 is underage and thats the blunt truth. you are a pedo