"I am pedo. Hear me roar" @Joe_McCarthy (AntiPedoSquad)
submitted 4.9 years ago by theoldones
from my inbox:
v/SoapboxBanhammer (Joe_McCarthy) > theoldones | Sent: 52 minutes ago on 4/5/2020 12:38:54 AM You've been banned from v/SoapboxBanhammer :( @Joe_McCarthy has banned you from v/SoapboxBanhammer for the following reason: Rule Violation: Illegal; Description: I am pedo. Hear me roar
v/SoapboxBanhammer (Joe_McCarthy) > theoldones | Sent: 52 minutes ago on 4/5/2020 12:38:54 AM
You've been banned from v/SoapboxBanhammer :(
@Joe_McCarthy has banned you from v/SoapboxBanhammer for the following reason: Rule Violation: Illegal; Description: I am pedo. Hear me roar
@Crensch @vindicator @madworld @puttitout
TrialsAndTribulation 4.9 years ago
And nothing of value was lost. And pedo Joe is still a kike pornographer.
notvirge 4.9 years ago
I am pedo.
The first honest thing theoldones has ever typed.
TrialsAndTribulation ago
And nothing of value was lost. And pedo Joe is still a kike pornographer.
notvirge ago
The first honest thing theoldones has ever typed.