Scablifter ago

The ugliest hospital in the world, very badly designed and its administrators were venal monsters on the take. They were white people,

As for Mercedes, SA had its own BMW manufacturing plant so no one bought Mercs. There were black millionaires by the bucketload in Soweto and other districts, not every district was white friendly but most were. More than a few Jo'burg districts were very dangerous places for whites, but there is more to SA than Jo'burg.

chittybang ago

Even at the height of Apartheid Bantus from every other country used to cross in for jobs.

chittybang ago

South Africa had the worlds first heart transplant and used to have Formula 1 races.

Now the blacks empty the oil from power line transformers to fry food.

Soyboy69 ago

For every act of kindness you give a nigger he will give you ten acts of malicious intent.

rumorhazard ago

What would coloreds be? They're not so much invasive as they are cancerous

D-marchhare ago

They took them in as refugees. Sound familiar?

Nosferatjew ago

Segregation works.

d3r ago

What were the stipulations of segregation in SA?

892012518HEROS ago

We need to trade our racist niggers for South Africa's Farmers those are the refugees who we need to take

ZenoOfElea ago

And we see what giving to blacks as brought them.

the_illusive_man ago

Domestic savings were so great that South Africa needed no foreign loans for normal economic expansion.

This is ultimately why the Jews supported Mandela and the ANC.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes, the old debt-based system of rule.

allahead ago

The jews and Bantu moved in. They are the ones that destroyed the place. The jews are selling land of dead farmers to Chinese mineral miners.

notYOURfriend ago

The apartheid government's biggest flaw, without a doubt, was not treating the communist kikes and their black golems the way the kikes in the soviet treated people with braincells: disappearing them and their families without trial and without delay.

Had they done that with Ruth First, Yossel "Joe@ Slovo, Nelson and Winnie Mandela, the country would have been far, far better off today.

Instead, the stupid whites treated the communists and their golems like they would treat other whites. And that, my friends, was their undoing.

The country could easily have borne the sanctions the (((world))) had imposed, feeding itself and creating its own industries, but they allowed the kikes to roam free...

CognitiveDissident5 ago

My dad was a farmer, so were all my uncles. My grandfather too. We suffered immensely under the economic sanctions of the 70s and 80s. You really have no clue what we went through.

notYOURfriend ago

Then go ahead and inform us of how bad it was, and why.

TheSeer ago

Yes, I do.

But remember, there has only been black-majority rule for ~25 years! They have had 'only' 50 in the DRC (aka Congo)!

"Its all so tiresome" the based Chinese man still looking for his rocks, to this day

spudsuds ago

This means nothing without hardlinking sources. We're in an information war, act like it.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Don't be lazy, do your own research. You really think you're going to find Jew media internet links to articles of this nature from the 80s?

killkillkill ago

So, what? You typed this up from memory?

He's right; this is useless if we can't show it to people we are arguing with.

2357899103 ago

Op quoted 2 sources. Looks like you commented without reading, sloppy.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Can you read? The sources are quoted, nothing stopping you from getting off your fat butt and researching further.

spudsuds ago

Fuck you asshole. You're part of the reason why no one outside if voat buys any of this.

SnoopGoatieGoat ago

Get a load of this commie! No, people don't believe it because of pavlovian conditioning from our dear big brothers. Unplug!

GreenSlug ago

Fuck you, asshole, you represent the typical person these days, absolutely unable to do your own research and think for yourself. "Waah waah, spoon feed me everything i request, waaaaaaaaah"

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Probably wants me to wipe his butt too. This is a prime example of the smartphone generation. Kids can do nothing for themselves anymore, least of all think. They are lazy, rude and ignorant.

redpillfallout ago

You can’t help retarded monkeys

JoyFreak ago

The truth is that they are all rich!

El_Syd ago

These statistics are meaningless unless they're contrasted with South Africa in 2019 or later. The skeptic will claim those numbers have held or are better under black rule.

BW-414 ago

great post. almost no one knows that info. because of zionist media / movie lies about "apartheid", and their promotion of mandela who was a communist terrorist.

now, the zionist media ignores the destruction of s.a., and genocide of white south africans. and while "open borders" is pushed on white countries, there's almost no mention of helping white south africans who actually deserve help. and it wouldn't even be charity. white south africans are very capable of contributing to european and n. american society.

JamesGunnIsPedo ago

So when they finally kill all the white south africans/farmers, the country is basically gonna starve, right? Or are they going to be bailed out by countries like the United States?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

They'll get foreign aid from USA and Europe like they always do. As long as Whitey is dead. All the militant black parties/groups in SA are Jew funded. Rabid black supremacist Julius malema has been pictured with Soros. They also get US funding via their ties with the Black Panthers.

BW-414 ago


and now, china is colonizing africa. i'm guessing there are major human rights violations. but the zionist media will never report them, because china is a communist country. and the objective of zionism is to rob and enslave the world with communism.

TheSeer ago

I have wondered about this. Can you imagine a documentary of modern South Africa, and all the 'help' the west gave to the black nationalist Commies, juxtaposed?

God forbid, they would have to admit they made a mistake, or were useful idiots! The problem, generally speaking, in Africa, is that the populations simply grow too quickly. r/K selection.

philomath ago

Man, that sounds nice. It was probably a huge draw to all of those living in neighboring In countries, who would want to come only to contribute and offer their family a chance at a better life. And I’m sure the altruistic people of South Africa welcomed them; they weren’t monsters, were they.

Once the population tilted far enough, and the freebies weren’t as easy to pass around, it was the hoarding whites that were in the wrong. After all, it was The whites who were keeping the blacks down by holding on to all the power. It wasn’t fair.

Jesus fucking Christ, why don’t people see where we are heading? How can they be so willfully ignorant?

AlexProkhorenkoLives ago

I believe they used to call it the white mans burden.

golgo91 ago

"Take up the white man's burden,

And reap it's old reward,

The blame of those ye better,

The hate of those ye guard." - Kipling

TheSeer ago

So much of the left's ideology is just pure inversion. This is a good example.

We are not allowed to CRITICIZE gangsta culture or the Wall street banksters, but it is white people that are 'fragile'.

rumorhazard ago

20 years later it’s another shit hole African country as the niggers in charge pretend to be European kikes. God they are truly literally animals.

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StankMouth ago

Yup. Some of the farm murders that I’ve seen are downright evil. Hateful, sadistic treatment of good humble people.

satisfyinghump ago

Jealousy can do that. A great research paper was written a while back with multiple follow-up and summary articles which explained the behavior of people who are lower on the ladder so to speak. Towards those who are both higher up/more capable AND helping them free of charge. That creates a mentality that the ones being helped can never "pay back"" the helpers and for some reason (it's in the article, I think if I remember correctly, it's mostly to do with wrestling control away from the helpers. Regardless if the helper group even sees control or gives a fuck about it. Doesn't matter.)

Ocelot ago

It isn't jealousy. Niggers can't process that, on a scale of 1-10 their opinions of themselves are always 10. It's coveting behavior.

RoryBellowsLives ago

This is why I don't help people I don't know and rail against the scam of 501c3 charities when pressed to donate money.

Charity to strangers only leads to resentment or entitlement.

TheSeer ago

Ah yes, the ole "Never do someone a favor they will never be able to pay back".

moosethenoose ago

Envy coupled with the knowledge that they will never be able to achieve - because of their genetics.