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24340968? ago

The Khoi, San peoples and Cappoid, I believe were also known as the Bushmen, they are kind of brownish Mongoloid looking, they the original Native of S.Africa have been replaced by Bantus from Niger and Congo, some of the Khoisan also mixed with the Whites and other Races, they sometimes use Dutch or Afrikaner words, they were nomadic hunter gather peoples much like nomadic of Mesoamerica, hunter Siberians, Aboriginal Canadians, Native American, Aboriginal Aussie Mandela looked more Capoid than Negroid, he had a kind of brown-yellowish face and a Mongolid looking skull

24341024? ago

The sub-Sarahan Africans are typically 67 or Lower, the Bushman is a different type of ethnicity, sometimes black but not a really classed as Black African Negroid Type. On average, compared with whites, blacks mature more quickly in the womb, are born earlier, and develop teeth, strength, and dexterity earlier. They sit, crawl, walk, and dress themselves earlier. They reach sexual maturity faster, and they have better eyesight. On each of these measures, East Asians lag whites and blacks. In exchange, East Asians get longer lives and bigger brains. Kenyan 5 yr old 6 and 7 yr old still do not recognize their own reflections in a mirror? @capicua @Nucleonic @iyskreem Most Blacks in America have mixed of other races in them, Among African-Americans, the IQ is higher, it was ranked at 85

24415254? ago

Nelson was at least part Capoid or Khoisan native but he would later reform, his wife was a total mafia freak and murdering moronic madame...the rest of the Afro freaks were foreign invaders from Congo, Nigeria and Bantu regions, they were alien Congoid Negroe invaders?

24516478? ago

Think outside the box and dig a little more, the old merchant god, the pedo vatican, the jihadi and jewish occult rituals at the Epstein temple and royalty across Europe. Gold Oil Diamonds, the Soviets with their stunts putting satellite in space, Ruskie found a way to transform ordinary carbon to that super hard rock.... there is more to this Diamonds thing.... Diamonds are gone and the new one is Drugs, now Gold Oil Drugs. They wanted New York New Amsterdam a Babylon in Southern Africa, you still see the sumbols in Brazil and Singapore, the French tried to outlaw them but the Stone cutter rituals went to Scotland then arrive in a new America. Then two houses of Orange went to war, England hits the Dutch in 1665 ships fire canon on Netherlands, there was a Masonic Doomsday cult in 1666 London burns to the ground, and they put their White cousins and European brothers into concentration camps, import Bantu invaders from Niger and Congo

24516525? ago

You know Mandela was a Native but he was also one of them, dressed in their occult robes, even wore the Symbols. His wife however was a psycho ape, never changed her mafia ways and even was responible for killing children.