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MIDO ago


Israel tried to sell South Africa nuclear weapon designs the same as they did with China. South Africa took the bait initially and got entangled in their Jewish bullshit schemes. South Africa realized their mistake too late, built their own nukes, and told Israel to fuck off. The Jews went screaming to Mommy USA and told them "South Africa's trying to hurt us Mommy, they're a threat to Western countries".

The USA then told South Africa if they retaliated against the Jews in SA they would face an invasion from the USA, Jews were allowed to run rampant in SA, destabilizing it, and the USA forced denuclearization on SA's new government.

That's what South Africa gets for trusting Jews. They shouldn't have interacted with Israel at all and removed Jews from their population. They shouldn't have given into the USA's demands because the USA wouldn't have done anything if they had delt with their Israeli problem with lethal force like other nations have since.

This is one of the educational instances of history and why most of the USA's allies are even considering allying with China. They hate the fucking Jews and the USA's sick relationship with them.

verboten ago

Henry Kissinger and the CIA sold the fruits of the Manhattan project to Israel and Pakistan. They used South Africa as go-between because otherwise some other nations would have been pissed off. South Africa was also good for testing the bombs, Israel and Pakistan are too small.

MIDO ago

So in your narrative, how did China get nuclear weapons designs? The CIA too?

verboten ago

Possible. They say that American scientists have "defected" to China, but that can be a cover for a paid know-how transfer.

MIDO ago

Do you think building nukes is as simple as the designs they have up online today?


Also the equations used in nuclear chemistry taught in universities is deliberately wrong enough to prevent someone from building a functional nuke. If you were taught the correct ones prior to something like 2010, you weren't allowed to leave the countryy and lived under surveilance.

verboten ago

Depends on what you want to do with it. If you only need a shipping container that can purge a city, 75-year old technology will do. The problem with that kind of technology is to get the material, but the calculations are quite simple. But if you want to create one of these fancy artillery shells with adjustable yield, you better start with buying one of the missing ones from the soviet union as a model.

MIDO ago

Death is easy. There's no reason to even pursue nukes today. It's just a status symbol, like a sports car you can't sit up in.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

It's the reason why Israel is so deeply diplomatically isolated and has little to no chance of surviving the next 15 years.

The kike banking system owns and controls every country's banking system on this planet of any significance. Israel looks like it will survive when nobody else will. Just look at Venezuela for an example of what happens to a country that tries to defect and escape the system.

MIDO ago

Israel can't even keep China from infecting their citizens as revenge for Israel's betrayal and they've got no vaccine obviously. How can you make a vaccine for so many different biological weapons? It's impossible. China could release modified anthrax from a neighboring country and contaminate all of Israel for 70 years.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

China could release modified anthrax from a neighboring country and contaminate all of Israel for 70 years.

Pretty much any country with a degree of technology could do the same. China is not special in that respect. The "muh bad China" is being pushed even harder lately. Wouldn't surprise me if its for a false flag to be blamed on China.

MIDO ago

It could be. But China was trying to develop biological weapons and did have biological weapons the Jews helped them steal from the West as well as the facilities to produce it in bulk.

I think it's more likely a researcher that hated the way the world is today opened pandora's box deliberately or it was an accident produced by China's notorious incompetence.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

All these players know the virus is fake. None of these countries are truly worried about it and are using it as an excuse for controlling their people. This whole thing is one huge fake circus. There will be one of the biggest resets in history and with it a technocratic communist takeover that people cannot yet imagine. This circus is just getting started.

MIDO ago

You're wrong about that.

So wrong.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

This virus is so fake they have admitted the difference between "dying from covid and dying with covid." Even gunshot victims have been listed as covid deaths. Whole thing is fake as hell. The tests they are using are not even suitable for diagnostic purposes just like its inventor said. Fake, fake, fake.........

MIDO ago

Wear your mask and wash your hands and you might survive the next 5 years.

The misinformation around this subject doesn't mean there isn't something real killing people.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Wear your mask and wash your hands and you might survive the next 5 years.

The misinformation around this subject doesn't mean there isn't something real killing people.

If that becomes necessary it will be because the perps released a REAL and dangerous pathogen loose on society and nothing they do will ever surprise me. As a matter of fact I am half expecting them to release a real plague next time and wipe out hundreds of millions of people. Its exactly like something they would do.

MIDO ago

A pathogen is more dangerous when people don't know it's there.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

A pathogen is more dangerous when people don't know it's there.

Thats why I refuse to let them stick their swabs up my nose. They could infect people with something that will trigger after a specified period of time. I live a very isolated life. People that lead active lives will be the canary in the coal mine and I will know before I ever get infected unless its in the air, water, or food.

MIDO ago

I wouldn't let them stick a swab up my nose unless I irradiated it myself.

The thing about your plan is that some pathogens take time before they show symptoms. It could be years, like with HIV before there are enough sick people to even identify something unusual is happening, and by then it will have already spread around the world.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

We are all probably full of nano particles from all the geoengineering sprayed in the skies. There is virtually no limit to what can be triggered using that technology.

MIDO ago

Aluminum nanoparticles are easily removed from the brain over time via silicate, a common ingredient in salt.

That's not to say some damage won't be done by the aluminum particle causing oxygen radicalization in the mean time, but it's not a permanent problem or bioaccumulative.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Excellent post. I'm seeing a lot of high quality content like this from many users lately. Predictably, the schills and sleeper accounts are amping things up as well.

I'd imagine not interacting with Israel would be easier said than done, especially if they were wanting to run a con on you. I also find it hilarious how every con artist, no matter how large or small gets upset at you when you don't fall for their shit.

Also important to note how easy it is to pull up any major global media company and see it is all Jewish owned/ran and the same is for music. Remember Bono and all the musicians playing to end Apartheid? All the musicians, actors, MTV, etc etc were down there and then when it happened they ignored S. AFRICA for decades as whites were slaughtered and blacks starved, just as they did in Zimbabwe. As outspoken as Hollywood and all major music artists were and as outspoken as the all major TV channels and radio stations were when it came time to end Apartheid, they were equally silent when the slaughters began then the famine started right after that.

The Chinese also now own about 1/3rd of the farmland there in S. AFRICA. The Boers have regrouped and allied with the Zulus and other tribes. Everyone leaves the green zones alone and the Jews and their white underlings uses it as their own little Weimar Republic, using whites and white children in anyway they see fit.

I also found it odd so many Jews want to destroy the white West and it certainly means the end of Israel. They do have Samson but it is a matter of time before Chinese and Middle Eastern tech catches up to that(if it hasnt already). Then I realized how easy it will be for Jews to crash the US and turn it into their personal rape and murder playground. Some areas will be like a Weimar Republic. Others like Mexico. Others sold to the Chinese. Others ran by Muslims and sold off to Saudis. It is already being done all over the West. Look at Canada and the UK. The white slave trade has re opened to the middleast for business. Here it may require some blood but that is why they have BLM and Antifa.

ALIENS2222 ago

Don't forget that the Chinese got. The SA Gov to. Classify Chinese as BLACK so they can benefit from anti-white laws.

MIDO ago

The Chinese didn't buy the land for farming, they bought it for minerals. They don't care if the Bantu starve, that's their plan.

Israel doesn't have a samson option, they've never even had control over a nuke, not in 1967 and not now. It's all been a tremendous bluff. The USA never allowed them to have nukes of their own, though the USA housed nukes in Israel for USA only use.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

It isn't just for minerals. It's also food and tobacco. Chinese have to eat too. I highly doubt Israel doesn't have their own nukes. They completely control the US and I am not sure if it matters if they were bluffing or not. I have no doubt our politicians would use WMDs and put the globe at risk to protect Israel.

MIDO ago

If Israel had nukes, they'd need to verify they were functional through an underground or above ground test. There's never been a seismic indication of that in the Middle East, so if they had one they'd just have to trust whoever gave it to them. No testing means there is no manufacture. Also, the reactor they use to generate another component of a modern nuke is too small to service even one nuke. There's a reason the USA has nuclear power plants everywhere, despite no one wanting nuclear power, it's to service its nuclear arsenal. Israel has one small broken research reactor. This other component expires in about a year, while uranium expires in about 15 years.

US politicians haven't launched a nuke for any other country in their 70 or so years of having the ability to.

Israel would have used a nuke in 1967 when they dupped Arab nations into retreating, but they didn't have one. They would have attacked Syria with nukes if they had one, but they don't.

The reason Israel was so focused on getting South Africa to nuclearize is so SA could build nukes for them, nukes the USA wouldn't give them.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

"china" = israel

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robot7247 ago

The end apartheid movement was the (final) stalking horse used to tear SA (& Rhodesia before it) apart. First time I recall corporate boycott threats getting any traction. Ford, Shell Oil, etc. were all getting pressure to pull out of SA "if something wasn't done". Then you had the music industry pile on -

Same playbook again & again.

LettItBurn ago

Israel used SA to build and test nuclear weapons. Then the kikes promoted communism by using liberals and corporate America to overthrow the apartheid (FUNCTIONAL) government and install a communist puppet regime. Israel ended up with all the nukes.

It was a win-win for the kikes.

MIDO ago

Too bad nukes expire after less than 20 years and modern nukes require more than just uranium cake and dynamite.

Israel is denuclearized now.

LettItBurn ago

When you own the "world bank", you can create money by just adding a bunch of zeros. When you can create money out of thin air, you can purchase anything you want. There are individuals drunk with power in the world today. People whose names you will never hear. People that the Soros and Rothschild families work for. They have access to nuclear and biological weapons of all kinds. They have the ability to end most life on earth at their whim, but that would spoil the game. To them, it's more fun to breed low IQ niggers by the hundreds of millions and import them into western countries just for the laughs. It's fun playing GOD with 7 billion people. Why would they want to end that? It's the greatest show on earth.

MIDO ago

Because they don't want to share power?

Because they're close to losing control and don't want to be tortured?

Because they're incompetent and can't manage their stockpile?

Because they're paranoid someone will destroy the world before them, shattering their illusion of control.

I don't think anyone's really focused on nukes anymore, there are much easier ways to end this game.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

MIDO the kike

8 day account

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

You don’t like talking about nukes?



Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Hey Lying Kike

"china" = isreal

isreal has nukes

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Oh wow 2 jews doing trust building.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Hey kike

RoundWheel ago

Rumored two nukes are missing from US inventory during Obama's tenure.

ALIENS2222 ago

One went off in that Chinese harbor a while back. It was. Memory holed.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

you're talking to a kike @MIDO

RoundWheel ago

Yes, but posting in context for others is still useful.

He's clearly jewish.

MIDO ago

The USA has thousands and thousands of nukes, so do the other super powers. But most of them are expired and are just glorified dirty bombs resting in warehouses. It would be funny if someone stole a dud, they probably wouldn't know until they tested it.