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Agent42 ago

They feel just fine. You literally have no idea how fucked up our intelligence agencies are today.

voatusernamevoat ago

According to news I've seen they hire the mentally ill, fags, fags dressed as women, fags that cut off their dick, 20 year old sjw girls with blue hair and face piercings, etc.

aikibiru ago

I'm sure Jews are in management and they pick employees based on their lack of qualifications and abundance of ignorance

AgentSakura ago

Subhuman degenerate trash Stazi Communist Secret Mind Rapist Police.

glownigger kike shill faggot whores

ReadPastHeadlines ago

And fags!

voatusernamevoat ago

Have you figured out why I wrote it that way yet?

RoryBellowsLives ago

Would we expect the legacy of J Edgar Hoover to be any different?

AntiMason ago

And Mormons.

Pliney ago

Don't forget that they hire women named Reality Winner.

Vc83 ago

Thats not even a real name prob some manufactured spook name lol

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Of course the glows would pay the news to say that. In reality the FBI and CIA only hires people with Zionist beliefs which is why mormons and other christcucks are the feds top recruits.

TheSeer ago

Every time someone on Voat says 'Christcuck' hand rubbing intensifies .

TheSeer ago

Did Christianity do that to Germany? Or post-WWII brainwashing?

voatusernamevoat ago

It has been cucked from inception.

TheSeer ago

Europe was united under Christendom, the true first empire. Before that it was just in-fighting. Since the secular French revolution it has just been 1 step forward and 2 steps backwards for 200+ years.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Atheists are the best fed hires to be honest. No morals. Even a weirder religion. Panders to muslims, and jews.

Monstrum ago

Im an atheist, its the opposite of religion, its literally refusing to believe in religion or afterlife or supernatural beings, god, allah, satan, whatever. I hate jews with all my heart, nothing to do with religion per se, just their cult.

Morals have nothing to do with it, I believe in do not onto others of what you dont want done to you. I dont commit any crimes, I dont even speed or litter. Are you only moral because your bible says so? Would you be out killing, raping and stealing if you werent afraid of punishment from your god?

RoundWheel ago

Atheism is the anti religion, religion.

TripleZ ago

Had to tell us didn't you?

Mustard_Monkey ago

Religion is not spiritual too btw.

AR47 ago

No they hire people smart enough to do the job, but too stupid to ask themselves why they are doing it.

Luis_Sphincta ago

Nuh-uh! I was only pretending to be retarded! Doh...doxxed myself again!

Drstrangebeard ago

Wait. That's good news for me.