itlog ago

this is the behaviour why people who seeking for truth is now defined as conspiracy nuts.

heretolearn ago

op youre part of the "you" in all of this. youre watching it too while doing nothing. as we all are. we sit back and do nothing.

douk_nokum ago

Sociopaths feel nothing for others.

Official_NSA_Profile ago

Oh pretty good, just got my colposcopy results back, perrrrrrfect! Bloodwork looking good except for the bed cholesterol that's a little high [heh, I should really get up from my comfy government chair and do some squats in between posts!] other than that the results were fine.

Hey thanks for asking though, back into lurker y'know, gotta keep an eye on you trouble-makers.

obvious-throwaway- ago

A 4.1 year old account with like 5 comments, choose my question to be their 6th comment. Impressive botniggers.

pedofaggotjasonash ago

obvious throwaway your house could be bought for the price of a mac donalds happy meal

obvious-throwaway- ago

Another bot account, hopefully puttitout gets a handle on these.

pedofaggotjasonash ago

you are the biggest bot on here


How you feeling [SIC]

Found the nigger

Cilantro_s ago

We feel optimistic because results are materializing faster than the rate at which your inbred thumbs can type and there’s not a goddamned thing any of you can do about it. I’ll continue my trolling in peace!

obvious-throwaway- ago

Nice bot talk. Keep working on your AI basement Israeli JIDF kikes, it's just printing jibberish.

pedofaggotjasonash ago


pedofaggotjasonash ago

ofc they do, why do you think different, you are the first to hang w the nigs, and the rubberfaggots, watch it burn , you COWARD.

obvious-throwaway- ago

That's the 2nd bot account that replied to this, nice. Again, JIDF Kikes, your AI algorithm to create fake accounts and post comments is shite. You should hire a white non jew to program for you.

pedofaggotjasonash ago

house prices in your area are DETROIT LEVELS , go shit on your doorstep AGAIN :)

obvious-throwaway- ago

Hope puttitout starts banning these obvious bot accounts.

pedofaggotjasonash ago

your a fat ugly kike arse licking joke. enjoy drowning in niggers. :)

pedofaggotjasonash ago

Funny, YOU call me a kike when you are the biggest , not to mention most digusting , grotesque obese, jew arse licker known around here. BULLSHIT.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Bots everywhere today, reported and blocked.

pedofaggotjasonash ago

are you in distress, hit a nerve, truth much?

pedofaggotjasonash ago

nice opportunism there pedofaggot, with jews you lose, how many I will ask you again, are in your neighbourhood? hopefully they start shit flinging soon :) enjoy.

Octoclops ago

They don't care. They are probably eating a fried baby while they read this thread.

FederalShill ago

We're all pretty desensitized by the satanic cult shit they make us do.

okay_tough_guy ago

Have you watched the interviews, riots, and read their social media pages? These demonic people are marching gleefully to destroy our country. Corporate America is only too happy to give millions to their cause. Meanwhile, the "intelligence" agencies in our country have support homosexuality posts on their social media pages.

obvious-throwaway- ago

All an illusion. They make it appear as though they are all against us, but you'd be hard pressed to find enough rank and file people without families who want to pretend to the be opposite sex or like to rape children in order to fill any national agency. I work at a job and my virtue signaling boss jumps on all the same bandwagons,and the typical conformist bootlickers jump in to suck his ass. Every single worker I talk to privately, not on that shortlist, fucking hates this shit, roughly 97% of staff.

itssomatic ago

Pretend to be cattle long enough, then that's all you are.

okay_tough_guy ago

I understand, but until the silent majority speaks up, more and more people, especially young people, fall victim to their rhetoric.

andrew_white_forever ago

With Jews you lose.

BoomerHater1488er ago

They're kikes or shitskins - it's not their country.

drhitler ago

You grew up in a world that gave you everything and you have no right to deny others that right, its absolutley sicknening you can grow on one of the best places on earth and want to destroy it from within

WTF is wrong with you? money doesn't matter if you don't have a society to enjoy it in.

slwsnowman40 ago

They don't want money, they want power.

RoundWheel ago

They don't care which ism is used to obtain it.

slwsnowman40 ago

They don't care about anything but gaining power. They don't care about what or who they destroy so long as they gain power.

Cat-hax ago

They think they will be apart of the ruleing class after the civil wars

Anarchy99 ago

Yahweh destroys the jews in the end. I don't have a jew master

voatergoateryoda ago

Mossad runs the US. These dirty kikes don’t care

Reddit_refugee_1488 ago

This implies that Voat’s servers are up.

Merlynn ago

Ok,the first step to corrupt a police force of any kind is to lower wages. Cops infamously get fuck all pay. Once wages are low enough,you only get two kinds of people applying for the job. People who honestly want to be a cop to help people and people who are going to line their own pockets with the authority of being a cop.

The first kind can be dealt with and even be useful. They can patrol places you want to keep safe and do actual investigations on cases you want solved. If you want to get rid of them,that's easy too. Just send them to the worst parts of town with the strictest of orders to make sure they do as little about the problems there as possible.

The second kind are really useful to a corrupt government,tho. They will let you get away with anything so long as you pay them. Anything can be had for the right price. They don't give a shit so long as their palms get greased. You can basically even use them as legal hitmen if you want. Anything from imprisoning people to just making them disappear. And these people usually have some dirt of their own they like to keep hidden so that's an extra level of control if the money isn't enough.

Obviously,the (((people))) in charge are going to favor the second kind in their hiring. And that's how you turn a police force into a gang of thugs with badges. Make no mistake,they're not going to put the good boys on this kind of duty. They're putting the scum bags who don't care on this shit. Because they know these short sighted morons won't stand up to them.

I once thought no intelligent person could ever support this kind of basic bitch cronyism. What I overlooked is we're not dealing with intelligent people. We're dealing with the worst scumbags the FBI,CIA,and whatever else groups there are,could find. They don't care about the future. Because they don't have one.

Leveraction ago

Sort of like the genius's who work for the tsa? The IQ doesn't go any lower than these fatso knuckle draggers

Merlynn ago

Most likely. You don't get smart people for that kind of money.

anotherdream ago

It's got to be completely demoralizing. Their whole existence is invalid now. Everything they thought they were building, all the fucking twisted fantasies they carried out, all the fucking murders of innocent people - all for nothing. For what? So some sick, rich, old fucks could feel powerful? LMAO - What the fuck did they expect was going to happen. Newsflash fucks - New World Order is here, - and it ISNT YOU. - ITS US. YOU FUCKING PARASITES!

AgentSakura ago

It's got to be completely demoralizing. Their whole existence is invalid now.

The Trannyhuman Cyborg Communist Commissar Mind Rapist Future Crime Thought Police have no lives

Tallest_Skil ago

Uh, no, they won and were lavishly rewarded for it. What don’t you get about this?

anotherdream ago

?? No, they've yet to win the day.

Tallest_Skil ago

They own the entire fucking world. They’ve killed everyone who opposed them, everywhere, in every way. The paid shills destroyed the entire internet. There are a hundred fucking people here, and that’s it. Period. There are probably 10,000 actual white nationalists left on Earth at all.


anotherdream ago


Tallest_Skil ago


Yeah, that sure did work for our predecessors.

anotherdream ago

Yes, it did. Otherwise we'd all be cucked goy. - There'd be nothing if it weren't for those who came before us. - Tired of interacting with you on this. - Get it together son. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, sack up, and get back out there; LIVE and FIGHT!

Tallest_Skil ago

yes it did


otherwise we’d all be chucked

White men have less than half the testosterone of men 75 years ago. THEY. WON. WE’RE ALL TOO POISONED TO FIGHT BACK.

tired of interacting with you on this

Then start to accept the objective truth of my statements, or start shooting nonwhites. There aren’t any other options left.

TFS ago

Psychopaths don't have feelings.

DohBoy ago

All things considered, not too bad! You know, I’m still working my way up so you got to take the assignments you can get at this point, and -

I mean they..... they have to take whatever assignments they can get. Me? I’m just a fellow white guy, I too, enjoy racism and saying NIGGER! Also I do not like the Jews! Like rats they are, fellow Whites right? Do you know what I mean?! Of course you do!

Nosferatjew ago

I'm sure a bunch of them weren't even born in America and/or are jews.

Doglegwarrior ago

most of the glowniggersnare recruited from ivy league schools. someone just posted how fucking full of jews the ivy league schoola are.. aka the cia and fbi is fucking infested with jews or usefull cucked or gay blackmailed idiots.

Anarchy99 ago

the ADL runs all of it

Podd ago

The american branch of JIDF

ardvarcus ago

I have a feeling that the young, cute, female NSA agent who monitors my every post, and who is secretly in love with me, is starting to wake up and realize the horror of our present situation. Eventually I'll turn her to our side.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

The two-timing bitch!

AgentSakura ago

Eventually I'll turn her to our side.

Keep dreaming cuck, her sucks nigger dick and is secretly gay

TheLesserApes ago

I imagine that the NSA agent assigned to my case is Dilbert.

phoenix883 ago

Read up how the Facebook censors fare. There have been a few heart wrenching stories made about these poor souls who took up a job out of their own volition and continued for months despite no one forcing them to stay, that they're so miserable about policing content on Facebook.

What was readable between the lines there were always the same stories: a few were taking drugs, many were doing risky, self harming behavior, but a literal ton of them had become based and redpilled to the very core.

Sure, policing the private messages of a billion people, half of them barely socialised, a quarter of them from hellholes, where dead kids and mutilated enemies are a regular Tuesday, ten percent psychopaths, that is taking a toll on someone's psyche to read and delete all that.

But what lefty rags carefully circumscribed as "started believing in conspiracy theories" of "starting to doubt historical facts", you know what six gorillion facts they mean, shows another story. A story about how people, even left leaning do-gooders, can only view so much wooden door images and collections of Shlomo Shekelstein hating white people before they start noticing things. And we all know how it goes once you notice the first few connections. A shekel here, a shekel there and suddenly you recognize the shekel by what they're doing. (The mayor of Minneapolis crying crocodile tears at the coffin of a black dude, someone who was in fact more of a career criminal. Looks white. Hmmm Wikipedia early Iife, and boom, every time again.)

So every meme you post redpills someone. Even if it's removed. The mods left Facebook after a while, because they'd either collapsed under the endless stream of subhuman violence or because they couldn't fit into Facebook's "inclusive" company culture anymore. Probably both, because you can only see so much black violence and right wing memes about black violence before you start to hate diversity.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Turnagain ago

That's actually a problem for companies who hire monitors and sell their results to other more established sites. The hired monitors become red pilled and quit or end up trying to cope with cognitive dissonance with the aid of psycho-actives. It's a real problem.

Kungflu_Master ago

source: @turnagain turned

bb22 ago

Sounds like a great problem to me.

RoundWheel ago

Usually it includes frequent breaks with safe zones and indoctrinating lectures and chats to minimize the cognitive dissonance.

Even then their shelf life is minimized because the facts are overwhelmingly against them.

This is why they rely heavily on Israeli and Chinese assets. They view the facts as winning.

TheSeer ago

It must be weird to be told that the people you are monitoring are 'violent' and 'full of hate' and then everything you see is just memes and jokes and infographics with stats.

UndercoverRobot ago

Yes, they do.

sunshine702 ago

All I want to say to the Glows - you know Damn well what Steven Paddock's motive was.

Ocelot ago

Most glowniggers aren't even white or are communists or jews. A large portion of the traitors reading your comments aren't actually traitors, they're just enemies.

TheLesserApes ago

Random chinks that wanted to get paid to read shitposts on the internet. Hell, if I was a chink I'd do that job.

TheSeer ago

I feel bad for the people that developed the TOOLS that have now been weaponized against their own community.

The guy who founded Reddit, Aaron Swartz, for example, and was suicided.

BordelonLoop ago


ChimpEvader ago

Must feel pretty shitty when you see all this, research for yourself and it's the truth flagged as hade speech IRL cause if people found out they'd be pissed and we could all actually be really free. It's like enabling human slaveryamd Satan. Super fucked up.

Mustard_Monkey ago

I'm sure their hemp woven underwear all knotted up when nobody counter protested.

gazillions ago

I'd think Voat is very low on their radar. It makes sense to me that they'd just scan it for the rare bird that sounds like he's going to do something. The rest of it is all chatter blowing off steam and preventing people from doing something.

They're looking for people hooking up in private messages and talking about meeting up in real life. Preventing that is how they turn America into the new South Africa, and that's the goal.

TA5023523 ago

You can bet that anyone seriously talking about organizing and taking action is going to be getting some DMs from people way to interested in them.

gazillions ago

You're better off at your flyover country neighborhood bar

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Yes - "The [Aus] Federal Government has been weighing up handing security agencies and police new powers to access end-to-end encrypted content to combat online criminals if tech giants don't co-operate more on requests for information.".

theweatherintelaviv ago

Through the years here I've met a few interesting people here. Most seem to have moved on or stopped being as trusting with personal info. At a certain point a few years back I started getting messages from people who seemed a little too curious and a little too eager to meet. That was around the time this place stopped being trusted.

RoundWheel ago

Voat is very high on their radar. Any place which allows for facts and information dissemination are top priorities.

Also true for law enforcement because some fear the truth will cause someone to snap. While other parts of law enforcement want someone to snap. Funny because some in the FBI don't know they are fighting others in the FBI.

8kun and voat are absolute top priorities.

constitutionranger ago

Yep, and I want all glowniggers to know that they will be cast into a lake of fire on Judgement Day. When you assist the Synagogue of Satan and the Babylonian system, you will not be entering the kingdom of God.

yt4cz9 ago

We need new money and to start white unity that is low level that many normies can join. Some kind of party that never says it directly but everyone knows that's what it is.

kishind ago

The Evolution Party

IsaacJan ago

Bull moose

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

America, won't turn into SA. It will turn into Latin America, Mestizo's are taking back the lands their part ancestors lost.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I grow tired of the illusion that beaners have this organized and well put together secret cartel government. They have an army of uneducated simpletons who get MS13 tattood across their forehead. All their countries are dumps. Sure, they might be able to pull off some stuff and get away with some things, but the people of the United States, not the government, but the people, were smart enough to build bombs at one point that melted cities. In the end, white people are always going to be smarter and more competent. Once our tolerance ends, so does a lot of things.

RoryBellowsLives ago

Does our tolerance end? I'm observing people who were either apolitical or moderate completely cow to BLM these past two weeks. It's like they've volunteered for an emotional flogging and get angry when you point out the many inconsistencies and hypocrisies of all this.

obvious-throwaway- ago

It's an illusion. A trick. For every person you meet that supports niggers, there are more somewhere polishing their guns. Don't forget, a lot of red pilled people hide their power level. It's not like I go to work and scream, "FUCK NIGGERS AND KIKES" I simply keep my head down and stay out of it, unless of course I can red pill a co-worker, but I'm always careful in what I say regardless. I might say, "I support the movement, but I heard Floyd once broke into an apartment and put a gun in a pregnant black woman's belly. I bet that lady isn't to happy about him being celebrated as a hero." You know the process, agree with them to show you are on their side, then slip a red pill down their throat. Plant that seed.

OrphanAnnie ago

It seems if you reached a subjective apex in your awareness prior to the enforced physical isolation then you're resistant to the imposed guilt and drive to get out and destroy. There are a few loud individuals making most of the noise for media companies to disseminate. Most people look at the goings-on and don't join in because, at least at a subconscious level, they still understand reality. The programming hasn't fully taken hold.

Ocelot ago

Close, it'll be Brazil. Which is essentially Latin America + South Africa. Worst of both hells.

TheSeer ago

Hey man, Brazil is the country of the future (and always will be).

Ocelot ago

One of the most ridiculous and egregious college lies I've ever heard. You know, oftentimes the bigger the lie, the harder it is to catch.

TheSeer ago

Absolutely. Normies simply cannot fathom that others would be audacious enough to lie to them so brazenly.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

They think they're supporting "national security". Just like cops do.

AgentSakura ago

globalist insecurity

boekanier ago

Glowniggers are lazy niggers, paid by mother state.

Pubiclouse ago

Upgoated this'll be an interesting thread.

Nucleonic ago

Hmm. I think they are more active in targeting people rather than gathering places. Gathering place are where they pick up leads, then they follow individuals who deviate from their goals and use individualistic tactics to influence them, usually using methods that are difficult to detect.

Intelligence agencies are not dumb. They don't want to be seen or heard. Their mission is to gather intelligence and influence behavior while remaining undetected. Once they've been made, they've failed in their job. Don't expect many responses from them here.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Agent42 ago

They feel just fine. You literally have no idea how fucked up our intelligence agencies are today.

bb22 ago

Well that’s why they invented executions

Drstrangebeard ago

Please, enlighten us. They can't be dens of satanism. Surely not that bad

Agent42 ago

I was in the Army in an intel MOS. I went USAICS at Fort Huachuca for initial training in the mid 80s.

THEN they only seemed to recruit homosexuals, wiccans, far leftists, and basically degenerates. Me and a couple others wondered how we either slipped through the cracks, or what the fuck was wrong with us we didn't know about.

During my time there, and keeping in contact with people, I've only seen it get worse.

Arrvee ago

Do keep in contact with as many people as you can, and make efforts to reach out to whoever you can. The freak show handed over control of intelligence to Russian loyalists who gave it to Islamists because they both support the PLO. It's looking more and more like half of the Obama executive staff were Saudi, Qatari, or Iranian agents who were installed there and protected by the CIA and its British equivalents.

Drstrangebeard ago

Tucson Be nasty.

Agent42 ago

Only went there a couple of times. Sierra Vista was really nice though.

One of the things that surprised me was the altitude. After I left I went to Fort Benning for a little while and I swear to god I could see the air there. My PT scores shot through the roof over night. Now I understand why Olympic athletes train at altitude... it works.

Drstrangebeard ago

i loved going up mount lemmon. a half hour and it was almost like being home again with grass and fir trees.

Agent42 ago

Sounds like you made much better use of your time than I did. I just studied, drank beer at the pizza pub, and occasionally scared illegals on a horseback ride.

Drstrangebeard ago

nothing wrong with scaring illegals!

American-Patriot ago

it's worse they are giving birth to Satan's children. These ones will not be aborted.

getshanked ago

Robert Michels had this political theory that all democratic societies and organizations, no matter how democratic they are to begin with, eventually develop into oligarchies. Large organizations require bureaucracy to function. By necessity this requires centralization, which grants power to a select few individuals.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

America died when the north demolised the south

voatusernamevoat ago

According to news I've seen they hire the mentally ill, fags, fags dressed as women, fags that cut off their dick, 20 year old sjw girls with blue hair and face piercings, etc.

aikibiru ago

I'm sure Jews are in management and they pick employees based on their lack of qualifications and abundance of ignorance

AgentSakura ago

Subhuman degenerate trash Stazi Communist Secret Mind Rapist Police.

glownigger kike shill faggot whores

ReadPastHeadlines ago

And fags!

voatusernamevoat ago

Have you figured out why I wrote it that way yet?

RoryBellowsLives ago

Would we expect the legacy of J Edgar Hoover to be any different?

AntiMason ago

And Mormons.

Pliney ago

Don't forget that they hire women named Reality Winner.

Vc83 ago

Thats not even a real name prob some manufactured spook name lol

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Of course the glows would pay the news to say that. In reality the FBI and CIA only hires people with Zionist beliefs which is why mormons and other christcucks are the feds top recruits.

TheSeer ago

Every time someone on Voat says 'Christcuck' hand rubbing intensifies .

TheSeer ago

Did Christianity do that to Germany? Or post-WWII brainwashing?

voatusernamevoat ago

It has been cucked from inception.

TheSeer ago

Europe was united under Christendom, the true first empire. Before that it was just in-fighting. Since the secular French revolution it has just been 1 step forward and 2 steps backwards for 200+ years.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Atheists are the best fed hires to be honest. No morals. Even a weirder religion. Panders to muslims, and jews.

Monstrum ago

Im an atheist, its the opposite of religion, its literally refusing to believe in religion or afterlife or supernatural beings, god, allah, satan, whatever. I hate jews with all my heart, nothing to do with religion per se, just their cult.

Morals have nothing to do with it, I believe in do not onto others of what you dont want done to you. I dont commit any crimes, I dont even speed or litter. Are you only moral because your bible says so? Would you be out killing, raping and stealing if you werent afraid of punishment from your god?

RoundWheel ago

Atheism is the anti religion, religion.

TripleZ ago

Had to tell us didn't you?

Mustard_Monkey ago

Religion is not spiritual too btw.

AR47 ago

No they hire people smart enough to do the job, but too stupid to ask themselves why they are doing it.

Luis_Sphincta ago

Nuh-uh! I was only pretending to be retarded! Doh...doxxed myself again!

Drstrangebeard ago

Wait. That's good news for me.

Tallest_Skil ago


They’re probably bored, having destroyed any potentiality of this place growing or providing any meaningful resistance.

You enjoying watching the country your fathers fought for

Why would they care? What connection do they have to it? How many generations have been raised on self-hatred now, four? Almost five? Nothing exists for them outside their own physical pleasure.

while the billionaires gleefully fund their efforts?

They’re the ones being funded. That’s all they care about.