Straight_up_Prick ago

You mean the millennial faggots that think anyone over 40 is a boomer? Well then yes.

generate ago

makes me want to do a website where only validated users can post. But how?....

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Voat censorship is not a noob thing.

The new reddit, voat, been censoring since day one.

Pretending there's no censorship only makes you look stupid. Then again, since you are in fact stupid, might as well look the part.

jthepk ago

So youre for censorship?

ameloture ago

There are tons of new jews here. Do why know where they're coming from?

Lokester ago

No check for you Schlomo

satisfyinghump ago

Most times I spot a complaint about this sort of thing on here I assume it's either a new account and the person lacks experience or the person is experienced in social media/posting tactics and had an agenda of their own, or following someone elses agenda.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Oh HELLS yeah

anticlutch ago

Lordy nice break down.

It can be seen in a few accounts. That type of reply and nearly ONLY that type of reply. Every once in a blue moon there is an actual reply. That's when the bot's handler checks the account.

Also anyone complaining about censorship is a kike trying to turn voat further into reddit.

I called it 5 years ago when I pointed out a reddit phenomena of superuser / poweruser / god accounts who mod MANY different subs. It's how reddit was turned. When you see accounts that mod 5, 6, 7, 8, 9+ subs it's very curious how they're also posting jewish propaganda or some sort of demoralization.

I'm not sure how to see my blocked list - it's likely enormous - but one of the things I see that gets a block is a superuser.

Though I dunno why I care This place is already reddit lite. It's just edgy reddit as it allows cuckchan users to say nigger once in a while.

obvious-throwaway- ago

If their slaves want to eat, they will do the work their masters command.

2001DanceParty ago

I don't even understand the system here.

CoverGirl ago

Just click on peoples names and see their upvoat to downvoat ratio. Shills have insane ammounts of downvoats that are almost always about the same as their upvoats. Shills here are either posting bullshit nobody wants to see, shilling for nasa, or they are silencing people through mass downvoating. They will go through your entire post history downvoating every comment you have.

Anyways, thats the system.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Hey JIDF, I'm still waiting for a check.

It will only cost $250,000 after taxes to silence me on all social media and online forums. I'd need at least a million if you are looking to stop my online gaming.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Posted automatically (#103597) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

gosso920 ago

$225,000? What do you need $200,000 for? Oy! You're breaking my balls with your demand for $150,000!

antiracistMetal ago

In what fantasy universe would a Jew give up $150,000 to silence Jew-bashing?


There are maybe 1 or 2 people that complain who make new accounts and repost the same complaints over and over again because they think it's trolling

Dania_Lk ago

Hello!! guys!!.. my name is (@ Elvira_Bn) /Age - 23 .. I Like S** and new sensations💋..I want to communicate...with men uncensored..about s** and not only..I'm interested in your opinion☀ Sign up on my room(Simple and free registration) ..I will answer everyone.. I'm waiting for you..(copy the link )►

Derpfroot ago

They are creating multiple alts


Helena73 ago

Thank you.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Hasn't worked in forever. Putt's on his knees somewhere, and cynabuns disappeared not too long after.

Humansized ago

dont worry though. he showed up to make a april fools joke. we will prob hear from him again around new years if the sites even still going by then.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Maybe cynabuns joined the 41%.

anticlutch ago


I dunno. (((his))) data mining site gets pushed a ton and accepted.

As does (((rightjournalism com)))

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

Just keep censoring. That's all I want.

PalmSprings21 ago

I'm hoping ppl will pay me not to post.

shillaccount3344 ago

I asked for money but the jew bux did not appear.

belrial ago

Most likely.

Computergeek01 ago

There's no censorship in Voat. Each account gets one vote. If enough people don't like their shit, that's not censorship.

notvirge ago

You can use more than one account, dumbass.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Exactly. The snowflake invasion has gotten worse.

anticlutch ago

The problem with this theory is there is quite clearly a cabal of users who own data mining websites who circle within to force their garbage up.

Gringojones ago

They are complaining because they can't post infinitely the minute they create an account.


Anyone with a controversial opinion gets throttled to one post a day. If you go against the fragile hivemind of voat, you get silenced.

This maintains a constant hug-box for incel conspiracy theorists who don't understand statistics or biology and hate women.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OccidentalEnclave submission by @Joe_McCarthy.

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Gringojones ago

throttled to one post a day.

Explain how consistently downvoted users post multiple times per day.

Computergeek01 ago

You said new users. That's GhostSkin being a shit stain.

Gringojones ago

Is it all one asshat?

Computergeek01 ago

It's mostly one or two. The grammar and style are too consistent for it to be much more than that.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Nah but he's on alt #17 or something fuckin ridiculous at this point. NiggerVirus, TheAmerican, CoronaVirusPatient0, Ihatesports... All the same dude

Gringojones ago

What a cunr

AndrewBlazeIt ago

He admits it when you bust him, so there's that I guess. But yeah, pretty annoying

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Hardly. But keep on with that cognitive dissonance and self deception.

Gringojones ago


Diggernicks ago

One day ill get paid to fun post...

One day..,