mxcviel ago

Is that your alt? :)

Joe_McCarthy ago

This person gets driven into negative CCP so her posting is limited and you think the priority is to ask if it is my alt?

No, she's not my alt. I have bigger balls than she does. Though she busts them better than I do.

mxcviel ago

she busts them better than I do

pic or I'm not believing that! no, lol joke.. well that user is probably not a woman, so nothing of value was lost

Joe_McCarthy ago

That's not really a joke...

KosherHiveKicker ago

Anyone with a controversial opinion gets throttled to one post a day. If you go against the fragile hivemind of voat, you get silenced.

This maintains a constant hug-box for incel conspiracy theorists who don't understand statistics or biology and hate women. It prevents meaningful discourse because anyone with a contrasting opinion gets silenced and excluded from conversation.

@Joe_McCarthy proves this claim is complete bullshit on a daily basis.

There are countless cock-fags who intentionally counter "The Hive Mind of Voat" and post as much bullshit as they wish.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I've lost thousands of CCP since the holidays. I just have a much bigger cushion than she does.

Really now. Is there anyone retarded enough not to see the essential truth in what she is saying?

Actually, strike that. The downvoting posse has so driven off people by now that they're largely what is left to answer my question.

KosherHiveKicker ago

People can post as much bullshit as they wish if follow your lead.

  • Post in some safe-space subverse until they accumulate enough fake internet points to post elsewhere.


  • Create their own subverse and spam away.

Every other Goat had to do the same thing. They can adapt or go back to


Why? How does silencing dissenting ideas contribute to free speech? Why should someone be punished because other don't agree with them?

I don't spam. I post facts that make people upset and uncomfortable. I'm not looking to make friends. I don't give a fuck about what a bunch of incel conspiracy theoriest think when they can't tell an antibody from an anus.

I care about have a place for free speech, including speech you don't disagree with.

KosherHiveKicker ago

The Jews Attacking Your Right To Free Speech Under The First Amendment.

Joe_McCarthy ago

A fine way to waive away the reality of a 9 month old account being limited to one post a day due to being driven into underwater CCP by assholes. Every other goat has not been faced with this - and short of vote manipulation she'll need about 100 upvotes from other Voaters to be able to post normally regardless of what she does. Until then one post a day.